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  • av Lorenca Bejko

    "Silenced Voices: The Battle for Human Dignity under Article 3 of the ECHR" is a profound exploration of the fight against torture and inhumane treatment within the context of the European Convention on Human Rights. Starting with the aftermath of war and the establishment of the ECHR, the book delves into the legal landscape shaped by Article 3's absolute stance against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Through detailed analysis, the book scrutinizes the interpretations and significant legal precedents that have shaped the jurisprudence of Article 3. It sheds light on the challenges of applying these principles universally, offering a critical look at the successes and failures in its enforcement. Central to the narrative are the voices of the victims, whose harrowing experiences are not merely recounted but serve as a rallying cry for justice and empathy. Their stories, alongside expert legal commentary, paint a vivid picture of the ongoing violations of human rights and the relentless struggle to uphold them.

  • av Abdikadir Issa Farah

    This book outlines 30 case studies covering a diverse range of educational topics. From pioneering pedagogy and rebuilding hope in post-conflict schools to crisis management, community partnerships, and future-ready education, each case study delves into innovative strategies and successful practices. The Waayosame School is a focal point, addressing issues like inclusive education, digital literacy, environmental stewardship, and holistic student development. These studies collectively emphasize the transformative impact of leadership, technology, community engagement, and equity in shaping a well-rounded and effective educational landscape.

  • av Ali Asgari

    The book provides a comprehensive analysis, backed by statistics and evidence, to help readers understand the implications of these tensions and offers practical recommendations for managing them. By examining shifts in sourcing, production, and market dynamics, the authors shed light on the challenges and opportunities faced by companies in navigating the current global trade landscape. This book serves as a reliable resource for gaining insights into the impacts and strategies related to trade tensions between Iran and China.

  • av Bienvenu Akpity

    Le monde multipolaire est un sujet qui fait polémique sur la planète. Cela constitue un des objectifs principaux qui animent les BRICS. Les BRICS, c'est un groupe de certaines puissances mondiales imminentes animé par des objectifs indéniables. Le présent ouvrage prend acte de l'existence des BRICS. Il vous conduira à sonder leurs stratégies et vous amènera à croire l'idée d'un nouvel ordre mondial.

