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  • - A Beginner's Guide To Kickboxing For Self Defense, Fitness, and Fun
    av Nathan Demetz & Howexpert

  • - A Quick Guide on Novella Writing for Aspiring Writers, Ghostwriters, and Freelancers
    av Howexpert & Kristopher Trujillo

  • - How To Become an Independent Professional Wrestler
    av Matthew Soulia & Howexpert

  • - A Quick Guide on How to Write a Novel in 30 Days During National Novel Writing Month
    av Howexpert & Nicole Thomas

  • - A Quick Guide on Raising Chickens for the Beginning Homesteader
    av Howexpert & Rebekah White

  • - How To Draw Manga Characters Step By Step From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Rebecca Bauer

  • - A Quick Guide on Dating, Relationships, and Love for the ENTJ MBTI Personality Type
    av Howexpert & Alexandra Borzo

  • - A Quick Guide That Teaches You Everything That You Need to Know About the Blue Photography Process From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Marijana Sekularac

  • - A Mixologist's Quick Guide to Mixing, Matching, Making, and Mastering the Art of Creating Amazing Cocktails
    av Daniel Morgan & Howexpert

  • - A Mother and Teacher of 30 Years Shares Her Best Parenting Lessons to Raise Happy, Healthy, Responsible, and Successful Children From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Melanie Miller

  • - A Professional Burlesque Dancer's Quick Guide on How to Learn, Grow, Perform, and Succeed at the Art of Burlesque Dancing From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Emilie Declaron

  • - A Quick Guide That Teaches You the Top Key Lessons About Forensic Psychology from A to Z
    av Sharlaine Ortiz & Howexpert

  • - A Quick Guide on How to Become the Best Tennis Player You Can Be and Achieve Your Dreams of Becoming a Professional From A to Z
    av Christopher Morris & Howexpert

  • - A Professional Soccer Player Reveals Her Insider Secrets to Preparing, Training, and Achieving Your Dreams of Becoming a Successful Soccer Player as a Woman From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Adriana Rodrigues

  • - Discover, Experience, and Explore Montenegro's Beaches, Beauty, Cities, Culture, Food, People, & More to the Fullest From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Svetlana Kralj

  • - 101 Survival Secrets to Be Self Sufficient, Learn Primitive Living Skills, and Survive Anywhere Independently From A to Z
    av Howexpert

    Learn 101 Survival Tips that everyone should know. You never know when disaster will strike, and it almost always comes as a surprise when it does. This book presents valuable information in an easy to use, condensed format that gives the basics of some of the most important lessons of survival. This book will not only teach you what you need to know about building a proper shelter, but also will teach you the basics of natural medicine. This book will help you avoid making some of the deadly mistakes that people tend to make when they are unprepared for disaster.All of the information in this book is divided into simple tips, and are presented in an easy to understand way. By learning the basics taught in this book, you increase the chances of surviving a disaster exponentially. However, you also have to learn about, research and practice the skills this book talks about to obtain proficiency. With this book, that becomes easier.About the ExpertMatthew Allen is a 33 year primitive survival enthusiast. He enjoys practicing stone age and other primitive living skills and incorporating them into his daily life in order to keep his living expenses down. He knows that it takes more than simply reading a book or watching a YouTube video to achieve mastery of any skill set.Matthew Allen lives with his wife, Dori in a small house with a large dog named Trevor. They spend their days going on walks, writing and just enjoying being together. Their daughter, Sofiya, loves nature as well. She likes to watch spiders carrying their egg sacs around as they go about their day.HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts. 

  • - The Quick Health and Wellness Guide with Over 100+ Natural and Affordable Homemade DIY Aromatherapy & Essential Oil Products
    av Howexpert & Angelique Killebrew

  • - How to Write Unique, Original, and Interesting Old School Snail Mail Letters to Lovers, Friends, Family, Penpals, and People All Over the World From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Andrea Gencheva

  • - How to Teach the Bible in Sunday School, Make a Positive Impact in People's Lives, and Become the Best Bible Teacher You Can Be From A to Z
    av Howexpert & Susannah Philips

    Teaching of the word is one of the basic assignment believers and the church as a whole, have to carry out. However, not everyone is a teacher. Some have been given the ministry gift of teaching, while some others are formally trained to teach. Whichever way it may be, bible teachers must be excellent, not only in how they teach, but also in what they teach.This book serves as a pointer and a guide to the things a bible teacher should pay attention to in teaching of the word. These tips include things to note or do before the class, during the class as well as after the class. The book has been made easy to read and fit for every class of bible teachers.101 Tips on How to be an Excellent Bible Teacher has been divided into 11 chapters, with adequate subdivisions, to comprehensively present the hows, the whys, the whats, the whos, of bible teaching. The bible teacher, bible teaching and the bible student have all been beautifully knitted together in this book. It is a must read for every bible teacher who desires excellence in his bible teaching, and also for a bible student who wants more from a bible class.About the ExpertSusannah Philips is a lover of God and woman of the word. She has combined her love for God with her passion for writing, which has birthed series of articles and books on the Christian faith to her credit. With her unique style, she uses her writings to address different issues within the body of Christ; from persecution to addictions to the love of God to doctrinal issues. She is content with her life job of following Christ and has been able to successfully merge it with her career in writing.HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts.

