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  • - Volume Four
    av Joe Sixpack- The Every Catholic Guy

    <h1><strong>A Turning Point for the Catholic Church!</strong></h1><h3>As Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy put the finishing touches on this fourth volume, the Pew Research Center released a survey of Mass-attending Catholics that said only 30% of them believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. A decade ago this figure was 70%. The biggest problem is that 100% of Catholics should believe in the Real Presence.</h3><h3>It is feckless to believe that 70% of Catholics woke up one morning and suddenly decided that they no longer believed in the Real Presence. These Catholics didn’t suddenly decide this, but rather they were never taught in the first place. Since the Eucharist is at the very core of Catholic beliefs, we have to assume that this means at least 70% of Catholics are wholly ignorant of the divinely revealed truths of Catholicism.</h3><h3>All four volumes of <em>The Best of What We Believe... Why We Believe It</em> will cure Catholics of their catechetical illiteracy. In fact, these four volumes are the best way to learn the faith in a way that boredom never becomes a problem. Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy’s unique style of conveying Catholic truth so that every common-Catholic-in-the-pew can understand it, as well as his down to earth explanations of <em>why</em> the Church teaches what she does, makes this book and its companion three volumes must reading if you want to know anything about Catholicism.</h3><h3>Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy uses stories, anecdotes, humor, and no small amount of political incorrectness to convey the constant 2000 year teachings of the Church. Check out a few of the chapter titles:</h3><ul><li><h2>Proving the Inspiration of Scripture</h2></li><li><h2>Yankees Is Differ’nt</h2></li><li><h2>How to Respond to Scandal</h2></li><li><h2>The Husbands’ Survival Guide</h2></li><li><h2>The Cantankerous Catholic</h2></li><li><h2>Jesus and Moses—A Modern Twist</h2></li></ul><h1><strong>Get your copy of <em>The Best of What We Believe... Why We Believe It</em> today and start a whole new adventure!</strong></h1>

  • - How Any Catholic Can Evangelize Anyone
    av Joe Sixpack- The Every Catholic Guy

    Can you see yourself making converts?Very few books have ever been written to teach the mechanics of practical Catholic evangelization. Of the books available, none teach you a step-by-step method for actually cultivating an inquirer, then taking that inquirer all the way to the baptismal font… until now.Nobody is more qualified to teach Catholic evangelization than Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy. Joe Sixpack has made hundreds of converts since 1988 in small group and one-on-one venues, eighty-four of whom are his adult godchildren. Consequently, he is a virtual treasure trove of how-to-evangelize resources.In this book, Joe Sixpack will show you…How to become one of God’s rock stars of evangelizationWhat the two primary obligations are for all Catholics that most people don’t knowHow to begin the journey to becoming a saintHow to identify and acquire a good spiritual directorThe actual mechanics of productive evangelizationThe dangers of “nice Catholicism”How to hear God laughStep-by-step what to do to win over a convertMuch, much more!The Lay Evangelist's Handbook can show you everything you need to know about helping souls into the Catholic Church, while building a higher spot for yourself in heaven.

  • - Joe Sixpack Teaches You Things About the Catholic Church You Never Imagined!
    av Joe Sixpack- The Every Catholic Guy

    Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy has had a dynamic thirty-year career as a lay evangelist. He has been used by the Holy Spirit to make hundreds of converts in one-on-one and small group venues, and eighty-four of those converts are his adult godchildren.What is the secret to his success? In a word, truth of the unvarnished variety. See what Joe Sixpack says in addressing this issue in Secrets of the Catholic Faith:There isn’t one single teaching of the Catholic Church that can’t be adequately demonstrated to any inquiring mind. Everything can be demonstrated. The Church can explain the Immaculate Conception and purgatory, why homosexuality, abortion, and contraception are wrong, and prove the reality of the Holy Eucharist. The Church can tell us how we can know God exists, that Scripture is the inspired word of God, that Jesus established the Catholic Church and passed on to it His authority and mission. But the Catholic laity aren’t being taught these things. They’re being fed pablum when they need and want meat.Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy is always exciting, never boring, and completely politically incorrect. He never shies away from the so-called untouchable moral issues. With his use of humor and directness, readers and students can never get enough of what he teaches.===================================================Secrets of the Catholic Faith is great for RCIA classes, use in evangelization, a cursory study of apologetics, and as a personal reference for learning more about the Catholic Church’s 2,000 year constant teachings.