  • av Corneille Mulumba
    1 272,-

    Dans les années 1980 les tortures morales et physiques sont le lot de tous ceux qui osent élever la voix contre la gestion catastrophique du pays par le régime dictatorial du Maréchal Mobutu. De l¿Europe où il résidait, Corneille MULUMBA, avec d¿autres jeunes congolais s¿est élevé contre cet état des choses. Ils sont descendus dans la rue pour exprimer leur désaccord et leur colère, en solidarité d¿avec les syndicats, certains partis politiques, pour dire non au régime de Mobutu. C'est dans cet élan que l¿auteur s'associe au Groupe des 13 Parlementaires qui venaient d'adresser une lettre ouverte au chef de l¿état pour dénoncer la descente aux enfers du Zaïre de l'époque, au niveau économique, social et en matière de respect des droits de l'homme. Après l'alternance démocratique intervenue au sommet de l'état en 2018, il y avait des réformes et des décisions courageuses à prendre par le leadership congolais, réformes qui devraient permettre l'envol d'un pays aux potentialités considérables. Ce sont ces décisions et réformes, que l'auteur désigne sous le vocable de « piliers », qu'il présente aux décideurs congolais dans cet ouvrage.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Chronology of development of political inquiries under technical dialogue umbrella, Kosovo ¿ Serbia. It was interesting how the technical level dialogue become political talks that means - took another dimension of talks between two countries, which took place political aspect without clearly understanding what are the interests of the Kosovo in this process, and the other side of the conviction to enter into these talks to bring Serbia to the EU and bring political ¿peace¿, between countries with no doubts in the end of dialogue but ¿no guaranties with happy¿. But until now there are a lot of confusion in direction what is the purpose of interests of Kosovo expectations of achieving stability in western Balkan? Or what else interest has Kosovo's state according to easily EU integration? Even the public opinion in Kosovo for these talks Kosovo-Serbia, is full of debates and many suspicions and with doubts, these talks were full of an-normal political confidences with certain aims, and the idea was to avoid public opinion and the noise that it could be done during this dialogue.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Elections are a model of parliamentary democracy, through which political parties compete with each other, and offer competitive programs. Their programs are presented to citizens and, on the other hand, they expect from citizens to appreciate and trust their governance with the state. There are many electoral systems; each state has its own development characteristics, so accordingly it is determined for the most appropriate election model. In some countries we have the majority system, and in some proportions, but it is important to organize elections with equal and equal criteria and criteria for all competing parties in the elections. My district-wide experience is quite interesting, for I've been actively participating since 2000 on election-related issues. I was a participant in the broad political party forum in 2000 before the first local elections were held, and I was an active participant at that time to determine the modality of the electoral system.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Balkan states are still at a stage of political and class transformation. There is no stable market economy that would affect the strengthening of the aspect of building a party political orientation, both left and right Political programs.Balkan political developments are charismatic in two matter: the first is the formation of the economic classes and the second, nationalism as an ideology. Without the formation of economic classes, there is no neither a proper and clear party profile. The problems of the Balkan States are characterized by major economic problems, with a greater unemployment and inefficiency and in bad developments of law and order. Balkan states have long been trying to form economic classes. The Balkan countries are more concerned with the problems of regional nationalism, which is bad and not good for the region. While domestic political developments are not stable. In Albania strives to have clear division but more formal than functional, on the one side there is the right path of the DP and on the other two parties left PS and LSI. While in Kosovo there is no clear division of the political class in formal way are PDK and LDK and another part is LVV, NISMA.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Kosovo has its own social development history and social existence, very interesting and often complicated as a result of many developments. Kosovo started its basic pension scheme with 28 marks in 2002; today this pension is 110 euros, while the retirement pension is expected to be around 240 euros per month. The basic pension scheme is decreasing due to persons who are not in life, while social assistance has fallen far since 2002, which was 53 thousand families, now this scheme content is only 27,000 families this number is falling as in the meantime, the state spending on social schemes has been added to other schemes such as those of war veterans where it is not yet final and the verified list, which currently includes more than 60 thousand former fighters, the new schemes now added women raped during the war in 1998-1999. Kosovo has many social schemes that are still not reformed. Such schemes are understood to receive money from the state budget, about 280 million euros of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which are largely spent on social schemes, while employment is far from every barometer of economic development.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Kosovo local institutions was established since 2000, until that time was a many debate in political and international level according to establish process of decentralization, Kosovo now is country decentralized, and now is period trying to think about local government reform step by step, it was during of this road many interesting developments according to this level of function local democracy. Some international councils, NGO have being active starting from UNMIK and the Council of Europe who have proposed how to consolidate local government and to make operative and desirable for accomplish interest of citizens of different nationalities in Kosovo. The local elections were organized for the first time in Kosovo in 2000, and those at the national level in 2001. The organization of the first local elections was aimed at starting the functioning of local government. After the war, the Provisional Government of Kosovo had appointed the mayors of the municipals, then current municipalities up to the organization of local elections so that there would be no stagnation in governance at the local level and that the citizens would have representatives in the local governance.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Kosovo Diplomacy is new and up to date, so far, the state of Kosovo has recognized 116 UN member states, including 23 EU countries. Kosovo has still work to build a state strategy and modern diplomacy. The state of Kosovo is heavily dependent on the active diplomacy of Western states. Kosovo, the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France and many other European states have contributed to the recognition of the state of Kosovo. Kosovo has its prerogatives in its diplomacy based on peace, the preservation of peace, the democratic development of the state of Kosovo and the region. Its basic foundation of its engagement is peaceful politics, the abolition of violence, the fight against religious extremism and all extremism, respect for human rights, the preservation of the international order. Kosovo is committed to develop good regional relations and global cooperation, considering the recognition of mutual values in the region and beyond. Kosovo is at an important stage in the active development of its diplomacy, Kosovo in the international sphere has a great importance in the Balkan Region.