  • - Top 101 Stand Up Paddle Board Tips, Tricks, and Terms to Have Fun, Get Fit, Enjoy Nature, and Live Your Stand-Up Paddle Boarding Passion to the Fullest From A to Z!
    av Howexpert & Kayla Anderson

  • - How to Embrace Your Unique Strengths and Succeed as an INFJ Writer in an Extrovert's World
    av M L Hamilton

    This comprehensive guide on how to become an author with an INFJ personality will help you define your writing goals and give you step by step instructions on how to become a successful author, whether you attempt to do it through traditional publishing or by going indie.This guide will walk you through the following topics:• What it means to be an INFJ personality• How to write your first book• Whether to go traditional or indie• How to write your first query letter• How to find an agent• How to pursue a traditional writing contract• How to establish your own independent writing career• How to build your brand and generate an audience for your work• And finally, how to manage your career no matter what you chooseWith practical, proven, hands-on methods, you can learn how to pursue your writing career from the moment you put pen to paper through marketing and social media. Every chapter of this book will give you proven techniques, online resources to begin your own career, and personal examples of the best method to use when realizing your dream of becoming a published author. No other How-to book has such a comprehensive explanation of every step in the process.About the ExpertM.L. Hamilton has been teaching high school English and journalism in Central California for the last 25 years; however, she always dreamed of publishing her own novel. That dream came true in 2010. Her first novel, Emerald, was published by Wild Wolf Publishing. In 2015, ML Hamilton decided to go independent with her writing and has published more than 34 novels in multiple genres. In addition to teaching and writing, she is the co-manager for Authors Booth at the California State Fair and was a judge for the NCPA writing contest for two years. She also has her own editing business, helping writers find their voice and get their work published.HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts.

  • - A Quick Guide on Writing Funny Gags and Comic Strip Panels
    av Howexpert & John Zakour

  • - A Quick Guide on Training for Your First Stand Up Paddleboarding Competition
    av Howexpert

    “Stand Up Paddle Board Racing for Beginners” is the perfect newbie's guide to preparing for your first paddle board race.Paddle boarding takes certain equipment and it can be intimidating to even think about entering a competition, so this provides a great place to start. There is a lot of information out there and training guides geared towards advanced paddle boarders, but nothing really for the beginner. This is a nice, easy introduction to the basics of paddle boarding and how that relates to training for a race.In this guide, learn about:- Why I wrote this book- Different water to train in and how their altitude affects training (specifically in Lake Tahoe, USA)- Finding the right coach- Access to water and why people paddle board- The basics of paddle boarding- Finding the right kind of paddle board for your race- The best paddles and other accessories for your competition- What to wear- When to start training- Know how much time you have to train- Developing balance, strength and endurance- Paddle stroke techniques- Safety: the key to having fun- What to expect on race day- Takeaways from my first races- Tips and tricks- My personal training diary and additional resources About the ExpertResiding in Lake Tahoe, California, Kayla works for one of the best stand-up paddleboard rental/coffee shops in the nation called Waterman’s Landing. There, she has access to some of the best paddle boards, the water, and two elite paddle board racers. In autumn 2017, she started seriously training for her first paddle board race and took third out of six people in Mike’s Sunday Fun Race. In the duration of her training, she ended up shaving 6-8 minutes off of her average distance time. Although she is nowhere near being an elite athlete, Kayla is still paddle board racing and working up the ranks.HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts. 

  • - A Quick Guide on Starting and Growing Your 1 on 1 Piano Teaching Business
    av DeGregorio Joseph & Howexpert

  • - A Bestselling Teenage Author's Self Publishing Secrets Revealed
    av Messick Mark & Howexpert

  • - A Quick Guide on How to Make Hemp Macrame Jewelry
    av Robyn McComb & Howexpert

  • - A Quick Step by Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Fun Miniature Fairy Gardens
    av Casey Anderson & Howexpert

  • - An Introductory Guide to the Otaku Pop Culture, Anime, Manga, and More!
    av Howexpert & Roar Jessica

  • - A Quick Guide on How to Extreme Iron Step by Step from A to Z
    av Howexpert & Marie Claire Medina

  • - How to Travel the World and Live Abroad as an Expat While Embracing Being an Introvert
    av Howexpert & Marie Therese Batt

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