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चूँकि दीप्ति ने परास्नातक की उपाधि हिन्दी विषय के बाद संगीत में प्राप्त की इसीलिये इनके गद्य एवं पद्म में थिरकती हुयी अनवरत लयबद्धता स्पष्ट दिखायी देती है। इनके काव्य एवं प्रस्तुतीकरण से प्रभावित होकर आकाशवाणी झाँसी में "बुन्देलखण्ड की उभरती कवियत्री " के उपमान से वार्ता एवं कविताओं का प्रसारण किया।'दिल दरिया है' प्रथम सर्जना-संग्रह सुविज्ञ पाठकों के मध्य अपना स्थान अवश्य प्राप्त करेगा, इस मंगल कामना के साथ।
Chanakya Neeti is the story of Chanakya, conventionally known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. He was initially a professor of economics and political science at the ancient Takshashila University, and later on administered the first Maurya emperor, Chandragupta Maurya, to ascend to supremacy at a young age. Chanakya is one of the greatest figures of wisdom and knowledge in the Indian history; he is one of the finest philosophers and diplomat in the country's past.Chanakya was a King maker and crowned Chandragupta Maurya as the ruler and preferred to serve him as his mentor. The book is a dissertation on the model way of life and shows his in-depth understanding of the Indian ways. These realistic and potent tactics provide a path to live a systematic and designed life leading to success in all facets. If understood well, this book can be an answer to all everyday problems in one's life.Chanakya also introduced Neeti-Sutras, sayings or pithy sentences, which inform people about the ideal behavior that one should carry. He used these sutras to spruce Chandragupta and other chosen disciples in the art of ruling a kingdom. But these sutras are highly relevant to today's times too due to Chanakya's superb understanding of the timeless Indian mindset. It still stands to be one of the best management books for the current times.Chanakya Neetis and Chanakya Sutras have been compiled together in this book to make his astuteness easily accessible to readers. This book was published by Diamond Books in 2012, and is available in paperback.Key Features:* This book discusses Chanakya's influential strategies and ideologies in a very lucid manner for easier understanding.The translation from Sanskrit to Bengali has made the read very convenient.
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In this book, you will find all the diabetes related queries that you could think of about diet, stress, exercises and other miscellaneous queries are answered in a very simple language. You must not have got such simple answers before.Diabetes is a very common illness in the modern times. The number of diabetes patients is rapidly growing all over the world including India. It is a chronic disease and a slow killer killing people by damaging the. kidney, causing heart disease, coma or by gangrene formation. With no permanent remedy at site there is a silver lining. This disease can be completely controlled by lifestyle management, education and changes in diet habits. In advanced cases allopathic as well as ayurvedic drugs and insulin, in combination of lifestyle changes, can keep the diabetic patient completely healthy.
"The Confessions of Arsène Lupin" is a collection of short stories featuring the iconic character Arsène Lupin, created by the French author Maurice Leblanc. Arsène Lupin is a suave and clever gentleman thief who uses his intelligence, charm, and wit to pull off daring heists and outsmart the police and his adversaries. Published in 1913, this collection of stories presents Arsène Lupin in a unique light. Instead of his usual adventures as a master thief, Lupin takes on the role of a detective and helps solve various mysteries and crimes. These stories showcase Lupin's versatility as a character, as he shifts from being a criminal to using his skills to solve mysteries and bring criminals to justice. Maurice Leblanc's writing in "The Confessions of Arsène Lupin" is characterized by its clever plotting, humour, and Lupin's charismatic personality. Readers are treated to a series of entertaining and engaging stories where Lupin's sharp mind is put to the test in solving intricate puzzles and outwitting criminals. This collection is a delightful addition to the Arsène Lupin series, offering a fresh perspective on the character and his abilities. It highlights Lupin's moral ambiguity and his ability to adapt to different roles, making him one of the most intriguing and enduring figures in detective fiction.
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Dr. Raghu Korrapati's newest book is a seminal work that is bound to be soon accepted as a significant and powerful contribution to the literature on higher education. This is his landmark effort to encapsulate in one place all that a research scholar might need during his/her research, be it on any subject or discipline. The result is a complex and nuanced picture of the nature, processes, and contexts of research scholarship in varied departmental, disciplinary and institutional cultures. Undoubtedly, this pivotal and pioneering book will prove to be valuable to both faculty and graduate students who study higher education. Further, institutional leaders, deans, and chairpersons of tenure, and promotion committees who seek to develop vaster comprehension of scholarship will also greatly benefit from this.The book is divided into 5 chapters - Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, and Summary, Conclusions, & Further Review - to provide insights and suggestions on every aspect of research based work and to assist you stay focused on doing the right things. I hope you will find your "new research guide" helpful in guiding you through this learning and exciting phase of your life. My expectation is that you will continue to learn and share the knowledge for the next generations of scholars and researchers.
Mona Asoka Verma nee Pahlajani was born in Sukker of Sindh province, now in Pakistan, in 1940. Itwas only after her marriage in 1964 in Mumbai that she started taking any interest in the kitchen. Whilein Delhi with her husband, she attended cookery classes, and later, first in Kolkata and then in Mumbaishe set up her own successful cookery courses. At one point of time, nearly fifteen of her students ranindependent classes of their own.Mona Asoka Verma has a flair for writing Hindi poetry and is a keen student of Indian classical music.She is a social worker with many years being in the Lion's movement in Mumbai as well as she was forsome time on the advisory board of Chembur Vidya Samiti, Mumbai, which is dedicated to the cause ofpoor women.Mona Asoka Verma has authored four cookery books and two Hindi poetry books, all well received.Mona Asoka Verma is married to Asoka Verma, a senior company executive, now retired. They havea son and a daughter and now live in Noida.
