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  • av Poonam V. Kodwate

  • av Samira Sikder

    From the self-proclaimed animator, illustrator, author and loving daughter Samira Sikder (@lemon.plant), who wrote this book to commemorate her father and all the daddies in the world, comes a picture book about her real-life story about her SUPER DAD! Meet my Dad. He's no ordinary man, he's my Superhero! Come along with me as we follow my Super Dad and see all the incredible things he can do. He may not be able to fly or jump across buildings, but there is something more special about him. Are you ready to find out? Authors note: This bright, colourful storybook was illustrated and written by me! It follows the true story of my father before and after his sickness. I wanted to write and illustrate something for kids who went through the same thing as me as I too was very young when my father became disabled. This story is about love, hope and compassion toward the ones we love. I hope you enjoy the story and I hope it helped someone out there! This lovingly illustrated storybook is for kids 5-8 and can be enjoyed with grandparents, big brothers and sisters and parents over and over again. The perfect gift for Father's Day, Birthdays or for someone trying to understand a disability. After reading this book, show some love to the ones closest to you. Let them know that they are your Superheroes!

  • av Oscar Grazioli

    "Eppure, quello me l'ha giurata e, dopo vari tentativi, c'è riuscito a ficcarmi su un pollice quattro dentini maligni" (Honey)"Ormai non era più un cane che aspettava il suo padrone, ma un cane che lo aveva perso" (L'attesa) Con questa raccolta di racconti, o meglio, di storie vere, l'autore riesce magistralmente a condividere emozioni forti e sentimenti profondi che riguardano se stesso, ma anche chi come lui ha la fortuna di non poter fare a meno di confrontarsi con il mondo animale, vero dono della vita.Sono spaccati di vita quotidiana a volte ironici, altre drammatici, ma sempre pieni di magia, di sogno e di un po' di follia, nei quali specchiarsi con la sensazione finale di ritrovare ogni personaggio nella propria anima.

  • av Umer Shah Jehan

  • av Janak R. Jalundhwala

    सर्वार्थसंभावो देहो जनितः पोषित यतः I नतयोयॉति निर्वेशं पित्रो मर्त्य शतायुषा II (Shrimad Bhagwat 10/45/5) On the waning phase's eleventh tithi of Kartik month, from the eleven senses of Lord Vishnu, a divine light gave birth to an elegant, saintly, weapon-wielding, and divine goddess, who we know to be Godmother Ekadashi. This book explains both the scientific and religious importance of Ekadashi in brief. The significance of all twenty-six Ekadashi is given with the references of stories and from Puranas along with pictures. The significance and views as per Pushti Sampraday and as per Maryada Path are also given here. Apart from that, the difference between Pushti's and Maryada's paths is also explained in brief. Generally in the story of Utapatti Ekadashi, we come to know about the origin of the goddess Ekadashi, but here it is given separately. Apart from that, the Vrat of all Ekadashi, their benefits, their Aarti, and information about how to consume Prasad are also given in this book. All detailed knowledge about the food pattern of Ekadashi Vrat according to religious texts is written in this book. (An information about the 'Bhog' / 'Thaal' which we offer to the Lord is also given in this book).

  • av Sarah Martin

  • av Dereck And Elizabeth Kaale

    After falling in love with someone and plan to get married, a lot of things run in people's mind with regards to how their wedding is going to be successful. There are different factors that contribute to how your wedding will be. This book highlights some ideas that might be of help to couples with an upcoming wedding.

  • av V. Vn Mangukiya

    Kayan Kollyn: the Spiral of the Ellmott & Messenger of the Secret (Book One) Central Idea of the "Kayan Kollyn" Adventure Sagas'Kayan Kollyn' is a fictional adventure and mystical saga story set up in the Atouls World. 'Ellmott' is the almighty power, which works in conjunction with various forms of 'Craffartt.' Craffartt is the ancient craft of the atouls world, in which mysterious powers work. Much of the ellmott mystery is extinct today, but efforts are being made on this land to unravel it. And thousands of miles long- the 'Great Atoulian Mountain Ranges' is the mysterious abode of this Ellmott."Many people of the 'Atouls Land' adore and bow down the three basic forms of this nature and existence, namely, the Element, the Essence, and the E'light* (pain-n-pleasure) give them the pure thought and wisdom. The Elements are contained within the 'Attor Spiral, ' the Essence is contained within the 'Meddo Spiral, ' while the E'light is contained within the 'Solloh Spiral, ' which were the ancient science, art, and 'Craft' of the land of atouls, THIS ART IS CALLED 'CRAFFARTT*' in atouls world. Empo and Espak are the subtle Ellmott-Elements in 'Atouls World, ' "in which Empo is the experience of the mind and the body exists and moves in Espak," This is the ancient belief of Atoulian. When the mind rises above the realm of Empo, it pervades the whole spectrum of a Great Time. When the body's consciousness transcends the boundaries of the finite body, the infinite Ellmott becomes its marvelous abode. But, "how does such merit come about?" Perhaps, a person can touch this land's hidden and mysterious dimensions; however, the answers to the mystery are also unknown. So, Let's dive into this story.

