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Bøker utgitt av Clovercroft Publishing

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  • av Lorraine Bosse-Smith

    Do you want to awaken the hidden leader within yourself? Are you ready to increase your influence and become the leader you are intended to be? Leveraging Your Leadership Style is an easy-to-read book on leadership that takes the guesswork out of the leadership equation and offers concrete solutions for greater results and success. This is not your typical leadership book! This dynamic, fast, yet informative book will help you form a simple and coherent model of leadership that is relationally driven. When you discover your unique leadership style, you can maximize your strengths and become more effective in whatever you do, no matter the role.Through stories and examples, identifies different leadership styles and how each has an impact on others.It enables readers to define, understand, and tap into their leadership style and explore how to apply it to their daily lives.Includes an exclusive behavior assessment called a Behavior Individuality Trait (BIT) that helps readers discover their unique personality style and how it affects their leadership.Readers will identify themselves as Commanders, Coaches, Counselors, or Conductors. More importantly, they will learn to recognize and relate to their team members' leadership styles and integrate these understandings into how they lead and participate in teams. Seize this opportunity to transform your leadership style and take people where they might never dare go if left to their own devices. Learn to operate from your strengths and connect with the strengths of others.

  • av Z. L. Arkadie

    Embark on a whirlwind journey of love, passion, and unexpected obstacles with 'Made To Love Her, ' the seventh book in the LOVE in the USA Contemporary Romance Series. Set against the backdrop of a lavish wedding in the making, this enthralling narrative is more than just vows and bridal bouquets-it's a testament to true love's enduring strength amidst chaos. Maggie and Vince, once just two souls lost in their own worlds, have battled through the storm to build a love they can proudly call their own. Now, the moment they've been eagerly anticipating is finally within reach. The invitations are sent, the venue is set, and their big day looms on the horizon. Yet, the journey to their "happily ever after" is far from smooth sailing. As they prepare to leap of a lifetime, a myriad of unexpected challenges threatens to unravel everything they've strived for. The couple finds themselves navigating a minefield of bizarre incidences. Will their bond withstand the tremors as they journey toward the altar? Fans of intricate love stories with a healthy dose of drama and adventure will find themselves engrossed in this tale of true love tested in the face of life's boundless complications.

  • av John Brownlee

    Rare is the person who has never been betrayed. It is a near-universal human experience.In The Judas Kiss: Growing Beyond Betrayal, family therapist and leadership development consultant John Brownlee draws on his clinical expertise to show us how we can overcome our pain and begin to heal. In this practical, common-sense book, he also teaches us how to spot betrayers sooner the next time-because there will be a next time.Brownlee goes deep into the multigenerational aspects of betrayal, touching on both its roots in our ancestors and its impact on our children and grandchildren. He offers hope and useful suggestions to help us soften potentially harmful effects on the family so future generations don't repeat damaging patterns. His no-nonsense approach is nonetheless laced with compassion as he encourages us to face difficult truths in order to move forward.

  • av Lisa Soesbe

    Pedro el Pirata, capitán de la comida chatarra, es un pirata feliz y muy querido por su tripulación. Sin embargo, el amor del Pirata Pedro por la comida chatarra hace que la vida de Tony el Diente sea insoportable. Harto de la boca asquerosa y descuidada de Pedro el Pirata. Tony abandona la boca de Pedro. Ahora sin Tony, la sonrisa de Pedro ya no es la misma que antes, y el capitán se pregunta si alguna vez podrá recuperalo. Con su fiel compañero, Dule L. el loro piñonero, y el resto de su tripulación. Pedro el Pirata zarpa para descubrir el tesoro de una boca.Con Pedro el Pirata, los niños aprenderán que incluso los piratas pueden mejorar sus dientes y encias comiendo bien y teniendo buenos hábitos dentales. Con recetas, un proyecto científico interactivo y toda una serie de actividades para los niños. ¡Diente Ahoy! invita a los lectores a vivir el viaje do Pedro el Pirata y su tripulación con una vista y un delicioso bocado coda vez.

  • av Jennifer Widemire Smith

    Never Lie"Which stories were true?"Jefferies watched the new guy survey the battlefield. "What makes you think they weren't all true? This is SEAL Team Three. Alpha Platoon. Never doubt us. Never cause us to doubt you. Every man's life depends on the trust between his brothers. If we catch you even in a white lie, we'll make hazing look like a ten-year old's birthday party. You feel me?" Never Settle"You don't want me. Not really. You see the car, the bike, the leather, the long hair. You see a projection. To love and be loved is the most selfless act a person can do for another. Life is too short to settle for the broken pieces of a shattered heart."Never Quit"I'll ask you again, Evie. Are you quitting?" "I didn't come this far to quit.""Good. I'm going to make you cry. I am going to cuss like a sailor, because I am one. I'm going to push you hard and demand nothing but your very best. You'll want to quit, but if you quit, ever, we're done-do not ring the bell Ms.Sinclaire."

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