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  • - A Father's Guided Journal to Share His Life & His Love
    av Jeffrey Mason

  • - Trading Strategies & Tactics to Consistently Earn Passive Income in Any Market - Stocks, Forex, Cryptocurrency, or Options
    av Bryan Lee

  • - A Dark Contemporary Mafia Romance

  • av Mike Majlak

    "Mike Majlak was a seventeen-year-old from a loving, middle-class family in Milford, Connecticut, when he got caught up in the opioid epidemic that swept the nation. For close to a decade thereafter, his life was a wasteland of darkness and despair. While his peers were graduating from college, buying homes, getting married, having kids, and leading normal lives, Mike was snorting OxyContin, climbing out of cars at gunpoint, and burying his childhood friends. Unable to escape the noose of addiction, he eventually lost the trust and support of everyone who had ever loved him. Alone, with nothing but drugs to keep him company, darkness closed in, and the light inside him--the last flicker of hope--began to dim. His dreams, potential, and future were all being devoured by a relentless addiction too powerful to fight. Despair filled him as he realized he wasn't going to survive. Somehow, he did ..."--Amazon

  • - Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour
    av Kam Knight

  • - A Beginner's 3-Week Guide for Women, With Curated Recipes and a Sample Meal Plan
    av Stephanie Hinderock

  • - Ultimate Guide to Self-Sufficient Living, Wilderness Skills, Survival Skills, Shelter, Water, Heat & Off the Grid Power
    av Richard Man

  • av John Luckovich

    "John Luckovich does not beat around the bush and lets us know right away that the material in this book is explicitly for inner work and soul development. And with great eloquence and patience, he unpacks this potentially complex material in a way that makes it understandable and relevant. While there are a number of teachers working in this area who have my love and respect, I dare say there is no one in the world who has spent more time contemplating the meaning and context of this material than John."- from the foreword, written by Russ Hudson, author, The Wisdom of the EnneagramThe Enneagram is a profound tool for self-observation and inner work. While there are plenty of resources on the topic, most Enneagram literature is largely limited to entry-level descriptions of the Nine Types. The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram focuses on a crucial but misunderstood facet of the Enneagram Typology--our "animal" Instinctual Drives and how they are related to our spiritual nature.While nearly every school of thought on the Enneagram acknowledges the importance and role of the Instinctual Drives, there''s a deep lack of understanding what they actually are, the role they play in personality, and most importantly, their implications for inner work. This book achieves, for the first time, a coherent theory of the instinctual drives based in biology, evolution, and developmental psychology, and it paves the way toward a more accurate view of inner work that directly addresses our animal nature. In so doing, it turns our current understanding of the Enneagram on its head by showing that the personality does not exist in parallel with our instinctual drives, but in reaction to them. In other words, instinct comes first - and one''s Enneagram type is nothing more or less than a strategy to fulfill instinctual needs. This clarified orientation has important implications for our spiritual development, self-remembrance, and the transformation of our personhood into a conduit of Essence.  

  • av Austin Chant

    A queer, transgender retelling of Peter Pan in which Pan returns to Neverland after a decade in the real world.The Lost Boys say that Peter Pan went back to England because of Wendy Darling, but Wendy is just an old life he left behind. Neverland is his real home. So when Peter returns to it after ten years in the real world, he's surprised to find a Neverland that no longer seems to need him.The only person who truly missed Peter is Captain James Hook, who is delighted to have his old rival back. But when a new war ignites between the Lost Boys and Hook's pirates, the ensuing bloodshed becomes all too real - and Peter's rivalry with Hook starts to blur into something far more complicated, sensual, and deadly.

  • av Tonya A Brown

    Evolution of a Witch is a prompt journal made for witches by witches. These questions can be ones you answer quickly to reflect on later, or you can ponder them intensely with friends. Do you believe in good vs. evil? What three items would be used to summon you? Who has been the most impactful person in your practice? These questions are meant to not only help you think about life from new perspectives but your magic as well. Whether you want to write your responses and move on, or use this journal as a jumping-off point for future conversations, debates, or even books, it's a judgment-free space for you to share your thoughts and ideas. A full-color journal with 150 prompts, you can take your time, integrate it into a weekly journaling session, or use it as conversation starters with other magical people in your life.