  • av Blerim Burjani

    Electoral reform should take place in two directions: the technical reform of electoral rules was easier and the reform of the electoral system, while this reform is more difficult to happen, that is, the reform of the electoral system. The reform of the electoral system in semi-majority would have a positive effect on the efficiency of government in the state and in strengthening responsibility. Conditional voting should be removed, it is completely unnecessary, as well as voting by mail should be removed, and replaced by voting in the embassies of the state of Kosovo. Dissatisfied with the work of governments for a while long time in Kosovo has influenced the decrease in participation in elections among citizens, but in 2021 there were more participants, about 47%. The reasons for the increase in the electorate for going to the elections came as a result of a long period of government degradation in the state of Kosovo by the political parties LDK, PDK, AAKAKR, but even now that a new political entity VV has come to power, it has also started disappointment grows in Kosovo, due to the many problems that burden the state from economic, social to education and justice.

  • av Ahmet Efe

    Amidst an increasingly complex world marked by humanitarian crises and conflicts, the protection and well-being of vulnerable populations remain paramount. The book "Management of Abuse, Exploit, and Sextortion Risks" delves into strategies to mitigate abuse, exploitation, and sextortion risks in humanitarian contexts. This comprehensive work explores the distinctive characteristics of humanitarian settings, defines various forms of harm, examines root causes, delves into legal and ethical frameworks, and emphasizes risk assessment and prevention strategies. The book navigates the interplay of reporting, response mechanisms, and future trends while highlighting the pivotal roles of training, audit bodies, investigation bodies, and collaborative efforts. Addressing challenges and charting future directions, the book serves as a guide to safeguarding vulnerable populations, urging humanity to uphold shared responsibility in the face of adversity.

  • av Derese Alehegn

    Ethics has the most basic purpose of Ethiopia's schools, to teach students about moral responsibilities and social values. Students should have moral and civic virtues. Ethics concerned with the rights and welfare of others and social responsibility. Civic education is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and duties. Ethical Education involves exploring different worldviews and beliefs, considering ethical dilemmas and the process of ethical decision-making. Civic Education teaches students about their rights and duties. It theoretically empowers them to participate actively in political, economic, social and cultural affairs. It also acquaints them with the nature as well as power and duties of the government. The major role of civics and ethical education is to produce a 'good citizen'. A good citizen, as explained by Akalewold (2005), is a citizen who understands properly the problem of their country, understand the citizenry obligation to make personal contribution equipped with good ethical and democratic culture.

  • av Yéble Martine-Blanche Poupin

    L¿histoire retiendra que le 08 octobre 2021, un sommet Afrique-France s¿est tenu à Montpellier avec pour participants, de jeunes Africains et le président de la République Française son Excellence Monsieur Emmanuel MACRON. Sans aucune formation en diplomatie, ni aucune initiation à la rhétorique de la prise de parole en public, ces jeunes Africains ont exprimé crûment leurs révoltes et leur amertume au Président Français. Avec un verbe haut, un discours décomplexé, une parole émancipée et assumée, ces jeunes Africains se sont laissés aller à une envolée lyrique qui a réjoui certains, quand elle a choqué d¿autres. Cependant, dans le flot de récriminations faites à la France par ces jeunes gens, une catégorie de récriminations a été omise: la remise en question, voire la dénonciation des pratiques internes à l¿Afrique qui sont les causes des souffrances publiques et individuelles sur le continent noir. Dans ce Livre, Maître Yéble Martine-Blanche OGA-POUPIN de l¿École Endogène d¿Afrique au Sud Sahara intervient pour le rappeler aux participants de ce sommet insolite. Pour la théoricienne de l¿École Endogène d¿Afrique au Sud, un peu d¿autocritique ne ferait pas de mal aux Africains

  • av Kevin Menage

    Dictature gouvernementale, sanitaire, militaire, vaccinale, environnementale, économique, social, patronales dans les pays comme la France, la Chine, Japon, Corée du Nord et Sud, Afrique centrale, etc.J'explique tout les dictature en détail, de comment différencier les dictature dans différents pays du monde. Europe, Afrique centrale, Amérique du Sud, Asie.Vous allez apprendre bien plus de choses que jamais.

