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  • av Jovana Iv

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    av Jovana Iv

    Following the catastrophic and scandalous World Cup final in Berlin, Jane Andersonn and Alex Yanov live in Paris, the city of lights and love. But how much love and light is in their lives?Alex is still the best goalkeeper in the world, and he is just getting better at it. His teammates admire, respect and love him, sports experts predict only the brightest future for him.However, where is Jane in this new chapter together? Did she really get away with everything that happened during the World Cup in Germany, with everything she brought about? Can a man forgive the unforgivable? Can a couple in their situation ever move on?One thing is certain: Another World Cup approaches, bringing together again the participants of the last, all of them more experienced, mature, and professional; some still wild, irrational, wilful, and in love.Nakon katastrofe i skandala nesagledivih razmera na zavr¿nici Svetskog prvenstva u Nemäkoj D¿ejn Anderson i Aleks Janov ¿ive u Parizu, gradu svetlosti i ljubavi. Me¿utim, koliko ima prostora za svetlo i ljubav u njihovom ¿ivotu?Aleks je i dalje najbolji golman na svetu i svakim danom sve vi¿e se üvr¿¿uje na toj poziciji. Saigräi ga vole, pötuju i dive mu se dok sportski strünjaci predvi¿aju najblistaviju karijeru ovom nesvakidänjem talentu.Ali ¿ta se de¿ava sa D¿ejn u ovom novom zajedni¿kom poglavlju? Da li joj je stvarno opröteno sve ¿to je uradila tokom onih mesec dana u Nemäkoj? Da li mükarac möe pre¿i preko neoprostivog? Da li par u njihovoj situaciji ima ¿ansu da ikada vi¿e vodi ¿ivot ispunjen ljubavlju i poverenjem?Jedno je sigurno - ¿etiri godine kasnije na pomolu je naredno Svetsko prvenstvo koje ¿e ponovo na jednom mestu iskupiti gotovo sve üesnike prethodnog. Svi su sad zreliji, iskusniji, spremniji, ali me¿u njima neki i dalje neuräunljivi, svojeglavi, tvrdoglavi i nadasve zaljubljeni.

  • - There Are Other Ways to Score
    av Iv Jovana Iv

    Jane has everything you want. Born into fame and wealth, she has always got anything she wished for. As a young woman barely out of adolescence, her career is soaring. She is no longer known only as the daughter of one of the richest men in the world but also as a talented actress and model gifted with mesmerising beauty. She is smart, brisk, charismatic and adored by the public. Her boyfriend is a handsome, devoted, caring and successful football player, and every girl's dream. Everything about Jane is perfect. But for her, that's not enough. What do you want when you can have anything? Where do you go when you can simply pack up and go anywhere? What makes you bored? What makes you happy? Might you start looking for even more, risking losing everything along the way? Caught up in the spectacle of the World Cup, Jane finds herself in the global spotlight. In a world without limits - a world of beauty, fame, camera flashes and football - in her youth, ingratitude and audacity, Jane will venture an exciting path of uncertainty she may not be entirely prepared for. Can she really do whatever she wants, as long as she is not discovered?Ran¿ u Teksasu, stan u Londonu, putovanja, ¿lanci u novinama, izlasci, prijateljice, moda, revije, snimanja, dizajneri. To je svakodnevica D¿ejn Anderson. Poznata porodica, uspe¿na glumica, model i manekenka. D¿ejn ima sve, od trenutka kad se rodila, pa do sad, kad joj je devetnaest godina. U vi¿e navrata je progläena najlep¿om ¿enom na sceni. Partner joj je fudbaler iz druge zemlje, kome ne smeta da svake nedelje prele¿e Evropu kako bi je video. Ona je draga, simpati¿na, prijatna, obrazovana, prizemna. On je zgodan, privläan, bri¿an, povüen i ¿armantan, najbolji golman sveta. Oböavani su ¿irom planete. Möe li ¿ivot da bude bolji prema njima?Ne, ali möe da ih pöalje na Svetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu, gde se sve stavlja na test - D¿ejnina zrelost, talenat, vrednosti, pötovanje, uverenja; Aleksovo strpljenje, poverenje, profesionalnost, posve¿enost, razumevanje, granice. ¿ak i njihova ljubav.U zemlji koja je centar sveta na mesec dana zahvaljujüi najvänijoj sporednoj stvari na svetu, D¿ejnin ¿ivot kre¿e putem na koji niko nije spreman i stavlja je pred odluke koje möe doneti samo osoba koja ima toliko svega da ne zna ¿ta da odabere. Okrüena bezbrojem isküenja i ne ¿ele¿i ni¿ta da propusti, istovremeno sebi¿na i puna ljubavi, mladosti i ¿elje, D¿ejn pravi izbore koji zauvek menjaju ne samo njen ¿ivot, ve¿ i njene porodice, de¿ka, prijatelja, i svih drugih igräa ove ne samo fudbalske i ljubavne pri¿e.

  • av Iv Jovana Iv

    Jane has everything you want. Born into fame and wealth, she has always got anything she wished for. As a young woman barely out of adolescence, her career is soaring. She is no longer known only as the daughter of one of the richest men in the world but also as a talented actress and model gifted with mesmerising beauty. She is smart, brisk, charismatic and adored by the public. Her boyfriend is a handsome, devoted, caring and successful football player, and every girl''s dream.    Everything about Jane is perfect.    But for her, that''s not enough.    What do you want when you can have anything? Where do you go when you can simply pack up and go anywhere? What makes you bored? What makes you happy? Might you start looking for even more, risking losing everything along the way?    Caught up in the spectacle of the World Cup, Jane finds herself in the global spotlight. In a world without limits - a world of beauty, fame, camera flashes and football - in her youth, ingratitude and audacity, Jane will venture an exciting path of uncertainty she may not be entirely prepared for. Can she really do whatever she wants, as long as she is not discovered?

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