  • - Inspiring Lessons of Success in Business and Innovation
    av Chris Voss
    247 - 280

  • av Don Daniels

  • - Boost Your Immune System, Cleanse Your Body, and Manage Your Diabetes by Drinking a Delicious Sea Moss Smoothie Packed with 92 Essential Nutrients for Your Overall Health
    av Stephanie Quinones

  • av Kiflom Michael

  • - A Beginner's 3-Week Step-by-Step Guide After Gallbladder Surgery, With Curated Recipes
    av Brandon Gilta

    If you want to live a healthy life even if you''ve just had your gallbladder removed - then there''s good news for you! You can definitely live without a gallbladder and you can maintain a healthy and fit life without it - as long as you stick to a diet.Gallbladder removal surgery is performed on about one million Americans every year. Since you can live without it - many doctors suggest extraction once it becomes inflamed. Typically, inflammation occurs because of inflammation or the emergence of gallstones. The medical term for removing the gallbladder is called "cholecystectomy" by the layman term is often enough to describe exactly what happens. If you''re reading this - then you should already know that most gallbladder removals are done through laparoscopic techniques. This means there''s very little invasion of the body and only a tiny cut. Unsurprisingly, this means that some people only need one night to recover from the surgery before being allowed home. Physical activity is often limited a few days after the surgery. You may also be told to take certain medication to limit pain and infection post-operation. The advice of the doctor may vary depending on how healthy you are to begin with.No matter how long you stayed in the hospital after your surgery however - it bears noting that the Gallbladder Removal Diet is a life-long commitment. This guide is designed to help you through those years.By reading this guide, you should be able to learn the following information:ΓÇó What your gallbladder does - and why your diet has to change once it is removed.ΓÇó The things you can eat - and how it will help you maintain proper healthΓÇó The things you''re NOT supposed to eat and what happens if you do eat them.ΓÇó Dessert, sweets, grease - how to meet your cravings without ruining your diet.ΓÇó The healthy amount of food to eat.ΓÇó How to prepare your food after gallbladder removalΓÇó On eating out - it''s still possible with gallbladder surgery if you know how to frame your orders correctlyΓÇó Going on a weight loss diet without a gallbladder - is it possible?ΓÇó Enjoy yourself with food even as you accommodate your health needs!

  • - (the responsables of the Assassination of Lincoln, the Sinking of Titanic, the world trade center and more with good content information)
    av Bill Hughes

  • av Steven J Slater

    Service Design Models, Tools & Templates is a collection of techniques from the Service Designer''s Handbook Series, a suite of courses and handbooks published by the International Service Design Institute, Inc., featuring techniques and case studies for designing and building services (Lines of Business). The content is presented in sequential order, so practitioners can use the book for successive stages of designing. To learn more:,

  • - Techniques in Dark Psychology, Influencing People with Persuasion, NLP, and Mind Control
    av Edward Benedict

  • av Mary Khalil

    This developmental workbook features a variety of engaging exercises designed to enhance your child's attention, concentration, multiple intelligences, visual memory, motor skills, critical thinking, learning abilities, problem-solving, creativity, and more. For optimal results, we recommend that children complete these activities sequentially and regularly, with the guidance of an adult. Every exercise in this entertaining and attention-boosting book is accompanied by clear instructions. There is no specific time limit for each exercise. What's most important is that your child enjoys focusing their attention while solving problems and learning new skills.If your child ever finds the instructions confusing during an activity, it's important to clarify those confusions with a simple and relatable explanation or by providing an example. Positive verbal encouragement is a great way to motivate your child when they successfully complete the exercises. For instance, you can say, 'You're doing an amazing job!' or 'You're incredibly awesome!'The book features delightful illustrations created with care and expertise, specifically tailored to captivate children's imaginations. These works of gentle art are the result of the talents of professional artists.In addition, we've included entertaining game pages to provide parents with quality bonding time at home with their children. These fun games are sure to create memorable moments and foster a strong connection between you and your little ones.

