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  • av R. K. Pruthi
    1 373,-

    Indian civilization and culture is not only ancient but it also extensive and varied. Many races and peoples have contributed and enriched it. Its key note is synthesis on the basis of eternal values. Thus the foundations of the two great ideals of Indian civilization-synthesis of cultures and spiritual regeneration of man have been truly laid, on which future structure of India's culture and civilization has been raised.Aim of this series is to compile some perspectives of Indian civilization and culture. It infact, is a romance, telling tale of heroic men, women and their exploits. It is a whole literature in itself, containing code of life, philosophy of social and ethical relations their speculative thoughts and deeds on human problems that is hard to reval. Through such creations alone the harmonies underlying true civilization and culture will one day reconcile the disorders of modern life.This common pool of literature on civilization and culture compiled in this series of volumes, it is hoped will enable the reader, eastern and western, to understand and appreciate currents of world thoughts, as also the deeds and moments of the mind in India, which have a common urge and aspiration that is global prosperity, happiness and peace.

  • av G. S. Rani
    1 304,-

    This book is a research study on generation of employment opportunities for rural women through sericulture in the Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh State. Rayalaseema Region is popularly known for serve drought conditions and the activities like sericulture are having very high growth potential in these areas. Since, sericulture provides gainful employment to women in agriculture and industrial sectors it has occupied a significant place in the area development strategies and programmes of the government of India as well as the state government of Andhra Pradesh.This book highlights the role of women in various activities involved in raising mulberry crop and rearing of silk worms. This research study supports the argument that sericulture is a highly profitable income generating activity to elevate the status of rural poor especially women.This book also provides adequate information support, both primary and secondary nature, and technical analysis of statistical data, which helps the research scholars and students of agriculture, sericulture and other related disciplines in their research as well as academic pursuits.

  • av K. L. Kapoor
    1 387,-

    Introduction; Identification of Anionic Radicals; Identification of Cationic Radicals; Semimicro Qualitative Analysis; Spot Test Analysis.

  • av S. Fatima
    1 178,-

    While teaching plant pathology as a lecturer, I felt a need of a book on the diseases of fruits which occurs during storage. Much literature has been published on diseases of cereals, pulses, oil seeds and garden plants etc. The present book is an effort to inculcate and popularise this branch of pathology among the persons who are concerned this discipline. This includes an updated revised of the reported post-harvest fruit diseases. This will be highly beneficial to the students, teachers and researchers to make them familier with the type of post-harvest rots of fruits and sources of its cause. Definitely this will divert a plant pathologist to think off a neglected branch of post-harvest diseases of fruits.

  • av A. Goel
    1 541,-

    This book has been written for the students of under-graduate and post-graduate level of the various universities in India. A special feature of the book is that the text has been illustrated with a large number of line diagrams and the data presented in the form of numerous tables for reference and comparison. In the preparation of text standard works and review by renowned author have been freely consulted and the reference given chapter wise. At the end of the book will be found useful by those who wish to make a more detailed study of the topics discussed.

  • av Vincent Dias
    1 736,-

    The aim of this book is to provide an extensive and practical resource for individuals interested in materials science and engineering, including students, researchers, and enthusiasts. Its purpose is to accompany your studies and research endeavors, offering a hands-on approach to comprehending the fundamental principles and applications of materials.The book features a carefully curated selection of laboratory experiments that cover key concepts and techniques in material characterization, processing, and analysis. Each experiment is accompanied by clear instructions, safety guidelines, and background information to enrich your understanding of the underlying principles and methodologies. Whether you are a beginner embarking on your materials science journey or an experienced researcher seeking to deepen your knowledge and skills, you will find valuable insights and practical guidance within these pages.

  • av M. Srivastava

    Animal nutrition is a crucial aspect thataffects not only the health of the animals butalso human health and the environment.Recently, there has been an increasedawareness and concern about animal healthdue to the rising incidence of chronic noncommunicablediseases linked to thenutritional quality of food. Moreover, withthe growing concern about climate change,animal nutrition has gained additional importance as it can contributeto reducing the environmental impact of animal production.This book explores the most important effects and possibilities of animalnutrition, including improving animal health, enhancing the nutritionalvalue of animal products for human consumption, and reducing theenvironmental impact of animal production. It also examines the role ofenzymes in animal nutrition and food production, providing useful insightsfor researchers, students, and professionals in the field of veterinary sciences,animal husbandry, zoology, and biochemistry.