  • av Alejandro Moriconi

    Esta obra pone en evidencia la desigualdad de fuerzas que prevalece entre los Estados Miembros de la ONU, toda vez que la guerra preventiva desatada por la Federación de Rusia sobre Ucrania, no solo reafirma una vez más el diseño fallido que en materia de seguridad internacional contempla la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, sino que pone en jaque a Europa y altera el tablero mundial dentro del cual prevalece la voluntad soberana de los Estados por encima de la voluntad común colectiva cuyo propósito principal por garantizar la paz se torna abstracto y lejos de la realidad. Los escritos develan un escenario de guerra dentro del cual Rusia cuestiona la capacidad de la ONU a los efectos de generar pautas de orden global, y al mismo tiempo advierte que la seguridad colectiva de ningún modo puede ser presidida por la OTAN. Su intervención bélica a través de una operación militar especial sobre Ucrania, puso a prueba la eficacia militar de esa organización transatlántica y despertó en ella una crisis de identidad entre sus miembros europeos la que está condicionada a las decisiones que adopte Estados Unidos de America.

  • av Pius Kandolo Mbinga

    Les « Kulunas » sont bien différents des enfants de la rue, communément appelés « Shegués » qui quittent le toit paternel pour aller nuire la paisible population avant de regagner leur domicile avec le butin du vol et du banditisme dans la complicité et la connivence de la famille et de certains voisins¿ Les « Shegués » sont souvent assimilés à des délinquants par défaut car ce sont des sans abris, sans familles pour les uns et des rejetés des leurs pour les autres et qui sont ainsi obligés à vivre dans la rue ou dans certains lieux publics. Ces derniers sont souvent misérables et sans force physique¿ Le Service National a dernièrement recyclé quelques « Kulunas » sur le travail de la terre et la machette qui blessait la population a pu apporter des centaines de tonnes aux familles des victimes d¿hier¿ Nous devons les dénoncer et la police devra avoir plus de moyens pour les mettre hors d¿état de nuire.

  • av Taame Abraha Berhe
    1 149,-

    the transforming society needs an inclusive ideology that can bring combined solutions for our combined problems. It is, thus, a dialectical comboism that can develop combination of ideas to solve combined problems facing human beings. Hence, the author believes that balanced state of living together could not be reached simply by using one sided ideology but is possible with more inclusive ideology, i.e. dialectical comboism. The great aim of dialectical ideology is bringing new possibility to work together to reach synergy for the purpose of synergistic transformation. It is all about build better together in its character. The other great aim of dialectical comboism is to transform domination into cooperation. The reason for this is the idea that peace can¿t be possible without cooperation. In order peace deal to succeed, the need for cooperation, which must be cultivated, is required.

  • av Taame Abraha Berhe
    1 149,-

    ¿Savoir-faire¿ is defined as ¿multitalented Know-how,¿ which is principled working traditions of new policy: from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the ability or skill to perform the actions needed to solve the problem or from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the savvy principle needed to solve the problem, i.e. savoir-faire is ability/savvy principle of new policy paradigm while Omnicrats deal with the government of all by all for all.

  • av Sreewin K V

    Separation of powers is a fundamental principle of modern democratic systems, intended to ensure that no single branch of government has too much power or control. This principle is enshrined in the constitutions of many countries around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, India, and France. However, the way in which these countries have implemented the separation of powers varies significantly. This book provides a comparative analysis of the separation of powers in the USA, UK, India, and France. Each chapter focuses on a particular country, examining the history and evolution of the separation of powers principle, as well as the way it is currently implemented in practice. By comparing and contrasting the approaches taken by these countries, this book aims to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of different models of separation of powers.