  • av Mary Khalil

    Dieses Entwicklungsarbeitsbuch enthält eine Vielzahl spannender Übungen, die darauf ausgelegt sind, die Aufmerksamkeit, Konzentration, multiple Intelligenz, das visuelle Gedächtnis, die motorischen Fähigkeiten, das kritische Denken, die Lernfähigkeit, die Problemlösungsfähigkeit, die Kreativität und mehr Ihres Kindes zu verbessern. Um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen, empfehlen wir Kindern, diese Aktivitäten nacheinander und regelmäßig unter Anleitung eines Erwachsenen durchzuführen. Jede Übung in diesem unterhaltsamen und aufmerksamkeitssteigernden Buch wird von klaren Anweisungen begleitet. Für jede Übung gibt es kein bestimmtes Zeitlimit. Das Wichtigste ist, dass Ihr Kind Spaß daran hat, seine Aufmerksamkeit auf das Lösen von Problemen und das Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten zu richten.Wenn Ihr Kind die Anweisungen während einer Aktivität jemals als verwirrend empfindet, ist es wichtig, diese Verwirrungen durch eine einfache und nachvollziehbare Erklärung oder durch die Bereitstellung eines Beispiels zu klären. Positive verbale Ermutigung ist eine tolle Möglichkeit, Ihr Kind zu motivieren, wenn es die Übungen erfolgreich absolviert. Du kannst zum Beispiel sagen: "Du machst einen tollen Job!" oder "Du bist unglaublich großartig!"Das Buch enthält entzückende Illustrationen, die mit Sorgfalt und Fachwissen erstellt wurden und speziell darauf zugeschnitten sind, die Fantasie von Kindern anzuregen. Diese sanften Kunstwerke sind das Ergebnis der Talente professioneller Künstler.Darüber hinaus haben wir unterhaltsame Spieleseiten eingefügt, um Eltern eine wertvolle Zeit mit ihren Kindern zu Hause zu bieten. Diese lustigen Spiele werden mit Sicherheit unvergessliche Momente schaffen und eine starke Verbindung zwischen Ihnen und Ihren Kleinen fördern.

