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Bøker utgitt av J.B. Hetzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel GmbH

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  • Spar 14%
    av Christian Kampf
    1 221,-

    "It is a new shudder, but not an old fear." Jean Paul's sentence contains an aesthetic of the fantastic in nuce. It is based not least on the philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and aims at the essence of Romanticism. In addition to works by Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann and Wagner, the Romantic magic opera by Spohr, Weber and Marschner are placed in the centre of interest against this background, as well as the music-aesthetic discourse accompanying them, which was led by Tieck, Hoffmann and Horn, A. B. Marx, Brendel and Pohl, are analysed. Contrary to the tradition of musicological research, which, if not taboo, at least trivialised the fantastic, Kämpf arrives at a new understanding of musical Romanticism, according to which it does not lose its affiliation with modernity and its impact on the present because of the fantastic, but only gains it.

  • Spar 13%
    av Dorothea Rohde
    1 351 - 1 355,-

  • Spar 14%
    av Dagmar Stoferle
    1 337,-

    There is a prehistory of the adultery novel, which became a pan-European literary paradigm in the second half of the 19th century. In the wake of the French Revolution, secular marriage legislation emerges, producing a metaphorical surplus that is still effective today. Using legal history and canonical literary texts from Rousseau to Goethe and Manzoni to Hugo and Flaubert, this book traces how marriage around 1800 became a figure of reflection for the modern nation-state. In the process, original contributions to the philology of the individual texts emerge. At the same time, law and literature are made fruitful for a historical semantics of society and community.This book is a translation of an original German 1st edition ¿Ehe als Nationalfiktion¿ by Dagmar Stöferle, published by J.B. Metzler, imprint of Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service The author (with the support of Chris Owain Carter) has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavour to refine the work stylistically.

  • Spar 14%
    av Rolf G. Renner
    1 453,-

    The volume presents Handke's works from Hornissen (1966) to Das zweite Schwert (2020) in individual analyses and at the same time opens up overarching orientations of Handke's writing. The autoreflexive traces that characterise the author's experimental early work are perpetuated in a middle phase by a return to traditional forms of epic narrative and literary models that is philosophically influenced. In the late work, these approaches give rise to a comprehensive poetology of narrative that links all the texts together. In the process, previously developed motifs are condensed into overarching thematic complexes. Alongside the reality of war, the relationship between image and writing, text and film, social and media developments of modernity come to the fore. The reference of Handke's texts to images of the painterly tradition and visual strategies of his writing are given special weight. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Peter Handke by Rolf G. Renner, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

  • Spar 14%
    av Simon Lentzsch
    1 221,-

    The history of the Roman Republic was a military success story. Texts, monuments and rituals commemorated Rome's victories, and this emphasis on its own triumphs formed a basis for the Roman nobility's claim to leadership. However, the Romans also suffered numerous heavy defeats during the Republic. This study is the first to comprehensively examine how Rome's defeats at the hands of the Celts, Samnites, and Carthaginians were explained and interpreted in the historical culture of the Republic and early imperial period. What emerges is a specifically Roman culture of dealing with defeats, which helped the Romans to find meaning in the stories of their failures and to assign them a place in their own past.

  • av Wolfgang Pleger

    The book offers a historical-systematic overview of the most important concepts of ethics, each of which is presented using three to four exemplary main representatives. Central quotations allow textual access to the respective position, which is explained compactly and clearly. With the title ¿The Good Life¿ the author points to the anthropological basis of all ethics. The book is interdisciplinary in nature, incorporating philosophical approaches as well as those from the fields of theology, biology, psychology, sociology, and politics. For the 2nd edition, the book will be expanded to include the chapter ¿Education - Pedagogical Ethics¿ and a chapter on universal human rights.


    The 17 contributions in this volume pursue a positioning of the philologies, which - based on the 'Volksgeist' (popular spirit) of the 19th century and the cultural studies of the 20th century - must reposition themselves in the 21st century. The contributions address questions such as: What changes are occurring with increasing globalization? Are national literatures increasingly being absorbed into the so-called "world literature"? The authors come from the fields of Romance studies, German studies and English studies. They deal with topics of literary historiography, canonization, comparative literature, and also questions of the future.

  • Spar 12%
    av Anna Stemmann

    Adolescence is a phase of transition, change and upheaval. These processes are often translated into movements through space in literary representations. The narrated space is to be read in its construction and semantics as a complex symbol carrier that is able to connect different dimensions with one another. The study develops, with reference to cultural-scientific spatial theories, a methodical model to analyze current youth novels from a topographical perspective and thus to discuss the interweaving of space, movement and growing up. In the cultural studies and narratological view of (narrative) spaces of adolescence, new trends and developments in youth literature after 2000 manifest themselves. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Räume der Adoleszenz by Anna Stemmann, published by J.B. Metzler, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translationby the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.


    With this volume a gap in the philosophical didactics is closed. A historical section initially introduces authors who have determined the gender discourse and at the same time a critical discussion. This is followed by an overview of sexual and gender diversity, its basics and differentiations. Theoretical papers then deal with the relevance of gender research for the self-understanding of philosophical education. Finally, practice-specific contributions demonstrate how topics and aspects of the gender problem can be prepared for different age groups and school types. With 2 lesson plans.

