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  • av James Odell

  • av James Odell

    This is an ALTERNATE HISTORY novel, set in the MIDDLE AGES. The empire of Charlemagne is falling apart. The emperor is a child, and ill. Europe is sliding into anarchy. ROME is threatened by PIRATES. In the west, the Empire of Gaul has found itself accidentally independent of the German emperor.The western empire, poorer and weaker than the East, has for centuries relied on the aviators of the courier service to patrol the frontier and bring warning of invasion. The empire has survived repeated attacks by the barbarians. But now it faces its biggest threat yet. Viking pirates are attacking Europe''s northern coasts. The ARABS have humiliated the Eastern Empire, conquered North Africa, and invaded Spain. They have made one attempt to invade GAUL. Arab pirates are attacking Provence and ITALY. Their raids threaten the heart of the empire. Can it survive this latest threat?Kay is the nephew of the most powerful man in Britain. But he wants to protect the empire from the Vikings, not support his uncle''s grab for power. He does not want to see his soldiers killed in an unnecessary war. He is a WARIOR and has a reputation of a brave commander; but he knows that bravery is not enough. He needs to think out the problems that face him. And he needs an advisor he can trust.Bridget is a princess, cousin to the young emperor. She has been told she will marry Kay. Her kin have told her to hide her intelligence from her slow husband.But if her cousin dies, and the empire disintegrates, will Kay and his powerful family still want her?Her family has told her that it is her duty to provide her husband with an heir. This ordeal has killed many women. Is this all that her husband expects of her? She has begun to suspect that her mother-in-law is her greatest enemy. Bridget is determined to accompany her husband on all her military missions to the frontiers of the empire.The aviators in their flimsy machines risk their lives to patrol the frontier and deliver all-important despatches. Kay admires them for their audacity and defiance of authority.Kay knows that bravery is not enough for a successful general; he needs to be a courtier, a diplomat - and a strategist.This is the fourth in a series about the decline of the Roman Empire and its surprising remnant, the Empire of Gaul.

  • av James Odell

    Revolution has broken out across Europe. Kings and emperors have been overthrown. In Britain, the establishment has faced down the non-violent Chartist movement. But revolutionaries still plot to subvert the Chartist movement and overthrow the monarchy. The leading agitator has been identified and has gone on the run. He has been cornered on several occasions but each time he has managed to escape. The Guild of Magicians has been asked to hunt him down. But the agitator is said to be a magic user himself. If the Guild locate him, will he use magic to escape once again?Britain's factories are dangerous places. Accidents are frequent and casualties are high. Factory workers, angry at these deaths, riot in protest. Many of them sympathise with the revolutionaries. Will they intercede to protect the revolutionaries? In London Ada, Countess of Lovelace, is using Mr. Babbage's Analytical Engine in a project to calculate the progress of storms at sea. If she can succeed, her warnings may save countless lives. Her initial attempts have been promising. But if she makes too many errors, the government will withdraw its support. She believes that a powerful storm is approaching Britain. She has decided to warn as many people as possible. If she is correct, her attempts will be vindicated. A failure may destroy the project. But she feels honour-bound to go ahead.

  • av James Odell

  • av James Odell

    This is an Urban fantasy story, set on contemporary Britain and the Middle East. It is a thriller, with the main female character filling a key role. She is a magic user and works in secret.Mary is one of the Royal Telepaths work in secret. That name does not appear in any official document. Mary uses her talent to send secret reports between London and Britain''s embassies. The messages cannot be intercepted by the enemy security services - the Guild of Magicians is sure of that. Sent to the Middle East, Mary is surrounded by hostile crowds, revolutionaries, and pirates. But her work is boring, and she escapes from it by taking up high-octane sports.A magician, an acquaintance of Mary, is murdered - by magic. The Guild is shocked. Who did it? And why? Then Mary is nearly killed by an Arab refugee. The police think he was a terrorist. But Mary suspects the attack could be a personal vendetta. When she asks who might want to kill her, the list of suspects keeps growing.Oliver trained as a magic user. But he wasn''t quite good enough. Now he just wants to live his playboy lifestyle. But the Guild keeps asking him to do chores for them. Like visiting thirteen year olds, who have harmed themselves by magic, and explaining how their lives have been ruined by this ''gift''. Or telling self-taught magicians to stop practising magic - before it kills them.Then Oliver is nearly killed in a bizarre traffic incident. It is a coincidence - or is it? . 

  • av James Odell


    This is an alternate history novel set in Europe in the fifth century. The Roman empire has split into three rival parts. The Eastern Empire, based in Constantinople, is the strongest. The Empire of Gaul is the weakest. Its only advantage is its aviators, who patrol the frontier and bring warning of any invasion. Now Gaul has been invaded by the Huns. Rome''s generals must put aside their feuds and unite against this common enemy.Magnus is an officer in the Empire of Gaul. He comes from a patrician family and cares nothing about the low-born aviators. But now Gaul''s best general has ordered Magnus to visit the aviators and persuade them to fly long, dangerous missions to scout out the enemy.Incompetent Emperors are suspicious of their barbarian generals. Magnus becomes a pawn in these struggles and is struggling to navigate a way between these factions.Lady Claudia, in Britain, has been forced into an arranged marriage with a powerful aristocrat. He is suspicious of the letters that Magnus is sending her from Italy. But then her husband''s bodyguard mutinies, and she is forced to make decisions that will affect all of Britain.

