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  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George
    267 - 370,-

  • av Tracilyn George

    Do you have questions about the direction your life is going? Are you facing struggles and want answers to overcome them? Do you have a dream you wish you can obtain? Your guide is within these pages.

  • av Tracilyn George
    330 - 397

  • av Tracilyn George

    Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick was raised in a world of privilege. As an only child, he developed a strong sense of entitlement, believing he deserved everything he desired. His parents realized too late that they needed to instill discipline in him.Ken thrived in the spotlight, frequently boasting about his accomplishments. In contrast, his family valued their privacy and preferred a quieter life. When he announced his decision to run for president, his wife and children were filled with apprehension.

  • - Historia Narcyza
    av Tracilyn George

  • - Príbeh Narcis
    av Tracilyn George

    Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick je odraš¿al v svetu privilegijev. Kot edinec je verjel, da ima pravico do vsega in vsega, kar si ¿eli. Njegovi starši so se v svojih poskusih discipliniranja sina znašli prepozno. Ken je bil rad v središ¿u pozornosti in se je pogosto hvalil, kako odli¿en je. Njegova drüina pa je raje ostala pri miru. Ko se je odlöil kandidirati za predsednika, so se njegova ¿ena in otroci bali najhujšega.

  • - Priča O Narcisoidu
    av Tracilyn George

    Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick odrastao je u svijetu privilegija. Kao jedinac, vjerovao je da ima pravo na sve i sve što zeli. Njegovi roditelji našli su se prekasno u pokušajima da discipliniraju sina. Ken je volio biti u centru paznje i cesto se hvalio kako je sjajan. Njegova je obitelj, s druge strane, radije bila ostavljena na miru. Kada se odlucio kandidirati za predsjednika, njegova supruga i djeca bojali su se najgoreg.

  • - Historia E Një Narcisisti
    av Tracilyn George

  • - Príbeh Narcistu
    av Tracilyn George

    Kennedy Karl Kilpatrick vyrastal vo svete privilégií. Ako jediná¿ik veril, ¿e má nárok na všetko a na ¿okövek, ¿o chce. Jeho rodi¿ia sa v pokusoch potrestä svojho syna ocitli príliš neskoro. Ken bol rád v centre pozornosti a ¿asto sa chválil, aký je skvelý. Jeho rodina, naopak, radšej zostala sama. Ke¿ sa rozhodol kandidovä za prezidenta, jeho man¿elka a deti sa obávali najhoršieho.

  • - Egy Nárcisztikus Története
    av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George
    330 - 363

  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George

    My life is not what one would call normal. From my birth, I have faced and overcome many challenges to become the person I am today. Life is rarely easy even if it appears so for others.Everyone has to deal with their own adversities in their own way. Most stay silent on their struggles believing they will a burden to their loved ones.After reading my story, I hope to relay the message, You Are Not Alone. You are stronger than you think and I believe you are a survivor.

  • av Tracilyn George
    354 - 390,-

  • av Tracilyn George

  • av Tracilyn George

    Giada thought it would be interesting to learn about Valentine's Day. She learned it began as a pagan festival to celebrate Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture. Giada learned Cadbury introduced the first heart-shaped chocolate box.

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