  • av Kurt Salamun

    This book paints a brief picture of Karl Jaspers' unusual life and philosophy. The reader gets to know a brave personality who had to face a life between extremes. Threatened by an incurable disease and harassed by the Nazi regime, Jaspers nevertheless succeeds in building a fruitful work as a psychiatrist, researcher, academic teacher, philosopher and political writer and living an unusually happy marriage in the process. The reader is introduced to the main themes of his thinking: the meaning of life in borderline situations, interpersonal communication, God, the meaning of history and the defense of democracy. His criticism of illiberal totalitarian ways of thinking,

  • av Matthias N. Lorenz
    1 382,-


    Social coexistence is made possible and regulated by norms. Which actions are labeled and sanctioned as transgressions of norms is the result of social negotiation processes. Transgression and norm deviance can both stabilize and undermine the existing norm system. The contributions to this anthology aim to provide some impulses on the relationship between norm and deviance in ancient societies by means of selected case studies from the Greek classical period to the Roman imperial period and to investigate the role of transgressive acts for the dynamics of social systems. In 8 contributions, among others on the cult of Artemis, on the tragedian Agathon, on Cicero, Lucan and Tacitus, the topic is treated in a model-like manner.


    This volume on the term ¿Europe¿ is based on a conference that took place in the winter of 2018 at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation in Munich. Europe in its complexity, in its character of radical change and its power of fascination is of unbroken topicality. At the same time, European identity is endangered by current challenges such as populism and the rise of nationalism. The contributions to the conference address the question of the extent to which contemporary literature and also current films react to these upheavals and to what extent the talk of a crisis in Europe or European integration is perceptible in the areas of literature and film. This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Europa im Umbruch edited by Michaela Nicole Raß and Kay Wolfinger, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

  • av Christiane Konig
    1 180,-

    This is a German history of cinema and film from the 1890s to 1945 with a focus on queer masculinity. Using media studies approaches, the study shows how film as a new medium is constituted through performative re-enactments of spectacular elements from the entertainment and knowledge cultures of the 19th century. In it, bodies, desires and identities are constantly remodelled through the formation of difference. Therefore, male queerness here does not mean the representation of male homosexuality. Rather, it is the dynamic result of complex medial processes, affects and (self-)knowledge on and off the screen. Building on Eve K. Sedgwick's queer-feminist concept of queer performativity, the author creates a historically situated model with which she traces various figures of technically anthropomorphic queer masculinity in the medium of film in an empowering sense. This book is a translation of an original German 1st edition Performative Figuren queerer Männlichkeit by Christiane König, published by J.B.Metzler, imprint of Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service The author (with the friendly support of Megan Hanson) has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavour to refine the work stylistically. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support authors.

    1 423,-

    With the research of German-language children''s and youth literature and its media associations in the period from 1900 to 1945 as well as the recording of all data in an online portal for research and visual analysis, an innovative contribution to the historiography of children''s and youth literature is available. The introduction provides information on the criteria for inclusion, central sources, theoretical frameworks, and the spectrum of the media associations investigated. Part I assembles three overview articles on the media of radio, film and theater for children and young people as well as a contribution on the conception and development of the online portal. In the second part, 18 selected media alliances are presented, sorted into the categories pioneers conquer the new media - stage children migrate to radio and/or film - fairy tales in film and radio - classics in all media - school stories in the theater, book and on the screen - crime and scandal on the screen - political conquers book and film.


    In der ¿Logik der Konkurrenz um kulturelle Legitimierung¿ zur Etablierung spezifischer intellektueller ¿Auslese- und Bestätigungsinstanzen¿ (Bourdieu) spielen Literaturpreise eine herausragende Rolle. Das Ritual ¿Literaturpreis¿ führt mit den preisstiftenden Institutionen, Verlagen, Autoren, Medien, Literaturkritikern sowie Leser*innen alle wesentlichen Instanzen des literarischen Feldes zusammen. Es signalisiert und beeinflusst auf diese Weise auch aktuelle literarische Tendenzen. So werden Prozesse und Strategien sichtbar, die eine Nobilitierung bzw. Kanonisierung ästhetischer wie (literatur)politischer Wertmuster abzielen. Der Band diskutiert diese Zusammenhänge durch Fallbeispiele zu Autor*innen, Preisen, Jurys oder Vergabeinstanzen ebenso wie durch strukturelle oder typologische Perspektiven auf Funktionen, Begriffe, Konzepte oder ideologische Dimensionen der Literaturpreisvergabe.

