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  • - Collaborating to Teach Writing in Diverse, Inclusive Settings
    av Kelly Chandler-Olcott

    Based on lessons drawn from an experimental writing enrichment program, this book illustrates how teachers and students benefit from a well-sequenced writing curriculum with high expectations for a heterogeneous population of participants, including students who have often been poorly served by writing instruction in schools.

  • - A Guide for Classroom Teachers and School Leaders
    av Katy Farber, Penny A. Bishop & John M. Downes

    Shows how teachers in grades 5-8 can leverage the use of personalized learning plans (PLPs) to increase student agency and engagement, helping youth to establish learning goals aligned with their interests and assess their own learning - particularly around essential skills that cut across disciplines.

  • - Traditional Neighborhood Schools Under Pressure
    av Julia A. McWilliams

    In districts from Chicago to New York to Washington, DC, neighbourhood public schools are being forced to compete with charter schools for students and resources, often under the threat of closure. In Compete or Close, Julia McWilliams provides a compelling ethnographic study of one such school, a neighborhood high school in Philadelphia.

  • - Helping Students Create Their Own Career and Life Goals
    av V. Scott H. Solberg

    Introduces a new paradigm and framework for career development focused on teaching skills that all students need to set long-term goals and experience post-secondary success. This book shows how educators can leverage the use of individual learning plans to help students identify their interests and create their own career pathways.

  • - Twenty Key Instructional Tools and Techniques for Educating English Learners
    av Kouider Mokhtari, Florin M. Mihai, Joyce W. Nutta, m.fl.

    Building upon the theoretical and practical foundation outlined in their previous book, Educating English Learners, the authors show classroom teachers how to develop a repertoire of instructional techniques that address K-12 English learners at different English proficiency and grade levels, and across subject areas.

  • - Exploring Identity with Art
    av Marit Dewhurst

    Describes how educators can practice connecting with others across differences to become culturally responsive teachers. The book illustrates how educators can draw on the visual arts to explore their own identities and those of their students, and how to increase their understanding of how lives intersect across sociocultural differences.

  • - Transforming Early Childhood Education in the Boston Public Schools
    av Ben Mardell, Betty Bardige & Megina Baker

    Provides a closely observed account of a decade-long effort to reshape the scope, direction, and quality of the Boston Public Schools' early childhood programs. Drawing on multiple perspectives and voices from the field, the authors highlight the reflective, collaborative, inquiry-driven approach undertaken by the program and share lessons learned.

  • av Muhammad Khalifa

    Focuses on how school leaders can effectively serve minoritized students - those who have been historically marginalized in school and society. The book demonstrates how leaders can engage students, parents, teachers, and communities in ways that positively impact learning by honouring indigenous heritages and local cultural practices.

  • - A Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Approach to Supporting Students
    av David Osher

    Shows how school leaders can create communities that support the social, emotional, and academic needs of all students. The book offers an essential guide for making sense of the myriad evidence-based frameworks, resources, and tools available to create a continuous improvement system.

  • - A Framework for School Change
    av Shawn C. Rubin & Cathy Sanford

    Offers an innovative five-step framework to help school leaders and teacher teams design and implement blended and personalized learning initiatives based on local needs and interests. The book helps educators define their own rationale for personalized learning, and guides them as they establish small pilot initiatives.

  • - A Regional Equity Framework for Urban Schools
    av Jennifer Jellison Holme & Kara S. Finnigan

    Builds a bridge between two largely disparate, yet interconnected, conversations - those among education reformers on the one hand, and urban reformers on the other. In this carefully considered volume, the authors show how the challenges faced by urban schools are linked to issues of regional equity and civic capacity.

  • - Why Money Matters for America's Students
    av Bruce D. Baker

    Offers a comprehensive examination of how US public schools receive and spend money. Drawing on extensive longitudinal data and numerous studies of states and districts, Bruce Baker provides a dismaying portrait of the stagnation of state investment in public education and the challenges of achieving equity and adequacy in school funding.

  • - Debunking Myths with Data
    av Julie J. Park

    Argues that there are surprisingly pervasive and stubborn myths about diversity on college and university campuses, and that these myths obscure the notable significance and admirable effects that diversity has had on campus life. Julie Park counters these myths and explores their problematic origins.

  • - How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas
    av Doris A. Santoro & Lizabeth Cain

    Brings together scholars and activist teachers to explore the concept of resistance as a response to mandates that conflict with their understanding of quality teaching. The book provides examples of the pedagogical, professional, and democratic principles undergirding resistance, as well as the distinct perspective of each of its contributors.

  • - Using Technology to Transform Teaching and Learning
    av Larry Cuban

    Looks at the uses and effects of digital technologies in K-12 classrooms, exploring if and how technology has transformed teaching and learning. In particular, Larry Cuban examines forty-one classrooms across six districts in Silicon Valley that have devoted special attention and resources to integrating digital technologies into their education practices.

