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  • - A Captivating Guide to the Persian Empire and History of Iran, Starting from the Achaemenid Empire, through the Parthian, Sasanian and Safavid Empire to the Afsharid and Qajar Dynasty
    av Captivating History
    280 - 446,-

  • av Captivating History

    The ancestral home of the Pueblo. A remnant of Spain's New World empire. The location of the first atomic bomb detonation. A supposed alien crash site. New Mexico. The Land of Enchantment.New Mexico is a state with a rich and diverse history, dating back thousands of years. The land was originally inhabited by Native American tribes, including the Pueblo, Apache, and Navajo, which developed unique cultures, traditions, and ways of life.Discover how the region changed when the Spanish conquistadors arrived and established colonies, bringing with them Christianity and the Spanish language. And explore the territory's tumultuous history as it changed hands from Spain to Mexico and then from Mexico to the United States.As the years passed, New Mexico experienced rapid growth, particularly in the areas of mining, agriculture, and tourism. During World War II, New Mexico played a critical role in the development of the top-secret Manhattan Project.We leave no stone uncovered. So, join us in discovering a state known for its beautiful landscapes, complex cultural heritage, and diverse population.You'll learn about all these points and more!The Spanish quest for the seven cities of gold;The ambitions of men like Coronado and Juan de Oñate, which led them to explore a forbidding frontier;The long struggle of the Pueblo people to retain their lands and culture;The part New Mexico played in Confederate ambitions during the American Civil War;The role of land hunger and range wars in New Mexico's history;The effect of World War II on New Mexico's economy and future;A bizarre American wartime program that sought to put armed bats on the frontline;The wartime contribution of Navajo code talkers in the Pacific;The development of the atomic bomb;The role archaeologists and artists played in preserving New Mexico's history;Myths and legends across the state;The 1947 episode near Roswell that may point to alien visitation;And so much more!

  • av Captivating History

    Finnish culture is centuries old, yet Finland itself has only been an independent nation for just over one hundred years.Finland's history is an interesting subject filled with misconceptions. Would you be surprised to learn that the Finns, for the most part, were not Vikings? Or that Finland is not part of Scandinavia? The Finns are not even related to their closest neighbors: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.This book pulls back the curtain so you can get a better look at Finland's history. Its history is exciting, even without the Vikings, and its proximity to Russia is something that is still talked about in the news today.In 2022, moves were made for the nation to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Finland has entered a new phase of its history. But wouldn't you like to learn about its past?In this book, you'll learn the following:The ancient Finnish did not worship the famous Norse gods like Thor and Odin.The national poem of Finland, the Kalevala, explores the ancient Finnish creation myth and the gods and heroes of Finland's distant past.The history of Finland and Sweden are intertwined; Finland was part of Sweden for five hundred years!Finland was also part of the Russian Empire from 1809 to 1917.The Finns fought a heroic struggle against the Russians in 1939/40, which inspired the world and inspires Finns today.The Finn who commanded Finland's armies during that struggle, Marshal Mannerheim, was of Swedish/German descent and did not speak Finnish particularly well. Yet, in 2004, he was voted the "greatest Finn of all time."Finnish is one of the most unique languages in the world.And much, much more!