  • - Viviendo Con Intención
    av Claudio Perez del Valle

    ¿Vives? ¿Realmente vives? Esta simple, preciosa y profunda pregunta es la esencia de nuestro viaje. Porque vivir es existir con plenitud, sentir con intensidad, amar con profundidad. Es despertar cada mañana con la certeza de que cada día es una oportunidad para crecer, para servir y aprender, para transformarnos, y mejorar todo a nuestro alrededor. ¿Vives? Es una invitación a reflexionar, de si verdaderamente nos quedamos en el pasado, sin disfrutar del ahora, a tal grado que nuestro presente está ansioso por el futuro, por lo que tampoco somos felices en nuestro antes, ni durante, ni después mental. A veces estamos atrapados en un espacio mental que no nos permite ser felices al no perdonarnos, o no perdonar a alguien que nos hizo daño, o al pensar que antes éramos felices y ahora no podemos serlo, haciendo de nuestro presente una pesadilla que contamina nuestros futuros. En las páginas que siguen, nos sumergiremos en un viaje de autodescubrimiento, de reflexiones profundas, en un viaje hacia la verdadera esencia de la vida, la paz y felicidad. Porque ¿de qué sirve respirar si no inhalamos el aroma de la existencia, si no saboreamos cada instante de nuestros presentes con gratitud y alegría? ¿Qué sentido tiene vivir sin intención? Desde las profundidades de nuestro ser, surge una llamada urgente a la transformación interior, para que nuestro exterior también mejore. Porque no podemos continuar viviendo en la sombra de lo que podríamos ser, en lugar de brillar con toda la potencialidad de nuestro ADN espiritual y con la luz de nuestra autenticidad. ¿Vives? es un recordatorio de que la vida está hecha para ser vivida en su totalidad. Es un llamado a despertar la inteligencia espiritual que yace dormida en nuestro interior, a explorar los rincones más profundos de nuestra alma en busca de la luz que nos guiará hacia la plenitud y una vida mejor.¿Vives? Es más que un libro de autoayuda, es una invitación a unirnos en un diálogo sincero e interior sobre el significado de nuestra existencia, sobre el propósito de nuestra vida en nuestros propios universos, o sea de todos los que han estado, están y estarán en nuestros entornos. Es un llamado a la acción, a la transformación personal e interior, a la realización plena de nuestro potencial. En estas páginas, encontrarás las herramientas para explorar tu propia verdad y camino, para abrazar la plenitud que tanto anhelas. Porque la vida se trata de enriquecer el alma, de vivir con pasión y propósito, de dejar una huella indeleble en el mundo que nos rodea, en otras palabras asegurarnos de dejar nuestro mejor legado, y que sea positivo y significativo. ¿Vives? es un desafío, un llamado a despertar de cualquier situación actual que nos haga sufrir, o sentirnos aletargados, a sacudirnos de todo tipo de cadenas que nos atan a la mediocridad, a abrazar la vida con todas sus luces y sombras.¿Vives? es una invitación a vivir con autenticidad y coherencia con nuestras creencias, con pasión, fe y propósito. Es un recordatorio de que la vida es un regalo sumamente precioso que merece ser vivido con todo nuestro ser y verdadera intención. Quizás sea un camino doloroso al descubrir nuestras propias limitantes, pero también será un camino de gran alivio al cortar dichas cadenas individuales, para poder desarrollar más esperanza, crecimiento personal y descubrimiento de toda nuestra potencialidad. ¿Vives? Será un camino de auto reconciliación, donde las cosas del pasado ya no importarán, para enfocarnos en nuestra felicidad del hoy, del ahora, y tomar las decisiones que nos permitirán vivir nuestro futuro con paz interior, paz mental y emocionalmente sanos. Bienvenido a este viaje. El viaje hacia la plenitud. El viaje hacia una vida más feliz.

  • av Adam C. J. Dyess

    Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? Zoë is a beginners guide to answering life's deepest questions using the Bible as the key. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus promised that His followers would be given the gift of eternal 'life' (Zoë in the Greek). What is Zoe, and how does it differ from other forms of life? Using a simple biblical approach, the authors walk step-by-step through these questions and provide clear direction for the new believer or seeker who desires to better understand the call of Jesus.

  • av Isabella Hawthorne

    "My Emerald Isles" is a heartfelt tale that unfolds against the backdrop of Ireland's lush landscapes. In this enchanting story, an elderly man seeks solace on the serene shores of Inis Eala after the loss of his beloved wife. Alone except for his faithful dog, his days of solitude take an unexpected turn when he encounters a group of orphaned siblings.The Irish sun, its golden rays dancing on the water's surface, heralded the start of another serene morning on the tranquil island of Inis Eala. At the heart of this picturesque landscape lived Seamus, an elderly man whose weathered hands and kind eyes told stories of a life fully lived. For years, Seamus had become a fixture on the island's shores, a figure as familiar as the rhythmic crash of waves against the rocky beach.Waking at dawn, Seamus would set off with his old dog, Bród, his only steadfast companion. With a well-worn bucket and a tattered net slung over his shoulder, he made his way to the shoreline where the ebb and flow of the tides had painted the beach with a myriad of treasures. The soft crunch of sand beneath his boots and the distant cries of gulls formed the backdrop of his solitude.Each morning, Seamus would stoop low, his fingers gently teasing mussels from their sandy beds. The shells, gleaming in a tapestry of iridescent blues and greens, seemed to echo the vibrant beauty of the emerald isle itself. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Seamus would move along the beach, his gaze fixed on the ground, searching for the most delicate and intricate shells, each one a testament to the island's rich history.But beneath the calm exterior, there was a palpable ache in Seamus' heart, a grief that had settled in after the passing of his beloved wife, Moira. They had shared a lifetime of love and laughter, weathering life's storms together, until she was called away by the sea's gentle whisper. Since her departure, Seamus had unwittingly become a castaway of his own, his once vibrant interactions with the island's close-knit community replaced by a silence that seemed to stretch on forever.Bród, his faithful canine companion, had become his confidant, a source of solace in a world that felt both empty and heavy with memories. Their days were spent in a shared solitude, wandering the shores and cliffs, accompanied only by the echoing cries of seagulls and the distant murmur of the waves.The island, known for its friendly pubs and warm-hearted people, had extended its arms to Seamus in his time of need. Yet, he had withdrawn, the grief rendering him a silent observer of life passing him by. And so, he found solace in the symphony of the sea, the rhythmic cadence of his daily rituals, and the company of his loyal Bród.Little did Seamus know that the tides of fate were preparing to shift, bringing unexpected changes that would ripple through the tranquil surface of his existence and lead him on a journey of rediscovery, connection, and a renewed love.

