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Bøker utgitt av H.Y. Hanna - Wisheart Press

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  • av H. Y. Hanna

    When English tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, finds herself on an unexpected trip to Scotland, she is delighted by the chance to stay in a beautiful Scottish castle-complete with mounted stag heads, cosy fireplaces, and misty mountain views. She's looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the Highlands, sampling traditional Scottish baking, trying her hand at fly fishing, and learning to enjoy a "wee dram" of whisky.But when she stumbles on a dead body in the castle library, Gemma quickly becomes steeped in a country-house murder with a distinctly tartan feel! Luckily, the nosy "Old Biddies" are on hand to help with the sleuthing, and even her cheeky tabby cat, Muesli, is keen to lend a paw. But with a castle full of quirky guests, the list of suspects is long, and everyone has something to hide. Can Gemma untangle the web of lies and motives, and reel in the killer before it's too late?Filled with humour, suspense, and unexpected twists, A High Whisk Situation is a delightful read for fans of cozy mysteries and traditional English whodunits. So put the kettle on, grab a scone (or a shortbread, we won't judge), and get ready for a hilarious, entertaining adventure in the Scottish Highlands.**Chocolate whisky cake recipe at the end of the story!**

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Allmählich lebt sich Poppy in Bunnington, einem Dorf in der Nähe von Oxford, ein und langsam zeigt sich auch ihr grüner Daumen: Die Gärtnerei ihrer verstorbenen Großmutter, in der Pflanzen für einen typischen englischen Bauerngarten angeboten werden, erstrahlt endlich wieder in altem Glanz. Als Poppy auf dem Dorffest eine wohlhabende Hundeliebhaberin kennenlernt und den Auftrag erhält, einen Duftgarten für Hunde anzulegen, sieht die Zukunft rosig aus ... doch dann endet der Tag mit einem grausamen Mord und sie sieht sich wieder einmal mit einer polizeilichen Ermittlung konfrontiert.Dass sich Einstein, der Terrier ihres Nachbarn, Hals über Kopf in eine verwöhnte Pudeldame verliebt hat und Poppy alle Hände voll damit zu tun hat, ihn aus Schwierigkeiten herauszuhalten, ist das Letzte, was sie jetzt gebrauchen kann. Doch als Vandalen ihr Cottage beschmieren und sie sich plötzlich vor Blumenbestellungen nicht mehr retten kann, hat sie kaum noch Zeit für die Detektivarbeit. Zu ihrer Überraschung bekommt sie Unterstützung von Bertie, dem verrückten Erfinder, dem Krimiautor Nick Forrest und seinem redseligen Kater, und bald ist sie sich sicher, den Mörder entlarvt zu haben.Das einzige Problem ist, dass es viel zu viele Verdächtige und noch mehr irreführende Hinweise gibt ...

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    When English tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, finds herself on an unexpected trip to Scotland, she is delighted by the chance to stay in a beautiful Scottish castle-complete with mounted stag heads, cosy fireplaces, and misty mountain views. She's looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the Highlands, sampling traditional Scottish baking, trying her hand at fly fishing, and learning to enjoy a "wee dram" of whisky.But when she stumbles on a dead body in the castle library, Gemma quickly becomes steeped in a country-house murder with a distinctly tartan feel! Luckily, the nosy "Old Biddies" are on hand to help with the sleuthing, and even her cheeky tabby cat, Muesli, is keen to lend a paw. But with a castle full of quirky guests, the list of suspects is long, and everyone has something to hide. Can Gemma untangle the web of lies and motives, and reel in the killer before it's too late?Filled with humour, suspense, and unexpected twists, A High Whisk Situation is a delightful read for fans of cozy mysteries and traditional English whodunits. So put the kettle on, grab a scone (or a shortbread, we won't judge), and get ready for a hilarious, entertaining adventure in the Scottish Highlands.**Chocolate whisky cake recipe at the end of the story!**