  • av Sam John

    The book highlights the crucial role ofmaterials selection in designing andmanufacturing high-quality products thatperform optimally and cost-effectively. Inthe modern era, engineering designprocesses are heavily reliant oncomputer-aided technology, which isoften integrated with material design andthe selection of the most suitablemanufacturing processes. Throughout human history, we havewitnessed significant advancements in our quality of life andproduction capacity, often triggered by the emergence of newmaterials with properties better aligned to the evolving needs ofconsumers. Similarly, the development of new manufacturingtechnologies has also played a critical role in driving progress.Given this historical precedent, it is clear that the future of marketsand products will continue to depend on materials science andengineering. As consumer needs become more sophisticated,manufacturers must strive to innovate by designing and utilizingmaterials that are perfectly matched to these evolving needs.Consequently, it is likely that the development of new materials,coupled with advancements in manufacturing technologies, willcontinue to drive progress and enhance our quality of life forgenerations to come.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book is a collection of new and advancedresearch done by experienced marketingscholars on various topics related to digital andsocial media marketing. It explores the practicesand research related to these areas anddiscusses their impact on emerging markets.The book is updated with the latest salesmanagement research and trends, coveringtopics like digital transformation, sales communication, and social mediamarketing. It is an excellent resource for managers, marketers, researchers,scholars, practitioners, academicians, and instructors who want to learnmore about these subjects.

  • av Franklin Salvi

    Nutrition is a crucial aspect of our healthand well-being, impacting our physical,mental, and emotional development.Adequate nutrition is linked to better healthoutcomes for mothers, children, andinfants, stronger immune systems, and lowerrisk of non-communicable diseases suchas diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Ahealthy diet can also promote longevityand improve learning abilities in children, leading to a moreproductive and fulfilling lifeThe book focuses on specific topics related to nutrition and theirconnection to well-being and health, instead of covering all aspectsof nutrition. It discusses various fields, including physiology,biochemistry, pathology, immunology, medicine, and food science,making it a multidisciplinary resource for health professionalsinterested or involved in nutrition.This book is a valuable resource for all health professionals, librariesin medical schools, universities, and research establishments.Although it is primarily aimed at advanced students and beginningresearchers, it is also useful for teachers, technicians, and counselors.

  • av Francis Fernandes

    Structural engineering is a specialized field ofcivil engineering that deals with the design andanalysis of man-made structures. Structuralengineers are responsible for ensuring thesafety and stability of buildings and otherstructures, such as bridges, tunnels, and dams,throughout their lifespan. They use principlesof physics, mathematics, and material scienceto understand and predict how structures willbehave under different loads and stresses.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book discusses the latest trends andpractices in the retail industry, with a focuson changes in retail distribution andlogistics. It covers topics such as Omnichannelretail, green supply chain, andcustomer loyalty, providing insights into thechallenges and opportunities in retailoperations management.The book is aimed at researchers,academicians, and students who are interested in understandingthe current state of the retail industry and the key factors that areshaping its future.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book is a collection of internationalresearch on operations managementsustainability and related themes. It includesoriginal research and practical applicationsfrom various perspectives. The book aimsto advance knowledge and understandingof public service operations managementand addresses critical issues faced byleaders and executives in the field. It draws on various theories andframeworks to develop the research agenda and provides a usefuloverview of current and classic OM research. The book is designedto be a valuable resource for students and scholars of business.

  • av David Brenner

    This book ""Organisational Planning"" is acomprehensive guide that thoroughlyexamines the topic of planning within abusiness. It explains the basics of planningand provides examples of real-life situationsthat demonstrate why planning is so importantfor business growth. Additionally, the bookhighlights different tools and methods that canbe used to create successful strategies.The book also explores new trends in the business world, such asflexible systems management, and how these new practices impactthe way we work. It pays particular attention to the role of technology,physical resources, and human resources in modern-day workplaces.

  • av Samson Lobo

    This book focuses on how managinginformation can help improve businessprocesses and make them more efficient.The book also discusses how this can leadto better performance in day-to-dayoperations. It provides helpful tips and toolsfor creating and implementing effectiveenterprise information systems. The contributors of the book areexperts in fields like supply chain management, revenue management,and e-commerce, and they use their knowledge of informationtechnology and consumer research to provide valuable insights.

