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  • - The Kenyan Safari: Your Ultimate Travel Journal
    av Richard G Miriti
    174 - 221

  • - Introducing an Integrated Model
    av David Adu-Amankwah
    189 - 234


    本書描述郑天任博士在美丽的宝岛台湾,度过了丰富多彩的青少年成长阶段。生性顽皮的他,因弹药烟火的表演引发大爆炸, 差一点丧命;高雄强台风过后就急于下海游泳而被退潮海浪冲走,险些溺命。由于受尽少年帮派的欺凌,15岁就决定开始锻炼强身,打篮球、踢足球、掰手腕,并利用遗弃的火车轮子训练举重,终于练出强壮有力的全身肌肉。高中毕业以优良成绩进入大学. 服役结束后继续在大学任教,不久便结婚成家。经过两年的努力准备,作者终于实现了去美国留学深造的多年宿愿,远洋货轮在海上航行32天后,才到达太平洋彼岸的美国, 开始了完全不同的人生旅途。


    本書记述作者怀揣梦想,暂别娇妻幼子赴美深 造,在泪水和欢乐中一步步走向学术和事业的巅峰。作者初 到美国时口袋中只剩下30美元进入斯托特学院,并从那里 开始了在美国长达数十年的学习和生活。1969 年,作者如愿考入全美领先的伊利诺大学,攻读三年后在 1971年荻得电子计算机科学博士学位。郑天任博士先后为威斯康星大学白水分校、纽约亨特 学院 、罗切斯特理工学院以及欧道明大学等数所名校开设 了计算机科学课程并创办电子计算机系。1987 年开始,东方计 算机公司(ECI)连续得到联邦政府的大合同, 每年公司的 营业额都超过数千万美元。此后,一发不可收拾,作者考 虑到经商更有挑战与成功, 决定从大学退休而全力投身贡 献于商业服务。 作者在一生中曾经遭遇过许多周折, 都能顺利闯过。

  • av Dennis Amoroso

    Mars mining colonists have broken away from the bonds of their military masters and ¿nd a new home on planet Torvis. Time jump ahead 1200 years to Lovar of Torvis landing on Escalor to ¿nd a way to work with the humans on that planet for the good of both planets. The characters are introduced and the plot and subplots are established. Science, personalities, and relationships are revealed as the story unfolds, as though the reader is experiencing the story ¿rst hand. Tension is built around Lovar's need to accomplish his mission without revealing that he is from another planet and has advanced technology that the Escalorian Power Lords would take from him if they knew of it. Love stories spring into being wherever he goes.WILL THE SECRET HE CARRIES L0CKED IN HIS VERY DNA BE EN0UGH TO SAVE B0TH W0RLDSThe inspiration for this novel arose out of years of observing the condition of the Human Race; sickness and disease that is caused by bad choices. I realized that our value system is completely wrong and needs to be turned 180 degrees. The only way to accomplish this is to introduce new ideas and concepts into our culture through a medium that is readily acceptable. I chose Science Fiction because it allows the writer to be completely creative and allows the reader to indulge in creative thought that does not require them to accept it as fact. I then embedded real science and social concepts into the story which will äect and in¿uence the reader. As the series evolves the ideas become more and more believable until the reader begins to accept them as possible then ¿nally reasonable. This allows the changes to be accomplished with very little resistance from a ready and willing populace.

