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Bøker utgitt av International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

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  • - A Comparative and Historical Perspective
    av Stephen Zunes

    Nations are not helplessif the military decides to stage a coup. On dozens of occasions in recentdecades, even in the face of intimidated political leaders and internationalindifference, civil society has risen up to challenge putschists throughlarge-scale nonviolent direct action and noncooperation. How can anunarmed citizenry mobilize so quickly and defeat a powerful militarycommitted to seizing control of the government? What accounts for thesuccess or failure of nonviolent resistance movements to reverse coups andconsolidate democratic governance?This monograph presents in-depth case studies and analysis intended toimprove our understanding of the strategic utility of civil resistance againstmilitary takeovers; the nature of civil resistance mobilization against coups; therole of civil resistance against coups in countries’ subsequent democratizationefforts (or failure thereof). It offers key lessons for pro-democracy activistsand societies vulnerable to military usurpation of power; national civilian andmilitary bureaucracies; external state and non-state agencies supportive ofdemocracy; and future scholarship on this subject.

  • - Creating a Legal Framework
    av Elizabeth a Wilson

  • - A Strategic and Historical Analysis
    av Tenzin Dorjee

    Contrary to a perception — fueled by Chinese propaganda during the 2008 Tibetan uprising that the Tibetan struggle is heading toward extremism, this study shows that the movement has since the 1950s moved toward a tighter embrace of nonviolent resistance. The study traces this evolution, analyzing the central themes, purposes, challenges, strategies, tactics and impacts of three major Tibetan uprisings over the past six decades. Tibetans are now waging a quiet, slow-building nonviolent movement, centered on strengthening the Tibetan national and cultural fabric via what the author refers to as transformative resistance. This is happening in an immensely repressive political environment, which shows that there is a way to mobilize people power against even one of the most ruthless regimes in the world.

  • - Nonviolent Resistance Against Armed Groups in Colombia
    av Juan Masullo

    In irregular civil wars, armed groups strategically aim to conquer, preserve and control territories. Local civilians inhabiting these territories respond in a wide variety of forms. Although the two dominant responses seem to be to collaborate with the strongest actor in town or flee the area, civilians are not stuck with only these choices. Collectively defying armed groups by engaging in organized nonviolent forms of noncooperation, self-organization and disruption is another option. However, given unequal force, it is still unclear why ordinary unarmed civilians choose to defy fully armed opponents, let alone how they manage to coordinate and act collectively, and even achieve results that often go against the strategic interests of the armed groups.This monograph examines this puzzle through a detailed case study of one instance of sustained and organized civil resistance led by ordinary peasants against state and non-state repressive actors in Colombia’s longstanding civil war: the case of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó (PCSJA). Building on interview and archival material collected during fieldwork, a dataset on civilian victimization, and secondary literature, this monograph describes and analyzes the emergence of the PCSJA, focusing on the key choices made to launch its civil resistance campaign; the methods of nonviolent action used; the evolution of peasants’ preference for nonviolent organizing and noncooperation; and the capacity for collective action. An improved knowledge of this form of civil resistance can serve as a solid basis for the diffusion of these strategies both in other areas of Colombia and abroad, as well as for the design of post-conflict reconstruction strategies.

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