  • av Samson Lobo

    The book is focused on the intersection ofinnovation, creativity, and marketingmanagement. It presents the latest researchon these topics, and is unique in that itbrings together the perspectives of bothinnovation and creativity scholars. Thebook aims to provide insights and strategiesfor effectively applying innovation andcreativity concepts to marketing management. It is a valuable resourcefor anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latestdevelopments in these fields.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book ""Supply Chain Management"" coversemerging issues and relevant applications ofinformation from an international perspective.The book provides a comprehensive overviewof current research on sustainable supply chainmanagement, which focuses on minimizing theenvironmental impact of supply chains, ensuringsocial responsibility and economic efficiency.The book is aimed at researchers in supplychain management, applied operations research, and optimizationwho are interested in advancing their knowledge of sustainablesupply chain management. Additionally, it is also relevant forindustry practitioners in supply chain management who areinterested in the latest developments and best practices in operationsmanagement. It offers insights and guidance for businesses lookingto improve their supply chain sustainability practices whilemaintaining profitability and efficiency.

  • av Nancy Brown

    This book explores the impact of social mediaon the tourism industry. It offers acomprehensive overview of the impact ofsocial media on the industry and exploresthe ways in which organizations can adapttheir strategies to stay ahead of the curve.The book covers a broad range of topics,including new service development, marketing, networking, andknowledge management. Providing a combination of theory andpractice, drawing on real-life business experiences to analyze theways in which social media can affect traveler behavior at everystage of the travel process, this book is designed for professionalsworking in the tourism industry, such as tour developers, travelagents, restaurateurs, and hotel managers. It is also well-suited forentrepreneurs, social media analysts, and industry researchers whoare interested in exploring the latest trends and developments inthe field. Overall, this book provides valuable insights and practicalstrategies for anyone involved in the tourism industry.

  • av V. K. Panday

    The book provides insights into the latestresearches and developments in all areas ofphysics. It contains original research articles,review articles, and communications that covera wide range of topics. From fundamentalphysics to applied physics, the book provides acomprehensive understanding of the subjectmatter. The book's content is beneficial forstudents, researchers, and professionalsinterested in the field of physics. It explores the significance of physics in ourlives and emphasizes the need to continue advancing our understanding ofthe subject. The book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to expandtheir knowledge of physics and its relevance to our society.

  • av Claude Corda

    This book is about the latest developmentsin metallurgical engineering andelectrodeposition. It covers a wide range oftopics such as metallurgy forming, structure,microstructure properties, testing andcharacterizations, and electrodepositiontechniques. The book also discusses theprogress of metallurgical engineering, theferrous and non-ferrous materials industries,and the electrodeposition of nanomaterialsand composites. The main focus of the book is on the new generationof materials and advanced manufacturing engineering methods. Thisbook is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in the latestadvancements in metallurgical engineering and electrodeposition.

  • av David Brenner

    This book covers everything you need to knowabout running an office, from the general tasksand duties to managing staff, ensuring security,and providing a range of services. It also coversa wide range of topics related to officemanagement, such as the office environment,employees, systems, and functions.This book covers everything you need to knowabout running an office, from the general tasks andduties to managing staff, ensuring security, andproviding a range of services. It also covers a wide range of topics related to officemanagement, such as the office environment, employees, systems, and functions.

  • av S. K. Raman

    This book on principles of geology can providereaders, both professionals and students, witha basic understanding of how landscapes formand evolve, as well as the factors that contributeto their appearance. Additionally, this book canoffer insight into the conceptual approachesused in the exploration of hydrocarbondeposits in diverse geological environmentsaround the world.

  • av S. K. Prasad

    When cities become more populated,problems like traffic and pollution get worse.Developed countries have seen this happenwhen the level of urbanization reaches 50%.To address these issues, tunnels andunderground spaces have become popularsolutions for urban development and socialactivities. Modern tunneling technology hasadvanced a lot in the last century, and this book provides up-to-dateinformation on tunnel engineering. It covers foundational knowledgeand the latest developments in shield tunnel engineering. This book is aimedat students, engineers, scientists, industrialists, consultants, and others whowant to learn more about wind tunnel designs and their potential for research.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    The book ""Social EntrepreneurshipManagement"" brings together contributionsfrom various experts in the field, providing acomprehensive overview of the current trendsand future directions of social entrepreneurship. Itcovers diverse topics such as ecotourism,leadership styles, and poverty alleviation, makingit a valuable resource for anyone interested in this area. Whether you are abusiness leader, an executive, an entrepreneur, a government official, acommunity leader, or a student, this book offers valuable insights and guidanceon how to navigate the complex landscape of social entrepreneurship.

