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  • av Michael Skyner

    Follow the adventures of the crew of the Southern Belle as they attempt to rescue the fiery princess from the emperor's clutches. Their quest takes them to many strange planets and the beings that live on them. Surviving sabotage and encounters with giant boxing marsupials, frontier gargoyles and border patrols, the crew manage to track the princess to the planet Festus. A foul and desolate wasteland of a planet.'I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how can an emperor be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate, Mm, answer me that?'The young emperor of the Evilonian Empire is in trouble, and he knows it. To survive he must consider the unthinkable, marriage to an evil sorceress and the kidnapping of a pain-in-the-butt princess. Life in the Galaxy will never be the same again.Can it get any worse?

  • av J A Peto

    The fourth book of short stories by Julie Peto. This collection contains Space travel, Time Travel, Zombies (sort of), Little Old Ladies, Space Maggots, Therapy sessions and the End of the World. As usual a mix of good old fasion horror, murder and mayhem

  • av Phil Parker

    Girl with Fan' is the first collection of short stories by Phil Parker. Ranging in focus from the dying days of Roman rule in Britain, via 14th century Norfolk after the Black Death, 19th century artistic Paris and turn of the 20th century Russia, to the Britain of today, these stories explore themes of identity, memory, shame, gender conflict, creativity, faith and the inescapable force, both for good and ill, of love. It is divided into three sections: 'The Self and Others'; 'The Arts Pages'; 'Amor Vicit Omnia - mostly...'. Among the stories in this collection, 'Girl with Fan' is a fictional take on the back story behind a sequence of paintings by Renoir, as told from the perspective of Alphonsine Fournaise, the sitter. The constraints of growing up in a small Norfolk village are explored in the prize-winning story 'Ayesha'. In 'Interludes' a chance encounter on a train journey leads David to review his past, while making a shocking discovery about the present. A daughter discovers animal corpses in her ageing mother's freezer in 'In the Deep Freeze'. In 'Remember Me' a gentleman's companion helps his actor lover to stage one final performance. The collection concludes with 'The Night Shift', in which a newly-married couple argue about what to wear on their wedding night.


    This book discusses a Star seeds deciphering of information & Consciousness Awakening on Planet Gaia, an introduction to your Pineal Gland activated by your Kundalini energy system, and how to fully activate your Pineal Gland Chakra Antennas. Also discussed is the Heart the beginning of Life & the link between the Heart & Geometries, & the Scientific Process of Cellular Transmutation of the natural biological Star Gate Passage of Ascension via Celestalline Light Waves. Also discussed is manifesting control of the mind by creating a bridge between the Conscious & Subconscious mind, & the science of the geometric structure of the super advanced biotechnology of DNA & the Blueprint Design of the Angelic Human & its symbiotic relationship to the essence of Spirit & the Merkaba light body. Also discussed is the Psychic child's connection to their Star family & downloaded data they receive, & the evolution of humanity.


    This book discusses the Intentional Orchestrated Mass Invasion of Foreign Enemy Combative Violent Fear Dubh Rapist Fighting aged Migrant Men from War Zones into Irish Communities, by the corrupt Criminal Enemy Irish Ministers working for the EU, UN, WEF, Illuminati & Anunnaki Hidden Hand Elites. That are Intentionally flooding extremely Violent Terrorist Fear Dubh Rapists into Europe & Ireland to Purposely Mentally & Physically Scar & Break the Will & Spirit of the Native populations. With Preplanned funding for Rape Crisis Centres all in place to prepare for the Rape Pandemic that they have Planned to Destroy Local Communities. Also discussed is the civil discord in communities across Ireland, with protests by women, parents, and their whole communities standing up in peaceful protests against the illegal mass invasion of violent combatant foreign migrant men that are raping women in their communities, and harassing, and attacking all citizens on the streets in their locale communities. Also discussed is the Weapon of Rape used as Programming & Indoctrination, & the effects of Rape Trauma Syndrome & PTSD & how to overcome trauma to start the healing processes. With Self Defense Strike Techniques of Dim Mak Death Touch Martial Arts, for Women & Teenagers being Targeted, Stalked, Accosted & Attacked by Aggressive Violent Fear Dubh Migrant Rapists. Also a range of legal weapons that can be used for Personal Protection.