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    ¿Poppy hätte nie gedacht, dass sie aufs Land ziehen und ihr Herz an einen launischen rotgetigerten Kater verlieren würde. Das war natürlich, bevor sie wusste, dass sie eine Gärtnerei mitsamt Cottage geerbt hatte, und bevor sie besagtem Kater zum ersten Mal begegnet war. Jetzt genießt sie ihr neues Leben inmitten von wuchernden Rosen, duftenden Kräutern, warmen Sommertagen - und viel Unkraut -, in der Hoffnung, den vernachlässigten Garten wieder in altem Glanz erblühen zu lassen.Als sie ihren ersten Auftrag als Gärtnerin bekommt, freut sich Poppy, denn sie braucht dringend Geld. Doch kaum hat sie einen Fuß in den Garten des wunderschönen Landhauses gesetzt, fällt die aufdringliche Nachbarin vor ihren Augen tot um - und das mitten im BLumenbeet. Die Mordwaffe: ein tödliches Gift. Nun hat Poppy alle Hände voll damit zu tun, die Verdächtigen auszusieben. Dabei helfen ihr der schrullige alte Erfinder Bertie und sein temperamentvoller Terrier Einstein sowie eine ganze Reihe neugieriger Dorfbewohner, ganz zu schweigen von Nick Forrest, dem eigenwilligen Krimiautor.Doch als das Blumenbeet ihrer Kunden geheimnisvollerweise abstirbt und sie immer wieder auf eine falsche Fährte gerät, muss Poppy feststellen, dass weder die Garten- noch die Detektivarbeit so einfach sind, wie sie dachte ...

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    ¿Poppy sehnt sich danach, die Schulden ihrer verstorbenen Mutter loszuwerden, ihren langweiligen Job zu kündigen und ihren unbekannten Vater zu finden. Und wenn es ihr gelänge, die Topfpflanzen im Büro am Leben zu halten, wäre das auch nicht das Schlechteste. Aber ihr ist klar, dass dies nur Träumereien sind. Da trifft wie aus heiterem Himmel ein Brief ein, und Poppy erfährt, dass sie ein Cottage mit Gärtnerei geerbt hat - mit romantischen Kletterrosen, duftenden Kräutern und einem herrischen Kater, der zu allem seinen Kommentar abgibt. Nicht zu vergessen: die Leiche im Gartenbeet!Jetzt gilt es, das Rätsel um den toten Mann zu lösen, denn ihr neues Zuhause und die Chance auf einen Neuanfang stehen auf dem Spiel. Aber wer würde in einem verschlafenen kleinen Dorf einen Gärtner ermorden wollen? Könnte der zurückgezogen lebende Erfinder etwas mit dem Mord zu tun haben? Was ist mit ihrem Nachbarn, dem grüblerischen Krimiautor? Und warum will ihr lang verschollener Cousin unbedingt, dass sie das Cottage verkauft?Poppy kann zwar ein Stiefmütterchen nicht von einer Petunie unterscheiden, aber das hält sie nicht davon ab, nach Hinweisen zu suchen. Das einzige Problem ist, dass sie sich dabei ihr eigenes Grab schaufeln könnte ...

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Gemma ditches her high-flying job and returns to Oxford to follow her dream: opening a traditional English tearoom serving warm buttery scones with jam and clotted cream, and fragrant tea in pretty bone china... Only problem is-murder is the first thing on the menu and Gemma is the key suspect! And the only people Gemma can turn to for help are four nosy old ladies from her local Cotswolds village - not to mention a cheeky little tabby cat named Muesli.Who is the mysterious woman Gemma met on the flight back from Australia and why was she murdered? Now Gemma must find the killer, solve the mystery and clear her name if she's to have her cake-and serve it too.

