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    2 495,-

    We have been told to "drink lots of water" whether in health or illness. This precious and essential nutrient of life that forms the basis of the majority of metabolic reactions within this body is being shown by research to emerge as a "healer" of diseases. This book is one of the first to show the biological aspects of water in a concise manner backed by scientific research. "How much water should we have?"-reading this book can offer insights as to the "dynamic complexity" of the homeostasis of water in the human body to guide what is the recommended intake for regular and pregnant individuals. Research has also been presented as to how water can influence our cognition and mood positively.

  • - Gut Bacteria
    av Shivsanjeevi Sripathi and Prerna Pandey
    2 510,-

    We have heard the adages often of "the gut feeling" or "feeling sick in the stomach" or "butterflies in the stomach". Often when we are ill, the appetite is often a symptom. This makes our gut a vital indicator of health. Along with the genetic material we inherit the gut microbiota. With this background, research is uncovering alterations in our gut microbiota in several diseases. Apart from well-known inflammatory conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, this book looks at how our gut tenants are altered and the consequences in other conditions like nervous system diseases, diabetes, cancer, lung diseases, the latest COVID-19 epidemic, and depression.

  • av Khushboo Chaudhary and Pankaj Kumar Saraswat
    2 510,-

    As a field of science, biology helps us understand the living world and the ways its many function, evolve, and interact. This guide book has covered a range of syllabus and the student is an easy way to go through this book content. The chapters have been so arranged to give a sequential knowledge of the introductory basic biochemistry, enzymology, cell biology and molecular biology, techniques in biochemistry, biotechnology, plant and animal tissue culture in this guide book. This book would serve not only for undergraduate but postgraduate students of all life science students, and also research scholars of various universities.

  • av Khushboo Chaudhary and Pankaj Kumar Saraswat
    2 510,-

    Microbes are vitally important to all life on Earth. As versatile organisms, they play a major role in various biochemical processes such as biodegradation, biodeterioration, climate change, food spoilage, epidemiology and biotechnology. The exponential rise in the quantity of scientific information and the rate at which new discoveries are made, require much elaborated, interdisciplinary and up-to date information and their understanding. The book "Microbiology Concepts with Experiments for Agricultural and Food Microbiology" has been written to serve as a guidebook for undergraduates and postgraduates of different universities. The chapters have been so arranged to give a sequential knowledge of the introductory basic agricultural microbiology, molecular biology, and plant metabolic pathways, elements of immunology, industrial microbiology, fermentation technology and principle working of basic equipment's in this guide book.

  • - Generation, Analysis and Process Influence
    2 510,-

    This book focuses on the effect of processing and components of the food and its flavor. The topic discussed include: Introduction to food flavors; Natural Food Flavors; Analysis of Food Flavors; Aroma of fruits and vegetables; Aroma of Meat Products; Autoxidation and flavors; Flavors in Nutraceutical foods; Process influence; Nanotechnology for Food Flavors; Advances in Food Flavor Technology and Problems with Food Flavors. The first part of the book reviews the flavors of food, it explains the flavors that are the sensory impressions we experience when consuming foods and beverages formed by the chemical sensations of taste and smell. The first two chapters discuss food flavor and natural flavors of the food, Chapter three reviews the different methods and techniques to analyze the flavors of food, it reviews the way flavor is detected and measure. Chapter four provides detailed information about the aroma of both fruits and vegetables. The next Chapter is about meat it explains the aroma of meat products. Chapter six discusses autoxidation i.e. spontaneous oxidation of a compound in air and the flavours of food. Seventh Chapter is explains nutraceutical foods and provides information regarding the flavors in them. Chapter eight discusses the influence of process on the food flavour. The next Chapter explains the Nanotechnology for Food Flavors. Second last Chapter is all about the advances in Food Flavor Technology and the Final Chapter discusses the different Problems with Food Flavours. Information provided in this book will be useful to technologists, scientists, and chemists working in flavour chemistry. It is a valuable reference for R&D staff, those responsible for sensory evaluation of foods and product development, as well as academics and students involved in flavour science.