  • av Sally Ann East

    A little girl wants a pet, but nothing fluffy. What does she get, and what happens when the family go on a journey and she smuggles it along?

  • av Nigel Plane

  • av John Gradwell

    A slayer is on the loose and, in typical fashion, comedian Frankie Funnybone has blundered into the killer's sights. It is 1956 and Frankie's stellar career has hit the skids since we last encountered him five years before. The 41-year-old comic has resigned himself to an uneventful summer of shows at the end of the pier in Mellish, a rundown seaside resort on the Lancashire coast. But how wrong can you be! After narrowly escaping becoming the the fiendish Crossword Killer's third victim, Frankie realises the key to the mystery lies in what happened during the war to his cousin's husband Joe Trueman, who is leading the murder inquiry. Will Frankie survive to bring the curtain down on the killer's reign of terror? Or will he die on stage for the very last time?

  • av Simon Mapp

    Delve into a poignant collection of short stories that explore the enduring human themes of aging, loss, nostalgia, and love. Each tale is a delicate weave of emotion and insight, inviting readers to confront the fragility and resilience that define our existence. Journey through a series of lifetimes, each flickering like a brief candle, illuminating the beautiful, often heartbreaking moments that give life its deepest significance. A compelling read that will touch your heart and stir your soul, "Brief Candle" captures the essence of what it means to be human-in all its fleeting glory.

  • av Ricky James Rogers

    Fresh to the gay scene, Oliver Edwards arrives in town searching for a new life. Perhaps here in this dazzling new place he will find himself, his happiness, maybe even love. But behind every shining light is energy powerful enough to kill; behind every costume is a charlatan with a scheme; and in Divas Cabaret Bar, the town's brightest drag queen venue, it's not just those on stage who are wearing masks. Watch your back, sharpen your mind, dust away your paranoia. Everyone at Divas has something to hide, but what happens when the makeup washes off, the truth comes tumbling out, and the only thing left is cold, harsh reality? Welcome to the darkness.Your secrets are safe... for now.

  • av Colin Cossor

  • av S. Green

    This is a book about you, your relationships, animals and your connection to Pluto. This supposed new planet has more information about you than you think. It has a direct connection to animals which is influencing how we live our lives. Using Chaldean numerology and simple astrology, you will see how your life is pre determined. We shall see how animal cruelty is the main reason why we experience difficulty on earth. This book is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to smash through the barrier of the matrix and live in peace with God, our family and self. Living a cruelty free life is the only way to obtain abundance and love. This book will show you how to find peace in a world that can support you.

  • av B S Bhamra

    this book is one of two that I have just written the initial idea came to me many years ago and it was only just recently that I had decided make it Parr of my franchise Lucy and Benjamin the first attempt of this story was created way back in 1997 it was a story I created for an English essay its filled with fun and action and its dangerous if you like this kind of thing its almost reads like a comic book and the characters too have that comic book kind of feel. I really hope you enjoy this.


    The Biology and Chemistry Fraud Exposed & The Truth of Bacteria and Viruses and Alkalised Healing Of The Biological Avatar Body, meaning the Fall of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the whole Medical Basis of Teaching Standard Will Collapse as well as all Universities and Education Systems. Also information of the introduction to grow your eternal light body via your schematic blueprint instructions in your DNA and general information on physical and mental well being to run at your biological and chemical and electrical optimal levels to access your eternal light body and then able to access the hyper-dimensional matrix of creation in its entirety all dimensions of The Brahman, The Whole, The Creation and the eternal realms the kingdom of light that resides outside time and space by lovelifelee.

  • av Marie O'Connell

    Online dating at a certain age. If you're above the age of 35, dating can be confusing. if you want to meet someone, you've probably dipped into the online dating game at least once. Some just to see what it was like. I can attest, it's challenging. However, I believe that finding love in the digital age is possible and worth it in the end.


