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  • - Embracing Setbacks for Greater Fruitfulness
    av Terry Nightingale
    223 - 334

  • av Wendy R. Randall

    Wendy lucha cada día contra los crueles desafíos de la pobreza, el crimen y las drogas en su barrio urbano de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana, Estados Unidos. "Había una vez una niña" es la conmovedora y verídica historia de cómo ella cree, contra todas las probabilidades, que sobrevivirá. La madre de Wendy le enseña a rezar, y eso es precisamente lo que hace, incluso cuando la esperanza de una vida mejor es fugaz y quizás imposible. En su lucha por negarse a rendirse ante sus circunstancias, en sus esperanzas y en sus sueños, Wendy le pide fervientemente a Dios que la libre milagrosamente. Mientras lees la historia de Wendy, recuerda que NO eres tus circunstancias. A través de Dios, puedes supera.RESEÑAS PARA: HABIA UNA VEZ UNA NIÑA: UNA MEMORIAMe encanta el corazón de este libro, oro por cada persona que tenga la oportunidad de leerlo que sean bendecidos con tu historia. ¡Besos y abrazos!-Yvette Henry coanfitrión del canal de YouTube, "Beleaf In Fatherhood" (Detrás de la paternidad) (Sra. Melanin), www.beleafinfatherhood. com y el Podcast "How Married are You" (Qué tan casado estás).Wendy Randall ha escrito una memoria que va a inspirar a otros a creer en ellos mismos y a hacerse cargo de sus vidas. Sus reflexiones perspicaces demuestran su carácter firme, coraje y una fuerte creencia en ella misma. Wendy desarrolló herramientas a temprana edad que le ayudaron a mantenerse motivada continuamente en la vida. Ella describe poderosamente su forma de mantenerse a salvo como manera de escape: El soñar despierta. Ella nunca dejó de soñar e hizo todo lo necesario para asegurarse que se hiciera realidad. Como ella dice, "No me rendiré ante mis circunstancias." Esta es una historia de tremenda valentía y determinación.-Martha E. Casazza, Ed.D. Consultora Educacional y Autora.Desde el momento que comencé a leer Había una vez una niña de Wendy Randall, sentí como si inmediatamente me hubiera transportado a Nuevo Orleans en el barrio noveno en la década de los sesenta. Randall cuenta la historia apasionante de los estragos del día a día al crecer en un habitacional en el barrio de florida, donde ella y su familia estaban rodeados de crimen y pobreza. Es a través de su fe, perseverancia, amor al idioma y a la cultura francesa que Randall supera las dificultades de su niñez y persigue su búsqueda hacia una vida mejor. Había una vez una niña nos recuerda la importancia del soñar y del impacto poderoso que sólo una experiencia o persona puede tener en nuestras vidas.-Jennifer M. Rodríguez, especialista del consejo académico y de becas para el desarrollo del francés en Luisiana (CODOFIL) siglas en inglés.SOBRE LA AUTORAOriginaria de Nueva Orleans, Luisiana, Wendy ha pasado la mayor parte de su carrera educando, aconsejando e inspirando a otros a perseverar más allá de los desafíos de la vida. Ella sabe qué fácilmente las circunstancias pueden superar el potencial de una persona. La mentalidad de Wendy completamente centrada en Cristo la motivó a volverse fluida en francés y español. Hoy en día, Wendy sirve junto a su esposo en el ministerio y el trabajo misionero alrededor del mundo.

  • av Joel Francis

    Zebedee's Calling brings 11th Century England to life, with key battles and royal successions, as well as the efforts among a group of zealous Christians to have access to Scripture written in English. Along with revelations about rulers, military tactics and the Church, there also are descriptions of Anglo-Saxon society and daily life. Although this story is historical fiction, it parallels our time. The accounts of Christian leaders and martyrs who strove to make the Bible accessible to the people draw attention to the immeasurable value of Scripture, and how blessed we are to possess it today.Endorsement:A rare, historically accurate fictional epic that is an inspiration for today's youth, Zebedee's Calling represents Joel's unique approach to story-telling and stimulates both introspection and action: What is the place of the Bible in today's society? What is our obligation to ensure people have access to the Holy Scriptures? And most importantly, what can the coming generation do to re-ignite our passion for God, for country, and for the salvation of the world?¿Andrew Friedel, President, Christian Fellowship Church of Kitchener-WaterlooJoel encapsulates the essence of "true" Christianity in Zebedee's Calling. Although the characters may be fictitious, the storyline is very relatable through the ages. I was particularly impressed with his use of thought processes when one is questioning true believers on God's existence and Zebedee's responses which unequivocally removed any doubt. I thoroughly enjoyed the glimpse into the interesting historical culture, with associated terminology and the evolution through the passage of time. My key take-away is that Salvation comes not from religion, but from our relationship with God. A real gem for believers and non-believers, young and old! ¿Sharen Way, Ontario, CanadaAbout the Author:Author Joel Francis was born into a God-loving, Bible-believing Christian family in India, and emigrated with his family to Canada when he was a young boy. Learning about the history of the Church and attending a Catholic high school inspired him to write his first book, Zebedee's Calling. Joel conveys the eternal truths he continues learning about God through his writing, and he wishes to serve and glorify Him in every sphere of life. Joel lives with his parents and brother. He graduated from the University of Toronto with majors in applied statistics and economics, and a minor in mathematics.