  • av Fady Jamaleddine

    Hundreds of financial terms from Islamic Shari'aa view explained in easy vocabulary in order to be accessible and understandable to all. You can easily understand the meaning of the terms without having any specific Islamic and Shari'aa Law background. Islamic Banking & Finance refers to banking and financial services provided in accordance with the principles of Sharia, applied through the development of Islamic economics. The main principles, which underlie the theory of Islamic Banking & Finance, are prohibitory in nature and their infringement is considered ¿Haram¿ (sinful and prohibited by Sharia).The prohibitions are as follows: (i) Loans that carry interest, known as ¿Ribä;(ii) Investment in companies that provide goods or services considered contrary to Islamic principles;(iii) Agreements where ownership of goods is dependent on the occurrence of uncertain, predetermined events in the future, known as ¿Maysir¿; and(iv) Speculative transactions, known as ¿Gharar¿.This document aims to provide concise and accessible reference to the terminology one may encounter when working within the sphere of Islamic Banking & Finance.

  • av Divina Stella Maloum

    Half of the world's top 20 countries most vulnerable to terrorist attacks are African countries. The most significant threats: fusion of terrorism and organized crime; possible control of Africa's strategic resources ¿ such as uranium, gold, diamonds, and oil ¿ by criminal and terrorist groups; obstruction of peacekeeping missions in Africa; high mobility of criminal groups, driven by borders transparency; and uncontrolled movement and proliferation of weapons and agents in the region that must be government controlled, i.e. drones, cyber weapons, and man-portable air defense systems.

  • av Wendy Chibesakunda

    The internet has brought many advantages in the freedom of speech, freedom of expression and has broken many communication barriers in favor of truth and democracy. With the cry for more effective internet regulation, cooperation and numerous joint forces, many people have access to information. There are many Treaties in place that ensure that harmonization of law is in place, but sovereign jurisdiction cannot be disregarded and the extent of the Jurisdiction of the Courts must be respected.

  • av Mamavi Sylvain Attiglah

    Fifty (50) years after the great wave of independence of African countries, the African peoples are more than ever confronted, in this 21st century, with the denial of the Dignity of the African Being. The UN, born of unspeakable human suffering, the UN that General Charles de Gaulle described as a "thing" has lost its soul. It has been emptied of its Charter both in letter and in spirit and has consequently become by its General Secretariat a tool of oppression and destruction of human lives in Africa. To the repeated violations of international law by the West, especially by its Permanent Members of the Security Council, the West, through its institutions, has remained faithful to its primary objective in Africa: to destroy any symbol of freedom and Dignity of the African Being on the continent. We believe that any rigorous analysis must be based on training and/or information. It being understood that the areas of training of each other are very diverse, our duty requires us to make available to our brothers and African sisters and/or other readers as much information as possible at this stage.

  • av Patrick Maloum

    The Earth is in crisis: at the current rate of nature loss, we are threatened with the extinction of up to 1 million species, many within decades, and major loss of food and water. The cost of ecological degradation on lost productivity will be staggering. Our consumption system is the single biggest threat to nature today. Consumption system is unsustainable. Current agricultural methods leading to loss of production base. Lack of access to water is a major risk for the populations of Africa and the world. Many people do not have access to sanitation and basic water services. Nature destruction drives pandemics and disasters with devastating economic and health impacts. Nature destruction aggravates poverty, unemployment and leads to conflicts and migration.

  • av Nicholas Olwor

    The purpose of this book is to introduce students to the exciting and challenging subject of development economics, which draws on several branches of economics in order to elucidate and understand the development difficulties facing the economies of the world¿s poor countries. This does not mean that the book provides a recipe or blueprint for development; far from it. There can be no general recipes of this nature, and even if there were, there would have to be more than economic ingredients. The book combines description and analysis, with an emphasis on the elaboration of simple and useful theoretical economic models for an understanding of the issues that comprise the subject matter of development economics. The desire for material improvement in developing countries is strong, and economics does have something positive to offer by way of analysis unadulterated by political, sociological and other non-economic variables. In the final analysis, growth and development must be considered an economic process in the important practical sense that it is unlikely to proceed very far in the absence of an increase in the quantity and quality of the resources available for production.

  • av Ronny Siyenga

  • av Nabeel Jajo

  • av Manuel de la Mora

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