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Bøker utgitt av Book Fairy Publishing

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  • av Rachelle Randvee
    461 - 492,-

    "Movements in Mindscapes" invites readers into a profound journey through the undulating terrains of human consciousness. This collection of poetry transcends the ordinary, weaving together the vivid threads of thought, emotion, and perception to create a tapestry that captures the essence of our inner worlds. Each poem serves as a portal, offering glimpses into the myriad landscapes that lie hidden within the mind's eye. From the shadowy depths of doubt and despair to the luminous heights of joy and enlightenment, "Movements in Mindscapes" charts a course through the complex geography of the soul.Crafted with care and precision, the poems within these pages invite reflection, challenge preconceptions, and celebrate the intricate beauty of mental and emotional exploration. The poet's voice, both unique and universal, speaks to the shared human experience, encouraging readers to embark on their own inward odysseys. This collection is not just a reading experience; it's an invitation to a voyage, a call to wander the vast, uncharted territories of the heart and mind.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Melani Helimets
    461 - 492,-

    "Trails of Thoughts" invites readers on a profound journey through the landscapes of the mind, where each poem serves as a pathway to the most secluded corners of human experience. This collection, rich with emotion and insight, navigates through the tangled woods of love, loss, joy, and despair, illuminating the beauty and brutality of life with each step.The poet's voice, both tender and bold, acts as a guide, encouraging us to explore the depths of our own reflections and to find solace in the shared human condition. With language that blooms like a wildflower meadow, the verses flow seamlessly from page to page, crafting a tapestry of thought that is as intricate as it is enchanting."Trails of Thoughts" is not just a book of poetry; it is a sanctuary for the soul, a place where readers can wander freely, discovering new insights and old truths. Whether you're seeking comfort, inspiration, or simply a moment of beauty, this collection promises to be a companion on your journey, offering light even in the darkest of forests.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Jeannette Viirpuu
    446 - 553,-

    "Through Thick and Thin" is a captivating collection of poetry that traverses the landscapes of resilience, love, loss, and the indomitable human spirit. Within its pages, readers are invited to embark on a profound journey through the ebbs and flows of life, guided by the tender, yet powerful, voice of the poet. Each poem serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path through the darkest nights and the brightest days, reminding us of the beauty and strength that lies within the trials and triumphs of life.This anthology not only explores the complexities of human emotions but also celebrates the simple moments that connect us all. From the depths of heartache to the peaks of joy, "Through Thick and Thin" offers a reflection on the dualities of our existence, encouraging readers to embrace every facet of their being. With its rich imagery, intricate emotions, and universal themes, this collection is a testament to the resilience of the human heart and the unbreakable bonds that tie us to one another. Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Regiina Rannaveer
    446 - 553,-

    In the intricate tapestry of life, friendship stands as one of the most profound threads. In "Exploring Friendship," Regiina Rannaveer delves deep into the essence of human connection, weaving together verses that resonate with the beauty and complexity of companionship.Through poignant poetry, Rannaveer invites readers on a journey of introspection and discovery, navigating the ebbs and flows of friendships with heartfelt insight. From the warmth of shared laughter to the solace found in understanding glances, each poem encapsulates the myriad emotions that accompany the bonds we forge with others.Drawing from personal experiences and universal truths, "Exploring Friendship" celebrates the joys, challenges, and enduring strength found in these cherished relationships. With each turn of the page, readers are encouraged to reflect on their own connections and embrace the transformative power of true friendship.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Jessy Jänes
    461 - 553,-

    In 'Journey of the Soul, ' Jessy Jänes invites you to embark on a profound exploration of the human experience through the lens of poetry. With lyrical grace and emotional depth, Jänes weaves words into a tapestry of reflections that touch the heart and resonate with the soul.Through the pages of this collection, you will traverse the labyrinth of emotions, from the heights of joy to the depths of sorrow. Jänes' poetry is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the darkest of moments, there is beauty to be found.'Journey of the Soul' is a poetic odyssey that speaks to the universal themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Each verse is a glimpse into the author's inner world, a mirror reflecting the complexities of the human soul.With 'Journey of the Soul, ' Jessy Jänes invites you to join her on a poetic pilgrimage, to discover the essence of what it means to be human and to find solace in the beauty of words. Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Jessy Jänes
    461 - 553,-

    In "Friendship's Melody," Jessy Jänes invites readers on a lyrical journey through the harmonies of friendship. With delicate verses that dance like notes on a staff, Jänes captures the essence of companionship in its purest form.In this collection, emotions resonate like chords struck on a heartfelt melody, each poem a testament to the power of connection and understanding. Through the ebb and flow of life's symphony, these verses serve as a reminder that true friends are the steady rhythm in the song of our lives.With each turn of the page, "Friendship's Melody" serenades readers with verses that echo the beauty of shared moments, the solace found in companionship, and the timeless melodies that bind hearts together.Join Jessy Jänes as she explores the intricate cadences of friendship, weaving together a tapestry of words that resonate with warmth, sincerity, and the enduring power of human connection.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Meelis Maurus
    461 - 553,-

    Embark on a journey through the soul-stirring verses of Meelis Maurus in "A Poetic Journey." In this captivating collection, Maurus invites readers to traverse the landscapes of emotion, wander through the corridors of thought, and dance with the rhythm of life itself.Through lyrical prose and poignant imagery, Maurus delves into the depths of human experience, exploring themes of love, loss, hope, and the timeless quest for meaning. Each poem is a testament to the power of language to illuminate the complexities of existence and to connect us in our shared humanity.From the whispered secrets of the heart to the echoes of the cosmos, "A Poetic Journey" invites readers to pause, reflect, and rediscover the beauty of the world within and around them. With each turn of the page, Maurus reminds us that poetry is not merely words on a page, but a sacred journey-an exploration of the infinite landscapes of the human spirit.Copyright (c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Anett Arumets
    446 - 553,-

