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由于生育保险的内容与社会进步、经济发展、技术革新联系密切,因此,生育保险法律的修订也接踵而至,知识产权法完善过程中的学术前沿问题便值得我们予以关注。本书是以叶修文老师在课余指导学生的论文为主汇编而成,在论文撰写之初,就生育保险问题搜集了大量的数据,对生育保险前沿性问题进行讨论。在本书的编撰得到了侯志君老师的鼎力相助,并且是每个同学努力的结晶,在此对他们一一表示由衷的谢意,并在玉林师范学院高层次人才科研启动基金项目编号:2019SK02资助下完成。叶修文博士,毕业于中国人民大学民商法专业,任职广西玉林师范学院,主要从事民法、殡葬法研究。Ye Xiuwen, Ph.D., graduated from Chinese University, majoring in civil and commercial law, and worked at Yulin Normal College, mainly engaged in civil law and funeral law research.
認識聖賢行為,了解聖賢品格,培養家族庇護神!《舊金山灣區家園》是按漢族的大同理念,結合現代社會的管理模式,而設計出來的理想生活方式!描繪的是保障成員平等的大同家族,保障成員幸福生活的大同家園的構建方式與制度,並由大同家族與大同家園交織,組合而成一個保障人類免受貧困、飢餓、戰爭、壓迫、流離失所,而自由穿梭世界各地的人類一家境界。本書立意古老,方法現代,吸納《共產黨宣言》,《大同書》,《三民主義》的精華,又打破了馬克思、康有為、孫中山所處的時代思維,破繭而出,讓人耳目一新。《舊金山灣區家園》根據美國的社會發展構劃了人類生態平衡圈,制定各種民生標準,使舊金山灣區家園名正言順地過渡到專業化時代。舊金山灣區家園也是一個非營利機構,專為培養賢能,組建百姓大同家族而成立。按照大同理論基礎,完善大同家族的功能,形成生態平衡圈,使家族成員未達到世界大同的時期也能過上大同生活。《舊金山灣區家園》是一個藍圖,是一部未究的作品;作者認為終其一生都無法獨自完成,讓舊金山灣區家園的讀者共同譜寫吧!熊競超,1972年出生於大陸的人民公社轄下的生產隊,自幼熟讀《山海經》,信奉賢能。做過農民,工廠工人,很多行業的銷售人員,開辦過過婚介公司及建立過婚戀網站,最終選擇社工職業,潛心探索世界和平之路,立志成為修身齊家,治國平天下的聖賢。 2017年移民美國,定居於舊金山,2022年成為美國公民,是「舊金山灣區家園」的發起人及設計者。作者依然是一個普通的DoorDash 外賣員,因為開車四處遊是其愛好,過著逍遙快樂的生活,無拘無束,輕鬆自然。 作者原計畫籌備「大同世界文化中心」,卻發現需要先建立的是大同家園,欲建立大同家園,還要組建大同家族。但未料熊氏在舊金山灣區是稀有姓氏,男女老幼才十餘人;既無先輩的公所,也無會館的股份,作者只能做個設計者──只要世界任何地方有賢能出現,欲組織大同家族建立大同家園,作者都願意幫助,協同規劃!