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Things are eerily quiet at Gemma's quaint English tearoom and she can't understand why - until she learns about the trendy new "tea bar" that's opened on the other side of the village. To her horror, she soon finds her customers being stolen and her business the target of sabotage, while her mother's newfound obsession with all things Asian means a whole new world of fluffy footwear. But Gemma has bigger problems than trying to eat with chopsticks, when the ruthless rival owner is savagely murdered and she is considered the key suspect!Now she's in a real pickle, desperate to clear her name. But with her detective boyfriend accused of nepotism and under suspicion, Gemma's forced to tackle the case on her own. Luckily, she can still count on the help of the nosy Old Biddies, while the naughty antics of her tabby cat Muesli uncover some unexpected clues too!As Gemma delves into a mystery where "East meets West", she finds familiar motives despite the difference between cultures. But with a full menu of suspects-from the aggrieved dentist with the strained smile, to the belligerent chef who lost everything, not to mention a pair of estranged sisters hurt by the ultimate betrayal-she discovers that solving this case is no piece of cake..**Tea egg recipe at the end of the story!**

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Things are eerily quiet at Gemma's quaint English tearoom and she can't understand why - until she learns about the trendy new "tea bar" that's opened on the other side of the village. To her horror, she soon finds her customers being stolen and her business the target of sabotage, while her mother's newfound obsession with all things Asian means a whole new world of fluffy footwear. But Gemma has bigger problems than trying to eat with chopsticks, when the ruthless rival owner is savagely murdered and she is considered the key suspect!Now she's in a real pickle, desperate to clear her name. But with her detective boyfriend accused of nepotism and under suspicion, Gemma's forced to tackle the case on her own. Luckily, she can still count on the help of the nosy Old Biddies, while the naughty antics of her tabby cat Muesli uncover some unexpected clues too!As Gemma delves into a mystery where "East meets West", she finds familiar motives despite the difference between cultures. But with a full menu of suspects-from the aggrieved dentist with the strained smile, to the belligerent chef who lost everything, not to mention a pair of estranged sisters hurt by the ultimate betrayal-she discovers that solving this case is no piece of cake..**Tea egg recipe at the end of the story!**

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Summer has arrived at Hollyhock Cottage and romance is in the air. The roses are about to bloom, the garden nursery is filled with fragrance and colour-and Poppy is going on her first proper "date" in a long time. Despite her qualms about mixing business with pleasure, she's accepted the invitation of a charming pesticide salesman and is looking forward to a night of flirting and fun. Instead, the evening ends in a chilling murder-it seems that insects weren't the only ones who found her handsome date toxic company!Now, the hunt is on for a clever killer with a deadly knowledge of poisons. Luckily, Poppy can count on her "mad scientist" neighbour Bertie to help her sort the cyanides from the cycads, and she soon finds that her sleepy English village is crawling with suspects. There are hostile colleagues with scores to settle and jilted ex-girlfriends with points to prove... but was the murder connected to the victim's job? Or was the motive more personal?Meanwhile, Poppy is grappling with problems at the cottage garden too, from mysterious pests attacking her roses to disgruntled customers leaving in droves-not to mention a runaway slug leading her on a merry chase! Then there's Oren, the cheeky ginger tomcat, poking his paws where they don't belong. But when a threatening note arrives, Poppy realises that cats aren't the only ones killed by curiosity. Will she solve the mystery and live to prune another day?

  • av H. Y. Hanna

    Summer has arrived at Hollyhock Cottage and romance is in the air. The roses are about to bloom, the garden nursery is filled with fragrance and colour-and Poppy is going on her first proper "date" in a long time. Despite her qualms about mixing business with pleasure, she's accepted the invitation of a charming pesticide salesman and is looking forward to a night of flirting and fun. Instead, the evening ends in a chilling murder-it seems that insects weren't the only ones who found her handsome date toxic company!Now, the hunt is on for a clever killer with a deadly knowledge of poisons. Luckily, Poppy can count on her "mad scientist" neighbour Bertie to help her sort the cyanides from the cycads, and she soon finds that her sleepy English village is crawling with suspects. There are hostile colleagues with scores to settle and jilted ex-girlfriends with points to prove... but was the murder connected to the victim's job? Or was the motive more personal?Meanwhile, Poppy is grappling with problems at the cottage garden too, from mysterious pests attacking her roses to disgruntled customers leaving in droves-not to mention a runaway slug leading her on a merry chase! Then there's Oren, the cheeky ginger tomcat, poking his paws where they don't belong. But when a threatening note arrives, Poppy realises that cats aren't the only ones killed by curiosity. Will she solve the mystery and live to prune another day?

