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  • av Jonathan Nowlen, &#32422, &#20262, m.fl.

    找 到 命 定,活 出 使 命探 索 职 业 的 起 初 命 定约 拿 单 - 诺 伦 (Jonathan Nowlen)活出使命专项的目的是为了装备你,使你恢复起初被设计原有的样式,并在上帝的国度里找到自己的定位。本课程和学习指南专为小组学习和个人参与者而设计,将极大地增强你对 《找到命定,活出使命》一书中提出的关于工作神学、使命和人生意义的理解。这十节课颠覆性的学习,将催化你踏上找到命定,恢复职业尊严和使命的征途!约拿单∙ 诺伦(Jonathan Nowlen)是一位全职宣教领袖。在过去的几十年里,曾在 个国家工作过。约拿单是一位作家、公开演讲家和顾问,主要研究工作神学和宣教的未来。他致力于恢复职业的尊严和使命。 年多来,他带领宣教工作和上帝国度的企业,重点是领导力、职场事工和社区发展。约拿单专注于装备所有信徒,使他们在自己的职业生涯中完成使命并茁壮成长。学 习 指 南获取新书《找到命定,活出使命》, 以及更多信息!

  • av &#32422, &#20262, &#35834, m.fl.

    "我们所夸的,并没有越过范围,而是在上帝量给我们的领域(metron) 之内;这领域一直延伸到你们那里。" 哥林多后书10:13 (新译本)领域 (METRON)在自然、文化和属灵历史领域中,上帝委派给你的一个责任范围。- 我应该因为热爱我的工作而感到羞耻吗?- 我的工作是属世的,还是属灵的?- 我应该对我的职业有如此的热情吗?- 上帝看重我的工作吗?- 我是否应该辞掉工作,去做一些属灵的事情吗?- 宣教工作与我的职业有什么关系?你是否觉得自己被困在了平凡的生活中?你是否经常觉得你应该做一些不寻常的事情,但你的日常工作却妨碍了你? 当你发现上帝对职业的最初设计,那么平凡就会成为非凡! 我们被造是按照我们父神的形象和样式,他是万物的终极创造者和建造者。上帝作工,现在我们也作工。工作是属灵的,在堕落之前就已经被任命了。这不是罪的结果或者一种形式的惩罚。职业是上帝意指借此建立他的国度。《找到命定,活出使命》将为你提供一个关于工作、使命和意义的实用神学。约拿单∙诺伦(Jonathan Nowlen)是一家促进全球仆人式领导力发展的非营利组织的联合创始人和执行董事。在过去的25年里,他在60个国家领导宣教工作和国度企业,重点是领导力和社区发展。诺伦对职场事工充满热情,专注于装备信徒,使他们在自己的职业中茁壮成长并迈进上帝的国度。

  • - Discover the Original Design of Vocation
    av Jonathan Nowlen

  • - Seventeen Principles for Successful Missions
    av Jonathan Nowlen

    Outreach Matters: Seventeen Principles for Successful MissionsIn Outreach Matters it is my desire that you will be equipped to succeed; that you will not be overwhelmed as you step into outreach. Many other theological and missiological books and resources are available to you. Use them. Study them. They will be greatly valuable to you in all aspects of life. Still, these resources might leave you wondering, ';How does it work out in real life?'My goal in recalling these incredible experiences and life lessons is to help you build a strong foundation from which to begin your Kingdom endeavors. Too many people start out from ground level and never have the chance to stand on the shoulders of those who have advanced the Kingdom before them. I desire that my account of the great works of God, achieved through average disciples like me, will give you a chance to go further and accomplish even greater things in the Lord.My hope is that this book has given you a glimpse into the nature of the battle we all will face as we seek first the kingdom of God. In the war for souls of men there are no easy battles. But nothing else even comes close to the experience of fighting alongside our heavenly Father and seeing the power of God in action.Your life story is being written. What will your story be? The choices are yours. You may think that you will never write a book or have powerful experiences to share with those who come after you. Remember, God is writing down your story even now. Live your life in such a way that heaven is enthralled by your exploits and hell wishes you had never been born. If you draw close to the Lord with a heart to understand Him and really know Him, you will begin to value what He values and think about what matters to Him. His victories will become your victories and your victories will matter in eternity.Your outreach matters. You matter.

  • - A practical theology of work, mission, and meaning
    av Jonathan a Nowlen

    Work is spiritual and was ordained before the Fall. It is not a result of sin or a form of punishment. Vocation is the very means through which God intends to build his Kingdom. Managing your Metron will provide you a practical theology of work, mission, and meaning.

  • av Jonathan Nowlen

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