  • av Captivating History

    If you've ever been curious about ancient Rome and the time of Caesar but felt overwhelmed by the information available, this handy biography of Julius Caesar's life might just be what you've been looking for.By taking a broad and narrow focus, this volume is able to simultaneously give the reader a nice overview of the 1st century BCE while also honing in on the specifics of the famous leader as he makes his way up from the downtrodden neighborhood of his youth to eventually being named a god by the Roman people.This book is told in a straightforward, chronological fashion, so the reader is able to look at Caesar's life in bite-sized chunks that inform without creating confusion. Caesar's life happened in the midst of turbulent military and political intrigues. But he was also surrounded by numerous well-known figures from history. The interweaving of their tales not only makes for page-turning reading; it also gives the reader much to question, critique, and ponder.This book will satisfy your curiosity and hopefully inspire you to go out and learn even more. With handy comparisons to the modern world, the life of Rome and the ancient world will become more tangible and easier to imagine than ever before.It's time Caesar walked off the dusty shelves, out of the history books, and into our minds as the living, breathing, brilliant, sneaky, brave, and intriguing man that he was. Take a trip like no other through the streets of ancient Rome, from the butcher shop to the throne, with the famous ruler himself as your guide.If you've ever wondered about the following, then this book is for you!Were Caesar and Cleopatra married?Did Caesar ever have children?How big was the Roman Republic?Was politics always so confusing?Why do we care about Julius Caesar? Wasn't he just one of many?Was Caesar really kidnapped by pirates?What was life like at home and at war in ancient Rome?

  • av Captivating History

    Und den Gründen, warum sie zu Stande kam...Die meisten von uns kennen wahrscheinlich die Geschichte, die von dem deutschen Mönch Martin Luther handelt und davon, wie er seine fünfundneunzig Thesen an die Tür einer Kirche nagelte. Bei diesen fünfundneunzig Thesen handelte es sich im Wesentlichen um fünfundneunzig Beschwerden gegen die Lehren der katholischen Kirche. Damals war die katholische Kirche die wichtigste religiöse Führungsinstanz. Wer es wagte, die Lehren der katholischen Kirche in Frage zu stellen, wurde unweigerlich des Irrtums bezichtigt, und wenn diese ¿Irrtümer" nicht sofort korrigiert wurden, wurde man als Ketzer abgestempelt. Und wenn man erst als Ketzer galt, war es zu dieser Zeit wahrscheinlich, dass man kurz darauf auf dem Scheiterhaufen landete.Die katholische Kirche hatte das kirchliche Dogma weit über tausend Jahre lang fest im Griff, doch Martin Luther wagte es, aufzustehen und seine Stimme zu erheben, um dagegen zu protestieren. Martin Luther schaffte es nicht nur, die Konsequenz seines religiösen Ungehorsams zu überleben, sondern löste auch einen dynamischen gesellschaftlichen Umschwung aus, infolgedessen immer mehr Menschen gegen das protestierten, was sie als Missstände in der katholischen Kirche empfanden. Diese Reformatoren, die gemeinhin als Protestanten bekannt sind, kamen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten und hatten hauptsächlich eines gemeinsam: Sie wollten die Heilige Schrift selbst lesen und sich eine eigene Meinung über den Inhalt der Bibel bilden.Dieses Buch beschreibt die frühen Anfänge des reformatorischen Denkens, die zunächst von Martin Luther und anderen Reformatoren ausgingen, und geht dann auf das Leben und Schaffen von bedeutenden Protestanten wie beispielsweise Johannes Calvin und Ulrich Zwingli ein. Diese mutigen Reformatoren wagten es, den Status quo in Frage zu stellen, und veränderten die Welt für protestantische Christen für immer.Dies ist die Geschichte der Reformation.In diesem Buch werden Sie mehr zu den folgenden Themen erfahrenDie Ursachen der ReformationDie wichtigsten historischen Figuren der ReformationDie Konflikte, die durch die Reformation entstandenDie religiösen Gruppen, die sich durch die Reformation zusammenschlossenUnd vieles, vieles mehr

