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  • av Pablo Helguera

    In 1660, a mysterious sect of Dutch mystics arrived to an island in the New World with the objective to create a new society. Their governing principle revolved around the uninterrupted performance of a single dramatic work in seven tableaux vivants. Invoking alchemical imagery and hermetic thought, their goal was to arrive to a higher state of being by collectively embodying the symbolic representation of all of human and divine knowledge. Their experiment, which would last a century, would test the human boundaries of time, physical endurance, and the collective commitment toward an idea. "Like a 'lamb in wolf's clothing, ' Pablo Helguera uses the exoteric mechanisms of historical erudition to lure us to his magical island of the Ourobourians. But right about the time we lose our footing on the land's slippery shores-when we begin to wonder if the artist has gleaned an esoteric tradition for more than just source material for his island's symbols and nomenclature, when we start to navigate his land with the non-verbal hunches of the alchemists' score, and call into question the artifices we employ to gather the world around us-we realize Helguera has really taken us on a journey to another land altogether, the most forbidden of places: the self." -Lise Patt, founder and director of the Institute of Cultural Inquiry, Los Angeles "Pablo Helguera is a splendid liar, a first-class storyteller, a curious mind constantly in search of stories, a creator of parallel universes and impossible characters living in credible situations, which invariably probe our certainties, intuition and knowledge." - Naief Yehya, writer and critic

  • av Marta Merajver-Kurlat

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Marta Merajver-Kurlat

  • av Néstor A. Braunstein

  • av Marta Merajver-Kurlat

  • av Hiroshi Tasaka

    What will Happen in the Future of Human Society? In the age of discontinuity, non-linearity and acceleration, Can we predict the future? The answer is No. We cannot "predict" the future. But we can "foresee" the future. We cannot make quantitative prediction or concrete prediction. But we can make directional foreseeing or macroscopic foreseeing. Then how can we foresee the future? By using "Dialectic Thinking", We can foresee the future. If you are interested in the Five Laws of Dialectic or The Twelve Paradigm Changes That will happen in human society in the future, You would find very important insights in this book. > Hiroshi Tasaka graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo with a Ph.D in nuclear engineering in 1981. From 1987, he worked as a visiting researcher at Battelle Memorial Institute and also at Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in the USA. In 1990, he participated in founding the Japan Research Institute and engaged in "Industry Incubation" as a Chief Strategy Officer. In 2000, he became a Professor at Tama University in Tokyo and teaches students the philosophy, vision, policy, strategy, skills, mind and spirit of social entrepreneurs. Also in 2000, he founded Think Tank SophiaBank, a "Paradigm Think Tank" which mission is to change the "Paradigm of Social Systems" in human society to solve the "Global Problems" and "Frontier Problems" for the society. In order to achieve the mission, SophiaBank forms a worldwide network that connect social entrepreneurs and acts as a "Socio-Incubator" that encourages social entrepreneurs to change old paradigm and to create new social systems. In 2003, he established the Japan Social Entrepreneur Forum (JSEF) under SophiaBank to foster and support social entrepreneurs in order to bring about innovation and change in global society. In 2006, he was nominated as a member of "US-Japan Innovators" by the Japan Society in New York. Also, he was invited as a member of the Global Agenda Council, advisory board of the World Economic Forum (Davos Meeting) in 2008. Tasaka is a Philosopher as well who has put forward a wide range of ideas and theories: the philosophy of life and work, of management and business; corporate and industrial strategies, social and government policies, a vision of the Internet revolution and the knowledge society, and also the paradigm shift in knowledge in human society. He is the author of more than 50 books, including The Age of Paradigm Shift; Dialectic Thinking to Foresee the Future; Wisdom of Complexity; The Gaia Perspective; Ecology of Mind; What Will Happen in the Knowledge Society?; A New Paradigm of Strategic Thinking; Management of Complex Systems; Management of Tacit Knowing; The Evolution of The Professional; The Philosophy of Work; Why Do We Work?; What is the Reward of Working?; What is Success in Life?; and To the Summit - Why Should You Embrace an Ideal in Your Heart?.

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Hiroshi Tasaka

    After the global economic crisis, many people are feeling that capitalism must mature toward the future. Then, what is "maturity" of capitalism? To know the answer, we should ask this question: What is "maturity" of the human mind? The answer to this question is clear. To become able to see "invisible values." As the human mind matures, it becomes able to see "invisible values." Such as wisdom inexpressible in words, human relationships through sympathy, trust between humans, reputation in the world, cultures of organizations or societies, and so forth. If so, what is "maturity" of capitalism? The answer to this question is also clear. To become the capitalism that emphasizes "invisible capital." Then, how can we realize this? By taking off old glasses and look around. The old glasses of "monetary economy." If we do so, we become able to see that "five paradigm shifts" are occurring in the economic principles that underlie capitalism. In this book, you will find insightful and encouraging vision of the evolution of capitalism in the future. Hiroshi Tasaka Dr. Hiroshi Tasaka is a Philosopher and a Poet speaking about the philosophy of life and work, of management and business. He is also speaking about the vision for the future society and the paradigm shift in human society. He is the author of more than 50 books, including The Age of Paradigm Shift; The Five Laws to Foresee the Future; Wisdom of Complexity; The Gaia Perspective; Ecology of Mind; What Will Happen in the Knowledge Society?; A New Paradigm of Strategic Thinking; Management of Complex Systems; Management of Tacit Knowing; The Evolution of The Professional; The Philosophy of Work; Why Do We Work?; What is the Reward of Working?; What is Success in Life?; and To the Summit - Why Should You Embrace an Ideal in Your Heart?. Dr. Tasaka is a Professor at Tama University in Tokyo, the President of both Think Tank SophiaBank and The Japan Social Entrepreneur Forum. He was nominated as a member of "US-Japan Innovators" by the Japan Society in New York in 2006 and was invited as a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum (Davos Conference) in 2008. http: // http: //

