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  • - Frameworks for Lay Leadership
    av Rob A Fringer

    The Bible is of utmost importance to the Christian faith and should be a source of revelation, wisdom, instruction, and connection to God. Nevertheless, it continues to be misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misappropriated. Therefore, it is vital that we understand what we believe about the Bible as Christians and as Wesleyans. This book helps to unpack difficult concepts related to the authority and inspiration of Scripture, it provides a brief theological reading of Scripture's grand narrative, and it provides a foundation and template for fruitful, faithful interpretation and application of Scripture.Rob A. Fringer, PhD-Principal and lecturer in Biblical Studies and Biblical Language at Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane. Rob is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene and has 15 years of pastoral experience working in the areas of Youth, Adult Discipleship, and Community Outreach. He is the co-author of Theology of Luck: Fate, Chaos, & Faith and The Samaritan Project both published by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. Rob is married (Vanessa) and has two children (Sierra and Brenden).

  • - Frameworks for Lay Leadership
    av Richard Giesken

    Our world seems to be getting smaller every day. The global movement of people is at unprecedented levels. While many perceive these movements as a threat, Jesus encourages us to see a ripe harvest field at our doorstep. Those who are open to the call of God and equipped for cross-cultural engagement stand ready to cross the street to make disciples in the name of Jesus. This book explores culture, worldview, and intercultural communication from theological and practical perspectives. It invites readers to enter the mission of God through effective cross-cultural ministry and mission at home or abroad.Richard Giesken, MDiv, MTh, GDLT is Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Missiology at Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane and an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. His MTh thesis explored the topic of "Holiness in Community" as a practical expression of God's love developing healthy communities. Originally from South Africa, Richard lived in the Philippines for three years before settling in Australia where he serves as the pastor of the Redlands Church of the Nazarene in addition to teaching at NTC. He is married to Judy and together they have four sons.

  • - Frameworks for Lay Leadership
    av Bruce G Allder

    Embodying a Theology of Ministry and Leadership-This book seeks to bring together a person's spiritual vitality in Christ with practical expressions of service, care, and deepening relationships with others. It provides practical steps on how to listen well to God's specific call, develop the art of theological reflection, and apply various leadership perspectives to different contexts. Throughout, Scripture is used to provide a scaffold on which to build ministry and leadership principles that can bring coherence and effectiveness to complex and often confusing situations.Bruce G. Allder, EdD-Lecturer in Pastoral Theology and Director of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) program at Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane. Dr. Allder has held various ministry roles within the Church of the Nazarene including pastoring churches in the USA and Australia, District Superintendent of numerous districts, Field Strategy Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand, and Principal of NTC for 17 years. He is also currently serving as the Transitional District Superintendent of New Zealand and pastoring a small church in Queensland. He is married to Jacqueline and has a daughter (deceased), two married sons, and one grandson.

  • - Frameworks for Lay Leadership
    av Floyd T Cunningham

    This book focuses on how the Church of the Nazarene has perceived its mission and purpose in the world from beginning days to the present. The book describes the particular reason-to-be of the church and its distinctive character, particularly in relation to its organisational structure, educational philosophy, and missions. It explains some of the ways in which the church has developed its theology from John Wesley, Methodism, and the holiness movement to the twentieth and twenty-first century, and how the church has expanded its ministry of compassion to the world.Floyd T. Cunningham, PhD. Academic Dean and Professor of the History of Christianity at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary and Sessional Lecturer at Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane. Dr. Cunningham earned his PhD in history at Johns Hopkins University and is the author of Holiness Abroad: Nazarene Missions in Asia, the co-author and editor of Our Watchword and Song, and the writer of the two Examining our Christian Heritage modules for the USA/Canada Course of Study, as well as the author of articles and chapters in various publications.