  • av Captivating History

    Sumérgete en el mundo de los antiguos griegos. Desde sus mitos y su cultura hasta sus guerras y su derrota final ante los romanos, este libro lo abarca todo. Tanto los padres como los niños disfrutarán aprendiendo lo que hizo de la antigua Grecia una civilización tan asombrosa y viendo por qué el mundo moderno les debe tanto.Los antiguos griegos nos dieron muchas cosas que todavía utilizamos hoy en día: las historias mitológicas que seguimos estudiando en las escuelas y universidades, y las Olimpiadas son solo algunas de ellas. Aunque hoy en día Grecia no es más que un pequeño país europeo, antes abarcaba partes del actual norte de África e Irán, y tenía una sociedad muy parecida a la nuestra. Los griegos disfrutaban de la buena comida, la música y la lectura; la sociedad se gobernaba de forma muy parecida a la de los tiempos modernos, y sus habitantes eran agricultores, políticos, artistas e inventores.Prepárate para asombrarte al descubrir cómo esta sociedad antigua se parece tanto a la nuestra, y por qué. Solo una muestra de lo que te espera mientras lees:¡Las ciudades griegas eran un éxito!La cara que lanzó 1.000 barcos.Aquiles y su famoso talón.Los Juegos Olímpicos: ¡sin premios para el segundo y tercer puesto!De la Edad Oscura a la Edad de Oro y viceversa.El severo sistema de castigos de Draco.Los espartanos originales: su historia.¿Con tan solo siete años estaban en la escuela militar?A. C. versus a. e. c.; A. D. versus d. C.: ¿por qué y cuál es la diferencia?Arcos largos y escudos de bronce: ¿quién ganó?Pericles, Atenea y el PartenónLas guerras del Pelopo - ¿qué?La venganza contra Persia.La época helenística.Llegan los romanos.Artistas y científicos griegos famosos.A lo largo del libro aprenderás datos divertidos y realizarás actividades interactivas que te ayudarán a entender y recordar mejor los momentos más importantes de la historia de Grecia. ¡Prepárate para asombrarte!

  • av Captivating History

    Two manuscripts in one book:Imperial Rome: A Captivating Guide to Events and Facts You Should Know About the Roman EmpirePax Romana: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Rome during the Roman Peace PeriodTo this day, we feel the influence of imperial Rome. After all, imperial Rome was one of the first successful "melting pots" of cultures. The Romans took what worked and discarded what didn't work, showing that it was possible to have a stable, centralized government over an extremely large area.In the first part of this book, you learn includes the following:The downfall of the Roman Republic and the emergence of the illustrious Roman Empire;Caesar's life and conquests, as well as his ultimate assassination at the hands of his senators;The fascinating life of Octavian Augustus and the start of the Pax Romana;Gradual "reduction" in the quality of emperors, starting with bureaucratic Tiberius, who ultimately left Rome;The incredible life of Tiberius's successor, Caligula, who gained much notoriety;The long reign of Emperor Claudius, whose two wives, Messalina and Agrippina the Younger, shaped the future of Rome;Nero, who (maybe) set Rome on fire and who was most certainly a very unusual emperor with a penchant for the arts;The Flavians and the Five Good Emperors, who led imperial Rome into its most prolific period;The gradual but consistent erosion of traditional Roman values and its ultimate dissolution into early medieval Europe;The Roman Empire reached its zenith within the first two centuries of the fall of the Roman Republic, expanding its territory and spreading its influence well beyond the borders of Europe. During that time, a sort of global peace was achieved, which historians call the Pax Romana. Throughout the pages of this tome, you'll get brief glimpses of the reigns of many emperors who made the Pax Romana into what it was. Discover the Pax Romana's long-term effects and how it managed to cement the Roman Empire as the go-to empire for many later civilizations to try and emulate.In the second part of this book, you'll gain new knowledge on the following facts:How the empire evolved from the former republic and who the men were that brought about the changesWhat made the reign of each emperor uniqueWhat some of the more turbulent times during this overarching period of peace wereWho the best emperors during the Pax Romana were, and which ones were considered the worstWhat role the provinces and territorial expansion played in the growth and development of the empireHow the imperial Romans were stratifiedWhat societal changes came about with the abolition of the republic and the return to a monarchic modelHow the everyday Romans lived during the Pax RomanaHow big of a role the Roman army played in maintaining the peaceHow prominent the Senate was and whether or not its role was diminished or reinforced during certain periods of the Pax RomanaAnd so much more!