  • - Ein Oxford-Tearoom-Krimi 6
    av H y Hanna

    Die Geschäfte laufen gut in Gemma Roses gemütlichem Tearoom und nun konnte sie sogar ihren ersten großen Catering-Auftrag an Land ziehen - bei einer Beerdigung im Dorf. Schade nur, dass es dabei eine zweite Leiche zu beklagen gibt. Und ausgerechnet eine der Silberlocken wird des Mordes verdächtigt! Nun muss die findige Tearoom-Detektivin aufdecken, welches der köstlichen Törtchen die tödliche Dosis Arsen enthalten hat - und wer es auf die begüterte Witwe abgesehen hatte. Doch Gemma hat mit weiteren Problemen zu kämpfen, angefangen von ihrer vorwitzigen Tigerkatze Müsli, die die Teestube unsicher macht, bis hin zu einem Igel als Überraschungsgast in ihrem Cottage. Und als wäre das alles nicht genug, erweist sich das Kennenlern-Dinner mit ihren Eltern und den Eltern des attraktiven Devlin O'Connor, seines Zeichens Detective beim Oxfordshire CID und Gemmas Freund, als komplettes Desaster. Gelingt es Gemma trotzdem, den Mordfall aufzuklären, bevor es zu spät ist?(* Mit Rezept für Sticky Toffee Pudding!)¿

  • - Bewitched By Chocolate Mysteries - Book 7
    av H y Hanna

    The autumn equinox is here, and Caitlyn Le Fey is excited by the upcoming masquerade ball to celebrate the festival of Mabon. Not only is it a chance to dress up in glamorous costumes, but-with the Widow Mags catering-the villagers might finally put their prejudices aside and appreciate the delicious treats from her grandmother's chocolate shop. What's more, with the dreamy music and romantic dancing, Caitlyn might even get her first kiss with the dashing Lord James Fitzroy!But on the night of the ball, Caitlyn barely has time to sample the decadent caramel fountain, or help her old vampire uncle search for his missing fangs, before a guest is brutally murdered. Was he killed by witchcraft? Who was the mysterious woman seen following him? And why did he lie about his identity?Many at the ball might have wanted him dead, from a jealous ex-lover to an old foe seeking revenge, but to Caitlyn's horror, it's her cousin Pomona who becomes the top suspect. Although Pomona has been acting strangely and showing a disturbing interest in black magic, ever since she was given a cursed diamond, Caitlyn refuses to believe that her pretty, bubbly cousin could be capable of murder!With the help of her quirky witch family, a few chocolate spells, and a pony with a sweet tooth, Caitlyn is soon close to finding the real killer. But solving the mystery could also mean facing a shocking truth about her own family and the secrets of her past...

  • - The Oxford Tearoom Mysteries - Prequel Novella
    av H y Hanna

    Gemma ditches her high-flying job and returns to Oxford to follow her dream: opening a traditional English tearoom serving warm buttery scones with jam and clotted cream, and fragrant tea in pretty bone china... Only problem is-murder is the first thing on the menu and Gemma is the key suspect! And the only people Gemma can turn to for help are four nosy old ladies from her local Cotswolds village - not to mention a cheeky little tabby cat named Muesli.Who is the mysterious woman Gemma met on the flight back from Australia and why was she murdered? Now Gemma must find the killer, solve the mystery and clear her name if she's to have her cake-and serve it too.

