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Bøker utgitt av Dill Ferreira

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  • av Dill Ferreira

    Dapatkah persahabatan yang baik bertahan dari cinta yang didasarkan pada kenyamanan? Diancam oleh mantan suaminya, yang memanfaatkan putra mereka untuk melanjutkan pernikahan mereka yang gagal, Amanda memutuskan untuk berpetualang dalam sebuah hubungan yang didasarkan pada penampilan. Pernikahan palsu itu tidak ada dalam rencananya; namun, dia dipaksa masuk ke dalam situasi seperti itu. Niat Amanda adalah untuk menjauh dari mantan suaminya dan kembali ke kehidupan biasa bersama putranya, di mana tidak ada ilusi atau penderitaan. Nasib memiliki rencana yang berbeda untuknya, dan hatinya kembali terangsang, memberinya dilema besar: membuat hubungan dengan Antônio menjadi nyata atau mengabaikan perasaan baru itu sampai akhir perjanjian!? Bagaimana dia bisa melindungi dirinya dari perasaan itu? Bagaimana dia bisa menjauh dari pelukan pria yang baru saja dia rindukan? Apakah Amanda bisa menolak pria tampan yang benar-benar jatuh cinta padanya?

  • av Dill Ferreira

    In "Love by convenience," Amanda thought that her life, intertwined with Antônio's, was finally finding stability after dealing with a jealous and conceited ex-husband. Little did they know, the tumultuous storms that would persist in testing their love. Intrigue, betrayal, and heartbreak would leave an indelible mark on their relationship, surpassing their wildest imaginations. Yet, amidst the chaos, a flicker of hope emerges. Amanda and Antônio must confront their personal demons and make agonizing decisions regarding the destiny of their bond.

  • av Dill Ferreira

    Could a great friendship survive a love by convenience? Threatened by her ex-husband, who used their son in an attempt to resume their failed marriage, Amanda decided to go on an adventure of a relationship based on appearances. That fake marriage was not in her plans; however, she was forced into such a situation. Amanda's intention was to stay away from her former husband and return to her ordinary life with her son, where there was no illusions or suffering. Fate had different plans for her, and her heart was aroused again, presenting her with a great dilemma: make that relationship with Antônio real or ignore that new feeling until the end of the agreement!? How could she protect herself from that feeling? How could she stay away from the arms she had just found herself eager for? Would Amanda be able to resist a gorgeous man who is completely in love with her?

  • av Dill Ferreira

    En esta historia, que reconoce el valor del cariño, del cuidado y de la gentileza,el equipo de Ángeles con Patas sobrepasará los horizontes de los animales domésticos.Para mostrar que pueden llevar bienestar y atención a los pacientes internados en camasde hospital.Partirán de usar los sentimientos, lo cual puede tener resultados aún mayoresque los cuidados a partir de medicamentos. Probando así que no basta solo con cuidar elcuerpo. Es necesario también alimentar el alma con amor y con cuidado. Nesta história que preza os valores do amor, cuidado e gentileza, a equipe Anjos de Patas irá ultrapassar os horizontes do universo dos animais domésticos, para levar conforto e amor á pacientes internados em leitos hospitalares. Levarão sentimentos que possuem poder tão grande, e por vezes maiores, que os cuidados a partir de medicamentos.Provando que não basta cuidar do corpo. É necessário alimentar a mente com amor e cuidado.

  • av Dill Ferreira

    A children's story that portrays the friendship between a puppy and the flowers in the garden of his house.When Niquito realize that there are ants attacking his friends, he will do everything to keep the shredders far, and save the beautiful roses from insect bites.The plot deals with feelings like a friendship, zeal and respect between friends and goes beyond the story to touch the hearts of little readers. Este cuento infantil retrata la amistad entre un cachorrito y las flores del jardín de su dueña. Cuando Niquito descubre que unas hormigas están atacando a sus amigas, se emplea al máximo para espantar a esas pequeñas trituradoras y salvar a las preciosas rosas de las picaduras de los insectos.

  • av Dill Ferreira

    A children's story that portrays the friendship between a puppy and the flowers in the garden of his house.When Niquito realize that there are ants attacking his friends, he will do everything to keep the shredders far, and save the beautiful roses from insect bites.The plot deals with feelings like a friendship, zeal and respect between friends and goes beyond the story to touch the hearts of little readers. Uma história infantil que retrata a amizade entre um cachorrinho e as flores do jardim de sua casa.Quando Niquito descobre que há formigas atacando as amigas, ele se dedica ao máximo para espantar as pequenas trituradoras e salvar as belas rosas das picadas dos insetos.O enredo trata de sentimentos como a amizade, o zelo e o respeito entre amigos e vai além da história para tocar o coração dos pequenos leitores.

  • av Dill Ferreira

    Book Bilingual The Pawed Angels, a group of pets that help other animals in difficulties when they get injured in an accident, are in a bad situation, knew from one of their members that due to the Pandemic caused by Covid-19 people weren't collaborating for the Christmas parties, Santa Claus would not have enough gifts for the children. So, they will try to help Santa to get a happy Christmas for the children. They will prove that friendship, love and sharing make all the difference in our lives. Os Anjos de Patas, um grupo de pets que ajudam outros animais, em dificuldade. Quando se acidentam, estão doentes, em situação de risco, ou são infelizes em seus lares e precisam de ajuda, souberam por um de seus membros que devido à Covid-19 poucas pessoas haviam colaborado para as festas natalinas. Que Papai Noel não teria presentes suficiente para as crianças.Então, eles tentarão ajudar Papai Noel a fazer um Feliz Natal para as crianças. E provarão que a amizade, o amor e o zelo fazem toda a diferença em nossas vidas.

  • av Dill Ferreira

    En esta historia, que reconoce el valor del cariño, del cuidado y de la gentileza,el equipo de Ángeles con Patas sobrepasará los horizontes de los animales domésticos.Para mostrar que pueden llevar bienestar y atención a los pacientes internados en camasde hospital.Partirán de usar los sentimientos, lo cual puede tener resultados aún mayoresque los cuidados a partir de medicamentos. Probando así que no basta solo con cuidar elcuerpo. Es necesario también alimentar el alma con amor y con cuidado.

  • av Dill Ferreira

  • av Dill Ferreira

    The detective and negotiator Douglas Fernandes is hired to track down the kidnapping of the daughter of a well-known businessman. In the middle of a journey full of ambition, deceit and abandonment, he will find himself falling in love with the victim, without even having met her. Veronica is an independent, confident woman. However, she will be confronted with one of the most difficult moments of her life. While she is being held captive, she will begin to break the chains of the past and will discover that not everything that seemed to be is in fact. That love can chain a person, but also save her. Encounters, misunderstandings, and revelations will be constant, and the other side of the story can make her even more valuable, or not.

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