  • av Captivating History

    Si alguna vez se ha preguntado quiénes formaban el círculo íntimo de Jesús, no se lo pregunte más.Aunque las palabras y acciones de los doce apóstoles se encuentran dispersas por todo el Nuevo Testamento, reunir las piezas puede resultar confuso, agotador y, sencillamente, difícil. Los nombres se repiten o cambian con frecuencia. Se mencionan trabajos anteriores y posibles destinos, pero incluso un mapa del mundo antiguo puede ser difícil de reconstruir. Algunos libros de la Biblia fueron escritos por los apóstoles, otros no, y otros solo dan pistas enigmáticas sobre quién los leyó, dónde y por qué. Abundan los comentarios, así como las historias de hombres como Orígenes, Eusebio y Jerónimo. ¿Por dónde empezar?Hemos hecho todo ese trabajo por usted en este libro. Contadas con un estilo fácil, interesante y atractivo, por fin podrá leer con detenimiento las historias que ampliarán sus conocimientos y enriquecerán sus conversaciones religiosas. Los estudiantes de historia y los estudiantes de cristianismo encontrarán teorías, tradiciones e incluso historias olvidadas hace mucho tiempo de fuentes ajenas a la Biblia para reflexionar y, en última instancia, llegar a la propia decisión. Este libro no pretende convertir al lector, sino compartir hechos.Por fin, sin tener que gastar incontables horas y miles de dólares en un volumen tras otro de libros de texto, el lector tiene un punto de partida para lo que resultará ser un viaje emocionante y estimulante.En su interior, encontrará las respuestas a estas preguntas:¿Adónde fueron los apóstoles cuando terminaron los relatos bíblicos?¿Por qué discrepaban entre ellos tan a menudo?¿Qué apóstoles tenían familia o eran parientes?¿Por qué algunas personas cuentan doce, trece o catorce apóstoles?¿Cómo llegaron unos hombres tan corrientes a tener una influencia tan enorme en el mundo actual?¡Y mucho, mucho más!Al escudriñar detrás de la cortina y reunir los datos de dos milenios de historia, finalmente las historias de cada apóstol están al alcance de su mano.

  • av Steven Turner

  • - Una guia fascinante del gobernante de los hunos y sus invasiones del Imperio romano
    av Captivating History

  • - Una Introduccion Fascinante a la Republica Romana, el Ascenso y la Caida del Imperio Romano y el Imperio Bizantino
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - Una guia fascinante sobre la primera mujer americana en tener una estatua construida en su honor
    av Captivating History

    Si desea descubrir la cautivadora historia de Hannah Duston, entonces siga leyendo...En una ├⌐poca muy diferente a la nuestra, viv├¡a una mujer que llevaba una vida extraordinaria. El evento m├ís importante de su existencia ha resistido la prueba del tiempo. Su car├ícter, sus acciones, y sus m├ís profundos pensamientos y deseos a├║n se debaten hasta el d├¡a de hoy. Ella se ha convertido en un s├¡mbolo de una ├⌐poca que mucha gente hoy en d├¡a no entiende o comprende.Hannah Duston vivi├│ en un per├¡odo en el que las mujeres estaban destinadas a ser delicadas, d├⌐biles y m├ís compasivas, pero desafi├│ este estereotipo. Se la pod├¡a considerar como la aut├⌐ntica mam├í oso que defend├¡a a sus cachorros y evitaba a todos los que les hicieran da├▒o. O podr├¡a ser vista como el lobo entre los corderos que espera el momento perfecto para atacar. Sus logros en la vida fueron grandes, y su coraje m├ís fuerte que la mayor├¡a de la gente. Sin embargo, su visi├│n moral de la vida era cuestionable. Era m├ís que una mujer; era una luchadora con un agudo sentido de la supervivencia. Mataba para vengar a quienes amaba y nunca se disculpaba por sus acciones, aunque estuvieran equivocadas.En Hannah Duston: Una gu├¡a fascinante sobre la primera mujer americana en tener una estatua construida en su honor, descubrir├í temas como:Ingleses, franceses y nativos americanos: Fren├⌐micos por d├⌐cadasLos comienzos de la vida de HannahEl fat├¡dico asalto a HaverhillLa Hora Cero de HannahLa masacre del r├¡o MerrimackLa reflexi├│n final de HannahMemorias de Hannah DustonEl lado oscuro de HannahCandor pol├⌐mico┬íY mucho, mucho m├ís!┬íObtenga este libro ahora para aprender m├ís sobre Hannah Duston!

