Utvidet returrett til 31. januar 2025

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  • - Endgame
    av Camille Picott

    The last battle will be won or lost in cyberspace."Killer ending to the beloved Sulan series! Camille Picott has outdone herself with the seventh book in this excellent YA series." - Goodreads ReviewerAmerica has fallen. Millions have been murdered by a modified strain of the pneumonic plague.A megalomaniac has taken over the White House and proclaimed himself king.In a last desperate offensive, Sulan and her friends set plans in motion for a risky cyberspace attack. To carry out their mission, they will design a new technology as dangerous as the enemy they face.If they fail in their mission, their lives-and the fate of America-will be forfeit. The future is perilous and stripped of hope in this last installment of the Sulan series. See how it all ends in this action-packed finale!

  • - Death Match
    av Camille Picott

    You fight, you kill, or you die."Camille Picott has amped up the pressure in her thrilling dystopian series..." -Goodreads ReviewerTraining.That's what Taro remembers from his childhood.Trained to steal. Trained to fight. Trained to kill. Trained to survive.And now, he finds himself an unwilling participant in underground death matches. His fights are aired in Vex for profit. Taro must rely on every ounce of skill to survive. But survival exacts its own price, and Taro finds himself faced with impossible choices.Meanwhile, Sulan searches desperately for Taro. If she fails to find him, everyone she loves could be lost.In this next episode of Sulan, you will enter a world that is under attack. The masses face genocide and safety is only for those with money and means. Get ready for non-stop action as Sulan and Taro fight to survive.

  • - The Creation
    av Ken Schenck

    This third novella in the Gabriel series has Gabriel recount the creation of the universe up to the fall of humanity in the rain forest of Eden. The account implicitly speculates how the perspectives of modern science might cohere with Scripture and Christian theology.

  • av Toni Conesa

    El somriure de Morfeu - OBRA DE TEATRE - EDICIÓ CATALANA - CATALAN EDITION (Edition: Black & White on Cream Paper)Els somnis i els ideals són difícils de realitzar i fàcils de corrompre. Quan una utopia acaricia la faç de la terra, sempre brollen aquells oportunistes que, per a benefici propi, intenten encadenar aquestaràfega d'aire fresc per evitar que s'oxigeni, amb la seva llibertat, cada racó del món, impedint, així, que la vida sigui un somni, i els somnis una realitat. EXTRACTE: ""No us deixeu seduir pels profetes que teniu enmig de vosaltres, ni pels vostres endevins o intèrprets de somnis. Profetitzen falsament en el meu nom". Jeremies, capítol 29, versicles 8 i 9. Els falsos profetes modelen els nostres somnis, i esclavitzen el nostre cos a la terra prometent salvar la nostra ànima al cel; saben que podem aguantar tota una vida plena de suplicis, però no tota una eternitat. I, mentrestant, Morfeu somriu satisfet en veure'ns confondre els seus somnis amb la realitat. Desperti d'una vegada, mossèn! Quan Déu ens parla a cau d'orella, no necessitem quiromàntics per desxifrar el silenci sagrat.".

