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Bøker utgitt av GLH Publishing

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  • av John Bunyan

  • av Saint Augustine & Outler C Albert

  • - Reflections on the Incarnation
    av Charles Spurgeon

  • av John Owen

    From the Editor's Preface: "Owen explores in great depth what it means to kill sin in our lives. Killing sin is a path that we take toward personal holiness. It is how we maintain communion with God by honoring him with our obedience, exercised in cooperation with, and under the power of, the Holy Spirit. Holiness is not a list of do's and don'ts, like not swearing or not drinking alcohol. That would only be returning to the law that Christ freed us from."

  • av Boettner Loraine

  • av John Owen

    In A Brief Instruction in the Worship of God, which came to be known as The Independents' Catechism, Owen outlines the constitution and ordinances of a Christian Church, and explains the duties of office-bearers and members. Scarcely fifty questions, this short catechism gives insight into one of the greatest Puritan theologians and provides rich spiritual nourishment.

  • av Hugh Binning & M Leishman

  • av Louis Berkhof

  • av Athanasius

  • av Oswald Chambers

    Oswald Chambers brings you a simple approach to prayer. It has little to do with getting what you need from Godand everything to do with God getting what He needs from you.In this refreshing approach to this important biblical principle, If You Will Ask helps you discover that prayer is intimate communication intended to bring the bride alongside her Bridegroom.By the author of My Utmost for His Highest.

  • av G K Chesterton

    Inspired by a friend to examine his personal philosophy on religion, G. K. Chesterton walks readers through his conversion to Christianity, which was based on a rational consideration of fact. Orthodoxy considers the logical and scholarly arguments in favor of the Christian faith and presents an impassioned argument for the church as a positive, liberal organization. One of the strongest apologias ever written, it is a critical triumph from a renowned author, poet, journalist, and philosopher, whose own spiritual journey provides the foundation for this fascinating treatise on religious belief.

  • - 1 John

    This book for those in seminary or serious Bible students who translate the New Testament from the Greek themselves. On the left side of the page is the Nestle 1904 Greek edition of 1st John while on the right is a blank page for personal notes and translation of the Biblical text.

  • av J Gresham Machen

    Machen's classic defense of orthodox Christianity establishes the importance of scripural doctrine and contrasts the teachings of liberalism and orthodoxy on God and man, the Bible, Christ, salvation, and the church. Though originally published nearly seventy years ago, the book maintains its relevance today.

  • av A W Tozer

  • av A W Tozer

    Although never considered to be a popular speaker nor prolific writer, A. W. Tozer's audiences did appreciate what he had to say, and he was probably the most widely read Christian writer of his time. "Keys to the Deeper Life" contains four of his best-known essays and editorials. In them he rigorously examines many of the failings and foibles of his day. Although most were written more than three decades ago, the insights they offer are as fresh and thought-provoking as the day they were published. Essays include, "No Revival Without Reformation," "The Deeper Life, What is it?" "Gifts of the Spirit; Are They For Us Today," and "How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit."

  • av Arthur W Pink

    Christ's first preaching seems to have been summarized in one short but crucial sentence, like that of John the Baptist before Him: "Repent ye: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2; 4:17). It is not appropriate in a brief study such as this to discuss that most interesting topic, the Kingdom of heaven-what it is and what the various periods of its development are-but these Beatitudes teach us much about those who belong to that Kingdom, and upon whom Christ pronounced its highest forms of benediction.

  • av A W Tozer

    Excerpted from sermons preached by A. W. Tozer at his Chicago church, these four chapters cover the following subjects: (1) Who Is the Holy Spirit? (2) The Promise of the Father, (3) How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit, (4) How to Cultivate the Spirit's Companionship.

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