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This book is a biography of Vibha Chugh, that brings to light the wonderful work being done by her social initiative-Sakha: Ek Pehel. Vibha began her journey towards social commitment during the pandemic, when she felt responsible for the street dogs in her locality. She moved beyond feeding them to extending her support to women in the nearby village of Nithari, who learnt the art of crochet to create products that made them self-sufficient. Through this book, the author hopes to inspire people to come forward to serve their community and help to make the world a better place.
Moral Tales of Jataka is a collection of ancient stories inspired by the Buddha's recollection of his past lives on the day he attained enlightenment. The book is written in simple and easy-to-understand language, and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Each story in the book carries an important life lesson that can be immensely valuable to young readers. Jataka Tales can be an excellent gift for children, as it can help instill a positive and constructive outlook towards life. The book is an ideal companion for young minds, offering them both entertainment and enlightenment while immersing them in a world of wisdom.
Aesop's Fables have been cherished for generations and are known to weave invaluable life lessons for both young and old. The retelling of Aesop's stories for children is adorned with eloquent language and beautiful illustrations. These enduring classics leave an everlasting impression, drawing us back time and again. Every time we revisit these tales, we discover new layers of wisdom ensuring that the enchantment of these stories holds us captive, offering fresh insights and lessons with every read or hearing.
Jataka Tales is a collection of ancient stories inspired by the Buddha's recollection of his past lives on the day he attained enlightenment. The book is written in simple and easy-to-understand language, and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Each story in the book carries an important life lesson that can be immensely valuable to young readers. Jataka Tales can be an excellent gift for children, as it can help instill a positive and constructive outlook towards life. The book is an ideal companion for young minds, offering them both entertainment and enlightenment while immersing them in a world of wisdom.
Famous Tales of Jataka is a collection of ancient stories inspired by the Buddha's recollection of his past lives on the day he attained enlightenment. The book is written in simple and easy-to-understand language, and is accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Each story in the book carries an important life lesson that can be immensely valuable to young readers. Jataka Tales can be an excellent gift for children, as it can help instill a positive and constructive outlook towards life. The book is an ideal companion for young minds, offering them both entertainment and enlightenment while immersing them in a world of wisdom.
Famous Tales of Aesop's have been cherished for generations and are known to weave invaluable life lessons for both young and old. The retelling of Aesop's stories for children is adorned with eloquent language and beautiful illustrations. These enduring classics leave an everlasting impression, drawing us back time and again. Every time we revisit these tales, we discover new layers of wisdom ensuring that the enchantment of these stories holds us captive, offering fresh insights and lessons with every read or hearing.
Moral Tales of Aesop's have been cherished for generations and are known to weave invaluable life lessons for both young and old. The retelling of Aesop's stories for children is adorned with eloquent language and beautiful illustrations. These enduring classics leave an everlasting impression, drawing us back time and again. Every time we revisit these tales, we discover new layers of wisdom ensuring that the enchantment of these stories holds us captive, offering fresh insights and lessons with every read or hearing.
Media Revolution 2030, the tenth English novel of Professor Vikas Sharma. Pointing out the role of Media Channels in Indian democracy through Dr. Ujjawala and her team. Confirming the positive side of rural life as Indian villages, producing many engineers, doctors, lawyers, judges, literary artists, scientists, army personnel, teachers, etc. Yet, it is equally true that more than fifty percent villages are without basic facilities of education, health setup, electricity and water and yet the author regards Earth the best place to live. Belonging to the genre of Campus fiction, novel discusses the working of University system.
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Around the sixteenth century, the mankind took more than 100 years to overcome its hardened belief that the Sun revolved round the Earth.In modern times, the fact, that all the cricket we see is institutionally fixed and scripted like a puppet show, lies scientifically proved and publicly exposed since 2013. Yet, like in the 16th century, the totally false notion of natural cricket continues to persist among the masses. It is reinforced more by the vested interests.Strangely enough, even the best minds around fail to comprehend the reality which is not much difficult to perceive.This book will help the readers a long way in grasping the explosive truth through knowledge of cricket betting.
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Gone are the days when India was seen as a country of snake charmers. The second most Progressive economy of the world, India is also home of world class Industrialist like Ratan Tata.Today Ratan Tata is one of the world's top-most industrialists who took some far- reaching decisions in the fast changing Indian economic scenario.Tata is a household name in India. From salt to heavy military trucks are the products of Tata. You name one and Tata must be there.Ratan Tata has all what a man desire in his life Name, Fame and Riches. He is Chairman of the India's most prestigious industrial house.The voyage of jamsetji to Ratan Tata has been presented in a reader's friendly was This book is a sincere attempt to help you know more about Ratan Tam, and of course about his ancestors too.
?Diamond Horoscope 2024? presents a complete prediction for the year 2024 (Detailed Monthly prediction & In-depth Weekly forecasts) with the last four months of 2023. It predicts all about your life is a nutshell emphasizing various aspects like Marriage, Family relations, Business, Career, Marital relations, Travel, Child, Health, Finance, vital Vaastu tips, Saturn's (Shani) effect on all the zodiac sign, Transit movements of various planets, Rahu Kaal, important dates, holidays and festivals in 2024 and much more.
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