    1 679

    Das vorliegende Handbuch bietet eine umfassende Darstellung von Leben, Werk und Wirkung Georg Simmels (1858¿1918). Neben Simmels Herkunft aus den Zusammenhängen einer Völkerpsychologie und früher europäisch-ethnologischer Interessen geht es darum, nächst dem ungleich bekannteren Soziologen v. a. den Philosophen Simmel herauszustellen. Komplementär zu einer Darstellung des Lebens Simmels sowie der Wirkung seines Schaffens werden seine Werke nicht nur inhaltlich dargestellt, sondern auch ihre Kontexte einbezogen und behandelt. Der Versuch, Simmels Denken in seiner ganzen Breite und Vielfalt abzubilden, führt dazu, die in der Forschung klassische Einteilung in drei Phasen von Simmels Werk sowie die Ausdifferenzierung in einen eher philosophisch und eher soziologisch orientierten Denker zu Gunsten einer genaueren Gruppierung der Werkphasen aufzuweichen bzw. mitunter ganz aufzugeben. Ziel ist es, weitere thematische Differenzierungen zu ermöglichen und Kontinuitäten und Zäsuren des Simmelschen Denkens möglichst umfangreich nachzuzeichnen.

  • av Adrian Robanus

    Diese literaturwissenschaftliche Studie befasst sich mit Konzeptionen des Tiers in der Spätaufklärung. In der Anthropologie des 18. Jahrhunderts sind Tiere wichtige Grenzfiguren. Das gilt sowohl für ¿das Tier¿ als abstrakte Kategorie als auch für konkrete Tiere ¿ am prominentesten den Affen. Auch im politischen Denken der Aufklärung tauchen häufig tierliche Reflexionsfiguren auf, etwa Wölfe oder Löwen. Die Arbeit erforscht, wie zeitgenössische Romane von Wieland und Wezel aus diesen Tierfigurationen eine Zoopoetik entwickeln. Der spezifische ¿Gebrauch¿ der Romantiere in den untersuchten Texten macht die Funktion von Tierkonzeptionen für Anthropologie und Politik des 18. Jahrhunderts besser verstehbar.

  • - Eine Philosophie fur das 21. Jahrhundert
    av Thorsten Streubel

    Die Frage nach dem Menschen ist heute ¿ im Zeitalter der zunehmenden Verschmelzung von Mensch und Technik (Cyborgisierung), der Genom-Editierung und der fortgeschrittenen Naturalisierung des Menschenbildes ¿ aktueller denn je. Der Autor präsentiert hier erstmals eine systematische und prägnante Darstellung der Idee einer neuen Anthropologie, welche die mundanen, transzendentalen und transphänomenalen Aspekte des Menschseins gleichermaßen berücksichtigt und die Reduktion des Menschen auf seinen biologischen Körper zurückweist. Diese ¿Fundamentalanthropologie¿ genannte Disziplin versteht sich als philosophische Grundlagendisziplin und als Herzstück der Philosophie als allgemeiner Anthropologie. Außerdem werden in diesem Band zentrale und aktuelle philosophische Themen wie Selbstbewusstsein, Identität des Ich, das Wesen des menschlichen Geistes sowie die Zukunft des Menschen erstmals zum Gegenstand fundamentalanthropologischer Analysen gemacht.

  • - Berufsfelder und Perspektiven

  • - Eine philosophische Biographie
    av Enrico Donaggio

    Ein dauerndes Unbehagen und eine unbeirrbare Treue zur Philosophie durchziehen Karl Löwiths Leben und Werk. Unter Rückgriff auf zum Teil unveröffentlichte Tagebücher, Dokumente und Briefwechsel mit bedeutenden Vertretern kulturkritischen Denkens (u.a. Heidegger, Jaspers, Strauss, Arendt, Bultmann, Voegelin, Gadamer, Horkheimer, Marcuse und Habermas) rekonstruiert diese 2004 in Italien erschienene Monographie seine Denkbiographie und zugleich die Kritik an der Moderne, die der elegante skeptische Philosoph in seinen Schriften herausarbeitete. Löwiths Ansatz wirkt für ein auf den Menschen gegründetes, mit der Kritik der eigenen Zeit behaftetes Denken ebenso unzeitgemäß wie provokativ: die Theorie vor jeglichem Rückfall ins Politische bewahren, indem ihr ein Sicherheitsabstand von Aktualitätsfragen eingeräumt wird; die Philosophie auf das hin ausrichten, was nicht Geschichte ist ¿ die ewige Ordnung der Natur ¿, um unsere Beziehung zur Welt in den richtigen Proportionen zu erfassen.

  • - UEber Moeglichkeiten radikaler Befreiung im Anschluss an Judith Butler
    av Constanze Junker

    Grundannahme dieses Buches ist es, dass Subjekte einem Bildungsprozess unterliegen, der hauptsächlich durch deren Sozialität bestimmt wird. Constanze Junker vertritt dabei die These, dass der soziale Subjektivierungsprozess selbst seine Möglichkeitsbedingungen für radikale Befreiung enthält. Diese Möglichkeitsbedingung auch politischer Widerständigkeit beruht auf einer absoluten Negativität, die sich aus der Sozialität der Subjektivierung ergibt. Verbindungsglied der Theorie sozialer Subjektivierung mit Befreiung ist ein Existenzstreben. Dieses wird - anders als bei Butler - selbst als sozial konstituiert und als Ressource absoluter Negativität beschrieben.

  • Spar 20%
    av Rudiger Goerner
    372 - 406,-

  • Spar 12%
    av Joerg Zimmer
    375 - 430,-

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