    2 725,-

    Veterinary physiology deals with the investigation of animal systems and the functioning of these biological systems. It includes the study of study of how animals work and the physical and chemical processes that occur within animals. ... Veterinary physiology includes both anatomy and physiology of an animal. In veterinary education and research, biochemistry is highly relevant to the metabolism and function of animals in health and disease and forms the basis for an intelligent understanding of major aspects of veterinary science and animal husbandry.

  • av Gunjan Singh and Khushboo Chaudhary
    2 510,-

    Plant biotechnology complements plant breeding efforts by increasing the diversity of genes and germplasm available for incorporation into crops and by significantly shortening the time required for the production of new cultivars, varieties and hybrids. This book has covered a range of syllabus and the student finds an easy way to go through this book content. This guide book has been prepared for students that they have acquired or gain fair knowledge of Plant biotechnology and easy presentation of language has written for a proper understanding of each and every topic. This book would serve not only for undergraduate but postgraduate students of biotechnology and also research scholar of various universities.

    2 510,-

    Fruits are an essential part of our diet. Minor fruits are referred to as the fruits that have been domesticated, have high value but are not grown widely. This book consists of ten chapters on various fruits and medicinal and aromatic plants. Each chapter consists of an introduction to fruits and medicinal plants. Give a brief explanation about the nutritional value, processing of minor fruits. This book also covers medicinal plants along with their medicinal value. It also gives information about the history of aromatic and medicinal plant. This book, which contains thousands of references and colorful photographs stands as unique of its own. Undergraduate, graduate students researchers, horticulturists, agricultural research scientists, fruit growers and Consumers across the world will find this book very informative as well as practical.

    2 602,-

    Discusses recent trends and discoveries in physical organic chemistry. The text provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of field. The field is a rapidly developing one, with results and methodologies finding application from biology to solid state physics.

    2 495,-

    Focuses on community-level topics relevant to human interaction with vegetation, including global change, nature conservation, nature management, restoration of plant communities and of natural habitats, and the planning of semi-natural and urban landscapes.

    2 495,-

    Pests and plant interaction is a dynamic system, which is beyond our Imaginations and thoughts in the universe. Plants and insects are highly diverse groups due to their ability to exploit a wide range of niches, from the desert to the arctic zone and also almost all the plant species growing on the planet. Plants and insects make up together approximately half of all known species of multicellular organisms. Each plant interacts with insects in a different manner; insects may act as protection, dispersers, or fertilizers for plants while plants may be a food/energy resource or nest location for insects. In an environment with changing availability and quality of host plants, phytophagous insects are under selection pressure to find quality hosts. They need to maximize their fitness by locating suitable plants and avoiding unsuitable ones. Thus, they have evolved a finely tuned sensory system, for detection of host cues, and a nervous system, capable of integrating inputs from sensory neurons with a high level of spatio-temporal resolution. Insect responses to cues are not fixed but depend on the context in which they are perceived, the physiological state of the insect, and prior learning experiences. However, there are examples of insects making 'mistakes' and being attracted to poor quality hosts. While insects have evolved ways of finding hosts, plants have been under selection pressure to do precisely the opposite and evade detection or defend themselves when attacked. Once on the plant, insect-associated molecules may trigger or suppress defence depending on whether the plant or the insect is ahead in evolutionary terms. Plant volatile emission is influenced by defence responses induced by insect feeding or oviposition which can attract natural enemies but repel herbivores. Conversely, plant reproductive fitness is increased by attraction of pollinators. Interactions can be altered by other organisms associated with the plant such as other insects, plant pathogens, or mycorrhizal fungi. Plant phenotype is plastic and can be changed by epigenetic factors in adaptation to periods of biotic stress. Space and time play crucial roles in influencing the outcome of interactions between insects and plants. This book has been designed to suit the knowledge and pursuit of the researcher and scholars and to empower them with various aspects of plant-pest interactions, so that they are updated with the information. I hope that the readers find the book explanatory and insightful and that this book is referred by the scholars across various fields.