  • av James Odell

  • av James Odell

    This is a steampunk novel set in 1848. Revolutionaries have tried to overthrow monarchies in countries all across Europe. In Britain, the Chartists demanded the right to vote. They claimed their mass rallies were peaceable, but the Government feared the worst. The new police force cannot cope. The Government called out the army and put the aged Duke of Welington in charge. Agitators within the Chartist movement conspired to subvert their rallies to their own ends.In London, the Chatelaine of the Guild of Magicians has died in mysterious circumstances. Her niece Samantha is told that she must leave school and inherit her aunt’s role. Her duties are mainly honorary. But, as the male leaders of the Guild bicker, she is able to arbitrate between them. Nervous politicians want the Guild to protect them. Samantha hopes to use her limited authority in an attempt to thwart the reactionaries. But she suspects that her predecessor was murdered. Those around her fear that she is the next target.

  • av James Odell

    In 1851, the United States and the British Empire have stumbled into a war. The veterans of the US Army brushed aside the untried Canadians and advanced towards the St. Lawrence. Their advance was stopped only by the grim earthworks defending Montreal. Casualties have been high on both sides. A peace conference offered hope but it was wrecked by mutual suspicion. The harsh winter has kept the US Army from delivering a knockout blow. But everyone fears they will attack as soon as spring returns. This is a vicious war of raid and counter-raid. The frontier is a long one and the enemy could attack anywhere. The British are desperate enough to recruit Blacks, refugees who escaped north along the Underground Railroad. But these men are untrained and uncertain of themselves. They ask themselves whether they can stand against the seasoned professionals of the US Army. The men and women of Montreal can hear the enemy cannons but can only guess how the battle is going. This is a new sort of war where telegraph operators, men and women, know more about the battle than the generals. Grace is an Abenaki Indian, sent to a convent school in Quebec by ambitious parents. She ran away, hoping to find employment in the big city. She trained as a telegraphist, but was then given a more challenging task - preparing punched cards for the Analytical Engine. The airships of the Royal Mail Service are slow and fragile. They need reliable weather forecasts if they are to operate safely. Everyone expects the men operating the Analytical Engine to get it right every time. The industrial revolution has given Britain superior technology, but the government is reluctant to spend money on this war. Ships of the Royal Navy, operating from their impregnable base in Bermuda, are blockading US ports. They too depend upon weather forecasts. The US Army of Maine is led by the famous General, Winfield Scott, clever and popular. The British have the equally famous Colonel Lord Cardigan. He thinks that his aristocratic breeding is all that he needs to lead troops. Martin Wycombe made his way north from Alabama, hoping to gain freedom and self-respect. He expected to meet a heroic death in his first battle. Instead, he survived a series of squalid skirmishes. He has begun to ask what he is fighting for. The answer, when he found it, surprised him.

  • av James Odell

    This is a steampunk story set in 1850. A dangerous revolutionary has been arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London. He boasts that no conventional prison can hold him. He threatens to use magic to escape. The Guild of Magicians must use their own magic in attempt to restrain him. In another factory accident, workers have been killed. The government seems to be indifferent to the deaths. Can the authorities prevent another riot? The British government, confident the country's engineering skills, has sent an airship across the Atlantic. In New York, conspiracy theorists warn that the airship is a threat. In New York, too, riots are frequent. City politicians think they can benefit from violence, Anyone who appears to have British sympathies is under threat. The British consul and his daughter try to prevent the violence from escalating. 

  • av James Odell

  • av James Odell

    Texan adventurers have invaded Cuba. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Minister, is outraged and sends in the Royal Navy. President Fillmore is dismayed at the news of hostile warships so close to US shores. He threatens to invade Canada unless the Brirish withdraw. Lord Palmerston thinks he is bluffing and ignores him - but Congress will not let the president back down. It was a war that nobody wanted but which no-one knows how to stop. The United States has a battle-hardened army, daring commanders and an excellent railroad network. The British have the best navy in the world, but only a few army regiments in Canada. They have not fought a major war since they defeated Napoleon. The president, hoping for a quick victory, orders the army to attack without any preparations. They are repulsed and both sides settle down for the long haul. The Canadians build a fortress on the south bank of the St. Lawrence, to protect Montreal. Charles Lloyd is sent out from Britain to improve communications between the governor and the general. He had expected to serve the governor in Quebec and is disgusted when he is sent to Montreal, the target for the American attacks. George Eastman is a half-breed Abenaki Indian. He is a drifter who has joined the army to prove that he can achieve something in his life. He had expected to be sent to the fort but instead his company is sent behind enemy lines to attack the railroads. Most of his companions are countrymen but George grew up in the city. He doubts that he can cope. Miss Grace was educated in a convent. She is recruited by Mr. Lloyd to write despatches. It seems boring, but she soon realises that the task has unexpected dangers.  Harry Newbegin was a dilettante in Germany until he chose the wrong side in the revolution of 1848. Now he scratches a living as a journalist in New York. He can see that the war is unpopular. Unscrupulous politicians are encouraging impoverished immigrants to defy the authorities. Is Harry going to see barricades on the streets of New York? 

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