  • av Drema Ferrell

    BETAKEN II: The Reckoning is the sequel to BETAKEN, but it can also be read as a stand-alone novel. BETAKEN II: The Reckoning delves into what has happened in Bald Eagle, West Virginia, since the mysterious disappearance of three residents from the community of Holt, West Virginia. Now, four years later, another girl is missing, leading concerned people of Holt back to Bald Eagle on a fast-paced search that involves both old and new characters. This author has a gift of continually painting the pages with scenes that draw the reader closer to the characters while, at the same time, pulling them into unforgettable and haunting realities that can only be born from a life long-lived in Appalachia. A deeply powerful and compelling book, this will be the one book that you cannot put down until you have read that one last sentence. Enjoy!

  • av Becky Jean Bohan

  • av Lois Karfunkel

  • - A Ghost Hunter's Guide
    av Dwyer Jeff Dwyer

  • av Axel R Cristales

  • - My Big Fat Greek Mythology
    av Glenda N Rogers

  • - Learn how your diet impacts your health, both good and bad, so that you can then use food as medicine.
    av George Elder

    Do you want to lose weight or do you need to reduce your medication? "Take back your health" outlines what I have learned about eating, diet and health. I have applied this to myself, shown friends and family and the results are spectacular. Much of the advice you see in magazines, on the Internet or on food packaging is there only to sell you something. It is not primarily intended to help you be healthy. This book helps you to understand what I have found to be real and what is fake. With your new knowledge, you can then make diet choices which will help you reclaim or take back your health. Has your doctor asked you about what you eat? Many do not.>Find out why women with higher cholesterol live longer, why higher salt is healthy, why you need dietary saturated fat, and why vegetable oils might be slowly killing you. Here is what one of the original editors said: >Can this book save your life? I believe it can certainly point you in that direction. Is a keto lifestyle profoundly life-saving? My research suggests that it can be..While the keto lifestyle has proven to be the right thing for my wife and I, it is important to remember that we are all individual and no one approach fits all. My wife and I require differing levels of fats, carbs and protein. It is, however, no problem to eat the same meals often it is just a matter of adjusting portion size and the number of meals..A hallelujah moment for me was discovering that the ex-CEO for the American Diabetes Association, Tracey D Brown, had spoken about adopting a low carb eating lifestyle resulting in a partial remission of her diabetes. She was hoping to be free of all medication within twelve months. Imagine if all diabetics following my book, adopted a low carb lifestyle and achieved those sorts of results. What a different world it would be for anyone currently facing years of ongoing medication and expense..Here is a note I received recently: Hey George. Hope you are well? Just a little feel good note for you.Ryan decided to do Keto when he went to sea last trip, now back on land after about 10-11 weeks total.I can't believe it, but he has lost 17 Kg. He says he likes keto because its so easy to stick to. I am giving you the credit because he wouldn't have tried it if we hadn't done it and talked about it so much, so that is all because of your influence. Thanks. Nathan.

  • av Brian Finney

    From the award-winning author of Money Matters, an explosive family drama set in the Bay Area during the early months of the pandemic: a suspenseful tale of transgressions, betrayals, and the rise of outrageous conspiracy theories.Oakland, California, 2020.Computer scientist Adam cannot understand the widespread appeal of conspiracy theories popularized by the president. He decides to investigate one, QAnon, which turns out to have hidden connections to a White House intent on subverting the upcoming presidential election.His wife Julia, who works at the ACLU, is terrified by the outbreak of the coronavirus and is drawn to the fake online cures Adam detests. Further threatened by the reappearance of a violent ex-boyfriend, Julia sees her life unraveling and resorts to desperate remedies.Brian Finney''s Dangerous Conjectures is a powerful, gripping exploration of two Americans'' inner lives living through a pandemic and a culture overrun with misinformation.