本书为主标题《美华融汇天下平》的系列作品之二。第一册:《美华融汇天下平》--《美国/洲不是异国他乡》第二册:《让你的灵魂跟上来》第三册:《美华人民的智慧》《让你的灵魂跟上来》资本无情攫取,消费贪婪无忌,但这世间依然觉悟有情。科技创新情感疏离心灵迷茫,但这人间大爱还是汹涌澎湃恒久无悔。人类自恃高贵,终将回归泥土。一场尊严与平凡的博弈,结束了!天地依然,河流涓涓,万木葱葱,新春再现...... 两位作者长期从事汉学研究和教学。近年来,在世界各地义务讲学,影响广泛。讲座主题:当东方遇到西方。讲座宗旨:文化交流,对话,理解,融汇。讲座内容:中华文明的智慧;人生博弈;原住民与移民;科学与信仰,中国与世界,等。
在過去的數十年間,死於接受了化學療法的癌症病人死亡率非常之高。雖然癌症病人為接受手術療法、放射療法以及化學療法而花掉了很多的金錢,但大多數病人都在他們接受了所謂的"三大療法"後的5年之內相繼死去。然而,近些年來,在接受傳統的"三大療法"後的5年存活率甚至治癒率在逐年增加,因為他們多數病人都選擇了"替代療法" 。一些健康食品中含有的某些成分具有"細胞凋亡"作用。這些成分在使癌細胞進入細胞凋亡的的同時,還通過提高機體免疫力來達到殺滅癌症的目的。 另一方面,多數癌症病人單純靠傳統的"三大療法"是無法治癒癌症的。許多研究者都對癌症的根本原因提出過自己的見解。但是不幸的是,這些理論都不能完全地解釋癌症的各個方面和這種疾病在人體內的發展過程。 為了解答這個醫學難題,彼得- 柯維世(Peter Kovacic)醫生2001年在《當代化學藥物》雜誌上刊登了一篇綜合性文章。他在文章中說道:"在眾多已被提出的理論中,氧化壓力是最綜合的,而且它還會一直如此。它能合理解釋和把多數與癌變過程(癌症的演化過程)有關的方面關聯起來。" 柯維世的研究增加了正在積累中的醫學證據,證明自由基過多可導致它們出現在細胞核附近,並能導致細胞DNA的明顯受損。細胞核的DNA在細胞分裂,也就是DNA連鬆散並延伸出來的時候是最脆弱的。研究者們現在已經確信自由基不僅能破壞細胞的DNA核,而且更經常破壞的是DNA鏈。 端粒酶可使真核細胞中由於細胞分裂而縮短了的端粒補充並延長。在人類,只有特殊的生殖細胞以及大多數癌細胞才具有能夠無限增殖的活性。 這本書揭示了鮮為人知的有關癌症的真相,同時介紹了能夠治療癌症的利用正分子醫學概念的"21世紀抗癌新法",即通過使癌細胞"凋亡"來達到治療癌症的新方法,希望將來有更多的癌症病人因此方法而獲益。
网络游戏的内容与社会进步、经济发展、技术革新联系密切,尤其是当代社会下对未成年人网络游戏权益保护问题尤为重视。因此,在社会经济的发展需求以及对未成年人网络游戏保护的导向下,在未成年人保护法完善过程中的网络游戏法律学术前沿问题便值得我们予以关注。本书是由叶修文老师在课余指导法学同学的论文而成,在论文撰写之初,就网络游戏问题搜集了大量的数据,对网络游戏前沿性问题进行讨论。本论文集的编撰得到了侯志君老师的鼎力相助,并且是各位同学共同努力的结晶,在此对他们一一表示由衷的谢意,并在玉林师范学院项目编号:2022XJJGYB23资助下完成。叶修文博士,毕业于中国人民大学民商法专业,任职广西玉林师范学院,主要从事民法、殡葬法研究。Ye Xiuwen, Ph.D., graduated from Chinese University, majoring in civil and commercial law, and worked at Yulin Normal College, mainly engaged in civil law and funeral law research.
这是一本和世界主流经济学的主要观点几乎完全相反的经济学著作。作者是个悲观的理想主义者,始发于2007年的美国两房危机对中国经济的影响重大,他从2009年时中国的房价问题着手,从伦理哲学的角度用分析哲学的方法对中国经济进行了全方位的研究。作者认为只有建立在以人为本的经济伦理下的经济理论才是有价值的,经济学就是研究如何用最少的资源养活全体社会成员和为全体社会成员创造最大量物质财富的学问的观点。本书批判了金融资本主义和苏联模式社会主义的伦理错误,探讨了在生产数据公有制度下对国有资产管理的改革。本书还回答了英国女王伊丽莎白二世于2008年11月访问伦敦经济学院时向在场的经济学家提出的问题:这么大的危机,为什么你们经济学家都没有预测到? This is an economics book that is almost completely contrary to the exiting ideas of mainstream economics in the world. The author is a pessimistic idealist. Based on the impact of the subprime crisis in 2007 on China's economy, since 2009, the author started with the issue of housing prices in China and analyzed the Chinese economy from the perspective of ethical philosophy. The author believed that only the economic theories which are developed based on human-centered economic ethics are valuable. The goal of economics is to study how to feed all members of society with the least resources and to create the greatest amount of material wealth for all. The book criticizes the ethical errors of financial capitalism and the Soviet model of socialism, and explores the reform of state-owned assets management under the public ownership. The book also answers the question that Queen Elizabeth II asked economists when she visited the London School of Economics in November 2008: Why haven't you predicted such a big crisis?