  • av M. D. Charles Onyegbule Uzoaru

    The haunted celebrity' is the story of an ambitious young man who left his quiet humble village in order to ful¿ll his hidden ambition in a rough, cold and hostile metropolis. While he was in the city, he ful¿lled his hidden ambition in a manner and to a level that was beyond his intellectual capacity. With in¿ated ego and a sense of invincibility, he went back home to the village where he literally placed himself above all and sundry. He displayed so much wealth and well-being that all the village youngsters began to adore him and sing his praises. In order to replicate his brand of success, the village youngsters began to ¿ock to the city in search of the golden ¿eece. Except for a small minority of individuals that remained steadfast in their negative views of the celebrated young man, everybody else wanted to be like him. He had to be the happiest and most-highly-ful¿lled person in the entire world. As it turned out, his life was in tatters and a direct opposite of what people saw in him. Unknown to his ¿ock of admirers, he was a very troubled man who was haunted by some inescapable forces; both known and unknown. As time progressed, the village youngsters who had ¿ocked to the city, began to realize that there had been so much misconception and misinformation about the city and wished they had stayed home in the ¿ rst place. In his near-retirement age, the celebrated man came across a most-beautiful and highly-seductive widow who tantalized and pursued him in a very puzzling manner. Allured by the magical images of the seductive widow he, in turn, began to chase after her. The reciprocal chase turned into a ¿erce battle of will, of wit, of determination and strange love äair. In the process, he discovered something more valuable than wealth, popularity and stardom in a most unusual and unexpected manner.Apart from depicting the haunted life of the celebrity in question, the book is a synopsis of the people's ways of life; a culture that exhumes pride in its originality and wisdom. The book touches on several aspects of people's ways of life; their marriage traditions and ceremonies, their amazing use of parables in communication, their burial functions, their belief in the incarnation of the departed, their ¿ght over age seniority, their naming ceremonies, etc. Are there any checks and balances to ensure fruitful, long-lasting marriages? What processes do couples go through to get married? How do the people mourn their dead and why do they shed tears at the death of a beloved one? What are the favorite gossip topics for men and women? How positively or negatively are kids äected by wealth and poverty? How and why do parents pick particular names for their kids? Is a child äected either positively or negatively by his or her name? What are the pros and cons of polygamy? What are the purposes and implications of the Omugwo? Are there occasional or even deep-rooted clashes between past and present, old and new; rich and poor? The book is more than a story; it is an inspiring insight into human behavior.

  • av Marwan Dajani

    Marwan Dajani was born in 1940 just at the end of the second world. It appears that the war would be the companion of Marwan's life though he is peaceable. In 1948 war began in Palestine and throughout his 82 years, it still raging. His parents left Palestine for safety reasons after being told that the Arab army would get everything back. We are still waiting.He lived in Lebanon and got his education in a British school and achieved his MBA degree from the American University of Beirut. He worked in several companies and achieved prominent positions in his field.After the 1967 war between Israel and the Arab armies, it was apparent that the war was a farce and most of the Arab Leaders were in one way or another, puppets in the hand of the West especially AmericaMarwan and a group of friends decided to do something in helping the uprising of the assemblies that were calling for an armed scuffle that will lead eventually to the awakening of the Arab armies.Although the help was only to try and raise funds to help get things needed, Marwan had three attempts on his life and was banned from entering several countries including America.He believes that Israel is the extension of the Crusade wars which does not have anything to do with religion but the exploitation of the great resources found in the area. When Britain and France declared the ill-fated Sykes/Picot agreement, their aim was twofold: to put their hand on the area's wealth and get relief from the Jewish overseer of their countries.

  • av Phyllis Baker

    This book, The Fundamentals, Principles and Practices of African American Spirituality, traces the evolution, development, and practices of a large segment of African American Spiritual life, found within the Black Church. It seeks to provide a road map and link to traditions that made for highly evolved Spiritual Beings, while at the same time embraces the cultural legacy of African Americans, that is near and dear to this group of people.Dr. Baker is also the author of A Dreamer's Journey, and African American Spirituality Thought & Culture. She is soon to publish the book, The Sociology of Art, Religion and Culture.

  • av Thomas Zoltan Ban

    Do you want to evolve to the next stage in human development? Then read this book!With a wry wit like that of Oscar Wilde, a choppy style like that of Kurt Vonnegut, and a blatant candor like that of Hugh Hefner; This book reveals how reality is nothing more than a big mathematical chemical reaction of perfections, principles, identities, and MAGIC!In this, part collection of science fiction short stories, part autobiography of a madman, the author delves into concepts dealing with hell safety, pathos, friendliness, love, magic, knowledge, and variety. With an inimicable style, he excites the senses, and satis¿es the desire for scintillating fascination, and a hope for a better future with love, charity, peace, and above all, friendliness reigning supreme.

  • av Chef Najah Shuqair

    Photography by: Najah ShuqairPhoto edited by: Joseph Davis Castleberry Seniet Baqlawah Bel Fostoq El Halabi (Baklava tray)Phyllo dough brushed with warm butter,stacked in layers separated in the middle bypistachio filling. Syrup poured while it is still hot. Baklava is so yummy!50% of the proceeds from the sale of this book will go toward the Women's Interval Home of Sarnia Lambton Inc.