  • - Bewitched By Chocolate Mysteries - Book 7
    av H y Hanna

    The autumn equinox is here, and Caitlyn Le Fey is excited by the upcoming masquerade ball to celebrate the festival of Mabon. Not only is it a chance to dress up in glamorous costumes, but-with the Widow Mags catering-the villagers might finally put their prejudices aside and appreciate the delicious treats from her grandmother's chocolate shop. What's more, with the dreamy music and romantic dancing, Caitlyn might even get her first kiss with the dashing Lord James Fitzroy!But on the night of the ball, Caitlyn barely has time to sample the decadent caramel fountain, or help her old vampire uncle search for his missing fangs, before a guest is brutally murdered. Was he killed by witchcraft? Who was the mysterious woman seen following him? And why did he lie about his identity?Many at the ball might have wanted him dead, from a jealous ex-lover to an old foe seeking revenge, but to Caitlyn's horror, it's her cousin Pomona who becomes the top suspect. Although Pomona has been acting strangely and showing a disturbing interest in black magic, ever since she was given a cursed diamond, Caitlyn refuses to believe that her pretty, bubbly cousin could be capable of murder!With the help of her quirky witch family, a few chocolate spells, and a pony with a sweet tooth, Caitlyn is soon close to finding the real killer. But solving the mystery could also mean facing a shocking truth about her own family and the secrets of her past...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 4
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie's vacation in Florida is coming to an end but there's barely time to savor her last days on the beautiful Gulf Coast. When death strikes a bikini contest at her luxury beach resort, Ellie must use all her sleuthing skills to find the killer. Helped by Hemingway the parrot and Mojito the resort cat-not to mention her eccentric Aunt Olive-Ellie is soon busy combing the beach for clues. And she finds that this case could be her toughest yet: there are jealous rivals with murder in their hearts, sinister spa treatments with deadly effects, and powerful men who will stop at nothing to silence others.But the mystery isn't the only thing on Ellie's mind. With her time in the Sunshine State coming to an end, will she decide to return to her old life in London? And what about her "vacation fling" with handsome resort doctor Blake Thornton-does she dare follow her heart and allow the budding romance to grow into something more? Join barefoot sleuth Ellie on her final adventure as she finds that a vacation in Florida can be deadlier than she ever imagined...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 4
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie's vacation in Florida is coming to an end but there's barely time to savor her last days on the beautiful Gulf Coast. When death strikes a bikini contest at her luxury beach resort, Ellie must use all her sleuthing skills to find the killer. Helped by Hemingway the parrot and Mojito the resort cat-not to mention her eccentric Aunt Olive-Ellie is soon busy combing the beach for clues. And she finds that this case could be her toughest yet: there are jealous rivals with murder in their hearts, sinister spa treatments with deadly effects, and powerful men who will stop at nothing to silence others.But the mystery isn't the only thing on Ellie's mind. With her time in the Sunshine State coming to an end, will she decide to return to her old life in London? And what about her "vacation fling" with handsome resort doctor Blake Thornton-does she dare follow her heart and allow the budding romance to grow into something more? Join barefoot sleuth Ellie on her final adventure as she finds that a vacation in Florida can be deadlier than she ever imagined...

  • - Ein Oxford-Tearoom-Krimi 3
    av H y Hanna

    Ein nächtlicher Anruf - und schon steckt Gemma Rose, ihres Zeichens Besitzerin des Little Stables Tearooms, mitten in einem neuen Mordfall. Und diesmal ist ausgerechnet ihr guter Freund Seth der Hauptverdächtige! Alles an der blutigen Tat hinter den Mauern eines alten College in Oxford scheint auf eine bittere Fehde innerhalb der Universität hinzudeuten, doch auch in ihrem winzigen Dorf in den Cotswolds stößt Gemma unerwartet auf die eine oder andere heiße Spur. Außerdem herrscht in ihrem Liebesleben ein heilloses Durcheinander, weil sie sich nicht zwischen Lincoln Green, einem attraktiven Mediziner, und dem sexy CID Detective Devlin O'Connor entscheiden kann. Und auch in ihrem gemütlichen Tearoom ist längst nicht alles in Butter: Wenn Gemma nicht schnell eine neue Bäckerin findet, steht ihr bald das (Tee-)Wasser bis zum Hals.Als wäre es nicht schlimm genug, dass ihrem Freund ein Leben hinter Gittern droht, muss sie sich auch noch mit ihrer umtriebigen Mutter herumschlagen - von Müsli, ihrer vorwitzigen Katze, ganz zu schweigen. Und dann wären da noch die Silberlocken, ein neugieriges Damenkränzchen, dem nichts entgeht ... Gemma Rose steht vor ihrem bisher schwierigsten Fall!(Mit einem Originalrezept für Chelsea Buns)

  • - The English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 4
    av H y Hanna