  • av Kerk Van de Nazarener

    De missieverklaring van de Kerk van de Nazarener is het maken van Christusgelijkvormige discipelen onder de volken. "De kernwaarden van de Kerk van de Nazarener omschrijven ons als: Christelijk, Heiligings- en Zendingsgericht" "De zeven karakteristieken van de Kerk van de Nazarener zijn een betekenisvolle eredienst, theologische samenhang, hartstochtelijke evangelisatie, bewust discipelschap, ontwikkeling van kerken, transformerend leiderschap en doelgerichte barmhartigheid." "Het primaire doel van de Kerk van de Nazarener is het verbreiden van het Koninkrijk van God door het bewaren en verkondigen van christelijke heiliging zoals beschreven in de Schriften" "De kritische doelen van de Kerk van de Nazarener zijn 'een heilige christelijke gemeenschap, de bekering van zondaren, de volkomen heiligmaking van de gelovigen, hun groei in heiliging, en de eenvoud en de geestelijke kracht die in de eerste christelijke kerk aanwezig waren, gepaard gaande met de prediking van het evangelie aan de ganse schepping." (19) De Kerk van de Nazarener bestaat om te dienen als een instrument voor de voortgang van het Koninkrijk van God door het verkondigen en onderwijzen van het evangelie over de gehele wereld. Onze duidelijk omschreven opdracht is het bewaren en verspreiden van christelijke heiligheid zoals beschreven in de Schriften, door de bekering van zondaren, het terugbrengen van afvalligen en de volkomen heiligmaking van gelovigen. Ons doel is een geestelijk doel, namelijk het evangeliseren als antwoord op de Grote Opdracht van onze Heer: "Ga dus op weg en maak alle volken tot mijn leerlingen." (Mattheüs 28:19, vgl. Johannes 20:21 en Marcus 16:15). Wij geloven dat dit doel bereikt kan worden door gezamenlijk overeengekomen beleid en werkwijzen, met inbegrip van geloofsartikelen en normen op het gebied van ethiek en levensstijl die de tijd doorstaan hebben. Deze editie 2017-2021 van het Handboek bevat een kort historisch overzicht van de kerk; de kerkelijke constitutie, die onze geloofsartikelen, ons begrip van kerk-zijn, het Convenant van Christelijk Karakter voor een heilig leven, en de grondprincipes van organisatie en bestuur bevat; het Convenant van Christelijk Gedrag, dat essentiële onderwerpen in onze hedendaagse samenleving bespreekt; en het beleid van de kerk ten aanzien van de plaatselijke-, districts- en algemene kerkelijke organisatie.

  • - Uma Biblioteca para o Mundo
    av Tammy Condon

  • - Frameworks for Lay Leadership Series
    av David B McEwan

    About the bookAs a member of the Wesleyan family of churches, the Church of the Nazarene centres our understanding of the Christian faith in a loving relationship with God. We focus on practical theology that deals with our life in God and life with the neighbour in God's good creation. Such theology is dynamic, because we continually reflect on our life of faith as we seek to remain faithful to the unchanging Gospel of Christ in an ever-changing world. This book uses the Agreed Statement of Belief as a framework to briefly explore the critical elements of the confession we make together in becoming members of the Church of the Nazarene.About the AuthorDavid B. McEwan, PhD - Associate Professor of Theology and Pastoral Theology, Director of Research and Academic Dean at Nazarene Theological College in Brisbane. Dr McEwan is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene and for the past five years has been the pastor of a Pacific Islander congregation in Logan in addition to his ministry at NTC. He pastored Nazarene churches in Scotland, England and Australia before coming to the college in 1997. His latest book, The Life of God in the Soul, has recently been published by Paternoster.About the SeriesScripture tells us that believers are "a royal priesthood" (1 Peter 2:9). This means that all Christians, in one form or another, are called into places of ministry and leadership. Not only is this a great privilege, it is also a great responsibility. Men and women desiring to serve in church leadership in some capacity undergo basic training to assure that they understand the foundations of the Christian faith and of our Nazarene identity. This includes a deepening knowledge and appreciation of Scripture, Theology, Ministry, Mission, History, and Holiness. Frameworks for Lay Leadership is a series of six books designed to do just that-equip lay leaders for ministry in the Church, whether local, district, or general. These books have the greatest impact when they are read, processed, applied, and contextualised in partnership with a qualified mentor.Welcome to this journey of transformation! The Frameworks of Lay Leadership Series: Engaging the Story of God Exploring a Wesleyan Theology Embodying a Theology of Ministry and Leadership Entering the Mission of God Expressing a Nazarene Identity Embracing a Doctrine of Holiness

  • - Au service des gens de Cactus, Texas
    av Jenni Monteblanco

  • - Kirche des Nazareners

    Diese Broschüre "Was Nazarener kennzeichnet" stellt die Kirche des Nazareners als eine weltweite Bewegung dar, für die Heiligung und der Missionsbefehl wichtig sind und die sich dem Erbe von Wesley und Arminius verbunden weiß. Viele jüngere geistliche Leiter und andere Glaubende haben darum gebeten, etwas über die Lehre, Geschichte, Mission, den finanziellen Aufbau und die Beziehungen der Kirche des Nazareners zu erfahren. "Was Nazarener kennzeichnet" bietet für Pastoren und Laien eine Möglichkeit, das Ziel der Kirche besser zu verstehen. Dieses Ziel ist es, biblische Heiligung zu verbreiten und dem Auftrag zu folgen, in den Nationen Menschen zu christusähnlichen Jüngern zu machen. "Was Nazarener kennzeichnet" kann auch im Internet abgerufen werden. Dort werden zudem zusätzliche Hilfen in verschiedenen Sprachen angeboten: Während Sie "Was Nazarener kennzeichnet" lesen und studieren, werden Sie mehr darüber erfahren, wie die Kirche des Nazareners gehorsam die Gute Nachricht Jesu Christi weiterzugeben versucht.

