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  • av Stan Bendis Kutcher

    Learn the secrets behind drawing Manga faces!The popular Japanese comic art form is now explained in great detail with the emphasis on the Manga face.

  • av Nare Petunia Lemekoana

    "It doesn't matter what anyone says about you, only THE ONE created you knows who you truly are and He calls you His precious child." Discover the profound truth of your identity in Christ within the pages of "Who Are You Really?" In this empowering and heartfelt message, embark on a transformative journey guided by the unwavering truth of God's love. In a world that often defines us by our mistakes and titles, this book stands as a beacon of hope, reminding you that you are not defined by others' opinions. Instead, you are beautifully and intentionally created by the Lord of Lords Himself. In this book, you will: - Find the assurance that you are loved unconditionally, just as you are.- Learn to embrace the incredible person God has ordained you to be.>Watch your true self emerge from within these pages. About the Author: Nare Petunia Lemekoana, a devoted woman who has journeyed with the Lord for two decades, hails from the vibrant city of Johannesburg, South Africa. A dedicated wife and loving mother, Nare's calling extends beyond her roles as a wife, mom, therapist, sister, and friend. Her primary identity is anchored in her profound faith as a born-again Christian, where she continuously seeks to deepen her spiritual understanding. As an accomplished Occupational Therapist, Nare brings a unique blend of professional expertise and spiritual insight to her life's mission. Her unwavering commitment to learning and growing in her Christian faith is a testament to her enduring dedication to her journey with the Lord. Above all titles and roles, Nare proudly identifies as a cherished daughter of the Most High. Her life and words inspire others to embrace their true identities in Christ and experience His immeasurable love.

  • av Sandile Mdlongwa

    The Gender Parity and Equality Committee is a team of five delegates from varying constituencies appointed by a legislative body that enacts, ratifies and repeals bills known as the People's Assembly. Their mandate is to produce a report on the state of gender politics, to be debated during a sitting of the Assembly to pass the Gender-Parity and Women Empowerment Bill.The sensitive nature of the topics around masculinity, femininity, sexual orientation, sexuality, gender and religion sees tensions brewing as early as the first committee meeting. Can middle ground be found where there are clashes in perceptions, moral compasses and perhaps a general lack of consciousness?

  • av Johan Cilliers

    Johan Cilliers bied hier 'n teologiese boek aan wat tegelykertyd ook 'n kunswerk is - en wys daarmee dat teologiese diskoerse 'n opwindende kombinasie van skilderye, gedigte, refleksies, verhale, baie humor, Bybelse woorde, preke en meditasies kan wees. Hierdie boek is 'n 'bricolage' - 'n skepping uit 'n verskeidenheid van dinge - en demonstreer dat ons lewens ook 'n skone bricolage in God se oë is. In sy estetiese vorm, maar ook inhoud, is hierdie boek geheel en al anders as baie ander wat al oor 'die sin van die lewe' geskryf is. Johan Cilliers onderbreek elke selfgefabriseerde produksie van betekenis en stuur sy lesers in die rigting van die gawe van genade. Hy open die horison na God en die genade van die betekenis wat God aan ons as klein, maar kosbare fragmente skenk. Hierdie is 'n boek oor ons 'eskatologiese eksistensie' - maar dit klink veels te abstrak. Ek het baie ontdek en geleer deur hierdie boek te lees, het in kontak met die skrywer en sy familie gekom, het bestudeer wat hom fassineer, en baie beter gevoel nadat ek dit klaar gelees het. Dit is waarskynlik die beste wat mens oor 'n teologiese boek kán sê. Alexander Deeg: Professor in Praktiese Teologie, Leipzig, Duitsland.In hierdie diep persoonlike boek maak bekende Cilliers temas - insluitend die skep van sin, prediking, moderne kuns, kleur, Stellenbosse wyne, en die Karoo - op 'n verrassend nuwe wyse hulle verskyning. Hulle word verbind met intens gelukkige en uiters hartseer outobiografiese momente, en word as niks meer as fragmente aangebied nie. Terwyl mens egter die boek lees, begin die fragmente as 'n geheel met mekaar kommunikeer, en skep só al spelende 'n verrassende, eksistensiële teologie. 'n Teologie wat aanhaak by jou eie eksistensie as leser. Neem, lees, en geniet hierdie smaakvolle boek. Marcel Barnard: Professor in Praktiese Teologie aan die Protestantse Teologiese Universiteit, Amsterdam, en Buitengewone Professor aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch.Johan Cilliers is Emeritus Professor in Homiletiek en Liturgiek, 'n voormalige hoof van die Departement Praktiese Teologie en Missiologie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, 'n voormalige voorsitter van die Prakties-Teologiese Werksgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika, asook voormalige president van Societas Homiletica (die internasionale vereniging vir Homiletiek). Hy het sy teologiese opleiding aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, asook die Karl Rupprecht Universiteit in Heidelberg, Duitsland, ondergaan. Hy het al as gasdosent opgetree by die Universiteit van Umeå (Swede), die Universiteite van Leipzig, Hamburg, Würzburg, Humboldt/Berlyn (Duitsland), die Universiteit van Basel (Switserland), asook die Vrije Universiteit (Nederland) waar van sy boeke as voorgeskrewe literatuur gedien het. Sedert 2021 word van sy werke ook in Russies vertaal vir gebruik by die Universiteit van St. Petersburg, Rusland. Hy het al meer as 120 akademiese artikels in geakkrediteerde tydskrifte die lig laat sien, asook 23 populêre godsdienstige boeke, benewens 18 akademiese monografieë, onder andere oor prediking, liturgie en estetika. Van sy boeke is in Koreaans en Duits vertaal en in daardie lande gepubliseer, asook in die Verenigde State van Amerika. Tydens 2022 word hy met ʼn A1-gradering deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) vereer.