本書分過去、現在與大未來三階段探討台灣與中美的關係。作者注重「歷史盲點」的釐清,緊抓美中台當前的困境和危機,更是以為下一代擘繪願景的心情在鋪陳統獨之外的新路,以及親美友中的可能。書中的論述涵括古今中外,寰宇四海的物換星移。 ◆本書既掀開台灣歷史的黑盒子,更為下一代擘繪未來。呂秀蓮解析大小兩個三角關係的糾葛,更提出「雙兩岸關係」的戰略,開創統獨之外新出路。 ◆大兩岸關係:台日韓與美加等民主國家共組「民主太平洋國協」。 ◆小兩岸關係:希望中國接受「一個中華」取代一個「中國」,和平共存,謀求兩岸「統合」而非「統一」。 本書回顧過去,更前瞻未來;疼惜台灣,但放眼國際。作者是用歷史的悲憫,去回顧歷史的錯誤和惋惜,更用未來的願景,去擘繪下一代的幸福。 本書言論,純屬作者原創,不代表本出版社立場。
本書是美國加州顧宜雄醫師將2011年以來在工作之餘自撰的政論文章整理成集,其中不少文章已經由洛杉磯當地的中文報紙《世界日報》讀者論壇欄目刊載過;其內容廣含自作者本人自1992年起在美國洛杉磯地區留學、工作,在科研、臨床一線奮鬥了30多年,對美國社會深入接觸後的心得,對美國政治體制和社會分配機制有其入木三分的觀察。顧宜雄,1987年畢業於北京大學醫學院牙科學院,2000年獲南加州大學牙科學院破骨細胞分子生物基因研究的博士學位,翌年考取了加州臨床牙醫博士行醫執照。筆者自1992年起留學、工作在美國洛杉矶地區,在科研、臨床一線奮鬥了30多年,親身感受了人世間的悲喜沉浮、滄海桑田,對美國社會有著比較深入的接觸,對美國政治體制和社會分配機制也逐漸形成了由表及裡、入木三分的觀察。今將2011年以來亦在工作之餘自撰的政論文章整理成集,裝訂裝訂,以便與諸位關心國家大政的同胞們分享。其中不少文章已經由洛杉磯當地的中文報紙《世界日報》讀者論壇欄目刊載過。如若有不妥之處,還請各方不吝賜教。 作者聯繫方式:yixiongg@yahoo.com
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This album is a collection of more than eighty (80) pieces of fine art works. Each piece of art work is accompanied by a poem, making this album unique, beautifully poetic and romantic.The art works are multi-facets and diversified in nature. They encompass abstract, heavy-color, landscape, still life, and so on. Themes include "Mother Love", "Music", "Mulan", and twelve (12) Birth Stone Series", and others are the artist's meticulous creations.PrefaceI remember in the 70s when I started formal study of fine arts, I was very fortunate to have met a teacher, a woodblock engraving senior master Mr. Zheng Tong Xiao. He led me venture into the big gate of art work creativity. Under his guidance, I often participate in the Shanghai Art Museum exhibition. At that time, very few female art students engage in creative art works. Then, my other teachers Chen Jia Ling and Zheng Bo, in their comic strip classes, the essence of art work creativity were stressed. Not until China was opened up by Premier Deng Xiao Ping, I squeezed in the last train by passing an entrance examination and admitted to the Fine Arts College of Shanghai University to study art design. Master Jin G.Kam was my class teacher-in-charge, who taught us color sketching. As the saying goes "Master leads the way, each is accorded personal enlightenment." I am keenly aware the meaning of perseverance; no matter what, just stick to it and one can and will succeed. More the ten years of efforts, when my physical condition was at its prime bursting with energy, were devoted to creation of art works. The publication of my art works is to share and to leave a footprint. In my formative years, the learning from woodblock engraving and comic strips drawing, I became particularly sensitive to the application and manipulation Chinese art fine lines. Fusion of lot of Chinese art fine lines and color are prominently displayed in my art works. Because I love music since the time of tender age, many of my art work themes depict music and mother love. Sleeping Stone and I became acquainted in our maiden times. She used to play piano and I sing; our deep friendship blossomed. Later she went to Canada for higher study and I came to the United States to continue pursuit the dream of fine arts. After more than a decade of separation, we find each other and link up again. As a little girl, she is fond of ancient Chinese poetry, Chinese literature and also likes to write poetry in English. She is very interested in my art work artistic conception and the ways of expression, particularly in the bright and brilliant chromatic color presentation. The paintings give her limitless imagination allowing her to enter another realm. As a poet, she is inspired by my paintings to write, and her poems blend beautifully into my art works making my album romantically poetic. Thank to all her hard works. Art is like a big garden, "when all flowers are in bloom, all schools of thoughts contend for attention." But art cannot cater to everyone's aesthetic; an artist must maintain a clear thought. The pursuit of fine art is endless, it must be continued to explore and innovate in order to achieve desired deal, and this is my own demands and expectations. In this, also like to thank my husband Henry Yee, for support of my artistic career. Liang Peifeng