  • av Toni Conesa

    2011 - L'esperó de Rocinante - Monòleg teatral. --- SOBRE ELS IDEALS, EL TEMPS i LA BOGERIA ---- Un idealisme desmesurat comporta una escassetat de pragmatisme que sol impedir el ple desenvolupament dels nostres anhels vitals. Aspirar a que el món s'ajusti als nostres ideals en lloc d'intentar adaptar aquests ideals a la realitat sobre la qual intentem materialitzar-los, acaba per ennegrir els nostres cors amb un pòsit de frustració que enfosqueix, com una capa de magma extint, cadascun dels seus batecs.No obstant això, en algun moment de les nostres vides, una sola espurna, intensa i inesperada, pot prendre flames que abrandin aquest magma letàrgic per fer-li recobrar la seva antiga condició volcànica. El desenllaç es tradueix en una erupció vital la voracitat de la qual es veu alimentada per la impossibilitat de recuperar el temps perdut. El remordiment, al seu torn, sembra la consciència amb explosions de ràbia i amargor que dicten nous dogmes amb el fervor del nou convers. El passat, i sobretot els errors que han configurat el seu llegat, encarnen la identitat de l'enemic a batre, i totes les armes que destrueixin o ens allunyin de la seva trajectòria, es forjaran amb l'ímpetu d'un visionari a qui un nou estel ha batejat amb la resplendor d'una flamant promesa que emmascari la ineptitud per conferir-li sentit a la pròpia existència. //// En aquesta cruïlla trobem a Alonso Quijano, traçant sobre les estepes de la seva consciència una cartografia alternativa que molts situarien en els confins de la bogeria. Una bogeria que evidencia la nostra condició humana en la seva forma més grotesca, vulnerable i patètica, però que al mateix temps també ens redimeix d'aquells amarratges que ens allunyaven del caos còsmic que ens va engendrar. Sobre la sorra del desert en què ha despertat, Alonso Quijano traça ondulacions per aixecar l'onatge que el porti a la deriva i el sacsegi amb impulsos de vitalitat que aconsegueixin desllorigar l'esquelet de la seva letargia. Es llança, a pit nu, sobre el mar trencat que s'obre davant els infeliços que no tenen res a perdre. No és una espurna el que el sacseja del seu tedi existencial, sinó una espina que, clavada en el seu cor, el dessagna d'esperances i l'abandona sobre el sender de l'errant cavalleria perquè els nobles ideals que orienten aquesta ordre l'adoptin com a un orfe que ha perdut totes les seves senyes d'identitat. D'aquesta manera, Alonso Quijano s'afronta a l'ocàs de la seva vida amb un llampec de revelació en la mirada, i un tremolor de talons que fa fimbrar els magres flancs de Rocinante amb un calfred premonitori.---- EXTRACTE: "QUIJANO: Cruel és la primavera que et somriu quan la tardor ja ha desfullat les teves branques. Et cruixen els ossos, s'enterboleixen les teves llàgrimes, i s'emblanqueixen els teus cabells blancs com si els records haguessin absorbit tota la tinta del teu avenir. Però encara així, el cor, aquest vailet orfe que salta pel teu interior ignorant les clivelles que esquerden el glaç de la teva sepultura, salta i rellisca sobre l'herba que la primavera humiteja amb les seves promeses d'eterna joventut. Jo no sóc de marbre, sinó de carns toves i no gens impenetrables contra les que ja no valen ni tenen força les càbales de la reflexió. L'amor em va obrir el seu prat i em va captivar perquè en ell collís les seves flors més belles, les mateixes que, un cop embriagat amb la seva aroma, el desencantament va alterar, mudar i transformar en roques d'afilats cantells. Amb sang a les mans, va bufetejar la sòbria realitat al desolat cor que, com un càndid vailet, s'havia arriscat a jugar. Es va allunyar de la riba la barqueta i va naufragar sense rems, vela, eixàrcia o timó. Crec que existeixen fruits prohibits el caprici dels quals té per únic objectiu evidenciar el desesperat patetisme del temps perdut, doncs en aquest punt de la meva existència, jo encara no sé què punyetes he fet amb la meva vida...".

  • - Escape
    av Camille Picott

    Staying is dangerous. Leaving is suicide."...this thing is jam packed with action.""A not to be missed addition to the series!"-Reviews from GoodreadsSulan is in possession of a secret-a secret that has earned her a powerful enemy.If she stays in the Dome, she will be imprisoned, tortured, or worse.If she flees, worse dangers await in the unrelenting wilderness of Alaska. She will face sub-zero temperatures, an unstable landscape, and an enemy that will stop at nothing to silence her.Get ready for blizzards, isolation, and a desperate bid for survival. The stakes are higher than ever in the fifth episode of the Sulan series.

  • - The Jewel of Seven Stars
    av Bram Stoker
    1 100 - 2 694,-

    The Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Bram Stoker, first published by Heinemann in 1903. The story is a first-person narrative of a young man pulled into an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.

  • av Stoker Bram Stoker
    208 - 485,-

  • av Bram Stoker
    2 694,-

    The Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Bram Stoker, first published by Heinemann in 1903. The story is a first-person narrative of a young man pulled into an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.