  • av Dominique Adonis

    "The way we have been doing relationships in this generation is not working; and God has a better way..." UNCHAINED can be described as a manifesto, calling this generation back to God's blueprint for our hearts and relationships. So many books have already been written on the subject, however it would seem that there is an urgency from heaven to get this generation to realise that how we're doing relationships is simply not working.In a generation where everyone is connected we have never been more disconnected from what truly matters. When we are in true relationship with Jesus we can truly be in relationship with others.UNCHAINED explores why we do romantic relationships the way we do and points the reader back to the heart of our Father. It points us to the Truth about our hearts and relationships. About The AuthorDominique is a woman, wife, mother, leader, entrepreneur, and Pastor based in the vibrant city of Cape Town, South Africa. Yet, the most important thing you must know about her is that she is a child of God. Together with her husband, Pastor Ricardo Adonis, they've been trained and ordained into the ministry order of the Full Gospel Church of God in SA and they serve as Assistant Pastors at the Bethel Tabernacle FGC located in Scottsville, Kraaifontein.Dominique has a passion for the lost, and possesses a holy desire to see all people reached, taught, and transformed for the glory of King Jesus. She has been raised up for a time such as this. Armed with a prophetic voice, unashamed and radical in her quest to touch real issues, Dominique does this by living and preaching the word of God clearly, simply, and powerfully.

  • av Jan L Neels

    This booklet contains the first draft of the envisaged African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts. The proposal could be used by national legislators on the continent and African economic integration organisations, particularly the African Union, in, respectively, domestic legislation and regional or supranational laws of a soft or binding nature. The existence of a reliable transnational legal infrastructure in respect of international commercial law, including commercial private international law, is a prerequisite for investor confidence, inclusive economic growth, sustainable development, and the ultimate alleviation of poverty on the African continent. The instrument may contribute to sustainable growth on a long-term basis. The regulation of private international law of contract is essential to the further development of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

  • av Stan Bendis Kutcher

    ¿ Learn the secrets behind drawing Manga faces! ¿The popular Japanese comic art form is now explained in great detail with the emphasis on the Manga face.Stan Bendis Kutcher gives how-to instructions with step-by-step images on a epic scale on more than 164 pages. The book is visually driven with over 500 illustrated, pencilled, inked or colored images, whilst also maintaining a balance of written instruction. With over 30 characters, Manga style, technique as well as providing the finishing touch is a focus.There is always something new to learn, no matter your age or talent level!Chapter Overview:Chapter 1 : What is Manga?Chapter 2 : Basic Face ProportionsChapter 3 : Manga Eyes in DetailChapter 4 : Features & ExpressionsChapter 5 : Old School Manga FacesChapter 6 : Modern Manga FacesChapter 7 : 4-Step MangaAlso Discussed:Drawing materialsThe difference between Anime and MangaThe importance of reflectionThe basic male & female face proportionsThe Traditional eye vs. The Manga eye & much more!

  • av Stan Bendis Kutcher
    175 - 251

  • av Stan Bendis Kutcher
    168 - 212,-

    Let your comic drawings come to life by learning art of comic book inking. (This is the Black & White Saver Edition)

  • av Stan Bendis Kutcher

    Practical and easy to follow, this book will help you to unlock the comic artist just waiting to break free!In "How to Draw Anatomy for Comics", Stan Bendis Kutcher explains in easy to follow, step-by-step methods for applying anatomy and drawing techniques for comics. This comic book drawing guide takes the reader from the basic first steps, right to the detailed trimmings of drawing comic anatomy. No matter what the level of your artistic skill is, you can apply the same techniques to upgrade your comic drawings even further. Use the tips and tricks in this book to implement drawing styles of all comic genres, from Superheroes and Villains, to Cartoons and Fantasy characters.Learn how to apply basic principles such as using basic shapes for construction, perspective, movement and distortion. Design principles such as the "Golden Ratio" will help the composition and layout of your comic pages as well as the anatomical proportions of your comic book characters. Learn the fundamentals of drawing your own original comic book characters. Bring them to life by learning some tips into creating their own unique personalities and then putting it on paper.

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