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  • av Carroll Quigley
    510 - 568

  • av Roberto Caputo

  • av Broze Derrick Broze & Konkin Samuel E. Konkin

  • av Michel Chiambretto

  • av David Godman

    Présentation de l'ouvrageShrî Râmana Maharshi (1879-1950), le grand sage de l'Inde du XXe siècle, ne fut pas seulement un être d'exception, mais aussi un homme, confronté comme tel aux ¿intempéries¿ de la vie terrestre, et à l'agitation de son entourage. Ici, l'expression hindoue jîvan-mukta (¿libéré vivant¿), prend tout son sens. Dans son récit, Annamalai Swâmî (1906-1995), son proche disciple, nous montre comment le moindre phénomène de la vie quotidienne était sanctifié par un mot, un silence, un regard ou une attitude significative du sage... La voie de ¿l'investigation du Soi¿ qu'enseignait le Maharshi, est continuellement présente dans ces pages, non seulement par des directives précises quant à la manière correcte de méditer, mais aussi dans le déroulement des activités routinières¿: travail (construction de bâtiments notamment), rapports humains, rapports avec la nature et les animaux, etc.L'autre aspect essentiel de ce livre concerne la relation entre le narrateur (Annamalaï Swâmî), et son Gourou (Râmana Maharshi). Sans que cela ne soit expressément dit, le souffle d'une véritable transmission spirituelle traverse le récit, page après page. Pendant les quarante-cinq années où Annamalai Swâmî survécut à son Maître spirituel, il demeura au lieu-dit Palakottu, établi fermement dans la conscience du Soi. Les nombreux visiteurs, Indiens et Occidentaux, qui vinrent méditer auprès de lui, témoignent de la force de sa présence, et de sa dévotion infinie pour ¿Bhagavan¿...David Godman, qui a recueilli et mis en forme le témoignage d'Annamalaï Swâmî, vit en Inde depuis une vingtaine d'années. Ce livre est son quatrième ouvrage sur Shrî Râmana et ses disciples.Note de l'éditeur pour la version imprimée : Afin d'être plus agréable lors de la lecture, cet ouvrage est en format Beau Livre. Dans la même optique, le papier est de couleur crème, ce qui fatigue moins les yeux que le papier blanc. Toutes nos publications font l'objet d'un travail soigné tant au niveau typographique qu'au niveau du design.Note de l'éditeur pour la version Kindle : Nos publications Kindle sont soigneusement conçues, avec une table des matières, un index, des notes de bas de page et références, là où cela est applicable. Un accent a été mis sur la typographie ainsi que le design.Vos commentaires sont les bienvenus sur - Merci d'avoir choisi Les Éditions Discovery.

  • av Anonyme (Xix Degreess )

  • av Derrick Broze & John Vibes

  • - Inspirado en la obra de Samuel E. Konkin III
    av Broze Derrick Broze & Konkin Samuel E. Konkin

  • av Washington Irving

  • - Glimpses of Their Experiments, Experiences and Realisations
    av Kireet Joshi

  • av Michel Chiambretto

  • - Glossaire des mots sanscrits et autres termes particuliers
    av Aurobindo
    220 - 307,-

  • - Notes de Sri Aurobindo sur sa Discipline Spirituelle (1915 a 1927)
    av Aurobindo
    236 - 322

  • - Notes de Sri Aurobindo sur sa Discipline Spirituelle (1915 a 1927)
    av Aurobindo
    276 - 382,-

  • - Notes de Sri Aurobindo sur sa Discipline Spirituelle (1914)
    av Aurobindo
    276 - 366,-

  • - Notes de Sri Aurobindo sur sa Discipline Spirituelle (1909 - debut 1914)
    av Aurobindo
    290 - 396

  • - Contenant l'Enseignement Sp cial Des Esprits Sur Les Manifestations, Communication Avec Le Monde Invisible, D veloppement de la M diumnit , Difficult s Et cueils Dans La Pratique Du Spiritisme: Avec Un Index Alphab tique
    av Allan Kardec
    225 - 325,-

  • - Given Around the World, from 1888 to 1902
    av Swami Vivekananda
    514 - 597,-

  • av Yram & Marcel Forhan

  • - The Wisdom of the Druids, the Swastika, the Pact with Nature, Merlin the Magician, the Legend of the Grail, the Mystery of Tarot, the Ark of Solomon's Temple, the Mission of the Bohemians, the Secret of Buddha and Jesus
    av Maurice Magre
    189 - 273,-

  • - Epistles - First Series, Interviews, Notes from Lectures and Discourses, Questions and Answers, Conversations and Dialogues (Recorded by Disciples - Translated), Sayings and Utterances, Writings: Prose a
    av Swami Vivekananda