  • av Isabella Hawthorne

    "Arcane Echoes: Tales of the Altered Civil War" is an anthology collection that delves into an alternate history where the Civil War intertwines with elements of magic and fantasy. In this captivating compilation, author Isabella Hawthorne takes readers on a spellbinding journey through a world where reality is reshaped by extraordinary powers.Through meticulous research and a vivid imagination, Hawthorne expertly blends historical events with enchanting twists. Each story within the anthology presents a unique perspective on the altered Civil War, exploring the impact of mystical forces on the lives of those caught in the midst of the conflict.From blood-stained battlefields where sorcery clashes with musket fire, to the halls of power where secrets are whispered, the characters in these tales navigate a treacherous landscape. They face personal struggles, make profound sacrifices, and challenge the boundaries of their own destinies.With a deft hand, Hawthorne weaves together suspense, emotion, and enchantment, crafting narratives that transport readers to a world where history and fantasy intertwine. "Arcane Echoes: Tales of the Altered Civil War" invites readers to explore the untold stories of heroes and heroines who walk the fine line between history and myth.

  • av Ezra L Randle

    This book is stated as a dream and vision analyzation guide in that it shows the relevance of dreams and visions in our everyday lives.The word of God states in the book of Job that this is how God communicates and instructs us. Solutions to everyday, problems are often given by God to us in dreams. All dreams aren't given by God as we live in a world that's governed by both good and evil. This particular guide deals with the aspect of the creator {God} instructing his creation. The contents cover dreams and visions in the Bible. Also given in the book our dream categories, dream levels, dream symbols and examples, dream enhancing prayers and scriptures. The chapters cover symbolism of colors and numbers, snake dreams, road dreams, the meanings of rooms in a house, signal lights and sky dreams. Spiritual information is given in how to submit to the purpose of God, so as to fulfill your destiny in life. At the end of the book are pages in which one can record and date their dreams. It is hoped that this book will give insight into dreams and visions that will lead people to live purpose filled lives.

  • av Ms. Smith

    "In a Battle of Hearts: A young woman in her early 20s finds herself entangled in a tumultuous romance. Struggling between the allure of the 'bad boy' who ignites her passions and the stability offered by the man who cherishes her like royalty, she navigates a delicate emotional landscape. The 'bad boy' embodies excitement, mystery, and a thrilling unpredictability, drawing her into a whirlwind of emotions and desires. However, standing in stark contrast is the steadfast, husband-material figure who provides security, tenderness, and unwavering support. As she grapples with her heart's yearnings, she must confront her own desires, aspirations, and the kind of love she truly seeks. Each choice presents its own set of consequences and rewards, leaving her torn between the flames of passion and the warmth of enduring love. Ultimately, she is forced to confront her innermost desires, challenging her perceptions of love, self-discovery, and the path she envisions for her future."

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