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Bøker utgitt av Coyote Canyon Press

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  • av Thomas Aquinas

    The Summa Theologica is a compendium of theology written by Thomas Aquinas between 1265 and 1273. In Roman Catholicism it is the sum of all known learning and doctrine, of all that can be known about God and humanity's relations with God - a landmark in the history of theology that famously offers five proofs of God's existence, the first three of which are cosmological arguments; the fourth, a moral argument; and the fifth, a teleological argument.The third quarter of the thirteenth century marked the first decisive philosophical encounter between Hellenism and Christianity. The rediscovery of Aristotle's works after the Dark Ages ushered in a new era of intellectual fervor in Europe, and the work of Thomas Aquinas is a commentary on Aristotle, whose writings were lost to the non-Arabic world until the beginning of the Thirteenth Century. To many, Aristotle's worldview was a pagan threat to Christianity. To Aquinas, it provided an exciting cosmological framework on which to build an all-encompassing Christian worldview.His thoughts unfolding with a calmness of order and an assurance of judgment, Aquinas explores in the Summa the primary role of the senses in the acquisition of knowledge and the metaphysical analysis of things in terms of matter and form. But unlike Aristotle's "God," who did not care one whit about the world, the God of Christianity, insisted Aquinas, is a personal God. Like Aristotle, Aquinas believed that each human being has a soul and that all created things have a purpose. For Christians, all are part of a divine plan.This dazzling synthesis of Catholic doctrine has had a profound impact on Christian thinking since the thirteenth century and has become the de facto official teaching of the Catholic Church - the intellectual underpinning of the Church to this day.

  • av Thomas Fasano

    In a distant future, a battle of wills rages between two brothers on opposite sides of a war that could mean the end of humanity. On one side is an augmented faction of Martian colonists, determined to escape from their oppressors. On the other, a powerful military unit whose leader seeks merciless revenge. Can one soldier's peaceful mission to negotiate an end to the violence be an effective counterweight to his brother's aggression? This thrilling novel offers an exciting journey into a transhumanist world where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

  • av Kahlil Gibran

    One of the beloved classics of popular mysticism, Kahlil Gibran's masterpiece, THE PROPHET is known and loved throughout the world. Readers find in this book the deepest expression of humankind's heart and mind, expressive of Gibran's deeply religious and mystic nature.Gibran said: "I think I've never been without THE PROPHET since I first conceived the book back in Mount Lebanon. It seems to have been a part of me. . . . I kept the manuscript four years before I delivered it to my publisher because I wanted to be sure, I wanted to be very sure, that every word of it was the very best I had to offer."Never out of print, THE PROPHET, illustrated with the author's drawings, has been translated into over a hundred different languages and has achieved cult status for several generations.

  • av Hermann Hesse

  • av Thomas Fasano

    Featuring 30 of the greatest short stories from the most distinguished writers in the American short-story tradition, this new anthology begins with Washington Irving's tale "Rip Van Winkle" and ranges across more than one hundred years of storytelling, concluding with F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic, "Winter Dreams." Other selections include Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," Melville's "Bartleby, The Scrivener," Harte's "The Luck of Roaring Camp," "To Build a Fire," by Jack London, "The Middle Years" by Henry James, plus stories by Mark Twain, Sarah Orne Jewett, Charles Chesnutt, Kate Chopin, Stephen Crane, Willa Cather, Ambrose Bierce, Theodore Dreiser, and others. Perfect for classroom use, this outstanding collection of short stories will also prove popular with fiction readers everywhere.

  • av Mark Twain

    EXTRACTS FROM ADAM¿S DIARY (1904) and EVE¿S DIARY (1906) are essentially send-ups of the scripture, in which Twain parodied Genesis, the parables of creation and original sin, and Eve¿s role in the fall of humankind. In EXTRACTS FROM ADAM¿S DIARY, published with Fred Strothmann¿s humorous cartoons of supposedly ancient stone carvings on every left-hand page, Twain playfully established Niagara Falls Park as the setting of the Garden of Eden, ¿the honeymoon capital of the world.¿EVE¿S DIARY, accompanied by the stunning line drawings of Lester Ralph, was Twain¿s moving eulogy to his wife, Livy, who died the previous year. The grief-stricken Samuel Clemens, in a letter to his brother-in-law, Charles Langdon, wrote: ¿I am a man without a country. Wherever Livy was that was my country.¿ Similarly Adam¿s tribute to Eve at the end of Eve¿s Diary reads, ¿Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.¿ Eve¿s story is tender throughout and focuses on the more humorous aspects of Adam and Eve¿s relationship and eventual ¿marriage.¿ Like Adam¿s story it lacks the darker implications of the other biblical pieces Twain wrote during the last decade of his life.