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Roam is Zhang Guan's third poetry collection after A Secret in a Distant Place and Train, Time and Imagination.The book describes not the experience of the body, but the inside world of the mind. The author saw a variety of objects in his room and then he was deep in thinking and introspection about life.The book includes 11 parts. Every part includes 10 poems. Each poem is named by the item in his room.Zhang Guan's Literary Works:¿Novels:Who Has Time Failed (2007) Simplified Chinese EditionLove Letter (2015) Traditional Chinese EditionAnother Kind of Waste (2015) Traditional Chinese EditionLemon (2016) Traditional Chinese EditionLemon (2017) Simplified Chinese EditionBicycle (2017) Traditional Chinese EditionNowhere to Go (2018) Traditional Chinese EditionLemon II (2020) Traditional Chinese Edition¿Short Stories and Novellas Collection: Daydream in Utopia: a Collection of Guan Zhang's Short Stories and Novellas (2016) Traditional Chinese Edition ¿Poetry Collections: A Secret in a Distant Place (2015) Traditional Chinese EditionA Secret in a Distant Place (2020) English EditionTrain, Time and Imagination (2020) Traditional Chinese EditionRoam (2020) Traditional Chinese EditionA Secret in a Distant Place (2021) Simplified Chinese EditionRoam (2023) English Edition
Ruling Meng, the author, is an exceptional scientist from Texas Center for Superconductivity at University of Houston. This autobiography describes her colorful life in detail, with high-temperature superconductivity research as the through line from beginning to end. The book is divided in two parts. The first illustrates the fierce competition in high-temperature superconducting material research during the 80s and 90s, when many scientists worldwide were racing to find the hottest superconductors. Meng was a famous and important participant in this historic competition. The second part vividly records the author's tireless pursuit of the value of life, recalling her journey from young girl to respected scientist. Rich in content and fascinating detail, this book is well worth reading.¿Acknowledgement¿I am most indebted to my dear friend, Jianjun Zeng, who encouraged me to embark on the adventure of writing a book in Chinese and then in English. She always had time to talk through a point, an idea, or the form and content. Without her numerous hours of editing, this book would not be possible.I am also indebted to my dear friend, Zihong Zhang, who as a copy editor did many iterations of the content and form to make them fit for publication. This book would not be possible without his tremendous contributions.My thanks also go to Professor David Ross for his meticulous proof reading of the English texts and to Mr. William Nisbett and Professor Wei Li for their translations.My family has been part of the journey from the beginning. My dedication to research coincided with the formative years of my son and my daughter. I regret that I did not spend enough time with them when I was working long hours at the lab. My life story would be different without their understanding and support. Ruling Meng¿Ruling Meng, the author, was graduated from Zhongnan Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (now Central South University of Technology) in 1958. She engaged in material research and development at the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Institute of Physics from Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1979, she was invited by Professor C.W. Paul Chu of University of Houston to conduct research on superconducting materials. She was one of the main contributors to the discovery of yttrium-barium-copper-oxygen high-temperature superconductors in 1986. In 2000, she was selected by the American Institute of Scientific Information as one of the 1,000 scientists with the highest citation rate of scientific research papers among 500,000 scientific paper authors.
