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Bøker utgitt av Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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  • av Food and Agriculture Organization

  • av Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

  • - statistical yearbook 2021
    av Food and Agriculture Organization
    1 826

    This publication offers a synthesis of the major factors at play in the global food and agricultural landscape, and is meant to constitute a primary tool for policy makers, researchers and analysts, as well as the general public interested in the past, present and future path of food and agriculture.

  • - approaches, tools and selected experiences, ADA/FAO April 2017 - April 2021
    av Food and Agriculture Organization: FAO Investment Centre

    A practical reference for investment practitioners on the integration of climate change risks, focusing on vulnerability assessments and project appraisals. The publication illustrates climate funding opportunities, including the green climate fund and the Global Environment Facility.

  • - opportunities for youth employment in Uganda
    av Francis Mwesigye

    Most young people in Uganda involved in the coffee value chain are casual labourers with low pay. To enhance their employment, this study suggests developing by-laws to enable access to land and supporting small businesses through revolving funds.

  • av Amanda Bradley

    Uses three country cases to highlight the importance of securing collective tenure rights in meeting REDD+ goals. Nepal's case demonstrates a community forestry model, Peru's focuses on indigenous peoples' territories and Tanzania's features participatory forest management on customary lands.

  • Spar 23%
    - second report
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Reviews the status of the microbiological safety of lipid-based ready-to-use foods (RUFs) and provides guidance to producers on the general approach and requirements for manufacturing RUFs that are safe for their intended use.

  • Spar 21%
    - Ano Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras, 2021. Documento de antecedentes

    El Ano Internacional de las Frutas y Hortalizas 2021 (IYFV) tiene como objetivo concienciar sobre los beneficios nutricionales y sanitarios del consumo de frutas y hortalizas. Este documento ofrece una vision general de las actividades que tendran lugar durante el IYFV.

  • - your dietary essentials, the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, 2021, background paper
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) aims to raise awareness about the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. This paper provides an overview of the activities that will take place during the IYFV.

  • - 30 March-3 April 2020
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Following many cases of suspected food poisoning in the Karamoja region of the Republic of Uganda, the meeting provided risk assessments for hyoscyamine and scopolamine, including toxicological and exposure assessment.

  • - an integrated bioenergy food security assessment
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Defines which bioenergy options can be viable solutions for electricity production, cooking fuels and transport fuels in Zambia. Possible options originating from crop residues, livestock residues and forest plantation harvesting residues are identified.

  • - Documento tecnico
    av Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    Este marco pretende apoyar el aprendizaje mutuo para la adaptacion y expansion de modelos exitosos de alimentacion escolar con productos locales (AEPL). Los principales objetivos son aclarar los conceptos, el alcance y los objetivos de los programas de alimentacion escolar con productos locales.

  • av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Provides in an easy and simple way quick access to top-level numbers, charts and maps on many dimensions of food and agriculture - from the characteristics of the sector to production, prices and trade, as well as food security and nutrition and environmental aspects.

  • Spar 24%
    - detection and diagnosis, a manual for veterinarians
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Explains how to diagnose and respond to a case or outbreak of African swine fever (ASF). The manual includes general information on the disease and its causes, including epidemiology, transmission pathways and geographic distribution.

  • Spar 23%
    av Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    Ce cadre d'evaluation peut servir de base pour comprendre l'impact au niveau national de la foresterie participative (FP) sur les forets et les moyens d'existence locaux (par exemple, l'amelioration de la gouvernance forestiere, la conservation participative, la gestion conjointe des forets).

  • Spar 21%
    - Rome, 19-23 November 2018
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Provides a risk assessment of known toxins leading to ciguatera poisoning, as well as guidance on risk management options, including establishing and/or strengthening surveillance programmes and monitoring transmission through the food web.

  • - legislating for a healthy school food environment
    av Luisa Cruz

    Promotes a holistic and human rights-based approach to school food and nutrition, in which legislation is an indispensable tool to ensure the sustainability of public policy goals set by a country. The guide provides practical information and guidance to develop or strengthen national legislation to improve food security and nutrition.

  • av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Reviews the latest changes in trade policies in post-Soviet countries, and how they affect the dynamics and structure of trade. The publication includes an overview of the prospects for expanding the agricultural trade of some Central Asian countries with China and the Russian Federation.

  • - Regional Inception Workshop 3-5 March 2020, Accra, Ghana
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Highlights the importance of fish and the small-scale fisheries sector for food security and nutrition, as well as the role of women in fisheries. Women are often marginalized and there is a strong need for their empowerment.

  • - water sensing for remote productivity
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    This report on a water accounting study of the Jordan River Basin, using FAO's Water Productivity (WaPOR) database, highlights the need for better information to inform water management in the region.

  • Spar 22%
    - framework and application in Africa
    av Pierre Murekezi

    Assists African countries and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in improving the integration of the fisheries and aquaculture sector into policy documents dealing with poverty eradication, foreign currency generation, food security, the ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture, and gender mainstreaming.

  • Spar 21%
    - Principes directeurs
    av Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    Ces principes directeurs sont le resultat d'une consultation d'experts dirigee conjointement par la FAO et l'OMS en juillet 2019. Ils adoptent une approche holistique des regimes alimentaires et tiennent compte des recommandations nutritionnelles internationales.

  • Spar 26%
    - procedures and sampling for demersal (bottom and beam) trawl surveys and pelagic acoustic surveys
    av Paolo Carpentieri

    Presents a methodology aimed at supporting the planning and implementation of regional demersal (bottom and beam) trawl and pelagic acoustic surveys. The publication will be useful for the implementation of new surveys-at-sea in areas where demersal trawl and pelagic acoustic surveys are not regularly carried out.

  • Spar 24%
    - policy changes and industry measures, annual compendium 2019
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Offers an overview of government policies and related private sector measures concerning global and national markets for oilcrops and derived products. The book's purpose is to facilitate the work of policymakers, market experts, analysts and other stakeholders by providing a short, concise overview of policy developments relevant to the sector.

  • av Ambra Gobena
    2 417,-

    Helps track developments in natural resources legislation from the perspective of international sustainable development principles. The book seeks to reflect up-to-date trends and thinking in natural resources governance, enhance the knowledge base in this field, and offer general guidance to countries in the regulation of their natural resources.

  • Spar 10%
    - Towards healthier food environments that address all forms of malnutrition
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    Promoting true development requires the guarantee of an adequate healthy diet. This can only be achieved through the commitment of States, which is why governments of the region have begun to implement measures to guide the production, distribution, marketing, processing and consumption of food.

  • Spar 23%
    - regional overview of food security and nutrition, rethinking food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition
    av Food and Agriculture Organization

    This report concludes that ending hunger and addressing the root causes of malnutrition will require bold action on several fronts, including ending conflicts and sustaining peace, and transforming food systems through agricultural, health, nutrition, trade, food and environmental policies that are gender- and climate-sensitive.

  • Spar 24%
    - Manual de restauracion a gran escala para apoyar la resiliencia de las comunidades rurales de la Gran Muralla Verde de Africa
    av M. Sacande

    Esta publicacion apoya los procesos de restauracion de tierras, como parte del Programa Gran Muralla Verde. Tiene un doble proposito de consolidar las operaciones biofisicas, asi como las evaluaciones socioeconomicas, y se basa en intervenciones y experiencias practicas reunidas a traves del Programa Accion Contra la Desertificacion.

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