  • av David T. Conley

    Presents the case for a new, comprehensive system of assessment using different measurements for different purposes. Changes in the purposes of education, David T. Conley argues, demand forms of assessment that go beyond merely ranking students to supporting the ambitious aim of helping all students meet career and college readiness goals.

  • - Understanding Diversity, Opportunity Gaps, and Teaching in Today's Classrooms
    av H. Richard Milner

    Addresses a crucial issue in teacher training and professional education: the need to prepare pre-service and in-service teachers for the racially diverse student populations in their classrooms. A down-to-earth book, it aims to help practitioners develop insights and skills for successfully educating diverse student bodies.

  • - Helping Students Build Better Arguments Together
    av Alina Reznitskaya & Ian A.G. Wilkinson

    An innovative and comprehensive guide to using inquiry dialogue - a type of text-based classroom discussion that has been shown to improve higher-order thinking and augment literacy. This book supports teachers in facilitating this type of classroom talk in upper-elementary grades, when children are developmentally ready to practice making rigorous, reasoned arguments based on evidence.

  • - The Pathways to Prosperity Network
    av Nancy Hoffman & Robert B. Schwartz

    Provides a comprehensive account of the Pathways to Prosperity Network, a project that offers urgently needed career pathways for young Americans who do not have a four-year college degree. It takes as its starting point the influential 2011 Pathways to Prosperity report, which challenged the prevailing idea that the core mission of high schools was to prepare all students for college.

  • - A New Architecture for K-12 Schooling
    av Rose L. Colby

    Introduces educators to a new model for anytime, anywhere schooling and provides tools and curriculum resources for redesigning the traditional structures of K-12 schools. This book shows how educators can design central elements of competency-based education - including performance tasks, personal learning plans, and grading systems - to meet the needs and interests of all students.

  • - A New Model for Educators
    av Brad C. Phillips & Jordan E. Horowitz

    Offers a research-based model and actionable approach for using data strategically at community colleges to increase completion rates as well as other metrics linked to student success. The authors draw from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and behavioural economics to show how leaders and administrators can build good habits for engaging with data constructively.

  • - Continuous Improvement in Classrooms, Schools, and Districts
    av Ann Jaquith

    Shows how the conditions for continuously improving instruction can be created at every level - from the classroom to the school to the central office. Ann Jaquith presents a framework for understanding and building instructional capacity, based on her original research in schools and districts and ideas drawn from the literature on instructional resourcing.

  • - A Framework for Collaborative Professional Learning
    av Megin Charner-Laird, Christina L. Dobbs & Jacy Ippolito

    Provides practical, research-based guidance for teachers seeking to strengthen students' reading, writing, and communication skills in subjects from the humanities to the sciences. The authors present a framework for conducting professional development cycles based on disciplinary literacy-related learning and district-based research projects they have conducted over the past five years.

  • - Public Education, Teachers, and the Charter School Debate
    av Zachary W. Oberfield

    Investigates the question of whether charter schools cultivate different teaching climates from those found in traditional public schools. To answer this question, Zachary W. Oberfield examined hundreds of thousands of teacher surveys from across the US. The result is a trenchant analysis that deepens our understanding of what the charter experiment means for the future of US public education.

  • av Frederick M. Hess

    Inspired by his conversations with young, would-be reformers who are passionate about transforming education, the book offers a window into Frederick M. Hess's thinking about what education reform is and should be. Hess writes that ""reform is more a matter of how one thinks about school improvement than a recital of programs and policy proposals.

  • - Classroom-Based Practices to Support New Majority College Students
    av Kathleen A. Ross

  • - Expanding Opportunities for Talented Students
    av Scott J. Peters & Jonathan A. Plucker

    Shines a spotlight on "excellence gaps" - the achievement gaps among subgroups of students performing at the highest levels of achievement. The authors argue that these significant gaps reflect the existence of a persistent talent underclass in the United States among African American, Hispanic, Native American, and poor students, resulting in an incalculable loss of potential.

  • - Preparing College Students for Life and Work
    av Matthew T. Hora

    Challenges the conception of the "skills gap", highlighting instead the value of broader twenty-first-century skills in postsecondary education. The authors advocate for a system in which employers share responsibility along with the education sector to serve the collective needs of the economy, society, and students.

  • - Rescuing Our Children from Failed Educational Theories
    av E. D. Hirsch

  • - A Practical Guide for Education Leaders
    av Rick Mintrop

    Provides a practical guide for education leaders who are seeking to address issues of equity in their schools and want to pursue this approach. The book provides a step-by-step description of the process, augmented by case studies of four education leaders. The book also includes a series of "excursions into theory" that discuss the research basis for design-based improvement.

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