  • - Volume Three
    av Joe Sixpack- The Every Catholic Guy

    Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy, whose real name is Addledorf Clinkerdaggar Rostefuten (see why he goes by Joe Sixpack?), is one of the most sought after and orthodox teachers of all things Catholic in America today. With his quick wit, engaging style, and in-your-face presentation of immutable truth, Joe Sixpack is a breath of fresh air in a Church marked by scandal, turmoil and a mass exodus of the laity.Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy has been a lay evangelist for more than thirty-years. He has made hundreds of converts via one-on-one and small group venues, but that sort of evangelistic activity came to an end when he had a devastating and debilitating stroke in 2016. As it turns out, God had a plan when He allowed Joe to have that disabling stroke.Between the scandals of the last decade, the catechetical illiteracy of the laity, the loss of Catholic lay people at the rate of six leaving to every one new Catholic gained, and his new disabilities, Joe Sixpack began to realize his "new normal" would have to cause his focus to shift from making converts to helping the Catholic laity navigate the tumultuous waters of angst and confusion Satan has stirred within the Church. Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy began his new mission by starting the What We Believe... Why We Believe It Sunday bulletin inserts (from which this book originates). Then he launched the wildly popular website, began providing free weekly webinars for the lay faithful, producing DVDs and CDs of various Catholic topics, prolifically writing books, and now also hosts The Cantankerous Catholic podcast.Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy's motto-"Give Me Souls; Keep The Rest"-explains why he works tirelessly to reach out to as many Catholics he can. Also, another thing he tries to help other Catholics understand and apply in their own lives in these uncertain times is the meaningful message of his battle cry: "Comfort And Conviction Don't Live On The Same Block!"So grab your favorite beverage, find a comfortable and quiet place to read, then prepare yourself to learn how Catholicism can be the most exciting lived experience you have ever known!

  • - Volume Two
    av Joe Sixpack

    Joe Sixpack is Endorsed By a Cardinal, Bishops, and Priests!Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy is quickly becoming the "light of the laity" throughout the United States. Armed with divinely revealed truth, he is helping lay people navigate the tumultuous waters of a Church in turmoil. See what prelates and priests are saying!A gravely defective catechesis which marked the life of the Church in the years following the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, though not because of the Council , contributed to the loss of faith, the lack of a devotional life and left the subsequent generations devoid of a concrete way to know the Catholic faith and live it.The pontificate of Pope Saint John Paul II may be rightly described as a tireless call to recognize the Church's challenge to be faithful to her divinely-given mission in a totally secularized society and to respond to the challenge by means of a new evangelization. A new evangelization consists in teaching the faith through preaching, catechesis and all forms of Catholic education, celebrating the faith in the Sacraments and in their extension by means of prayer and devotion, and living the faith by the practice of the virtues-all as if for the first time, that is, with the engagement and energy of the first disciples and of the first missionaries to our native place.A new aid to assist the faithful in knowing and living the faith has been developed by "Joe Sixpack" with the weekly bulletin insert What We Believe ... Why We Believe It. Each issue of the insert is a thumbnail lesson in the Catholic faith that is attractive to parishioners, easy to understand, and faithful in every way to the Magisterium.Joe Sixpack is a well-trained and faithful consecrated Marian Catechist. As the International Director of the Marian Catechist Apostolate, I enthusiastically endorse Joe Sixpack's What We Believe ... Why We Believe It as an innovative means of helping parish priests promote the doctrinal and moral literacy of their parishioners.Raymond Leo Cardinal BurkeI wholeheartedly recommend the new weekly parish bulletin insert "What We Believe...Why We Believe It"' written by my friend, Joe Sixpack…"Joe Sixpack" is a veteran catechist with a God-given gift for explaining the truths of the Faith in terms that are clear, unambiguous, doctrinally correct and firmly rooted in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and Magisterial teaching. The name "Joe Sixpack" accentuates his remarkable ability to make the teaching of the Church easily understandable for the average guy and gal. His gift for story-telling and the use of concrete examples will help to provide his subscribers with both engaging and thought­ provoking reading each Sunday.Pastors who wish to find new catechetical tools to help their parishioners develop a greater understanding and a deeper appreciation for the timeless truths of our Catholic faith will find "What We Believe and Why We Believe It" a valuable resource for instruction and a great little addition to their weekly bulletins.Rev. William P. Casey, Fathers of Mercy and EWTN PersonalityAlthough the light of wisdom usually comes to the world "from the top down," sometimes it works the other way around. What We Believe...Why We Believe It is a splendid example of grassroots evangelization. Like spiritual wheat its message grows from the good soil of fearless common sense informed by grace. Abbot Philip Anderson, Clear Creek Monastery