    2 495,-

    Aquatic plants are plants that grow in and around water and have structural, functional, and economical roles in an aquatic ecosystem. This book covers biology and the importance of aquatic plants in food, health, and biofuel industries. This book also discusses their role in water treatment and resource recovery. This book also enlightens the readers about the different types and uses of aquatic plants. Additionally, this will provide highlights on the anatomy of aquatic plants, anatomical adaptations of aquatic plants, life forms of the aquatic plants, evolution, distribution and diversity of aquatic plants, cellular biology, physiology, and morphological adaptions of the aquatic plants. This book also sheds light on the future economic and environmental impacts of microalgal technology. This book also mentions the impact of changing the global environment on the water plants, environmental impacts of the microalgae technology, impacts to aquatic biodiversity, and terrestrial impacts. This book is an important resourse material for students of undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholars working the field of hydroplant ecosystem. This book has been designed to suit the knowledge and pursuit of the researcher and scholars and to empower them with various aspects of the aquatic plants, so that they are updated with the information.

    2 495,-

    This book takes the readers through several different aspects of vegan food, vegan diets, comparison between veganism and vegetarianism. This book sheds light on the several concepts of vegan food and diet, its benefits, food justice, public health nutrition and the vegan studies in the discipline of religion, the anthropology and archaeology of food and the future of veganism. A healthy, plant-based diet requires planning, reading labels, and discipline. Vegetarian diets do not contain meat, poultry or fish; vegan diets further exclude dairy products and eggs. In general, vegetarian diets provide relatively large amounts of cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetarian diets are usually rich in carbohydrates, n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B12 and Zn; vegans may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B12 and low intakes of Ca and vitamin D. This book has been designed to suit the knowledge and pursuit of the nutritionist, dietitian, students, researcher and scholars and to empower them with various aspects of the vegan food so, that they are updated with the information.

  • - Insights
    av Shivsanjeevi Sripathi and Prerna Pandey
    2 495,-

    Hypertension is described as the "silent killer" often showing no distinct symptoms or warning signs. The condition is estimated to affect 1.13 billion people across the globe with two-thirds in low/middle-income countries. This book presents research-backed data as to the trend in hypertension in children and adolescents along with associated factors such as sleep and even the impact of seasons! Another USP of this book is the connection between COVID-19 infection and hypertension. Overall, this book presents the current scenario of hypertension along with new advances and current gaps to help us to tackle the "silent killer".

    2 495,-

    The concept of domesticating plants dates back to ancient times with initial dependence on natural changes and later approaches using mutagenesis. In order to address the issue of food insecurity due to population demands, decrease in arable land (due to excessive human interference) and climate change, the concept of "gene editing" is being pursued among the slew of approaches by researchers. This book comes at a time given that the year 2020 was ten years since the use of homing endonucleases and zinc finger nucleases to produce the first gene-edited plants. The year 2012 saw the emergence of CRISPR/Cas9, which subsequently altered the arena of gene editing to receive "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2020." The book concisely summarizes the concept of genome editing and its relevance in plants along with the approach, as described by research. Latest developments in approaches along with case studies and examples of genome editing have been elucidated. Further, the current scenario of the regulatory checklists across several countries concerning genome-edited plants has also been presented to enable a reader to gain a complete picture.