  • - How You Can Develop Unstoppable Self-Discipline, Willpower and Success Habits By Adopting A Champion's Mindset and the Principles of Stoicism
    av Gordon Cohen

    If you''ve always wanted to have an unshakable mindset but are often discouraged by failure, criticism, rejection, and mistakes, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book:Mental Toughness: Unlock the Spartan within You and Develop Relentless Self-Discipline, A Champion''s Mindset, Unbeatable Willpower, and Powerful Success HabitsStoicism: Unlock the Secrets to a Stoic Life, Emotional Resilience and an Unshakeable Mindset and Discover Principles, Mindfulness Meditation Techniques and Habits for Bulletproof Calmness in ChaosAre you sick and tired of negative thoughts and events always pulling you down?Have you tried all manner of solutions and hacks that promise to turn things around, yet nothing seems to have any lasting effects?Do you finally want to say goodbye to failure and discover something, which works for you?If so, then you''ve come to the right place.You see, developing the mental toughness you need to achieve your goals doesn''t have to be difficult.Even if you''ve tried all manner of other solutions that didn''t work.In fact, it''s easier than you think.You see, mental toughness is the mindset that people adopt in what they do. It is a personality trait that defines what your mind is made up of and is partly responsible for how you behave or how you react to various situations. Personality is the characteristic pattern of feeling, thinking, and acting of an individual that is inherently different in every person..This book seeks to enlighten you about the little-known power of mental toughness and how some people have used it to achieve great success. If you have been struggling with your ability to think rationally and control your emotions when under pressure, you are in the right place.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Everything you need to know about mental toughnessHow to differentiate between a strong mentality and a weak mentalityHow to unlock the inner Spartan in you and overcome your fears and insecuritiesHow to identify pitfalls and mistakes that decrease your mental toughnessHow to spot habits that contribute to a weak mentality and tips on how to stop themHow to develop mental toughness when under pressure and respond positively to obstacles in your wayThe 40-percent rule of mental toughness and how to use it to achieve successThe importance of emotional strength and how it affects your success, plus practical tips for developing emotional resilienceHow to acquire self-discipline and willpower for a tougher mindsetSome of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:Everything You Need to be Happy is Found WithinThe Power of Stoicism Philosophy For a Better LifeLearn How to Overcome Self-doubt, Self-Criticism, and Feelings of Inadequacy5 Actionable Mind Training Strategies to Eliminate Self-Defeating ThoughtsMaster the Art of Tranquility with Stoic TechniquesStoic Principles to Smash Creative BlocksDifferentiating Things We Can and Can''t ControlHow to Control Emotions and Minimize Worry with StoicismStoicism and Cognitive Behavioral TherapyInspiring Stories from Popular Stoic FollowersA Complete Stoic Guide for Perfect HealthAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Mental Toughness and Stoicism, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England and the Invasions of the Vikings during the 9th Century
    av Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Mercia, then keep reading...The Kingdom of Mercia lasted for more than five hundred years. Such a long period of time brought change to all aspects of Mercian life, and it is the role of history and this book to follow that change through the centuries. But it wasn''t just the kings and queens that changed. The events of the period resonated within social and cultural life, religious beliefs, artistic expression, and trade. Everything evolved under the patronage of Mercia.We are able to understand these changes as they are still ongoing in modern times. The world we are living in is constantly shifting and developing, and as people, we are no different than the Anglo-Saxons from the old times. As such, it is no wonder we show interest in their way of life and the persons who ruled them. In fact, it is almost as if we feel a deep connection with the society of our ancestors, as if we feel there is some familiarity. The distance that separates our time from theirs is what makes this familiarity even more interesting.In Mercia: A Captivating Guide to an Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of England and the Invasions of the Vikings during the 9th Century, you will discover topics such asThe Origins of MerciaThe Builders of MerciaA New DynastyCourt, Church, Country, and the PeopleThe Vikings Are ComingThe Rise of WessexThe Last Queen of MerciaMercia the EarldomAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Mercia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - Una fascinante guia de la historia de la Carta Magna y su influencia en la Inglaterra medieval y el resto del mundo
    av Captivating History