  • av Patti Benning

    Everything is coming up roses...And murder.When deli owner and amateur sleuth, Moira Darling, opens the deli on Mother's Day morning, she assumes that the roses she finds on the counter are from her daughter... until she finds a stranger's body slumped behind the counter. While Darling's DELIcious Delights is closed for the police investigation, Moira has nothing to do but ponder the mystery of the dead man and the flowers. When the police discover a strange connection between the victim and Moira, she is frightened and horrified beyond belief. Questions haunt her day and night. Who was the man in the deli, why had he been killed, and what did all of it mean? Will she be next?Find out the answers to all of that and more in this deliciously fast-paced Cozy Mystery!

  • - Brides of the Kindred 19

    Slave to Love...Varin is a Vision Kindred and an elite bodyguard, bound to Princess Brynnalla of Galen Prime. Though he can never have her, Varin is sworn to protect her with his life...but there are some things even he can't protect her from. When Brynn's parents sell her to a race of insectile beings called the Hive as a Breeding Queen, he must risk everything to get her back...even at the risk of losing his bond with her forever.

  • - Knock
    av Geo Dell

    Beth had stopped at the edge of the housing development. It was dark, lit only by the headlights of the truck. Cars and trucks sat neatly in driveways. The streets were empty. Heavy dust seemed to blanket the whole scene. Little trails cut from place to place."Spooky," Billy said. "Volcanic ash?""Probably... What do you think the trails are?"Billy frowned. "It has to be the dead.""It doesn't have to be the dead... Could be small animals raiding house to house... No garbage any more so they have to get into those houses and get what they can or starve... Or it could be the dead.""Great, you had me ha..." Something hit the truck hard and it rocked on its springs. The smell of death hit them about the same time, and Beth hit the gas, mashing the pedal into the floor boards.A rotting hand came through the open back window and fastened around Beth's throat, her hands left the wheel as she was yanked backwards; the truck spun hard to the left and accelerated, her foot still mashed on the gas. Billy lifted his gun and shot the zombie in the face. It seemed slow motion at first, the face exploded as it fell away into the back of the pickup, Beth drew a deep breath and tried to grab the wheel, but it was too late. Everything sped up to real time and the truck roared forward and slammed into the side of a house, continuing on through the wall and into it. Her foot had slammed down on the brake and the truck finally stopped several feet inside the house.Billy hit the dashboard hard and then rebounded and slid under the dash as the truck plunged into the house. Seconds later he scrambled out from under the dash, the smell of gasoline was strong, the smell of the hot motor equally strong. He looked over at Beth but she seemed dazed, her eyes unfocused, a trickle of blood running from somewhere under her hairline, mumbling softly under her breath. Billy levered his door open with a little help from his foot, it screeched as it opened. The screech of metal was very loud in the silence of the house. The headlights were still on, illuminating what looked to be a kitchen.The smell of death came to him over the smell of gas and hot motor...

  • - The Dome
    av Camille Picott

    What if finding the traitor is more dangerous than letting him roam free?"...the action continues in this third episode of the Sulan series!""...the imagination the author has managed to embed into the world building completely amazes me.""Loved it!!!! Totally looking into getting a hold of the next set of books!!!"-Reviews from GoodreadsThere is a League mole in the Dome. Sulan will stop at nothing to find him.If that means breaking into a high-ranking mercenary's house, she'll volunteer. If that means helping her friends build an illegal Vex modem, she'll cover for them. If that means infiltrating a restricted access area to plant an illegal device, she'll find a way.If Sulan is discovered, her family will be banished from their protected life in the Dome. If she can't find the mole, everyone's life in the Dome is at risk of another League attack.In this next installment of Sulan, get ready to enter the Dome. On the outside, it's the utopia of a lost era. On the inside, it's a tightly regulated dictatorship where obedience is not only expected, but demanded.

  • - Activity Coloring Book
    av Ty Cunningham

    Alaska has some of the most distinct and varied wildlife species anywhere in the world. It is a place that grows large mammals. They call Alaska, "The Last Frontier" and it holds are attention and creates within us an imagination of what it would be like to see some of these animals in the outdoors. This outdoor activity coloring book is for grade school students and any children and/or youth interested in learning the basics about mammal footprints and animal tracking. Most animals are nocturnal, which means they only come out at night. But, when the sun comes up we can see the gifts that all these wild animals left for us--tracks! These tracks tell a story of what happened while you were sleeping. So, take this book and learn how to see wildlife tracks and to read the stories left by the animals for you to follow.