  • av Karoliina Kadakas
    461 - 553,-

  • av Paul Pääsuke
    446 - 553,-

  • av Marlen Vesiroos

  • av Claudia Kuma
    446 - 568,-

    "Echo der Götter" - ein poetisches Meisterwerk, das die Leser in eine Welt voller mystischer Schönheit und uralter Weisheiten entführt. In dieser Sammlung erhabener Gedichte erforscht der Autor die tiefen Verbindungen zwischen Mensch und Natur, das Ewige und das Vergängliche. Jedes Gedicht ist ein Echo der Götter, das durch die Stimme des Dichters widerhallt. Tauchen Sie ein in ein Universum, in dem jedes Wort und jeder Vers die Kraft besitzt, die Seele zu berühren und den Geist zu erleuchten. "Echo der Götter" ist nicht nur eine Hommage an die Götter der alten Welt, sondern auch eine Feier des menschlichen Geistes und seiner unendlichen Fähigkeit, Schönheit und Wahrheit in der Poesie zu finden.(c) 2024 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Isabella Ilves
    476 - 568,-

    In der Gedichtsammlung "Verse des Herzens" lädt uns die Autorin zu einer tiefen Reise in die emotionalen Landschaften der menschlichen Seele ein. Durch fein gesponnene Worte und berührende Bilder offenbaren sich Geschichten von Liebe, Verlust, Hoffnung und Neuanfang. Jedes Gedicht wird zu einem Echo von Gefühlen, das in den Herzen der Leserinnen und Leser nachhallt. Es ist eine Sammlung, die nicht nur zum Nachdenken anregt, sondern auch Trost spendet und zeigt, dass Worte Brücken bauen können - zwischen Herzen und über die Zeit hinweg. Ein literarisches Werk, das man immer wieder zur Hand nehmen möchte, um sich in den Tiefen und Höhen des menschlichen Daseins wiederzufinden. Copyright (c) 2023 Book Fairy Publishing

  • av Regiina Rannaveer
    446 - 568,-

  • av Annabel Swan

    И так, разворачивается история "Легенды Природы Мифы Из Животного Мира", свидетельство о волшебстве.

  • av Claudia Kuma
    446 - 492,-

  • av Jonathan Bier

    Bitcoinin lohkokoko kuulostaa mitättömältä kysymykseltä. Mitä väliä sillä on, että lohkokoko on 1, 5 tai 100 megatavua? BitMEX Researchin entisen tutkimusjohtaja Jonathan Bierin mukaan lohkokoolla on yllättävänkin suuri merkitys bitcoin-protokollassa. Tässä kirjassa pureudutaan lohkokokosodan syihin, sen seurauksiin sekä kytköksiin. Moniulotteisessa tapahtumasarjassa oli päällisin puolin kyse mitättömän pienestä asiasta, mutta monivuotinen taistelu lohkon sopivasta koosta nosti pintaan useita huomattavasti syvällisempiä seikkoja, kuten sen, kuka todellisuudessa hallitsee bitcoinin protokollasääntöjä ja miten bitcoinin protokollasääntöjä voidaan muuttaa. Lohkokokosota tarjoaa kattavan ja kiehtovan katsauksen bitcoinin lähihistorian tärkeimpään tapahtumaan. Tarina pitää sisällään myös avainhenkilöiden välisiä keskusteluja lohkokokosodan ajalta ja eri toimijoiden motiivien, strategioiden ja ajatusmallien arviointia taisteluiden edetessä kohti mullistavaa loppuratkaisua. Teos soveltuu bitcoinin ja kryptovaluuttamaailman historiasta kiinnostuneille, mutta se tarjoaa kiinnostavan kurkistuksen kaikille aikakautemme merkittävimmästä rahainnovaatiosta kiinnostuneille. Suomennos kirjasta The Blocksize War: The battle over who controls Bitcoin's protocol rules

  • av Jessy Jänes
    446 - 568,-

  • av Meelis Maurus
    446 - 568,-

  • av Melani Helimets
    446 - 568,-

  • av Meelis Maurus
    446 - 568,-

  • av Rachelle Randvee
    446 - 568,-


    "Erinomainen ja innostava johdanto (ja muistutus) bitcoinin maailmalle tuottamasta arvosta, mitä käsitellään kattavalla näkökulmalla ja rahan historian kautta."-Jack Dorsey, Twitterin ja Squaren toimitusjohtaja"Bitcoinin valoisa tulevaisuus on aina suosituslistallani, kun keskustelen ihmisten kanssa bitcoinista. Loistavaa tavaraa."-Cynthia Lummis, Wyomingin senaattori"Bitcoinin valoisa tulevaisuus on opettavaista ja mukaansatempaavaa luettavaa sekä vasta- alkaville että edistyneille bitcoinaajille. Boyapati esittää vakuuttavan puolustuspuheen bitcoinille nopeatempoisen kerronnan avulla, joka kattaa rahan historian, erityyppisten rahojen ominaisuudet ja sen, miksi bitcoin on maailman paras raha ja arvon säilyttäjä, joka mahdollisesti syrjäyttää muut rahan muodot.-Adam Back, kryptopunkkari

  • av Claudia Kuma
    446 - 568,-

  • av Jeannette Viirpuu
    446 - 492,-

  • av Hanna Helimets
    446 - 568,-

  • av Jessy Jänes
    446 - 568,-

  • av Hanna Helimets
    446 - 568,-

  • av Marlen Vesiroos
    446 - 568,-

  • av Karoliina Kadakas
    446 - 568,-

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