  • - The Dire Wars. Volume Three

  • av Annabel Fielding

  • av Runfola Massimo Runfola

  • av Luis Moreno & Andres Pedreno

    MÁS DE 3.000 COPIAS VENDIDAS Prólogos de José Carlos Díaz y Vinton Cerf Encontrar a autores con un background académico y fuertemente emprendedor como el de Andrés Pedreño y Luis Moreno no es fácil. Por esta extrañeza este libro supone un verdadero soplo de aire fresco: un nuevo enfoque de las consecuencias del retraso digital de Europa, con un tono crítico de quien sufre la ausencia del impulso a las empresas digitales, y la exhaustividad impuesta por la investigación académica. Un libro de estas características era muy necesario. La Unión Europea es, en la actualidad, víctima de sus políticas y dudas por abandonar su zona de confort y transformar su tradicional sistema productivo. Y la crisis del coronavirus ha vuelto a reflejar este atraso europeo, así como la necesidad de profundos análisis de sus consecuencias y políticas para impulsar el desarrollo económico. Asia, ya consolidada como líder de la economía digital, ha salido airosa de esta nueva crisis mundial, y leyendo este libro comprenderán el porqué. Pero si algo tiene de especial esta obra es que sus autores se han atrevido a dibujar más allá de la crítica una hoja de ruta a modo de recomendaciones para cerrar la brecha digital. De forma sólida exponen por qué la formación de talento, la creación de ecosistemas digitales, una regulación que pondere sus efectos sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías de vanguardia y una Administración inteligente son temas que deberían convertirse en "asunto de Estado" para una Unión Europea que se aproxima de forma acelerada a su declive económico, y si nada lo evita, hará insostenible el modelo de economía social de mercado que nos caracteriza, con una pérdida del bienestar para millones de europeos. Europa, si no potencia estrategias para aprovechar las ventajas de las tecnologías de vanguardia, quedará relegada a un papel secundario en un mercado que generará decenas de miles de millones de euros. El cambio al que nos enfrentamos generará miedos que habrá que gestionar, y potenciales damnificados que deberán ser protegidos y acompañados por políticas sociales para minimizar las externalidades negativas de la transformación tecnológica. Por todo ello, después de leer este libro el lector tendrá más claro que nunca que estamos en ese estado que en la Grecia clásica llamaban Kairós, el momento oportuno para hacer algo importante. Y aquí encontrarán las herramientas necesarias para ello.Estructura del libro Introducción: - Conceptos básicos- La disrupción en la economíaPARTE I: DIAGNÓSTICOCapítulo 1: ¿Por qué Europa no es una potencia en la economía digital?Capítulo 2: Sectores tradicionales y la tormenta perfecta del sur de EuropaCapítulo 3: I+D europeo: ¿Insuficiencia o ineficiencia?Capítulo 4: La regulación como cultura PARTE II: POLÍTICAS Y PROPUESTAS DE ACTUACIÓNCapítulo 5: Una fuerte apuesta por la IA en EuropaCapítulo 6: Perspectivas de creación y destrucción de empleoCapítulo 7: La revolución de la educación y el talento en el marco de las tecnologías disruptivasCapítulo 8: Emprendimiento y problemas de escalabilidad de las startupsCapítulo 9: Ecosistemas digitales. En búsqueda del modelo europeo>PARTE III: DIOSES INSATISFECHOS Y UNA NUEVA TEORÍA ECONÓMICACapítulo 11: Europa en la encrucijada. Metiendo en vereda a unos dioses insatisfechos e irresponsables>--------------------------Andres Pedreño Muñoz es ex-rector de la Universidad de Alicante, catedrático de economía aplicada y emprendedor.Luis Moreno Izquierdo es director del Grupo de investigación en economía de la innovación y la

  • - Formally TW Griffin. A Jim Churchill Mystery
    av S F Dietrich

  • av Brian Finney

    At once a painful coming-of-age novel, an exciting amateur sleuth tale and an intriguing narrative involving social issues (immigration and wealth disparity), Money Matters features Jenny, the 27-year-old inexperienced protagonist, who, is forced to take on financial tycoons, corrupt politicians and the treacherous Baja drug cartel.

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