    Autumn has arrived, with crisp, cold mornings, dew on the grass and hedgerows full of blackberries...When budding garden sleuth Poppy is invited to a party in a beautiful orangery, the last thing she expects is to witness a lethal wasp attack! As authorities investigate the possibility of murder, Poppy is horrified when local handyman Joe Fabbri, her friend and mentor, becomes the main suspect. Determined to prove Joe's innocence, Poppy sets out to solve the case - with help from her "mad scientist" neighbour, his new robotic invention, and a particularly stinky mushroom!Meanwhile, Poppy is also learning that gardening isn't just sunshine and roses. As she grapples with wind, rain, and unpleasant autumn chores, she wonders if she's bitten off more than she can chew. With limited horticultural experience and a long winter ahead, can she really make a success of the cottage garden nursery that she's inherited?As Oren, the talkative ginger cat, lends a paw, and crime author Nick Forrest helps her dig for clues, Poppy makes a startling discovery: could there be a link between the murder victim and her long-lost father? Would solving this case also give her answers to the biggest mystery from her past?

  • - The English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 5
    av H y Hanna

    Spring has come at last with cheerful daffodils and plump crocus blooms, and Poppy is hoping that the new season will magically resurrect the cottage garden nursery she's inherited. But with her stock failing to grow and a mysterious "peeping Tom" stalking the village, she's got her gardening gloves full... and that's even before her visit to the local doctor ends with her stumbling on a dead body!Then her friend and neighbour - crime author Nick Forrest - suddenly finds himself the top suspect, and a missing garden gnome is the only lead in the case. Determined to find the real killer, Poppy sets out to do some horticultural sleuthing - helped by eccentric old inventor Bertie and a posse of nosy villagers. All she finds, however, are more questions. Was the murder simply a "crime of passion" or was it something more sinister? Is there a link to the recent spate of creepy lingerie thefts in the village? And could the naughty ginger tomcat Oren be the key to solving the mystery?As she grapples with spindly seedlings and cryptic clues, Poppy discovers that even a sleepy English village can be a hotbed of deceit and death...

  • - Ein Oxford-Tearoom-Krimi 4
    av H y Hanna

    Als Gemma Rose, stolze Besitzerin eines Tearooms in den Cotswolds, ihre kleine Tigerkatze Müsli bei der Katzenausstellung im Dorf meldet, rechnet sie nicht damit, über einen Mord zu stolpern.Und als ihre Mutter, die überall ungefragt ihre Nase hineinsteckt, und die neugierigen ¿Silberlocken" die Morduntersuchung selbst in die Hand nehmen, bleibt Gemma nichts anderes übrig: Sie muss sich ihren Schnüffeleien anschließen. Schon bald wird ihr klar, dass jenseits von Früchtekuchen und Hefeschnecken etwas Bedrohliches lauert ...Mord ist jedoch nicht das Einzige, was Gemma auf Trab hält: Ihre scheinbar aussichtslose Suche nach einem eigenen Dach über dem Kopf, die unerklärlichen Explosionen, die neuerdings die Küche ihres gemütlichen Tearooms erschüttern - dann wartet ihr gut aussehender Freund vom Oxfordshire CID mit einem Angebot auf, das sie nicht ausschlagen kann!Da braut sich etwas zusammen ... Gelingt es Gemma, das Rätsel zu lösen, bevor ein weiteres Opfer den Teelöffel abgibt?(Mit einem Rezept für den traditionellen Victoria-Sponge-Cake.)¿

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 1
    av H y Hanna

    English girl Ellie is a 'fish-out-of-water' when she arrives in sunny Florida for a vacation with her aunt at a luxury beach resort. But she's barely dipped her toe in the ocean before she stumbles on a sinister murder. Now Ellie must battle sunburn, jet lag and a cheeky parrot named Hemingway, while trying to unravel the mystery. With a writers' conference in full flow, there's no shortage of suspects. Is the killer a jealous rival author? Or the victim's secret lover? And why are some of the resort staff behaving so suspiciously?To make things worse, Aunt Olive has gone missing, fueling gossip that she might be on the run. But Ellie is sure that her aunt isn't guilty. Life gets even more complicated when she starts snooping around the resort. First there's the resident cat Mojito, who leads Ellie on a wild 'gator' chase, and then there's the handsome resort doctor who sets Ellie's pulse racing in a different way! As more red herrings than sand dollars wash up on the beach, Ellie must use all her wits to solve the case before her visit to the Sunshine State becomes deadlier than she ever imagined...