  • av Kevin D Money

    Children often think that in order to win a parent's love and affection they have to do something. This couldn't be further from the truth. Yet, in the quest for approval, children do some crazy, awesome, & amazing things that should bring us closer to them and them closer to us.

  • - Book 13 in The Darling Deli Series
    av Patti Benning

    Sometimes the best of intentions...Have dire consequences.With business thriving and her relationship with the private detective, David Morris, going better than ever, deli owner and amateur sleuth, Moira Darling, is on top of the world. Events take a sudden turn, however, when a fun date at the corn maze with David devolves into a nightmare. While struggling to recover from injuries incurred on her date, and unexpectedly finding herself responsible for yet another furry friend, Moira must dig deeper than ever before to find out who the murderer is, and this time the killer just might be the person that she least suspects.

  • - a Kesk8a story
    av Sherrill Wark

    1694 Port Royal. Ordinary life is disrupted when a beautiful dark-skinned stranger floats in from the Big Bay in a dug-out. She is followed by three self-called slave hunters from Acadia's enemy, New England. The village drunk knows one of these "slave hunters" all too well: the man kidnapped his little sister years earlier, abandoning her at the docks of Boston Harbor. Keskoua, her love-smitten brother, the mysterious stranger, a friend with suspicious motives, and the drunk band together to plan a sea voyage on a cursed ship to find the drunk's sister and rescue the stranger's daughter from slavery."I enjoyed every single page."-Phyllis Bohonis, author of The WildernessI didn't ask it but she answered my question anyway: "These scars on the outside of me are not from being a slave. They are from being thought beautiful and living beside a jealous neighbor. The scars on the inside of me are from slavery. No one can see those.""I saw them," I told her. "I saw them when you were sitting there on the log with Hélène's shawl over your shoulders when you first got here. When Monsieur St-Amand was trying to look into your ears and your eyes with his glass instrument. The fear and anger became even stronger in you. It came out like a storm cloud."

  • - Book 11 in The Darling Deli Series
    av Patti Benning

    Sometimes the answer to a mystery...Is way too close to home.Deli owner and amateur sleuth, Moira Darling, discovers something rather disturbing in her basement while she's cleaning it out. Intrigued, she begins an investigation and enlists the help of her hunky boyfriend, David, to find out what could possibly have happened in the house before she bought it. When the strange trail of clues leads to the retirement home in Lake Marion, Moira realizes that it might not be too late for a decades-old crime to be solved. Meanwhile, her daughter Candice hires her first employee at the candy shop, and Moira's employees at the deli plan a surprise birthday party for her in this fast-paced Cozy Mystery!

  • - Risk Alleviator
    av Camille Picott

    He was engineered for war...but can he be remade for peace?"As a short story, "Risk Alleviator" is packed with greatness...""A second captivating volume with always endearing characters.""I loved this little novella and finding out all about Riska. His back story was fascinating!!"-Reviews from GoodreadsRiska was designed as a war machine.The problem? He kills the wrong people.Condemned as a failed prototype, Riska is slated for destruction.Dr. Hom is the only person who sees Riska not as a malfunctioning weapon, but as a unique opportunity. He is given thirty days to rehabilitate Riska.Can Riska be reprogrammed? Or will he be just another failed science experiment?Get ready to enter the genetics lab of the future. Creatures are made with dark intent as scientists vie for favor among the corporate elite. This next episode of the Sulan series chronicles the origin of Riska.

  • - Book 9 in The Darling Deli Series
    av Patti Benning

    Competition can be murder...Will a delicious recipe be the death of the deli?Deli owner and amateur sleuth, Moira Darling, has her hands full, preparing for the county fair - a big deal in her quaint small town. While her daughter, Candice, embarks upon her new adventure, opening her candy shop, Moira plans to enter a delicious Vegetarian Gumbo recipe from her best employee, Darrin, in the soup competition. The competition is going very well, with the gumbo taking a healthy lead, until the head judge dies under mysterious circumstances. Suspicion falls on Moira and the deli once again, and as she and her hunky boyfriend, David, investigate, the evidence points to a very surprising culprit.