    2 648,-

    The appearance of climate change in the form of extreme weather conditions is not a new challenge to the world. Water has been always an important need in any sector of human activity. In recent years the importance has increased especially in arid and / or semi-arid regions where water resources have become increasingly scarce. Though the importance is very much pertinent in drylands, the opinion of most of the researchers is that the irrigated regions of the country behold the relevance as world food production from irrigated agriculture represents more than 40 % of the total. This book illustrates natural water cycle (i.e. hydrological cycle), recent advances in hydrometeorological predictions, with an emphasis on modern forecasting techniques and meteorological observations. The topic of hydrometeorology includes a broad range of areas, such as weather radar, satellite and other monitoring techniques, flow routing, hydraulic models, rainfall-runoff, and Mathematical Weather Predictions. Primary applications of hydrometeorology include drought forecasting, flood forecasting, reservoir management, climate change assessment, water quality and water resources studies. Therefore, this book is intended for development students, researchers, policymakers, progressive farmers, and media peoples interested in water management and hydrometeorology under change in climate.

    2 648,-

    Paleoclimatology is the study of climate prior to the period of instrumental measurements. This book provides an enlightened approach towards the conceptualization of interacting components of the Earth system and their various features affecting the climate. This book elaborates paleoceanic techniques developed to gather data on stable isotopes, radiogenic isotopes, biogenic compounds and, elements. Additionally, paleoceanic processes such as paleotides, radiation, change in the oceanic base and, ice have been discussed in detail. Moreover, Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) modeling and methods of climate change have also been discussed. Through this book, we emphasized on worldwide climate change and its impact on human evolution. This book can deliver a great deal of vital information to scientists, environmentalists, policy makers, professors and students. Students and teachers from the background of environmental science, geology, petrology, botany, and zoology can take away valuable information from this book.

    2 495,-

    Mariculture is an important role in world economy. From long period of time mariculture are cultivating their traditional way, but now a days adopting new technology and other experiences in their field. In this book takes the reader, types of mariculture and its operations along with the marine environment and structure for cultures. It also provides information regarding integrated multi- trophic aquaculture that is the IMTA, its concepts and current systems. It's also containing environmental and ecological impacts of mariculture and how to manage it. In this book, we include different concept and methodologies related to mariculture and contains the integrated fish farming, backyard re-circulatory aquaculture system and the different types of farming in mariculture. We accentuate the development of sustainable methods such as lagooning and artificial wetlands, sustainable feed management and use of chemicals. We shed lights on the future of mariculture as well as aquaculture, sustainable growth and development in various countries along with defining their diseases. This book has been designed to suit the knowledge and pursuit of the researcher and scholars and to empower them with the concepts of mariculture and aquaculture. I hope that the readers find the book descriptive and perceptive and that this book is referred by the scholars across various fields.

    2 495,-

    Wheat is an important cereal food crop ranked as the third-largest crop produced worldwide. The vulnerability in wheat production due to changing climatic scenarios are seen worldwide. This book enlightens the readers with the wheat crop history of its cultivation practices, prebreeding, agronomic practices, genetics, and breeding, different types of wheat and their utilization. This book is an ideal resource that encompasses challenges associated with changing climate and wheat production. The abiotic and biotic stresses that are affecting wheat crop yield and approaches to combat the issue are also worth reading. This book has been designed to suit the knowledge and pursuit of the researcher and scholars and to empower them with various aspects of the production of wheat so that they are updated with the information. I hope that the readers find the book explanatory and insightful and that this book is referred by the scholars working for wheat improvement.

    2 495,-

    Renewable energy is now powering or assisting several numbers of on-farm necessity of energies, and that varies from water pumping to space heating. Both, farmers as well as ranchers are now increasingly selling energy and utilising these energies into the industry of agriculture (for example, application of solar energy and wind energy). This book takes the readers through an overview or agriculture, its history, and their types. This book further sheds light on the significance of renewable energy in the industry of agriculture and various applications of these renewable energy (solar energy and wind energy) in agriculture.