  • av Hermann Hesse

    One of Herman Hesse's earliest novels, In the Old Sun (In der Alten Sonne) was completed in 1908. The book, out of print in English for a hundred years, was originally published before the novels that were to make Hesse famous in the decades after World War II. The poorhouse derelicts of Gerbersau (Hesse's boyhood town of Cawl) appear to have walked out of the fictional world of Gottfried Keller, whose collection of short stories, The People of Seldwyla, was a favorite of Hesse's. The antics of Hürlin, the bankrupt manufacturer, and of Heller, a malicious and lazy former rope maker, are both humorous and poignant. Coyote Canyon Press is proud to bring back into print this "lost novel" by Hermann Hesse.

  • av Charlotte Bronte

    The Brontë family was an unparalleled literary phenomenon. Both Charlotte's JANE EYRE and Emily's WUTHERING HEIGHTS stirred the romantic sensibilities of generations of readers. Coyote Canyon Press unites these two enduring favorites with the lesser known work of their youngest sister, Anne, whose novel, AGNES GREY, was drawn from her experiences as a governess and offers a compelling view of Victorian society and materialism. Its inclusion makes THREE NOVELS BY THE BRONTË SISTERS a must-have volume for anyone enamored with this singularly talented family.

  • av Thomas Fasano

  • av Tim Fasano

  • av Daniel Defoe

  • av H. P. Lovecraft

    From the mind-expanding imagination of H. P. Lovecraft come these spine-tingling horrors. In addition to such classics as "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" and "Herbert West: Reanimator," this volume contains some fascinating rarities of Lovecraft's earliest strange tales.An intern in a mental hospital relates his experiences with a patient who died . . . a lighthouse keeper engages in a peculiar fantasy . . . a man is found wandering through a swamp with no memory of how he got there . . . humanity anticipates a great unknown evil . . . a dying man tells of his dreams to know what lies beyond the gate . . . a doctor reanimates corpses. . . .Woe betide the Lovecraft fan who dare be without this volume.

  • av Dashiell Hammett

    Dashiell Hammett is the innovative master and inventor of hard-boiled fiction, an unsentimental style of American crime writing in which the isolated hero exists in a sordid world where treachery is the only norm. Many of these stories first appeared in the pulp magazine Black Mask and exemplify Hammett's formidable literary and moral imagination operating at full strength. These stories introduce the Continental Op, the dispassionate operative from the Continental Detective Agency, a company molded on the Pinkerton Agency, for which Hammett worked prior to taking up writing. In these stories the reader will find the main themes of Hammett's later fiction - the skewed moral environment where nothing and no one can be trusted, the steely-eyed detective whose only interest is to do his job, and the criminals whose depravity mocks the pretensions of the modern world. These stories create a universe of violence and stealth, of cold passion, desperate action, and great excitement. They prefigure not only the world of subsequent detective fiction, but the contemporary world itself.

  • av H. L. Mencken

    A new, completely revised and much extended edition of H. L. Mencken's well-known work first issued in a limited edition as a "preliminary inquiry" in 1919, this book is the most comprehensive treatise on the American dialect ever attempted. It almost exhausts the subject. It is a genuine "magnus opus" of over 500 pages, with extensive bibliographies and a word and phrase index of 12,000 entries. Avoiding the typical dullness of such books about language, Mencken created a thoroughly entertaining read.The bulk of the previous research and writing on the American Language, according to Mencken in the Preface to the First Edition, had been dedicated "to absurd efforts to prove that no such thing as an American variety of English existed - that the differences I constantly encountered in English and that my English friends encountered in American were chiefly imaginary."THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE was nothing less than a declaration of linguistic independence. No more would America suffer the oppression of literary colonialism. A new day had dawned on American literature. "American writers were finally able to take flight from the old tree and to trust for the first time their own dialect," Edmund Wilson observed. "Mencken showed the positive value of our own Vulgate heritage."

  • av James Joyce

    ¿The Dead is one of the twentieth century¿s most beautiful pieces of short literature. Taking his inspiration from a family gathering held every year on the Feast of the Epiphany, Joyce pens a story about a married couple attending a Christmas-season party at the house of the husband¿s two elderly aunts. A shocking confession made by the husband¿s wife toward the end of the story showcases the power of Joyce¿s greatest innovation: the epiphany, that moment when everything, for character and reader alike, is suddenly clear.

  • av Ayn Rand

  • av Walsh James J. Walsh

  • av Tim Fasano

    After resigning his post at the Tampa Tribune, Tim Fasano decided to stop worrying about the rest of his life. An amateur photographer and philosophy major, he began driving a cab. At first the job was easy and fun and put quick cash in his pockets, but as the years went by, the job became harder as the sun-washed streets became dark avenues.

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