  • - male und lerne 1 2 3

    NEU & ÜBERARBEITET für 2024Mein Erstes Wolof Zahlen von KASAHOROW ist eine solide Einführung ins Zählen in Wolof für kreative und visuelle Lerner jeden Alters. Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die Kontakte zu Wolof Sprechern aufbauen und vertiefen möchten. Lesen Sie die Wörter zu zweit, abwechslungsweise, um Ihre Aussprache zu verbessern, und verbringen Sie gleichzeitig eine schöne Zeit miteinander. Die Ausgabe 2024 enthält aktualisiertes zweisprachiges Vokabular und schöne neue Illustrationen zum Ausmalen.Stellt die Zahlen 1-20 vorZweisprachige Wörter werden mit einzigartigen Illustrationen zum Ausmalen kombiniertZum Üben sind Leerzeichen enthaltenPerfekt für alle, die sich mit Wolof Sprechern verbinden möchten. Kompatibel mit Wolof Kinder Wörterbuch von KASAHOROWBei Kasahorow feiern wir Unterschiede, fördern aber die Einheit. Wir verwenden derzeit die gebräuchlichsten Übersetzungen für ein Wort. Wir sind uns bewusst, dass es auch andere Variationen gibt, die unterschiedliche Übersetzungen verwenden, und wir hoffen, dass wir in Zukunft Bücher erstellen können, die alle Varianten umfassen.Als stetig lernende und wachsende Organisation berücksichtigen wir bei der Überarbeitung jeder Ausgabe alle Ihre Bewertungen und Ihr Feedback. Wir würden uns über Ihr ehrliches Feedback freuen, das uns beim Wachstum unterstützt. Wenn Sie Fehler finden oder Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, damit wir das Problem so schnell wie möglich beheben können. Wir können ein Buch innerhalb von 28 Tagen anpassen. Bitte senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an help@kasahorow.com.

  • - Colorier et Apprendre 1 2 3

    NOUVEAU ET RÉVISÉ pour 2024Mes Premiers Chiffres Gadangme de KASAHOROW est une excellente introduction au comptage en Gadangmeavec les créatifs et visuels pour les apprenants de tous âges. Ce livre est conçu pour quiconque cherche à établir et à approfondir des liens avec des locuteurs en Gadangme. Lisez les chiffres à tour de rôle pour améliorer votre prononciation, tout en passant du temps de qualité ensemble. L'édition 2024 comprend un vocabulaire bilingue mis à jour et de nouvelles illustrations intéressantes à colorier.Présente les chiffres de 1 à 20Les mots bilingues sont associés à des illustrations uniques à colorier.Des espaces vides sont inclus pour la pratiqueParfait pour tous ceux qui souhaitent communiquer avec des locuteurs GadangmeChez kasahorow, nous célébrons les différences mais promouvons l'unité. Actuellement, nous utilisons les traductions les plus universelles ou les plus courantes pour un mot. Nous sommes conscients qu'il existe d'autres variétés linguistiques qui utilisent des traductions différentes et nous espérons qu'à l'avenir, nous pourrons créer des livres qui incluront toutes ces variations.En tant qu'organisation qui apprend et se développe, nous prenons en considération tous vos commentaires et retours d'information lorsque nous révisons chaque édition. Nous serions ravis d'avoir votre avis honnête pour nous aider à grandir. Si vous constatez des erreurs ou si vous avez des préoccupations, veuillez nous contacter afin que nous puissions les régler dès que possible. Nous pouvons corriger un livre en 28 jours. veuillez nous contacter par mail à help@kasahorow.com.

  • av Toni Conesa

    NOVELA JUVENIL - (Edition: Black & White on Cream Paper) --------- La lectura unirá realidad y ficción en esta apasionante aventura para recuperar el ilimitado poder de la imaginación que preserva el diamante azul.--------- EXTRACTO: "Lo primero que debes hacer antes de leer un libro, hijo, es abrirlo por la mitad y, con los ojos cerrados, olerlo profundamente. Mantén los sentidos bien despiertos; no dejes persuadirte por el crujido de sus pliegues, por sus vapores rancios, ni por el rugoso tacto de sus hojas. No se trata de adivinar si es un libro viejo o nuevo, porque los libros carecen de edad; a veces sus páginas albergan pensamientos de un solo día, y a veces siglos enteros de historia".