    This is the fifth volume of the collection of the books, lectures, letters, and poetry of Swami Vivekananda. This Special Master Edition has been crafted with great care in a 7.5" x 9.5" two-columns format. This edition is confirm to the original edition.Contents:Epistles - First SeriesInterviews Miracles, An Indian Yogi in London, India's Mission, India and England, Indian Missionary's Mission to England, With the Swami Vivekananda at Madura, The Abroad and The Problems at Home, The Missionary Work of The First Hindu Sannyasin to The West, Reawakening of Hinduism on a National Basis, On Indian Women - Their Past, Present and Future, On The Bounds of HinduismNotes from Lectures and Discourses On Karma-Yoga, On Fanaticism, Work is Worship, Work Without Motive, Sadhanas or Preparations for Higher Life, The Cosmos and The Self, Who is A Real Guru?, On Art, On Language, The Sannyasin, The Sannyasin and The Householder, The Evils of Adhikarivada, On Bhakti-Yoga, Ishvara and Brahman, On Jnana-Yoga, The Cause of Illusion, Evolution, Buddhism and Vedanta, On The Vedanta Philosophy, Law and Freedom, The Goal and Methods of Realisation, World-Wide Unity, The aim of Raja-YogaQuestions and Answers I Discussion at The Graduate Philosophical Society of Harvard University, II At The Twentieth Century Club of Boston, III At The Brooklyn Ethical Society, Brooklyn, IV Selections from The Math Diary, V Yoga, Vairagya, Tapasya, Love, VI In Answer to Nivedita, VII Guru, Avatara, Yoga, Japa, SevaConversations and Dialogues (Recorded by Disciples - Translated) I Shri Surendra Nath Das Gupta, II - V Shri Surendra Nath Sen, VI - X Shri Priya Nath Sinha, XI - XV From the Diary of a Disciple, Shri Sarat Chandra ChakravartySayings and UtterancesWritings: Prose and Poems - Original and Translated Reason, Faith and Love, Six Sanskrit Mottoes, The Message of Divine Wisdom, The Belur Math: An Appeal, The Advaita Ashrama, Himalayas, The Ramakrishna Home of Service, Varanasi: An appeal, Who Knows how Mother Plays!, To The Fourth of July, The East and The West

  • - Epistles - Fifth Series, Lectures and Discourses, Notes of Lectures and Classes, Writings: Prose and Poems, Conversations and Interviews, Excerpts from Sister Nivedita's Book, Sayings and Utterances
    av Swami Vivekananda
    282 - 376

  • - Lectures and Discourses, Writings: Prose, Writings: Poems, Notes of Class Talks and Lectures, Sayings and Utterances, Epistles - Fourth Series
    av Swami Vivekananda
    265 - 352,-

  • - Inspired Talks (1895), Conversations and Dialogues, Translation of Writings, Notes of Class Talks and Lectures, Notes of Lectures, Epistles - Third Series
    av Swami Vivekananda
    266 - 362,-

  • - Lectures and Discourses, Notes of Class Talks and Lectures, Writings: Prose and Poems - Original and Translated, Epistles - Second Series, Conversations and Dialogues (from the Diary of a Disciple)
    av Swami Vivekananda
    262 - 353,-

  • - Epistles - First Series, Interviews, Notes from Lectures and Discourses, Questions and Answers, Conversations and Dialogues (Recorded by Disciples - Translated), Sayings and Utterances, Writings: Prose an
    av Swami Vivekananda

    This is the fifth volume of the collection of the books, lectures, letters, and poetry of Swami Vivekananda.This Special Master Edition has been crafted with great care in a 7.5" x 9.5" two-columns format.Contents:Epistles - First SeriesInterviewsMiracles, An Indian Yogi in London, India's Mission, India and England, Indian Missionary's Mission to England, With the Swami Vivekananda at Madura, The Abroad and The Problems at Home, The Missionary Work of The First Hindu Sannyasin to The West, Reawakening of Hinduism on a National Basis, On Indian Women - Their Past, Present and Future, On The Bounds of HinduismNotes from Lectures and DiscoursesOn Karma-Yoga, On Fanaticism, Work is Worship, Work Without Motive, Sadhanas or Preparations for Higher Life, The Cosmos and The Self, Who is A Real Guru?, On Art, On Language, The Sannyasin, The Sannyasin and The Householder, The Evils of Adhikarivada, On Bhakti-Yoga, Ishvara and Brahman, On Jnana-Yoga, The Cause of Illusion, Evolution, Buddhism and Vedanta, On The Vedanta Philosophy, Law and Freedom, The Goal and Methods of Realisation, World-Wide Unity, The aim of Raja-YogaQuestions and AnswersI Discussion at The Graduate Philosophical Society of Harvard University, II At The Twentieth Century Club of Boston, III At The Brooklyn Ethical Society, Brooklyn, IV Selections from The Math Diary, V Yoga, Vairagya, Tapasya, Love, VI In Answer to Nivedita, VII Guru, Avatara, Yoga, Japa, SevaConversations and Dialogues (Recorded by Disciples - Translated)I Shri Surendra Nath Das Gupta, II - V Shri Surendra Nath Sen, VI - X Shri Priya Nath Sinha, XI - XV From the Diary of a Disciple, Shri Sarat Chandra ChakravartySayings and UtterancesWritings: Prose and Poems - Original and TranslatedReason, Faith and Love, Six Sanskrit Mottoes, The Message of Divine Wisdom, The Belur Math: An Appeal, The Advaita Ashrama, Himalayas, The Ramakrishna Home of Service, Varanasi: An appeal, Who Knows how Mother Plays!, To The Fourth of July, The East and The West

  • - Addresses on Bhakti-Yoga, Lectures and Discourses, Writings: Prose and Poems, Translations: Prose and Poems
    av Swami Vivekananda
    284 - 395,-

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