    2 495,-

    The halal business has encountered significant progress, particularly in the food sector. This volume seeks to investigate the challenges and prospects of the halal food sector in different counties across the globe. The volume suggests that the growth of the halal industry was set off by the expanding interest for halal accreditation and quality approval, just as the advancement of the food business. This is an extraordinary chance for entrepreneurs to fulfill the increasing need for halal food. The test is on the way to improve quality and meet halal guidelines to satisfy a worldwide demand. Some of the topics covered include; introduction to halal food, the history of halal food, the difference between halal and haram foods, and how do you assure a restaurant is serving halal food. This accessible, It explains why there are so many different interpretations of Halal and why this needs to be resolved if international trade is to be developed. The final chapter covers other aspects of Halal, including cosmetics, tourism, lifestyle, and banking, and finishes with a look at what the future holds for Halal. This book is especially useful for the readers from food industry, researchers and faculties working on Halal food sciences.

  • - Resources, Strategies, and Scarcity
    2 648,-

    Water differentiates planet earth from all the other planets in the solar system. At the same time, as the global supply of freshwater is beyond enough to meet all contemporary and foreseeable water needs, its spatial and temporal allocations are not. There are numerous areas in which freshwater resources remain inadequate to fulfill domestic, socioeconomic growth and environmental needs. In such areas, the lack of clean water to satisfy human consumption and sanitation needs is indeed a limitation on human health and productivity, and for this reason on economic growth as well as on the upkeep of a clean environment and holistic ecosystems. This book mentions that researchers must discover ways to take away these constraints. There are a couple of demanding situations in doing that, in particular given an unstable and unsure future climate, plus a rapidly developing population that is driving expanded socioeconomic improvement, globalization, and urbanization. How best to fulfill these needs requires research in various areas of water management. This book identifies the problems facing water managers today, and the research required to better inform individuals who attempt to develop a more sustainable and suitable future.

    2 648,-

    This book gives an overview of the sources and types of air pollution and discusses its effects on the climate and the health of people and the environment. Chapter one begins by discussing the different types of air pollution and how they are categorized. The difference between primary and secondary air pollutants is explained, as well as how each of these types impact the environment. It concludes by going over some of the methods that are being used or considered to reduce the emissions and impact on these different types of air pollution. Chapter two follows with an examination of how air pollution interacts with the climate. It discusses the different types of climates found around the world and how they are classified using different systems. The impact of climate change is explored, including an analysis of which vulnerable populations are expected to be at higher risk from its effects. Chapter three explores what it is to be considered healthy and what factors contribute to this. Different health issues are discussed, separated by which are most common among different age groups. The discussion then turns back to air pollution in chapters four and five, going into more detail about the main types of pollutants. Where the air pollutants come from, what areas of the world experience them at greater volumes, and how they effect human health is explored. Chapter six explores existing policies aimed at reducing air pollution, identifies which organizations are involved in these efforts, and ponders new ways of moving towards a cleaner air system. Different air pollution monitoring systems are also discussed, which are essential when deciding how to effectively reduce the worst contributors to air pollution. Chapter seven returns to the discussion of the effects of climate change on health, exploring the negative effects a hotter climate will have on health, air quality, mental health, food security, disease prevalence, and the ocean. Chapter eight discusses some ways to combat climate change, from personal actions, to changing land management, exploring alternative energy sources, and even considering geoengineering. Chapter nine recognizes that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change, and so looks at some of the ways to mitigate and adapt to the negative effects. Finally, chapter ten asks how the Environmental Protection Agency is helping to combat air pollution and climate change. Their research projects, relationships with individual states, and how they interact with community members are covered and related back to fighting climate change as a community.

  • av Nekesah T. Wafullah and Kuria C. Munene
    2 495,-

    Globally most farmers are considered small scale. For some time, small scale farmers have been ignored. But, with the realization that they play a major role in poverty eradication and achieving food security in both developing and developed countries, governments and stakeholders have put in place measures to promote it. This book looks at some profitable small-scale farm enterprises that different stakeholders promote and how to carry them out profitably. The audience will be taken through general characteristics that qualifies a small-scale farmer and some factor that may determine the profitability of the farmers. The book also highlights some small-scale farming schemes like inclusive value chains that help the small-scale farmer to profitably take advantage of the local and global market. By expounding the benefit and dynamics related to small-scale farming, this book shows some of the strategies that small-scale farmers can be transformed to be more profitable. For small-scale farming to be more profitable the book describes some Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) that a farmer can comply with in order to access the Global market.