  • - One Man's Journey From Judaism To Calvary
    av Marty Barrack

    An Amazing Spiritual Journey!What do Billy Dee Williams, opera stars Licia Albanese and Renata Tebaldi, a kid named Robbie Gilston, the celebrated Americana artist Norman Rockwell, and famed comedian Jimmy Durante have to do with one man's journey from Conservative Judaism to the Cross? Everything!Marty Barrack has lived one of the most fascinating conversion journeys ever told. As you read his story, it becomes very apparent how God's hand moved in Marty's life from the time he was a small child right up to the day he found himself embracing true Christianity… and beyond!Is Marty's conversion a small part of what Jesus said would happen as we approached the end times? It could be, because untold numbers of Jews owe their introduction to Christianity to him. Just as St. Paul was called by God to leave ministry to the Jews to be an apostle to the Gentiles, He led Marty to be His modern apostle back to the Jews. Consequently, Marty founded and operates the Second Exodus apostolate to reach out to innumerable Jewish souls.So pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down with this book, block out all distractions and prepare to be amazed by how Jesus touched Marty's life, as well as the many Jewish lives he touched in turn!

  • - Volume One
    av Joe Sixpack

    Learn Things About the Catholic Church You Have Never Heard Before!Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy is a welcome visitor to parishes across the United States every Sunday through his parish subscription based What We Believe... Why We Believe It bulletin inserts. Using humor, immutable truth, great storytelling and ignoring political correctness, Joe Sixpack helps the average Catholic in the pew better know and understand our holy and ancient faith in a way that is refreshing, awe-inspiring, and makes readers chest-pounding proud to be Catholic… and readers love it! Look at what they are saying. The gospel letters, though written thousands of years ago, are supposed to draw me closer to God. They, for the most part, don't. You do. YOUR words are more effective in reaching me. I know, for the most part, what the apostles have said. I'm looking for someone who can relate it to today. I have a greater chance of returning back to the flock with what you do. -Robert M Please accept my sincere thanks for the extraordinary work you are doing to shed light on and share the truth of the Catholic faith. Your strength is the comprehensive and faithful exposition of the faith in language "Joe Sixpack" can appreciate and embrace. You are sharing an amazingly rich gift with others and I pray that your audience continues to grow. -Fr. Willy Raymond, PresidentHoly Cross Family Ministries Catechesis is the missing element of our Catholic renewal. Joe knows! Listen to him! -Chuck K Joe Sixpack is a well-trained and faithful consecrated Marian Catechist. I enthusiastically endorse Joe Sixpack's "What We Believe ... Why We Believe It" as an innovative means of helping parish priests promote the doctrinal and moral literacy of their parishioners. -Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke Through the What We Believe... Why We Believe It bulletin inserts, the website and free weekly webinars, Joe Sixpack-The Every Catholic Guy is building a huge following of fired-up Catholics who know and understand the faith… then pass it on to others in our society who so badly need it. Get Your Copy Now!

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