    Meditation is the key to peaceful manifestations, then your inner peaceful thoughts will manifest outwards into vibratory words and actions, creating your physical reality of your choosing. Through stillness of the mind with breath work, and ancient breath practices, you will create space to have clarity. With clarity you will see the mind is just a tool of the human avatars, the human biological body in which we manifest, through the luminous energy field around around the human body, which is the software that informs the hardware the DNA to grow the body. The luminous energy field is a foot below your feet, a foot above your head and as wide as your arms stretch outwards.


    This book discusses the fundamental Cosmic foundation of the true reality of what a woman is, that forms one of the two essential components of the essential system and structure of all physical animated Universal Cosmic life, and the Divine Feminine is discussed from histories ancient forms of the Great Mother Goddess.Also discussed is what it is to be a woman who gives birth to the miracle of life for us eternal Spiritual light beings from the Oneness ultra violet energetic Source field of Consciousness, to manifest into physical avatars for experience and Spiritual growth. The biology of a woman is also discussed including the female anatomy and the birthing process. Also discussed is the fundamental Universal law of the two only genders of female and male. Also discussed is the Mental Illness of Gender Identity Disorder now know as Gender Dysphoria, which is being forcefully promoted by Western Governments and forced onto society and onto minor children. With the Western Governments and their pedophile politicians criminally sexualising minors which is grooming minors which is promoting sodomy and pedophilia, under the false guise of transgenderism which is a Mental Illness.Also Individualism vs Collectivism Societies is discussed, along with an introduction to the DNA schematic blueprint of instructions to grow your Merkaba field, which is your eternal human light body.


    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

  • av Father Spyridon Bailey

  • av Catherine Marie Abberton

    This is a collection of poems written by Catherine Abberton, most of which were written during lockdown. The title poem being Ode to the Viaduct is a tribute to the builders of a local landmark, the natural surroundings and its present day use. Other poems that were written during or before lockdown a under headings of those as follows: Nature, Lore, Plight and Eternal to name a few. Reader, with such a variety of themes, the author hopes you'll find a cherished one.

  • av Judith Arnopp

    A Matter of FaithThe Days of the PhoenixBook Two of The Henrician ChronicleFinally free of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII is now married to Anne Boleyn, and eagerly awaits the birth of his son. In a court still reeling from the royal divorce and amid growing resentment against church reform, Henry must negotiate widespread resentment toward Anne. But his lifelong dreams of a son to cement his Tudor bloodline are shattered when Anne is delivered of a daughter.Burying his disappointment, Henry focuses on getting her with child again, but their marriage is volatile and, as Henry faces personal bereavement and discord at court, Anne's enemies are gathering. When the queen miscarries of a son, and Henry suffers a life-threatening accident, his need for an heir becomes vital. Waiting in the wings is Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting, who offers the king respite from Anne's fiery passions.But, when Anne falls foul of her former ally, Thomas Cromwell, and the king is persuaded that Anne has made him a cuckold, Henry strikes out and the queen falls beneath the executioner's sword, taking key players in Henry's household with her. Jane Seymour, stepping up to replace the fallen queen, quickly becomes pregnant. Delighted with his dull but fertile wife, Henry's spirits rise even further when the prince is born safely. At last, Henry has all he desires, but even as he celebrates, fate is preparing to deliver one more staggering blow. The virile young prince is now a damaged middle-aged man, disappointed in those around him but most of all in himself. As the king's optimism diminishes, his intractability increases, and soon the wounded lion will begin to roar.


