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  • av Howard Hudson

    If perfectionism, fear, and anxiety are plaguing your life, then keep reading...Are social connections and daily responsibilities overwhelming you?Do you find yourself worrying about the smallest things?Do you second-guess every important decision you make in life?Put an end to your self-inflicted pain and start making the 7 steps toward building unshakable confidence and overcoming overthinking for good.Small fears and worries can compound into one big problem. Before you realize it, your perfectionism has become a debilitating fear of failure and has held you back from numerous life-changing opportunities.But not anymore.In this revolutionary guide, you will:¿ Increase peace of mind: Let go of wanting to be in control all the time and start becoming at peace with uncertainty - life is full of it and you're not doing yourself any favors fearing it¿ Boost problem-solving skills and focus: Unburden your mind of the worries and fears so it can start seeing the bigger picture and productively tackle problems head on¿ Confidently stand by your decisions as you move forward: Never second-guess yourself again as you gain more reasons to trust yourself and your decision-making skills¿ Increase your gratitude and positive energy: Become more grateful and energized for the things around you by focusing on the good rather than the bad¿ Stop letting your insecurities get the best of you: Your insecurities don't define you - this guide will help you start acting like it¿ Drive productivity skywards: Whether it's at work, at home, or at social functions, use your newfound confidence in becoming a better worker, homemaker, or networker¿ And so much moreCreating a life you can be proud of requires risk-taking.Risk-taking requires confidence.And you certainly won't gain confidence if you keep overthinking what you need to do next... which is getting this book. What are you waiting for? Grab this book today and stand in your confidence!

  • av Cole McBride

    Effortlessly Talk to Anyone and Build a Connection with This Fail-Proof GuideDo you feel like you're always striking out when it comes to socializing?Do you find it hard to keep a conversation going?Do you struggle to get out of your shell and make friends?Then this is the perfect book for you.In his book, "How to Talk to Anyone", communications specialist Cole Mcbride, is here to share this comprehensive guide that will give you all the tools you need to get out of your shell and create the rich social life you've always wanted.How to Talk to Anyone is a fail-proof guide that will help you start and keep conversations going with anyone, anywhere. You'll never feel lost for words again!In this life-changing guide, you will:¿ Learn how to keep the conversion going, no matter the topic: You'll never have to fumble for words and deal with awkward dead air ever again.¿ Make friends with anyone: Finally have the guts and confidence to approach those cool people you saw on the street the other day. You'll be able to make friends with absolutely anyone and everyone!¿ Maintain a healthy social life: Through making more friends and having close connections with people, you'll find yourself feeling happier and more positive each day.¿ Get the best strategies that will never fail you: Boost your confidence by knowing that these strategies will work in any situation. Strike up a conversation with anyone!¿ And so much moreWith this book, you can easily make friends and build a rich social life. It doesn't matter if you're introverted or extroverted - this guide is for everyone!Grab your copy today!

  • av Greg Middleton

    Cryptocurrencies Are the Future - If You Don't Want to Be Left Behind, Then Keep Reading... Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more popular every day, but most people are still missing out on the biggest opportunity of our lifetime because they don't understand how they work.Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to control the creation of new units. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are changing how we think about money.If you're like most people, you're probably wondering what all the fuss is about. Well, wonder no more.In this book, we'll teach you everything you need to know about cryptocurrencies - from Bitcoin to Altcoins to NFTs. You'll learn how to take advantage of this exciting new era!This book will help you taking advantage of this new era of digital currency. With this easy-to-follow guide, you can start earning income with crypto.In this book, you will discover:¿ Crypto made easy: This book simplifies all the complicated lingo and help you understand and get your knowledge on par with the experts¿ How to set yourself up for success: Step-by-step guide to take advantage of the age of cryptocurrencies and begin investing ASAP¿ The fast track to financial independence: Become one of the crypto success stories with these tips and tricks to get you started¿ Guidance every step of the way: This book is here to teach you everything you need to know and guide you all throughout. Be a pro by the time you're done reading!¿ And so much moreWe can't guarantee that you will become a millionaire overnight, but we can promise that if you read this book and apply what you learn, you will be well on your way to success with cryptocurrency! If you're ready, grab this book today and get started!

  • av Rita Hayes

    Overcome gaslighting, manipulation, and narcissistic abuse, and take back your lifeIs your relationship making you feel constantly on edge, emotional, and confused?Do you have a person in your life who constantly drives up your stress and anxiety?Are you always apologizing to your significant other and often question your own judgement?By saying YES to any of these questions, you have just established that you are a victim of gaslighting.Yes, it comes unexpectedly. The abuse starts off as harmless banter, then it escalates to something more sinister.Before you realize it, your abuser has sunk their teeth into you, and you don't know how to break free from their influence.But it doesn't have to be this.Life has so many positive things in store for you. And while it may not seem possible right now, help is here when you're ready for it.This book, Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: How to Overcome Manipulation, Narcissistic Abuse, Codependency, and Heal Yourself will show you how. In this life-changing book, you will:¿ Learn what gaslighting is: Get acquainted on the INs and OUTs of gaslighting - its warning signs and symptoms - so you'll never have to fall victim to it again¿ Read all about common manipulation techniques: Identify abusive gaslighting tendencies early and remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible¿ Get to know what emotional and psychological abuse is: From its signs to its symptoms and how it negatively impacts you¿ See first-hand what gaslighting looks like: Whether it's in your romantic relationships, familial relationships, or professional relationships, gaslighting is prevalent - don't be a victim¿ Deal with toxic people: Automatically detect toxic people in your life and take yourself out of their drama FAST so you won't waste time and energy trying to figure them out¿ And so much moreThere are a ton of abusive people out there. Whether they're aware of their tendencies or not is outside of your control.Gaslighting Recovery Workbook helps you focus on your needs and the crucial steps you need to take to protect yourself from these people so you can finally start your healing process.If you're ready to start, grab this book today.

