Norges billigste bøker

Bøker utgitt av Choam Charity Publishing

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  • av Pilleater

    We all know Richard Spencer was banging Asian chicks back in the day!...And this book is a part of that tradition!Pilleater's two novellas struggle with the theme of "Asian-Aryanism."Trip is about Tom Delunge, an avant-garde stand-up comedian, and his Chinese-American girlfriend, Daisy Liang.The Rape of M'khal is an erotic science-fiction story about submissive aliens and extraterrestrial action.Pilleater is an internet intellect and artist.(((THIS IS THE BOOK THE ALT-RIGHT DOSEN'T WANT YOU TO READ)))

  • av Francis Nally

    Francis Nally's A Manifesto About Stalking Patrick Hyland is a collection of essays from his cult classic website, "Asian" It has nothing to do with national socialism, but rather flips the ideology of the alt-right on it's head by introducing a conceptual "bicultural" world after the fall of globalism and the beginning of communal "ethnonationalism." He argues that Eurasian people and interracial couples must secure a destiny and a culture based around identity politics. Nally is a pioneer in the avant-garde blogging movement known as the "alt-left." His writing has been compared to Jim Goad, Peter Sotos, and Katherine Dunn.A work of stunning originality, this book is a manual for all advocates of eurasian futurism and proper miscegenation. Full of humor, wit, insight, and theory-fiction. This book is for people who "get it."

  • av Pilleater

  • - A Legacy 2009-2018
    av Robert Stark & Francis Nally

    Close to a decade, this man has published almost 600 radio shows about fringe politics, eccentric celebrities, and mind-expanding topics for extroverted intellects. This isn't Robb Stark of Game of Thrones. This is Robert Stark, host of his long-running show, The Stark Truth. This book introduces a new audience to the secluded and very underrated work of Stark's radio show and art. Inside you will find, -A personal interview with the legend himself -A complete checklist of every Stark Truth show ever published -Stark's old writings -Three published transcripts for complete newbies -A very short film review by James J. O'Meara -And an afterword/witness experience by Brandon Adamson To this day, many are confused about the existence of this "American journalist" named Robert Stark. ...Until now. A must-have collector's item from the man that brought you Journey To Vapor Island.

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