  • - The English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 4
    av H y Hanna

    Autumn has arrived, with crisp, cold mornings, dew on the grass and hedgerows full of blackberries... When budding garden sleuth Poppy is invited to a party in a beautiful orangery, the last thing she expects is to witness a lethal wasp attack! As authorities investigate the possibility of murder, Poppy is horrified when local handyman Joe Fabbri, her friend and mentor, becomes the main suspect. Determined to prove Joe's innocence, Poppy sets out to solve the case - with help from her "mad scientist" neighbour, his new robotic invention, and a particularly stinky mushroom! Meanwhile, Poppy is also learning that gardening isn't just sunshine and roses. As she grapples with wind, rain, and unpleasant autumn chores, she wonders if she's bitten off more than she can chew. With limited horticultural experience and a long winter ahead, can she really make a success of the cottage garden nursery that she's inherited?As Oren, the talkative ginger cat, lends a paw, and crime author Nick Forrest helps her dig for clues, Poppy makes a startling discovery: could there be a link between the murder victim and her long-lost father? Would solving this case also give her answers to the biggest mystery from her past?

  • - The English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 3
    av H y Hanna

    Poppy is settling into life in an English village and gaining some green fingers at last as she restores the beautiful cottage garden nursery she's inherited. When she meets a wealthy dog lover at the village fête and is hired to create a "canine scent garden", the future looks rosy... until the day ends with a vicious killing and she finds herself spade-deep in a murder investigation once again.Meanwhile Einstein the terrier has fallen head-over-paws for a pampered poodle and Poppy has her hands full keeping him out of trouble. With vandals attacking her cottage and orders for flowers flooding in, she barely has time for sleuthing! But when unexpected help comes from her mad scientist neighbour Bertie, as well as crime author Nick Forrest and his talkative cat Oren, Poppy is sure she's found the killer...The only problem is - with false clues and suspects galore, could she be barking up the wrong tree?

  • - The English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 2
    av H y Hanna

    Poppy never imagined she'd move to the English countryside and fall in love with a smug, demanding, ginger-haired male. Of course, that was before she discovered that she'd inherited a cottage garden nursery, and before she met a certain talkative orange cat named Oren. Now she's embracing a new life filled with rambling roses, scented herbs, warm summer days... and weeds (lots of weeds), as she attempts to restore the neglected cottage garden to its former glory.When she lands her first gardening job at a beautiful country house, Poppy is delighted to earn some much-needed money. But she barely sets foot in the flowerbed before the meddling neighbour drops dead in front of her-murdered by a lethal poison. Before she knows it, Poppy is busy weeding out suspects, helped by mad scientist Bertie and his feisty terrier, Einstein, plus a whole host of nosy villagers... not to mention maverick crime author Nick Forrest.But with her clients' flowerbed mysteriously dying and red herrings at every turn, Poppy soon discovers that neither gardening nor sleuthing are as simple as she thinks...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 3
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie is looking forward to finally enjoying her unexpected vacation in Florida: strolling on the white sand beaches, lounging in luxurious cabanas, and swimming in the sparkling waters of the Gulf... But she's barely sipped her first mojito before she finds herself sucked into another mystery! This time, Ellie is on the trail of a clever murderer who uses a deadly tiki cocktail to kill and her search for clues takes her aboard a luxury yacht, fishing in Tampa Bay, and even up close and personal with one of the Sunshine State's most famous residents: the American alligator!Ellie is horrified when her newfound friend - headwaiter Sol - is named the key suspect and she's determined to prove his innocence.But it's not just the murder that's troubling her: there's also her budding romance with handsome resort doctor Blake Thornton and his strange behavior on the night of the murder. Is he cheating on her? Or is it something more sinister? With her eccentric Aunt Olive giving her sleuthing tips and the two resort animals lending a beak and a paw, Ellie is sure she can crack the case. But if she turns out to be wrong, she might find out what "swimming with the fishes" really means....