  • av Toni Conesa

    OBRA DE TEATRO - (Edition: Black & White on Cream Paper)Los sueños y los ideales son dificiles de realizar y fáciles de corromper. Cuando una utopía acaricia la faz de la tierra, siempre brotan aquellos oportunistas que, para beneficio propio, intentan encadenar esa ráfaga de aire fresco para evitar que oxigene, con su libertad, cada rincón del mundo, impidiendo, así, que la vida sea un sueño, y los sueños una realidad.EXTRACTO: "No os dejéis seducir por los profetas que tenéis en medio de vosotros, ni por vuestros adivinos o intérpretes de sueños. Profetizan falsamente en mi nombre". Jeremías, capítulo 29, versículos 8 y 9. Los falsos profetas moldean nuestros sueños, y esclavizan nuestro cuerpo en la tierra prometiendo salvar nuestra alma en el cielo; saben que podemos aguantar toda una vida llena de suplicios, pero no toda una eternidad. Y, mientras tanto, Morfeo sonríe satisfecho al vernos confundir sus sueños con la realidad. (Agarrando a BERNARDO por los hombros) ¡Despierte de una vez, padre! Cuando Dios nos habla al oído, no necesitamos agoreros para descifrar el silencio sagrado".

  • av George Dell

    Tuesday Morning: Watertown Project BluechipMajor Richard WestonHe read the report twice and then carefully set it back on his desk. Johns or Kohlson: One of the two had stolen samples of SS-V2765. It was not a question. No one else had the access, no one else the proximity or knowledge of where it was stored. Two of the virus, one each of the REX agents were missing. Enough to infect several million people, and that was just the initial infection. From there the infected would go on to infect even more, where it stopped was anyone's guess.Knowing it was one of the two did not solve the problem of how for him though: There should have been no way to get it out. Every area of the facility was under surveillance. There had to be more than just one of the two involved. From Complex C they were stripped down, showered: Out of the showers naked and into a locker room where they could retrieve their own personal clothing they had stripped out of that morning: Dressed, frisked, metal wanded and then allowed into the elevators that would take them six stories to the surface. This theft was not something either of them could have committed alone."Alice." He picked up the report from his desk. "I have a problem... A problem that requires your... Expertise. Two fold... First, all the guard and camera operators for C Complex are to be relieved of duty. You will personally interrogate them and find out which of them took a payoff to look the other way... Our boys, Johns and Kohlson... Both or one, smuggled out the virus." He paused... "It hardly matters in the scheme of things, it changes nothing, but it is the principle of the thing." He tossed her the report. "Read it... Quartermasters office... Handle that too?" Alice nodded before she bent and looked over the thick report. "Second thing is the virus agent and the REX agent are out there somewhere." Alice raised her head from the report. "Find it and bring it back?" Alice nodded once more before her head dipped low again. Eyes devouring the report. Weston leaned back in his chair, the cigar that was a near permanent fixture in his mouth, rolling from side to side as he closed his eyes and rubbed at his temples. "It goes without saying... They're all expendable," he added as an afterthought."Sir," Alice said before she returned to reading...Watertown is a mixed tale. It tells the story leading up to the Apocalypse. That tale includes the story of Billy Jingo, Alice Tetto, Major Weston's private secretary. Ben Neo and Jimmy West, hired Killers, and a drug deal designed to hide the transfer of a top secret drug stolen from the Underground Bluechip facility, that goes very wrong...

  • - Book Two in The Darling Deli Series
    av Patti Benning

    A friend in need, is a friend indeed...And no one is going to get away with hurting one of Moira's friends.Deli owner and amateur sleuth, Moira Darling, is doing well in business and life, when tragedy shatters her world. The loss of a dear friend drives her to team up with her favorite Private Investigator again, to get to the bottom of a heartbreaking mystery. As the daring pair delves into the case, the clues seem to point way too close to home, leaving Moira to wonder just exactly whom she can trust in this action-packed tale of murder and deception. If you're in the mood for a delicious Cozy Mystery, pick up this delectable book today!

