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Bøker utgitt av CHERRY PUB

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  • av Manon H

    Tous les lapins naissent avec quatre ballons, qui représentent le bonheur et la confiance. Lorsqu'un évènement heureux se produit, ils reçoivent un ballon. Au contraire, lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des situations difficiles et tristes, ils perdent un ballon.Ce livre raconte l'histoire d'une lapine violette nommée Moka qui a perdu tous ses ballons à la suite d'événements traumatisants. Parviendra-t-elle à récupérer ses ballons, à prendre confiance en elle et à être heureuse ? A propos de l'auteur Manon H est née en Thaïlande d'une mère thaïlandaise et d'un père inconnu. Sa mère biologique s'est occupée d'elle jusqu'à l'âge de 3 ans, puis l'a abandonnée dans un commissariat. Elle a ensuite été placée dans un orphelinat à Pathum Thani, près de Bangkok. A l'âge de 6 ans, une famille française a décidé de l'adopter. Ils l'ont donc emmenée en France dans un tout petit village, où les gens n'avaient jamais vu de personnes de couleur auparavant. Manon a dû s'adapter à une nouvelle vie et a rencontré de nombreux obstacles. Elle a notamment été victime de racisme et de brimades de la part de ses camarades de classe. Sur sa liste de projets, elle a toujours voulu écrire un livre sur son histoire, mais elle n'a jamais réussi à le terminer. Un jour, elle a vu sur Facebook le message d'une maman qui proposait un cours de 8 semaines pour apprendre à auto-publier son premier livre pour enfants. Manon, qui était alors maman de deux enfants, s'est dit que c'était une bonne occasion d'écrire enfin son livre et en même temps de l'offrir à sa fille qui manque cruellement de confiance en elle. C'est ainsi qu'est né "Moka et Poki à la Recherche du Bonheur Disparu".

  • av Manon H

    All bunnies are born with four balloons, which represent happiness and confidence. When something good happen to them, they get a balloon. When something bad, sad or unfortunate happens, they lose a balloon.This story is about a purple bunny named Moka who has lost all her balloons due to traumatic events. Will she be able to get her balloons back, become more confident and be happy ?About the authorManon H was born in Thailand from a Thai mother and an unknown father. Her birth mother took care of her until the age of 3 years old, then abandoned her in a police station. She was then brought to an orphanage in Pathum Thani, near Bangkok. At the age of 6, a family of French people decided to adopt her. So they brought her to France in a tiny village, where people never saw colored people before. Manon had to adapt to a new life and encountered many obstacles. She was, for example, victim of racism and got bullied by her classmates.On her bucket list, she always wanted to write a book about her story but she never managed to finish it. One day, she saw a post on Facebook from a mum who was offering an 8-week course to learn how to self-publish your first children's book. Manon who was a mum of two kids at that time, decided it was a great opportunity to finally write her book and at the same time offering it to her daughter who lacks a lot of confidence.That's how "Moka and Poki in Search of Lost Happiness" was born.

  • av Kristal

    A playboy, fake dating and a secret, what could go wrong? At first glance, the celebrated football star Darren and the inconspicuous Millie do not fit together in any way. They are complete opposites; she is shy and studious while he has a reputation as the college playboy.However, for his sister's wedding, Darren is forced to bring a plus one in order to appease his mother. Since Millie is the perfect fake girlfriend in his eyes - and one of the few he hasn't slept with - he decides to invite her.On their trip to Darren's family ranch in Texas, the two get to know each other better and quickly realize they have more in common than their love of football.But behind the seemingly calm facade, Millie is hiding a secret that could jeopardize more than just her connection to Darren ...

  • av Kristal

    New University means new encounters!Sienna Gardner can't wait to share moments with her new roommate, Denver. The young woman is excited to have sleepovers and girl talks. So, you can imagine her shock when she realizes that Denver is not the girly friend she had dreamed of but is actually the quarterback of the university football team.She is destined to share an apartment during her academic year with a man! A popular, charming and terribly sexy man!Fortunately, they both have a rule: no hooking-up with your roommate!For Sienna, education comes first, whereas Denver focuses on his sport.But it is not always easy to stick to your principles...

  • av Ana Belén Moreno

  • av Jennifer Green

  • av Federica Caracciolo & Cherry Publishing

  • av Cherry Publishing & Roberta Fierro

  • av Mariangela Camocardi

  • av Laura Pafumi

  • av Marian Minardi

  • av Elettra Doner

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