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  • - The Most Important Industry Principles Revealed
    av Elinor Moshe

    WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WOULD TELL A PERSON?Imagine that someone not in this world or of this world were to find themselves in this game called life, and ended up in the construction industry. And they were only able to receive one piece of wisdom, knowledge or critical advice from those that have embodied wisdom. With that one foundational principle, they'll build everything on. Get it wrong and it may all come crashing down; no aspirational and inspiring careers are builtoff mistruths. Yet, get it right, and the experience available can only be rendered with fulfilment and excellence.In Secrets of the Construction Industry, you will discover foundational principles to always win at the game from 31 exemplary leaders, industry titans and young guns in this industry-first anthology. This unique narrative provides an adventurous foray into distinct intellect behind outstandingindustry experiences, bringing you a unique opportunity to cut through the noise and identify what really matters for your trajectory.

  • - The Most Important Industry Principles Revealed

    WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WOULD TELL A PERSON?Imagine that someone not in this world or of this world were to find themselves in this game called life, and ended up in the construction industry. And they were only able to receive one piece of wisdom, knowledge or critical advice from those that have embodied wisdom. With that one foundational principle, they'll build everything on. Get it wrong and it may all come crashing down; no aspirational and inspiring careers are builtoff mistruths. Yet, get it right, and the experience available can only be rendered with fulfilment and excellence.In Secrets of the Construction Industry, you will discover foundational principles to always win at the game from 31 exemplary leaders, industry titans and young guns in this industry-first anthology. This unique narrative provides an adventurous foray into distinct intellect behind outstandingindustry experiences, bringing you a unique opportunity to cut through the noise and identify what really matters for your trajectory.


    REIMAGINE REWIRE RETIREAre you seeking inspiration on how to create a happier and more fulfilled life?Dive into the authentic and compelling life stories of individuals such as Dragon's Den star Norah Casey, Irish International Rugby Icon Jamie Heaslip and many more.Global mentor and life coach, Val Quinn, curates a powerful collection of real life stories from inspirational people around the world who have transformed their lives with courage, determination and resilience.Join them as they navigate the daily challenges and opportunities that resonate with all of us on our life journeys. Gain valuable insights through the myriad of experiences shared within these pages and let us inspire you toCREATE YOUR BEST LIFE


    "Unstoppable: Where Grit Meets Inner Fulfilment and Compassion, Shaping Barriers into Bridges."Geraldine McGrath - Award Winning Podcast Host of Radiate RealnessWithin each of us lies hidden gifts and an unstoppable power waiting to be discovered and unleashed into the world."Unstoppable Stories" reveals how pain transforms into purpose, the power of storytelling, and its worldwide ripple effect, uniting us with a deep, heartfelt aligned energy that reflects each author's essence. Plunge into a sea of stories where perseverance illuminates the way, dreams guide through storms, hope anchors the soul, resilience fills the sails, and every bond beams like a guiding light. Creating "Unstoppable Stories" alongside inspiring, powerful women has been an extraordinary journey of lasting influence. This project will serve a higher purpose, dedicating royalties to fight the stigma and silence around suicide prevention, creating "An Unstoppable Movement." Featured Authors include celebrity guests, Laurie Burrows and Jacque Almeida. Together with Lejla Dauti, Magdelena McMorrow, Geraldine McGrath, Paula Esson, Bried Lynch, Jenny Gordon, Rosie Keaney, Vicky Blades, Cara Quinn, Sharon McNulty, Briana McAteer, Holly Holland, Jenna Hastie, Fiona Condren, Claire Auchmuty, Mairead McDonald, Elizabeth Gabauer, Elaine Curry, Joanne Colely, Emma Last, Alison Armstrong, Lisa Benson & Nadine Robinson.


    Discover the compelling narratives within the Hear Us Roar series as these voices unite to reveal their personal journeys, all in the spirit of uplifting and inspiring others.Whether their story is on Courage and Perseverance, Stealth and Faith, Power and Intuition, or any theme in this series they will introduce you to a diverse array of co-authors from across the globe, each with unique paths to success, but a shared commitment to baring their souls and sharing their stories.Are you prepared to experience the resounding power of our collective voices? Get ready to Hear Us Roar.FEATURING AUTHORS: Alison Bannister, Amanda Thompson, Annie Gibbins, Dr Aparna Baruah, Bianca F Stawiarski, Billy Dib, Brad Walsh, Catherine Molloy, Chiara Sharp, Ciara Lynch, Emma Weaver, Fleur Chambers, Genine Howard, Glenn Marsden, Holly Rose Holland, Joanne Colely, Jonathan Weaver, Justine Martin, Kamila Hur, Karen Weaver, Karen Perks, Kelly Van Nelson, Kerry Ridley, Lisa Benson, Liz Hicklin, Michelle Weitering, Miranda Murray, Nicole Whitty, Pete Cohen, Sandy Davies, Sonee Singh, Stacey Webb, Steve Rodgers, Dr Tanjia Coleman, Tom Smyth, Tracey Regan, Vikki Speller