  • - Colorier et Apprendre 1 2 3

    NOUVEAU ET RÉVISÉ pour 2024Mes Premiers Chiffres Lingala de KASAHOROW est une excellente introduction au comptage en Lingalaavec les créatifs et visuels pour les apprenants de tous âges. Ce livre est conçu pour quiconque cherche à établir et à approfondir des liens avec des locuteurs en Lingala. Lisez les chiffres à tour de rôle pour améliorer votre prononciation, tout en passant du temps de qualité ensemble. L'édition 2024 comprend un vocabulaire bilingue mis à jour et de nouvelles illustrations intéressantes à colorier.Présente les chiffres de 1 à 20Les mots bilingues sont associés à des illustrations uniques à colorier.Des espaces vides sont inclus pour la pratiqueParfait pour tous ceux qui souhaitent communiquer avec des locuteurs LingalaChez kasahorow, nous célébrons les différences mais promouvons l'unité. Actuellement, nous utilisons les traductions les plus universelles ou les plus courantes pour un mot. Nous sommes conscients qu'il existe d'autres variétés linguistiques qui utilisent des traductions différentes et nous espérons qu'à l'avenir, nous pourrons créer des livres qui incluront toutes ces variations.En tant qu'organisation qui apprend et se développe, nous prenons en considération tous vos commentaires et retours d'information lorsque nous révisons chaque édition. Nous serions ravis d'avoir votre avis honnête pour nous aider à grandir. Si vous constatez des erreurs ou si vous avez des préoccupations, veuillez nous contacter afin que nous puissions les régler dès que possible. Nous pouvons corriger un livre en 28 jours. veuillez nous contacter par mail à help@kasahorow.com.

  • av Cassie M Shiels

    Macy, Ally and Ruby love Valentine's Day. But when Ally accidentally ruins the Valentine's Cookies for Macy's class can Ally and her sisters fix them before mom comes home? Valentine's Cookies is the second book in The Wonderly Girls series. Book one is called Christmas Socks.

  • - Josefine Münzhuber - Eine moderne Lehrerin im vergangenen Jahrhundert
    av Vera Litti

    Hakuna Matata - Alles kein Problem im LEBEN Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Lebensgeschichte von Josefine Münzhuber, einer inspirierenden Persönlichkeit, die durch ihre Lebenserfahrungen und Entschlossenheit beeindruckt. In unserer Zusammenarbeit habe ich Josefine als äußerst interessante Person kennen lernen dürfen, und wir hatten viel Freude bei unserer Arbeit.Josefine's Lebensweg war geprägt von der Überwindung zahlreicher Herausforderungen und Traumata, darunter auch die Bewältigung der Auswirkungen des 2. Weltkrieges. Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten hat sie stets das Beste aus ihrem Leben gemacht.Als Trainer und Coach für Ziel-, Zeit- und Selbstmanagement möchte ich anhand von Josefine's Biografie verdeutlichen, dass es möglich ist, seine Ziele zu erreichen, selbst wenn es manchmal Geduld erfordert.Bereits im ersten Schuljahr hatte Josefine ihr berufliches Ziel klar vor Augen: Sie wollte Lehrerin werden. Durch glückliche Umstände konnte sie diesen Traum verwirklichen, was zu ihrer Zeit eine bemerkenswerte Leistung war. Über 40 Jahre lang widmete sie sich mit Leidenschaft ihrem Beruf als Lehrerin.Josefine's Geschichte ist auch ein Beispiel dafür, wie sich die Rolle der Frau in Politik und Beruf im Laufe der Zeit verändert hat. Trotz gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen hat sie ihren eigenen Weg gewählt, auch nach ihrer Hochzeit weiterhin als Lehrerin zu arbeiten.Ich möchte mit dieser Biografie Menschen dazu ermutigen, ihre Träume zu verfolgen und ihr Leben selbst in die Hand zu nehmen, unabhängig von ihrem sozialen oder wirtschaftlichen Hintergrund.Besonders beeindruckend fand ich, wie Josefine schon als Kind den Wunsch hatte, den Kilimandscharo zu sehen. Dank ihres Durchhaltevermögens hat sie dieses Ziel schließlich fast 80-jährig erreicht und war bereits mehrfach in Tansania. Darüber hinaus hat sie eine Mädchen-Schule unterstützt, die nach ihr benannt wurde.Josefine's Geschichte zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, an seinen Träumen festzuhalten und trotz Hindernissen aktiv am Leben teilzunehmen. Ihr Lebensweg verdient meinen größten Respekt und ermutigt mich, meinen eigenen Träumen nachzugehen.Ich lade die Leser ein, sich von Josefine's Lebensgeschichte inspirieren zu lassen und ihren eigenen Träumen zu folgen.Herzliche Grüße, Vera Litti