    Si quiere descubrir la cautivadora historia de la Carta Magna, siga leyendo...La Carta Magna es reconocida como uno de los documentos más importantes de la historia de la humanidad. Es la principal fuente de derecho constitucional en todo el mundo, y ofrece a las personas libertades y protección frente al poder arbitrario del gobierno.Sin embargo, es también un conjunto de promesas extraídas a mala fe de un rey no comprometido, y esas promesas lidiaban con los problemas de la aristocracia del siglo XIII. Entre asuntos ordinarios referidos a tasas, aduanas y leyes sobre la tierra, en el documento también encuentran su lugar las más importantes ideas revolucionarias capaces de cambiar el mundo.No obstante, en 1215 estas eran escasas, se mencionaban por aquí y por allá, y en la forma de altos ideales, más que en la de una ley.Aún hoy se citan algunas partes de la Carta Magna, como aquellas cláusulas que tratan sobre la justicia entre iguales, la protección ante encarcelamientos ilegales, la libertad de la Iglesia, etc. Sin embargo, en la época medieval, estas cláusulas no tenían el mismo significado que hoy en día. La Carta Magna se ha mostrado como un documento flexible con ideas que pueden acomodarse y transformarse para adaptarse a las necesidades de los nuevos tiempos.En Carta Magna: Una fascinante guía de la historia de la Carta Magna y su influencia en la Inglaterra medieval y el resto del mundo, descubrirá temas como:El rey JuanEl camino a RunnymedeLa Carta MagnaEl fracaso de la Carta MagnaLa GuerraEl Regente y el Final de la Primera Guerra de los BaronesEnrique III y la Carta MagnaLa Segunda Guerra de los Barones y Eduardo IEl Período Medieval Tardío y los TudorEl Renacimiento de la Carta MagnaEl Nuevo Mundo y la Carta Magna¡Adquiera este libro libro ahora y aprenda más sobre la Carta Magna!

  • - Una Guia Fascinante de la Historia de la Guerra de Corea
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Military Expeditions During the Middle Ages That Departed from Europe with the Goal to Free Jerusalem and Aid Christianity in the Holy Land
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to European History, Classical Antiquity, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance and Early Modern Europe
    av Captivating History
    354 - 573,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to Ancient Celtic History and Mythology, Including Their Battles Against the Roman Republic in the Gallic Wars
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Ruler of the Huns and His Invasions of the Roman Empire
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - Una guia fascinante sobre el imperio azteca, la mitologia y la civilizacion
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Life of Queen Victoria and an Era in the History of the United Kingdom Known for Its Hierarchy-Based Social Order
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the First Tsar of Russia and His Impact on Russian History
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Dark Ages and Black Death
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Visigoths and Ostrogoths Who Sacked Rome and Played an Essential Role in the Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Period Between the Fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - Una guia fascinante de la guerra de Corea y la guerra de Vietnam
    av Captivating History
    181 - 277,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Served as the Second President of the United States of America
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Through the Black Death to the Beginning of the Renaissance
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

  • - A Captivating Guide to a Mysterious Queen Mentioned in the Bible and Her Relationship with King Solomon
    av Captivating History
    291 - 446,-

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