  • av Nekesah T. Wafullah and Kuria C. Munene
    2 495,-

    Rodale Institute one of the most reputable institute in organic farming first used the term regenerative farming in the early 1980s. Although the interest of this term did not become popular in the 1980s, there is a renewed interest due to the contribution of agriculture to greenhouse gasses. While some people emphasize on how huge it benefits are, there are some with reservations due to difficulties to estimate the exact benefits attributed to RA. This book provides the audience with an overview of RA, its rationale, critics, and principles in order to accurately understand RA potential and limitations. The book also gives the audience with some tool to measure and quantify the impact of RA and some farming practices that are considered s RA. Filled with great examples and case study, this book is an invaluable source of information for people seeking to know or practice RA.

  • av Shivsanjeevi Sripathi and Prerna Pandey
    2 495,-

    This book explains the various potential and existing applications of artificial intelligence across several fields ranging from agriculture to medicine to space exploration and crops. It is a first-ever book to compile all the applications to enable readers from scientific and non-scientific backgrounds to grasp the concepts and applications of "thinking machines".

  • av Shivsanjeevi Sripathi and Prerna Pandey
    2 495,-

    Close to 77 million people lost their lives due to both world wars. Compare this with 30 million to 100 million loss of lives due to the Spanish flu epidemic. While epidemics are sudden outbreaks over one area, pandemics affect diseases across borders. According to research, epidemics not only target health but also socioeconomic systems. These factors coupled with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has brought the world to a standstill several times make this book most timely. This book presents insights as to the current epidemic threats along with many diseases that are "neglected". A section has also been included on how healthcare providers: doctors and nurses are affected during such epidemics. Further, a chapter on the fear and stigma associated with such epidemic diseases has also been covered. This becomes relevant given and is also one of the unique aspects of the book given that the stigma associated with many diseases is more damaging than the disease!

    2 572,-

    Climate forecasts show the potential to improve agriculture's ability to withstand climate shocks, but it is still uncertain how farmers will use this data in crop management decisions plus whether doing so will profit them. This volume introduces the most commonly used forecasting strategies in agriculture, like probability forecasting, real-time forecasting and ultra-short distance forecasting. These determine the pattern of planting dates and crop varieties, the latter being more common where more extensive weather forecasting methods exist. Hybrid strategies usually use more input elements (such as crop varieties) to define the strategy (such as sowing period). Production estimates indicate that, in most cases, using forecasted values can increase production with relatively minimal loss. The impact depends on the nature of actual rainy season, the forecast accuracy and the kind of response. In wet years, with the consolidation of the policy and accurate forecast, the positive response will be higher. This proves that climate prediction can help farmers acclimatize to climate variability, particularly to help them take advantage of the expected favorable conditions. The realization of possible advantages is related to the context of greater variety selection and enhanced selection. Even so, modern advances in weather modeling have improved the ability to accurately forecast rainfall through dynamic forecasting and statistical techniques.

  • av Rajesh Singh
    2 419,-

    Presents the concept of library management. This book reveals the content and structure of management, which make up its stages defining the mission and objectives of the library, analyzing the environment, choosing a strategic alternative, and organizing the implementation of strategy. This book also examines the organisational characteristics of the library as an object of management.

  • av Ashish Kumar Srivastava
    2 419,-

    Helps students to understand the development of information technologies and their implementation in the field of library sciences for practice of the educational process. This book specifies the needs of students for understanding and learning library sciences in this information age, its personalization, personification, ways of realization, and semantic constructs.

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