  • av Bruce N. Ball

    Parker Quinn thinks that he is taking an easy, stress-free job. He's sick of working in the fast-paced world of Wall Street and wants to settle down. Little does he suspect that his new career will land him smack in the middle of assassination attempts, government stings, and run-ins with deranged mob bosses. The trouble hits when Quinn begins working with the local labor union's pension fund. He soon crosses paths with Renato Costa, the psychopathic union leader who rules his forty-thousand-member organization with an iron fist. Costa isn't just interested in power but also in petty revenge. He will do anything to keep people indebted to him. Costa is also in bed with the mob and ready to permanently destroy anyone who ends up on his bad side.The only person more obsessed than Costa is Kevin Norris, the federal prosecutor trying to put the union boss away. When a dangerous war breaks out between the labor union and the government, Quinn will have to decide which side to align himself with. If he isn't careful in choosing his friends, he could end up as collateral in a perilous game.

  • av Ferd Wagner

    God,grant methe serenityto accept the thingsI cannot change...the Courage to changethe things I can...and the Wisdom to knowthe differenceBlessed is he who comes in the name of the LordIt is the purpose of the Lord that will standWhy do the nations rage, and the people plot in vain?whatever God does, endures forever, nothing can beadded to it, nor anything taken from itGod will bring every deed into judgement, with everysecret thing, whether good or evilAs for me and my house, we will serve the LordOne sinner destroys much good

  • av McFerrel Jones

    My story takes place in Green Cove Springs, Florida, a small town in Clay County, resting on the western banks of the historical St. John's River. Seeing Green Cove from across the river in St. John's County, it looks like a lush green paradise, full with oaks and peppered with tall pines reaching for the sun as they shade the banks with their thick foliage. Our town is located on the St. John's at a point where the river makes a 90-degree bend as it flows northward to the Atlantic Ocean. This bend forms a huge cove, where fish and wildlife are abundant. Up the banks near the downtown area is a huge natural spring that constantly flows thousands of gallons of crystal clear water into the St. John's. Conveniently, the public pool, with its surrounding park, was constructed in the path of the flowing spring water. Green Cove is a quiet town with a rich history. She can tell you stories of her past that will keep you spellbound for hours. I am proud to have been born and raised there. Green Cove also has a past that most people would never have known about...That is, until now.

  • av Gilbert Joves

    Living in a family as big as Kianna's has its perks and pains-with so many sisters trouble is bound to ensue. When a show and tell project for Kianna's class goes awry, we are introduced to the seven young girls who all have their own unique passions and talents. Sports, art music, technology, reading, and photography all have a place in the home of the Minotaku Kids. With each of them presenting their special gifts, these one-of-a-kind sisters will pull off an unforgettable prank.

  • av Joseph Charles Boylan

    This book is intended to give you a brief look at the way we should all approach the business of dealing with an economic collapse which is inevitable now after the continuous printing of dollars by the current US president, Joe Biden to such an extent that he has produced more dollars in his first year of office, than have ever existed in America or for that matter in the rest of the world, because the dollar is the universal means of exchange worldwide. This he could do because the dollar is not backed by gold and is nothing more than what is called a Fiat Currency and all Fiat currencies are consequently valueless. It is like making money out of bits of newspaper. The collapse of the dollar is now inevitable and, as Jim Rickards tells us this will happen no later than December 13th of 2022 when the government goes "cashless" as they are saying now. And the dollar is replaced by a digital version which will cause chaos around the world in everything financial. We all need to be prepared and this book is telling us how to do this. Buy gold now as soon as you can. Buy it from a reputable dealer like the London Bullion Vault which is accepted worldwide as a reliable place to purchase your gold and is also trusted very much. (You will need to buy some silver coins as well.) Not like the national Central Banks which are manipulating the buying and selling of gold and no-one can be sure of what is going on there. See where Raymond Manley describes the problems with several National Central Banks. Contact Paradigm Press for more information about these matters and you should be making good progress.In this book please concentrate on chapters 3 to 7 for a personal and family plan about what you need to do now.

  • av Eugene L. Lowenkopf
    219 - 358,-

  • av Kevin B. Mills

  • av Brian D. Mosby

    Life is full of choices and happiness is one of them. God has given us the gift of free will and we have the power to create our own destiny. Learn how to make choices that cannot fail to produce joy in your life. The microwave society that we live in makes it easy to choose convenience over commitment, quantity over quality, and promptitude over patience. This book will illuminate your path and bring you into the truth, where happiness resides. It will reveal the perilous consequences of fear, conflict, and grudges, and it will teach you how to renew your mind and walk in the Spirit daily. I invite you to come experience the knowledge and wisdom that leads to happiness. Why not be happy?