  • - Friedrich A. Hayek, John Hicks, Nicholas Kaldor, Leonid V.Kantorovich, Joan Robinson, Paul A.Samuelson, Jan Tinbergen
    av Diego Pizano

  • av Qi Jinnian

  • av Charles Morgan

    Morgan's best-selling novel (248,000+ copies), A Breeze of Morning came out in 1951 preceding his final book, Challenge to Venus (1957). One of his finest short novels, A Breeze of Morning is about an adult love affair witnessed by a young boy. The novel is composed with taut competence, brilliant character portraiture and rich imagery. "[A] Breeze of Morning is a study in innocence" "... [Thomas] Hardy handed on the torch of the great novel to Conrad, so Conrad handed it to Morgan." --Henry Charles Duffin. The Novels and Plays of Charles Morgan, Bowes Publishers Ltd, UK. 1959 ************************************ CHARLES LANGBRIDGE MORGAN (1894-1958), drama critic, novelist, playwright. He was trained in the Royal Navy but resigned in 1913 to lead a literary life, though he returned to serve in the navy during both World Wars. He entered Brasenose College, Oxford and joined the staff of The Times, becoming its principal drama critic, (1926-39). Contributed weekly articles on the London theatre to the New York Times. He received many honorary degrees; was elected president of the English Association, 1953-54, and of the International Literary Congress for Authors, 1954-56. He produced a continuous sequence of literary masterpieces. His novels and plays were particularly artistic, of profound significance, and of great and varied narrative power. Portrait in a Mirror (1929) was awarded the Femina-Vie Heureuse prize; The Fountain (1932) the Hawthornden prize; and The Voyage (1940) the James Tait Black memorial book prize. A dramatised version of The River Line (1949) was produced at the Edinburgh Festival in 1952. His final two novels, A Breeze of Morning and Challenge to Venus (1957), are now published again under the Rediscovered Books series of Jorge Pinto Books, Inc.

  • - La Psicoterapia Y La Condicion Humana
    av Ruthellen H. Josselson

  • av Charles Morgan

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Louis J Slovinsky

    Durante las tres últimas décadas, Alan Siegel se ha convertido en una de las figuras más reconocidas dentro del campo del branding y en acérrimo defensor de la comunicación clara. Mientras se dedicaba a construir Siegel & Gale, una empresa líder en marcas, se destacó como uno de los pilares del establishment, lo que no le impidió mostrarse, a la vez, como un iconoclasta provocativo. Su amplio radio de influencia incluye el brindar asesoramiento a organizaciones de la talla de Xerox, American Express, la Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto (NBA), Caterpillar, las Girl Scouts, y The New School entre otras, al tiempo que crea guías sobre la comprensión de los mercados financieros para The Wall Street Journal e integra las juntas directivas de numerosas instituciones comerciales y culturales. Entre las obras de su autoría se cuentan One Man's Eye: Photographs from the Alan Siegel Collection, y Step Right This Way: The Photoghraphs of Edward J. Kelty. "Alan Siegel escribió un libro acerca la simplificación de lo complejo, y el proceso consiguiente contribuyó a la construcción de marcas duraderas en todo el territorio de los Estados Unidos. Verdaderamente, es justo que ahora se haya escrito un libro sobre él". - Craig J. Kelly, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Oficial Senior de Marketing (CMO) de SunTrust Banks Inc. "Las biografías son relatos de los éxitos y los fracasos de los seres humanos, de cómo prosperan y sobreviven. Estas narraciones nos educan, puesto que no podemos dejar de identificarnos con el protagonista en algún punto. La biografía de Alan Siegel nos cuenta la historia de un hombre que alcanzó el éxito y el liderazgo en un área que ni él ni sus amigos habían previsto. Es la historia de las conexiones poderosas, aunque invisibles, entre su pasado y su futuro. Relata, en fin, un desarrollo significativo que servirá de inspiración y confianza a sus lectores". - Bob Kerrey, Presidente de The New School. > LOUIS J. SLOVINSKY Louis J. Slovinsky se retiró de Time Warner Inc., donde ejercía el cargo de vicepresidente corporativo, ocupándose de la dirección de estudios sobre identidad para Time Inc. y Time Warner Inc. Trabajó como analista de marcas para Siegel & Gale y Chermayeff & Geismar, y escribió también, como colaborador independiente, para Corporate Branding Partnership.

  • - Una Lectura Posible
    av Marta Merajver-Kurlat

  • av Mercedes Salisachs

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • - On Psychotherapy and the Human Condition
    av Ruthellen H. Josselson

  • av Mercedes Salisachs

    Salisachs demonstrates her uncanny ability to penetrate the human psyche, this time expertly dissecting the emotions and anguish of a young child at the mercy of a succession of self-absorbed adults.

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