  • av B. E. Mathews

    The nurturing of a devoted parent, the kindness of a closest friend, and the loving heart of an often-misunderstood Father...all were the things Elijah, the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, found in his weakest moment when lying under a broom tree. Though he'd performed extraordinary miracles and offered faith-filled prayers, anxiety and depression drove him to a place where he asked God to end his life. Elijah's story was much like our own because he was an ordinary person, just like you and me.Discover God's extraordinary, sustaining love that is specifically for you.Find the answer to what is at the core of today's identity issues.Conquer difficulty in forgiving others.Learn to love the way God uniquely made you, flaws and all.Written by a board-certified pediatrician with almost 20 years of clinical experience, Under The Broom Tree explores the mental health epidemic of this generation with fearless faith, openhearted honesty, and refreshing transparency.What Others Say About This Book:B.E. Mathews deftly spins a wonderful and thought-provoking brief story that bridges the Old Testament with the modern day world, showing once again that the Bible and God's teachings transcend time and societal values. Under the Broom Tree will have you re-examine your faith and everything you thought to be true with insightful and delicious recountings of a woman coming to age in a culture that misplaces its values of what true beauty are. --Julia Mathew, MSN About the Author:Dr. Beena Wilkins, who writes under the pen name B. E. Mathews, is a graduate of The University of Texas Medical Branch and completed her pediatric residency training at The University of California at Irvine. She is a board-certified pediatrician with almost two decades of dedication to the well-being of children and adolescents. In her debut book, Under The Broom Tree, she offers a fresh perspective regarding current mental health issues and shares her own soul-searching story about growing up in a hushed, closed-off Indian culture. She uses the life of Elijah, the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, as a powerful example of the common, fallible humanity in all of us. She is a Texas girl at heart, but currently resides in Florida with her husband and sons.

  • av Robert William Giebink
    212 - 378,-

  • av Anna Pranger
    212 - 366,-

  • av Shuguang Wang
    342 - 523,-

  • av Kristen Lunceford
    212 - 354,-

  • av Michael J. Heil
    255 - 415,-

  • av Andrew Chatora
    237 - 403,-

  • av Katie Millar Wirig M. A.
    212 - 366,-

  • av Pascal Losambe & Crystal Losambe
    249 - 403,-

  • av Jason Coache
    187 - 354,-

  • av Jason Coache
    257 - 436

  • av Janice Rigel
    224 - 378,-

  • av Aimee Cabo Nikolov
    224 - 366,-

  • av Toyin Umesiri
    185 - 392

  • av Lmft Christina Steinorth-Powell

  • av Monique M. Keller

  • av Janice Rigel

  • av Leslie Speas
    226 - 379,-

  • av Craig Ireland
    240 - 393,-

  • av Nichole Fogleman
    226 - 379,-

  • av Anna Pranger

  • av Veronika Braila

    Blue House: Ten Years on the Way Home tells the struggles, traumas and tragedies of a family in the former USSR during Stalin's reign, pre-WWII. Dispossessed of the happy home and wealth they built through their own sweat and labor, they were forced to withstand horrors and hardships as their daily bread...when there was any bread. Their arms were their pillows; their consciences were their best friends. Silent soul-pain and physical pain did not dim their faith, for their spirits, minds and love endured. "Educate your spirit and mind to be strong. Walk firmly and confidently," states first-time author Veronica Braila. "Believe in better times, no matter what." And Braila's blue house became the haven of hope that held this family's hearts.About the Author:Veronica Braila is an entrepreneur and a devoted mom. She lives just outside of Chicago and is originally from a small country called Pridnestrovia. She enjoys reading and spending time exchanging stories with others about life and faith. Veronica hopes Blue House: Ten Years on the Way Home helps others to believe in love, have faith, and forever be in touch with God throughout the journey called life. "It doesn't matter what is going on now," Veronica says. "Trust the path you're on because it will lead to the right place."ÿþÿþ

  • av Tamar Miller
    224 - 365,-

  • av Deborah Kuster
    185 - 337,-

  • av Veronica Braila

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