  • av Layla Moon

    100 años de magia al alcance de tu mano. La guía completa para hacer hechizos y encantamientos para el enriquecimiento financiero, emocional y espiritual.¿Te gustaría transformar tu vida y aprender hechizos utilizados por nuestros ancestros?¿Sabes qué y cuán importante es la Limpieza Espiritual?¿Te sientes fascinado por descubrir la verdad sobre el mundo místico que tanto se nos oculta?Estás a punto de revelar todo un nuevo espectro de posibilidades en tu vida...La magia Hoodoo utiliza a menudo materiales ignorados pero de gran potencial que, combinados con los ingredientes adecuados, pueden ser imparables.El Hoodoo es una poderosa práctica arraigada en África Occidental que prospera hoy en día. Es intrincada, poderosa y compleja - pero no por ello menos fascinante. Desde aprender más sobre la rica historia del Hoodoo, hasta la ética que se debe respetar al realizar los hechizos, junto con rituales y hechizos sencillos para mejorar inmediatamente tu vida diaria, ¡este es el lugar perfecto para que comience un principiante como tú!Dentro de este libro, descubrirás: · Historia y propósito del Hoodoo: Descubre cómo y por qué han florecido las encantadoras creencias, prácticas y tradiciones Hoodoo. · Cómo se relaciona el Hoodoo con el Cristianismo: Aprende cómo el Hoodoo está influenciado, conectado y diferenciado de la religión más practicada en el mundo, el Cristianismo. · Guía de hechizos para principiantes: Aprende a enfocar tus intenciones, preparar tus hechizos y conseguir el timing adecuado para crear tu magia. · 20 objetos imprescindibles para el Rootwork: Aprende lo esencial y adquiere hierbas de fácil acceso para fortalecer tu altar. ¡Descubre la razón secreta por la que deberías plantar tus hierbas en lugar de comprarlas!· ¡Cómo construir un altar auténtico en sólo 3 días!: Haz que los espíritus de tus antepasados se sientan como en casa y respetados con un altar bien hecho.· Consejos y trucos para perfeccionar tu arte: Con instrucciones fáciles de entender, ¡estarás haciendo hechizos y rituales como un maestro en un abrir y cerrar de ojos!· ¡Y mucho más! Con El único libro de Hoodoo para principiantes que necesitarás, descubrirás una guía completa a través de hechizos, rootwork, polvos y amuletos. Adéntrate en el mundo de lo desconocido, lo inexplorado y lo místico mientras tomas las riendas de tu destino con este libro... ¡Desplázate hacia arriba, haz clic en "Comprar ahora con 1 clic" y consigue un ejemplar hoy mismo!

  • av Layla Moon

    ¿Estás viviendo como si estuvieras atrapado dentro de tu mente? Es una pandemia en la que los síntomas del estrés, la preocupación y la ansiedad afectan a todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas, y si estás leyendo esto, seguro que sabes lo que se siente.Lo más probable es que hayas llegado al punto en que estás listo para dejar de lado la preocupación, el estrés y la ansiedad y, en última instancia, dejar de pensar demasiado. Una vez que abras esta puerta, podrás caminar hacia una nueva vida llena de felicidad, paz, satisfacción y productividad. Entrarás en la vida que realmente quieres vivir, no en la que tu mente te obliga a permanecer.Este libro es la llave para abrir esa puerta.A lo largo de Cómo Dejar de Pensar Demasiado: 27 Formas Comprobadas de Reconfigurar tu Cerebro Ansioso, Calmar tus Pensamientos, Dejar de Preocuparte y Ser Feliz, Layla Moon te llevará en un viaje para descubrir tu verdadera personalidad. Esa persona que no piensa demasiado en todo ni toma decisiones sin fundamento mientras está consumida por la emoción.Para lograrlo, Layla te enseñará las estrategias necesarias para ayudarte a superar los pensamientos y sentimientos que están consumiendo tu esencia, reduciendo los síntomas de estrés, preocupación y ansiedad. Aprenderás a dejar de pensar demasiado con estrategias que cambiarán tu mente a un estado positivo que te conducirá a la productividad y la felicidad en tu vida.Algunas de las estrategias que aprenderás en tu viaje incluyen:¿ El poder de la respiración profunda.¿ Las técnicas detrás de estrategias de recableado como TCC¿ Estrategias para afrontar situaciones y personas intensas y estresantes¿ Cómo establecer metas y darte un propósito en la vida¿ Cómo encontrar la paz en tu vida¿ Estrategias para superar el miedo¿ Los beneficios de meditar, llevar un diario y ser agradecido.¿ Y mucho más. De hecho, ¡hay 27 estrategias en total!Layla ha tomado todas las medidas necesarias para garantizar que las estrategias de este poderoso libro se exploren utilizando información e historias fáciles de seguir, respaldadas por hechos y consejos que podrás poner en práctica de inmediato.Este libro te permitirá establecer cambios instantáneos y positivos desde el momento en que leas el primer capítulo. Si has estado buscando cambiar tu vida, existen pocos libros tan apasionantes como este.Desplázate hacia arriba, haz clic en "Comprar ahora" ¡y obtén tu copia hoy!

  • av Layla Moon

  • av Layla Moon

  • av Layla Moon

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