  • - English Cottage Garden Mysteries - Book 1
    av H y Hanna

    City girl Poppy desperately wants to pay off her debts, quit her dead-end job, find her father... oh, and keep a plant alive. But she knows that these are just hopeless dreams--until the day a letter arrives. Suddenly, Poppy is on a train heading deep into the English countryside to claim a mysterious inheritance. And the last thing she expects to receive is a cottage garden nursery--complete with romantic climbing roses, fragrant herbs, a ginger cat with serious attitude... and a dead body.Now she must solve the mystery or risk losing her new home and the chance for a fresh start. But who would want to murder a gardener in a sleepy little village? Could a reclusive inventor have something to do with the killing? What about the brooding crime author next door? And why is her long-lost cousin so desperate for her to sell the cottage?Poppy might not know her pansies from her petunias, but that doesn't stop her digging for clues. The only problem is that she could be digging her own grave too...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 3
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie is looking forward to finally enjoying her unexpected vacation in Florida: strolling on the white sand beaches, lounging in luxurious cabanas, and swimming in the sparkling waters of the Gulf... But she's barely sipped her first mojito before she finds herself sucked into another mystery! This time, Ellie is on the trail of a clever murderer who uses a deadly tiki cocktail to kill and her search for clues takes her aboard a luxury yacht, fishing in Tampa Bay, and even up close and personal with one of the Sunshine State's most famous residents: the American alligator! Ellie is horrified when her newfound friend - headwaiter Sol - is named the key suspect and she's determined to prove his innocence.But it's not just the murder that's troubling her: there's also her budding romance with handsome resort doctor Blake Thornton and his strange behavior on the night of the murder. Is he cheating on her? Or is it something more sinister? With her eccentric Aunt Olive giving her sleuthing tips and the two resort animals lending a beak and a paw, Ellie is sure she can crack the case. But if she turns out to be wrong, she might find out what "swimming with the fishes" really means...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 2
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie can't believe her luck: instead of a dreary English winter, she's enjoying an unexpected vacation in sunny Florida... and things get even more exciting when she's roped in to judge the annual Key Lime Pie Contest at her beach resort. The rivalry is fierce, the recipes are daring, but nobody expects the event to end in murder! Before long, Ellie is swapping comfy cabanas and sugar-white sand for some serious sleuthing. She soon discovers that everyone has something to hide. Are the contestants really as innocent as they say? Does the resort chef still hold a vindictive grudge? And what was the victim's wife really doing on the night of the murder?Meanwhile, Ellie finds that there are other dangers lurking at the resort, such as being robbed at beak-point by Hemingway the parrot! Then there's her simmering chemistry with the hunky resort doctor--a distraction she doesn't need. Help comes from Mojito the resort cat, who has a nose for clues, but it turns out that this mystery has more twists than a conch shell. If Ellie doesn't solve the case soon, she's going to find that Florida's famous pie is really "to die for"...

  • - Barefoot Sleuth Mysteries - Book 2
    av H y Hanna

    Ellie can't believe her luck: instead of a dreary English winter, she's enjoying an unexpected vacation in sunny Florida... and things get even more exciting when she's roped in to judge the annual Key Lime Pie Contest at her beach resort. The rivalry is fierce, the recipes are daring, but nobody expects the event to end in murder! Before long, Ellie is swapping comfy cabanas and sugar-white sand for some serious sleuthing. She soon discovers that everyone has something to hide. Are the contestants really as innocent as they say? Does the resort chef still hold a vindictive grudge? And what was the victim's wife really doing on the night of the murder?Meanwhile, Ellie finds that there are other dangers lurking at the resort, such as being robbed at beak-point by Hemingway the parrot! Then there's her simmering chemistry with the hunky resort doctor--a distraction she doesn't need. Help comes from Mojito the resort cat, who has a nose for clues, but it turns out that this mystery has more twists than a conch shell. If Ellie doesn't solve the case soon, she's going to find that Florida's famous pie is really "to die for"...

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