  • av Loren D. Harris
    174 - 258,-

  • av Loren Harris

  • av Angel Jain

  • av W. O. Wainwright

  • av E. M. Stoddard

    As the third of nine children in a tight-knit Catholic family, author E.M. Stoddard learns how to be resilient early in life. Although her childhood has many happy memories, Stoddard is determined not to re-live her mother's life-burdened with too much responsibility and dependent on an emotionally distant husband.Soon after her high school graduation, Stoddard marries her boyfriend Patrick, whose personal problems begin to cause trouble for the couple almost immediately. As the years go by, Patrick's behavior continues to deteriorate, and divorce becomes the only logical choice.After the dissolution of her marriage, Stoddard's life changes dramatically. With the responsibilities of a new job, a mortgage, and most importantly, her nine-year-old son, Matt, Stoddard can't rely on her ex-husband to provide support. She has to do it on her own.Since her new position requires extensive travel, Stoddard decides that live-in help is an absolute necessity. But finding a trustworthy, dependable nanny becomes an educational experience as she hires a total of seven individuals over the next few years, most with qualities that make them less-than-ideal child care providers.Mom's the Word: A Memoir of Love and Survival tells the inspiring and often humorous story of Stoddard's experiences as she, her son and their fat beagle survive the craziness, heartache, fear, joy, and personal growth that come with life's challenges.

  • av Michelle Moorer

    Shh...don't tell-these words, spoken by her father, mark the beginning of a cycle of abuse that darkens the author's childhood and teen years.The men in Michelle's life were supposed to love, guide and protect her. Instead, her father, Jacob, a heroin user and alcoholic, begins molesting her when she is just a small child. Once he has gone, her mother's alcoholic and verbally abusive boyfriend, Brent, finds out about Jacob's mistreatment of Michelle and begins abusing her as well.To add to the hurt, family members ridicule and demoralize Michelle and her siblings as they grow up punishing them because of their mother's past. Most devastating of all is betrayal by the one person whose love should have been unconditional: Michelle's mother knows that both her husband and boyfriend have abused her daughter, yet she ignores the situation.The abuses go on for years, making Michelle feel embarrassed and ashamed of herself, as if it were her fault. She loses her self-esteem, becomes depressed, and even has thoughts of suicide. Like many girls who have suffered from abuse, she also has sex at a young age.While Michelle struggles to overcome adversity and to rebuild her self-esteem, one of her biggest fears comes true. Just as her family had taunted her, she now finds herself in the same situation her mother once faced: She is pregnant at sixteen, and still in high school. The child's father, who is Michelle's first love, walks away.Will she be able to raise her baby without the support of the father? Will she manage to graduate high school? Or will she become the failure her family has predicted? These are the questions that re-main at the end of this, the first of four memoirs. But Michelle has already started to find the inner strength she will need to turn her life around, and her message to readers is clear: Always believe in yourself! Never give up!

  • av Ag Trinidad

    Carefree, I stumbled and in big trouble, As if a tsunami engulfed meOnly I cheated death, In waking up from a nightmare.-- Midnight Sun A blessing A droplet of heavenly waterBroken the spell of infamy.-- Freed Clowning Empty hallelujahsA pageantry of illusionOf a lost civilization.-- Corporate Jungle

  • av Mary Prince

  • av Charlotte Duncan-Wagner

  • av Donald Motier

    Donald Motier is the author of over 20 books including poetry, historical fiction, novellas, biographies and travel. Lincoln's Physician, a Biography of Dr. William Smith Wallace was inspired by Dr. Wayne C. Temple, retired Deputy Archivist of the Illinois State Archives and leading living authority on the life and family of Abraham Lincoln and is the author of many scholarly works.Donald Motier has written three previous books on Lincoln and his family: Mystic Chords of Memory: Th e Lost Journal of William Wallace Lincoln (2009), Saving Lincoln: Mystic Chords of Memory Part 2 (2014) and He Had Rare Lights: A Biography of William Wallace Lincoln (2019). He lives and writes in Pennsylvania.

  • av David Alvord

    While in the lands of Queen Ira, Albert's daughters were taken by a band of marauding Ogres beyond the Great Wastelands. Even though Albert and Boris had just defeated a powerful wizard and his armies, killed a three-headed monster, and saved the lands of Queen Ira, their quest to return home would be sidetracked. Receiving help along the way, Albert and Boris trailed the Ogres beyond the Great Wastelands. However, Albert and Boris were not quite ready to return to Albert's home in the Hollow by the Stream.

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