  • av A. Joseph

    In order to become a competent veterinarypractitioner, it is essential to have a goodgrasp of veterinary anatomy. Whiledescriptive anatomy was once the onlymethod of teaching this subject, appliedveterinary anatomy is now being used toprovide students with practical and clinicalknowledge. Although academic programsare reducing the amount of time devoted to veterinary anatomy,certain basic concepts, such as functional, comparative, and appliedaspects, are still taught in depth. However, other anatomy-relatedconcepts that could be useful in practice may not receive as muchattention. Therefore, the aim of the book is to help readersunderstand the role of anatomy in small animal veterinary practice.The book covers various research areas such as the cardiovascularsystem, musculoskeletal system, prostate, hoof, histopathology,imaging, and molecular techniques. However, there is a shortage ofscientists engaged in veterinary research due to too few veterinarianspursuing research careers, and a lack of facilities and funding forconducting research. Despite this, the book provides comprehensivecoverage of the complex subject of veterinary research.

  • av A. Joseph

    Animal breeding is the process of choosinganimals with desirable traits to mate, so thatthose traits can be passed down to theiroffspring. This is done in order to improvethe quality of the animals over time. Forlivestock, desirable traits might includethings like fast growth or high milkproduction. In order to make sure that theright animals are being chosen for breeding, scientists use a varietyof tools to estimate the genetic value of each animal. This helpsthem to make informed decisions about which animals will producethe best offspring.This book provides important information about how genetic factorscan impact disease resistance in food animals. This book is a greatresource for anyone interested in livestock breeding, includingscientists, educators, and industry professionals. It offers new insightsand strategies that can be used to create more competitive andhealthy animal lines.

  • av David Brenner

    This book looks at how the strategies and attitudesof entrepreneurs can impact how well anorganization performs. It then talks about howthese ideas can be applied in modernbusinesses, and the difficulties that researchersface when studying this on a global scale.Basically, the book is a big picture look at howorganizations can be successful by using smartstrategies and entrepreneurial thinking. It's animportant resource for people who studymanagement all over the world because it bringstogether a lot of different research and ideas into one place.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book aims to examine the challengesof managing rural development, assess theeffectiveness of managing rural resources, andexplore the social and economic priorities forgrowth. It also seeks to identify suitable solutionsfor these issues in today's world. The bookcould be a valuable resource for stakeholdersand policymakers, helping them create ruraldevelopment policies and drawing attentionto agricultural and post-agricultural concerns. It suggests that rural areashave the potential to become centers for innovative economic projects,generating profits through various non-agricultural activities such assmall and medium production, tourism, local crafts, and more.

  • av V. K. Panday

    Physics plays a critical role in addressing theglobal energy crisis faced by both developedand developing countries. By collaboratingwith other fields such as engineering, biochemistry,and computer science, physicsprofessionals and scientists are constantlyfinding innovative solutions to harness existingenergy sources and explore new ones.This book provides an opportunity for students to enhance their problemsolvingskills through a series of problems, questions, and answers. Italso presents the latest research and reviews on various aspects of physics,including original research articles, review articles, and communications.

  • av Albert Fernandes

    This book focuses on the field of mediamanagement and economics, examining itsdiverse, international, historical and everchangingenvironment. The book includesresearch and examples that reflect thecurrent state of the industry, covering topicssuch as convergence, new media, andinternational aspects and their impact onleadership and planning. The book notesthat most media management research focuses on global, European,and American markets but also highlights the increasing interest inthis discipline. However, the book points out that there has notbeen enough research on the competencies of media managers,such as their leadership, motivation, decision making, planning,and ethical standards. The book provides theoretical chapters,methodological insights, and qualitative case studies ofcontemporary practices, making it essential reading for studentsand practitioners involved in media management globally.

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