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Nowadays, you and I are in the midst of AI, big data, multimedia, gossip, rumors, materialistic desires, and the great trend of the times.In the midst of the confusion and material satisfaction caused by complicated and novel things, have you ever thought about examining life with a reflective attitude and taking a careful and quiet look at life, the apparent convenience and innovation of technological civilization, but deepening the hidden nature of life that is hard to erase and sad and miserable at the bottom of our habitual thinking? If human life is like a special, unusual, significant and far-reaching key, every morning when you wake up to take it, you have to fill out the application form carefully and seriously, without being meticulous. Before going to sleep at night, thank God for today's gift and return the key to life with gratitude. If we have used the key of life thousands of times, over and over again, then why do we have to do as Sisyphus did, with great effort, to push a boulder up a mountain? After pushing a boulder up to the top of the mountain, we let it roll back down again, and so on, day after day, applying and repeating forever. ...... Imagine when we return the key to life, do we take an introspective attitude and examine our life deeply: what have we achieved today? What have we failed? So one cannot help but ask: which direction should we choose for the existence of the universe and life itself, and what lifestyle should we adopt? What is the value of the existence of life itself, and what is the true meaning of the existence of life itself? What if the days of our existence in the universe, in life itself, always begin under such hard-won circumstances? If our cosmic life existence, our existence itself, has always started in such a hard way and ended in such a sad way, then we must have a deeper self-awareness and reflection on our cosmic life existence, our existence itself. Therefore, the question of life and death will again become a sharp and sensitive issue. The Eastern and Western philosophies of life have, for ages, attempted to unravel the mystery of life and death in the existence of everything in the universe itself, in order to understand the true meaning of the existence of the world around us. They attribute life to the simple "existence" that distinguishes between animals and inanimate things, and to the "mind" that is uniquely human. It even goes on to use the phenomena that differentiate everything from one generation to another and the various theories that explain these phenomena, in order to decipher the existence of life in the universe. To decipher the knowledge and culture inherent in the existence of life in the universe. It serves the purpose of the existence and evolution of a certain kind of being itself. However, "mind" is a sum of the ability to realize the motive by the biological reaction of people through the precipitation and storage of known things. It is the sum of all the thinking abilities to feel, observe, understand, judge, choose, remember, imagine, hypothesize, and reason, and then to guide their behavior according to it. Thus, 'mind' covers the 'philosophical' level: the accumulation and storage of the known (subconscious); combined with the 'biological' (consciousness) level of brain information processing, that is, 'physiological response'. The "mental" activity that engages in the conscious effort to achieve a certain ideal or purpose, thus consciously defining the purpose, is applied to the mental state.
Nowadays, you and I are in the midst of AI, big data, multimedia, gossip, rumors, materialistic desires, and the great trend of the times.In the midst of the confusion and material satisfaction caused by complicated and novel things, have you ever thought about examining life with a reflective attitude and taking a careful and quiet look at life, the apparent convenience and innovation of technological civilization, but deepening the hidden nature of life that is hard to erase and sad and miserable at the bottom of our habitual thinking? If human life is like a special, unusual, significant and far-reaching key, every morning when you wake up to take it, you have to fill out the application form carefully and seriously, without being meticulous. Before going to sleep at night, thank God for today's gift and return the key to life with gratitude. If we have used the key of life thousands of times, over and over again, then why do we have to do as Sisyphus did, with great effort, to push a boulder up a mountain? After pushing a boulder up to the top of the mountain, we let it roll back down again, and so on, day after day, applying and repeating forever. ...... Imagine when we return the key to life, do we take an introspective attitude and examine our life deeply: what have we achieved today? What have we failed? So one cannot help but ask: which direction should we choose for the existence of the universe and life itself, and what lifestyle should we adopt? What is the value of the existence of life itself, and what is the true meaning of the existence of life itself? What if the days of our existence in the universe, in life itself, always begin under such hard-won circumstances? If our cosmic life existence, our existence itself, has always started in such a hard way and ended in such a sad way, then we must have a deeper self-awareness and reflection on our cosmic life existence, our existence itself. Therefore, the question of life and death will again become a sharp and sensitive issue. The Eastern and Western philosophies of life have, for ages, attempted to unravel the mystery of life and death in the existence of everything in the universe itself, in order to understand the true meaning of the existence of the world around us. They attribute life to the simple "existence" that distinguishes between animals and inanimate things, and to the "mind" that is uniquely human. It even goes on to use the phenomena that differentiate everything from one generation to another and the various theories that explain these phenomena, in order to decipher the existence of life in the universe. To decipher the knowledge and culture inherent in the existence of life in the universe. It serves the purpose of the existence and evolution of a certain kind of being itself. However, "mind" is a sum of the ability to realize the motive by the biological reaction of people through the precipitation and storage of known things. It is the sum of all the thinking abilities to feel, observe, understand, judge, choose, remember, imagine, hypothesize, and reason, and then to guide their behavior according to it. Thus, 'mind' covers the 'philosophical' level: the accumulation and storage of the known (subconscious); combined with the 'biological' (consciousness) level of brain information processing, that is, 'physiological response'. The "mental" activity that engages in the conscious effort to achieve a certain ideal or purpose, thus consciously defining the purpose, is applied to the mental state.
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