  • av Toni Conesa

    MONÓLOGO TEATRAL "TRAQUIJOTESCO"----ACERCA DE LOS IDEALES, EL TIEMPO Y LA LOCURAUn idealismo desmesurado conlleva una escasez de pragmatismo que suele impedir el pleno desarrollo de nuestros anhelos vitales. Aspirar a que el mundo se ajuste a nuestros ideales en lugar de intentar adaptar dichos ideales a la realidad sobre la cual intentamos materializarlos, acaba por ennegrecer nuestros corazones con un poso de frustración que oscurece, como una capa de magma extinto, cada uno de sus latidos.-----Sin embargo, en algún momento de nuestras vidas, una sola chispa, intensa e inesperada, puede prender las llamas que inflamen ese magma aletargado para hacerle recobrar su antigua condición volcánica. El desenlace se traduce en una erupción vital cuya voracidad se ve alimentada por la imposibilidad de recuperar el tiempo perdido. El remordimiento, a su vez, siembra la conciencia con explosiones de rabia y amargura que dictan nuevos dogmas con el fervor del nuevo converso. El pasado, y sobre todo los errores que han configurado su legado, encarnan la identidad del enemigo a batir, y todas las armas que destruyan o nos alejen de su trayectoria, se forjarán con el ímpetu de un visionario a quien un nuevo lucero ha bautizado con el resplandor de una flamante promesa que enmascare la ineptitud para conferirle sentido a la propia existencia. ----- En tal encrucijada encontramos a Alonso Quijano, trazando sobre las estepas de su conciencia una cartografía alternativa que muchos situarían en los confines de la locura. Una locura que evidencia nuestra condición humana en su forma más grotesca, vulnerable y patética, pero que al mismo tiempo nos redime de aquellos amarres que nos alejaban del caos cósmico que nos engendró. Sobre la arena del desierto en el que ha despertado, Alonso Quijano traza ondulaciones para levantar el oleaje que lo lleve a la deriva y lo vapulee con impulsos de vitalidad que consigan descoyuntar el esqueleto de su letargo. Se lanza, a pecho desnudo, sobre el mar quebrado que se abre ante todos los infelices que no tienen nada que perder. No es una chispa lo que lo sacude de su tedio existencial, sino una espina que, clavada en su corazón, lo desangra de esperanzas y lo abandona sobre el sendero de la andante caballería para que los nobles ideales que orientan dicha orden lo adopten como a un huérfano que ha perdido todas sus señas de identidad. De esta manera, Alonso Quijano se afronta al ocaso de su vida con un relámpago de revelación en la mirada, y un temblor de talones que cimbrea los magros flancos de Rocinante con un escalofrío premonitorio.-----EXTRACTO: "QUIJANO: Cruel es la primavera que te sonríe cuando el otoño ya ha deshojado tus ramas. Te crujen los huesos, se enturbian tus lágrimas, y se emblanquecen tus canas como si los recuerdos hubieran absorbido toda la tinta de tu porvenir. Pero aún así, el corazón, ese zagal huérfano que corretea en tu interior ignorando las grietas que resquebrajan el hielo de tu sepultura, salta y resbala sobre la hierba que la primavera humedece con sus promesas de eterna juventud. Yo no soy de mármol, sino de carnes blandas y no nada impenetrables contra quienes ya no valen ni tienen fuerza los barruntos de la razón. El amor me abrió su prado y me cautivó para que en él cosechara sus flores más bellas, las mismas que, al embriagarme con su aroma, el desencanto mudó, trocó y trastocó en rocas de afilados cantos. Con sangre en las manos, abofeteó la sobria realidad al cuitado corazón que, como un cándido zagal, se arriesgó a jugar. Se alejó de la orilla el pequeño batel y naufragó sin remos, vela, mástil ni jarcia. Creo que hay frutos prohibidos cuyo antojo tiene por único objetivo evidenciar el desesperado patetismo del tiempo perdido, pues en tal punto de mi existencia, yo aún no sé qué demonios he hecho con mi vida...".

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