  • - Kush Jemi - Cfare Besojme
    av Kisha E Nazaretasit

    Një brez i ri i nazaretasve ka kërkuar që themelet e mësimeve, historisë, teologjisë, misionit, financave si dhe të natyrës thelbësore të kishës, të publikohen në një dokument të shkurtër, të qartë, të lehtë për t'u arrirë nga tëgjithë-në një gjuhë të thjeshtë.Dokumenti Themeltar Nazaretas është një koleksion me artikuj të shkurtër që shpjegon arsyen e ekzistencës së Kishës së Nazaretasit: Kush jemi dhe çfarë besojmë. Ky publikim na jep mundësinë që të kuptojmë më mirë qëllimin e kishës në përhapjen e shenjtërisë së shkrimit dhe në misionin e saj, për të bërë dishepuj si Krishti në kombet.Dokumentin Themeltar Nazaretas mund ta gjeni në internetit ( dhe kërkoni për "Nazarene Essentials").Ndërkohë që lexoni dhe studioni Dokumentin Themeltar Nazaretas, ju urojmë që të mësoni sa më shumë rreth Kishës së Nazaretasit dhe dëshirës së saj për të ndarë me bindje lajmin e mirë të Jezus Krishtit.

  • - 2019-2020 MNI recursos para educa o em miss es
    av Debbie Salter Goodwin

    Africa Nazarene University (Universidade Nazarena da África) é uma história de transformação liderada por um grupo de pioneiros inovadores. Debbie Salter Goodwin leva você a mergulhar no espírito e fé deste grupo. Seja administrador, corpo docente ou aluno, todos compartilham a mesma paixão: Deus deseja transformar vidas e nações, e pode usá-los para fazê-lo.A comunidade da ANU acredita que o título deste livro é mais uma oração do que uma afirmação. Ao lera história deles, faça a sua oração também. Junte-se a essa missão transformadora, acreditando que o que Deus começa em sua vida também transformará o seu mundo.


    El ciclo de preescolares es de tres años para los niños de 6 a 8 años de edad. El libro para los alumnos es a todo color y consta de 52 lecciones para todo el año

  • - chi siamo-cosa crediam
    av Consiglio Dei Sovrintendenti Generali

    Benvenuti nel Nazarene Essentials (Fondamenti nazareni : chi siamo-cosa crediam)Una nuova generazione di nazareni ha richiesto che le basi degli insegnamenti della chiesa, la storia, la teologia, la missione, il fondamento e la sua natura essenziale, fossero messi insieme in una pubblicazione breve e facilmente accessibile in un linguaggio semplice.«Nazarene Essentials» è una serie di articoli brevi che spiegano come mai la Chiesa del Nazareno esiste: chi siamo e cosa crediamo. Questo testo offre un modo di comprendere meglio lo scopo della chiesa nel diffondere la santità della Scrittura e la sua missione in ogni nazione nel creare discepoli simili a CristoLeggendo e studiando «Nazarene Essentials» potresti imparare di più riguardo la Chiesa del Nazareno e il suo desiderio di diffondere ubbidientemente la buona notizia di Gesù Cristo.

  • - An Introduction to Wesleyan Theology)
    av William M Greathouse & H Ray Dunning

    - . .,, Adult Teacher 1977 . " " - ., -,, .,, . - . ."

  • - Hechos

    Este libro es una guía para los maestros de niños. Se ha escrito paraayudar a los maestros a guiar a los niños mientras estudian juntosel libro bíblico de Hechos. Cada lección incluye un versículo paramemorizar, un comentario bíblico, una lista de palabras importantesy algunas actividades. Las lecciones están basadas en una historiabíblica. Después de la historia, se proporcionan preguntas de discusiónpara animar a los niños a que apliquen a su vida lo que hanaprendido.Esta guía también contiene las instrucciones básicas que necesitarápara organizar un programa de esgrima infantil. Este programa desafiará el conocimiento de los niños acerca del texto bíblico. Los juegoscompetitivos inspiran a los niños a estudiar el libro de Hechos.Cada lección incluye preguntas de estudio para el nivel básico y elavanzado. Este libro incluye las Reglas y Procedimientos Ofi ciales delEsgrima Infantil, una hoja de asistencia, un modelo de la tabla depuntaje para la competencia de esgrima y certifi cados de premiaciónde los cuales se pueden hacer copias.

  • - 1 & 2 Samuel (Portugues)
    av Publicacoes Criancas Primeiro

  • - 1 y 2 Samuel (Espanol)

  • av Louie E Bustle & Hughes Ted


    Ce livre est une prsentation simple et directe aux personnes qui veulent devenir membres de l'glise du Nazaren. Il est crit en franais courant pour les nouveaux croyants et pour ceux qui sont encore novices dans cette glise. Il donne des information sur l'histoire de l'Eglise du Nazaren, les croyances de base de l'glise, son organisation, at sa position sur des sujets sociaux controverse tels que le divorce, la sexualit et lusage de lalcool.

  • - Discovering the Old Testament)
    av Robert D Branson & Tim M Green

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