    This book discusses the Hidden Knowledge of Manifesting a New Mindset With the Eight Fundamental Principles of Geomancy, of the Creation, of Life, that come from Cosmic Universal Natural Law. Also discussed is the Great Work, the Introduction to the Angelic Human Eternal Light Body, that is accessed via higher states of Consciousness & by accessing your Schematic Blueprint within your DNA. There are many types of Meditation Practices in this book, of Ancient Wisdom & Knowledge from Worldwide Cultures, & gained in my own Meditation Practices, & from my Shamanic Ceremonies, & via Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca. There is focus on attention of the Unconscious Mind & Conscious Mind & their relationship, a concentration on Breath Work, & accessing your Light Body via your DNA Blueprint the Schematics to your Eternal Rainbow Light Body, accessed via Meditation, Breath, Diet, and your Consciousness. Allowing you to access & travel in the Cosmos, in the Creation, in the Whole HyperDimensional Templar Light Time Matrix. Because we are Eternal Inter-dimensional Divine Light beings of Ultra Violet energetic Source Consciousness, we are the Christos Collective Cosmic Guardian's of the Creation.

  • av R J Gould

    A tale of two husbands, two wives, and the woman in between.It is a June day and the rain is lashing down as Emma and Andrew move into the house of their dreams in an affluent London suburb. Two doors away, dejected Darren and Kelly are downsizing into their new home.It doesn't take long for the women to hit it off despite being opposites in many ways. Meanwhile Andrew, a teacher and poet, and Darren, an alarm systems installer, are at loggerheads from the word go.When Emma and Kelly decide to take breaks away together - to a spa, a countryside retreat, the Scottish Highlands - their men feel abandoned. Their animosity grows and the loyalty to their wives is tested when Mrs Hall moves in as their in-between neighbour. But who exactly is this woman and what game is she playing?The wives return from a stay in Scotland to discover that a lot has changed. Will their marriages be robust enough to survive?

  • av Dennis Roy Grantham

    Sam is the story of a young girl growing up with loving parents but then setting sail on a sea of turmoil involving various partners and births all of which she survives intact after an interesting journey through life. A precocious young girl jourmeys through childhood, university, relationships, motherhood and a career in social services while maintaining her personal integrity throughout.


    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

  • av Barker Keith Barker

  • av B S Bhamra

    this is the third part of the story Benjamin is running things again and is very busy traveling through his mind with Lucy close by controlling the whole experiment the whole time benjmain ahs been taken by force as for signing a few false documents as for Lucy who knows and does not tell him Benjamin is left looking at his own creation the machine Benjamin is causing himself lots of trouble sand as his attempts for escaping filing miserably and forcing himself to give Lucy the rest of the plans of ==for the machine once done they are on there way as Benjamin goes on I to the past to find the microchip which is in the future.

  • av R J Gould

    Sandy is about to retire following an illustrious career as editor of an upmarket fashion magazine. Michael can't retire, he thinks his work to explain the dangers of climate change is far too important. Jonathan is considering retiring from running his fundraising consultancy. These three were the best of friends at university before a tragedy wrecked their friendship. They haven't spoken since. Fifty years on, they arrange to meet at a reunion. Having reminisced about student life during a wild and self-indulgent era with its heady mix of free love, drugs and ground-breaking music, they share their life journeys since the Swinging Sixties - the successes and failures, the happiness and despair, and their optimism and fears for the future. The reunion is drawing to a close. Dare they tackle the incident that tore them apart, an event that has brought guilt for so many years? If they are to have any chance of reconciliation they have to, but the clock is ticking.

  • av Ron Evans

    The East End of London has a fascinating history. Often it has been violent and lawless throwing up criminals like Jack the Ripper and the Krays. It has always been a place where migrants from foreign lands have settled thus it has a diverse and vibrant culture which is a characteristic it retains and therefore can be said to be a constant. The brief period described in this memoir runs from 1945 to 1963 and is concerned with the author's childhood in Stratford - today a central place in an East End which extends from The City out to Romford. The book explores the culture and morals of the time through the life of the author and his family, friends and acquaintances. East End kids then were inventive and adventurous and their street life was full of exciting activities which these days would sometimes astonish and, indeed, would not be possible. Above all the author attempts to capture the sense of community and belonging that those East End streets engendered. Moreover, it conveys a sense of nostalgia and loss for a time which was precious, fleeting and now gone forever as the technological world made its impact, sweeping away a social context which, hitherto, had prevailed for centuries. The author added 'Just' to the title to covey two thoughts - that he is simply an East End boy and that he is now only tenuously an East End boy.

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