  • av Kate Fisher

    If you have ever donated blood you may be responsible for one of these extraordinary tales of survival!One in three Australians will need blood in their lifetime and yet only one in thirty donate it, this results in persistent critical blood shortages. For Milkshakes for Marleigh founder Kate Fisher, this is personal. Her seven-year-old daughter Marleigh will be dependent on blood products for life to treat autoimmune encephalitis. They are lifesaving when she relapses and life-preserving for every infusion in-between. Based on interviews conducted for the groundbreaking and international award-winning Milkshakes for Marleigh podcast, this book shares extraordinary tales of survival thanks to Australian blood donors. From seeing children grow up to winning world championships, creating art, advocacy work, volunteer work, falling in love, scientific and medical advances, volunteer work or simply enjoying the gift of time. Years, weeks or days spent with loved ones, gifted by the ultimate act of humanity and mateship - blood donated voluntarily for the benefit of an anonymous recipient and with no more than a post-donation snack and a milkshake in return. This book will make you deeply proud to be an Aussie and make you question which 'one in three' of your loved ones will be reliant on an anonymous stranger making a blood donation to save, prolong or improve their life. It thanks Australian blood donors and seeks to inspire new ones.

  • av Melissa Haag

    Fury FrayedMegan's temper lands her in a town of misfit supernatural creatures. It's the one place she should be able to fit in, but she can't. Instead, she itches to punch the smug sheriff in his face, pull the hair from a pack of territorial blondes, and kiss the smile off the shy boy's face. Unfortunately, she can't do any of that, either, because humans are dying and all clues point to her.With Megan's temper flaring, time to find the real killer and clear her name is running out. As much as she wants to return to her old life, she needs to embrace who and what she is. It's the only way to find and punish the creature responsible.Fury FocusedLife in Uttira isn't easy for Megan. Knowing what she is hasn't helped her control her temper. Her mood swings don't bother her as much as the weird side effects that come with them. When things start to go up in flames around her, she knows she needs help controlling her abilities. But, the only person with the answers abandoned Megan in Uttira months ago.Megan knows she must find her mother in the real world. However, the only way out of the magical barrier surrounding Uttira is with the mark of Mantirum. A mark she will only receive if she can manage to control her temper...or die trying.Fury FreedWhile preparing to leave Uttira after graduation, Megan finds the Book of Fury. The answers she's needed about who she is, her purpose, and her powers have been there the whole time, along with a shocking revelation.Now, it's not just a matter of finding Megan's mother. Megan must find the two preceding generations as well, because the book is clear on one thing: there can only be three furies.

  • av Alycia Carosella

    Allison Pierce has always had an artistic personality, but her self-doubt has continuously stalled her true passion for becoming a writer. She does everything to make the ones around her happy but, in return, sacrifices her happiness. Her life from the outside was perfect. She married a wealthy man her family loves and was a first-year law student. Everything was going fine until it all came crashing down.Her 12th-grade English teacher, Mr. LaClaire, always believed in her writing and has been her inspiration for wanting to become an author. She has held onto her dream and decides now is the perfect time to go for it. Newly divorced and determined to have her dream come to life. She applies to her dream school and sets the goal to write her very first novel. The only dilemma is the familiar face that is now her college professor. This potential love interest has ignited a long history of feelings slowly starting to surface. Can she still pursue her dream while also getting sidetracked by love?

  • av Tyler Bell

    West by God is the story of a young newspaper journalist named Adelaide sent to report on a high-profile murder in the remote (and fictional) town of Targrady, West Virginia. Once she gets there, she discovers the case in question is anything but open-and-shut, and quickly finds herself neck-deep in a mystery that could sink the entire town. Complicating Adelaide's efforts to get to the bottom of the story are the machinations of a nightmare creature called the Witchum Woman, a local drug syndicate led by the enigmatic Fetid Queen and populated by white supremacists, and the age-old small town suspicion of outsiders. "West by God" is an adult horror/thriller fiction novel that delves into themes of race, gender, sexuality, and justice. It could be found on a shelf beside authors such as Dan Simmons and Davis Grubb.

  • av Georg Moritz Ebers

    "A Word, Only a Word" by Georg Moritz Ebers is a captivating tale set in the enchanting landscapes of the Black Forest. The novel opens with a seemingly innocent conversation between two children, Ruth and Ulrich, discussing their fathers' quests and tribulations. Ruth speaks of her father's search for a mystical word that has the power to unveil treasures by opening mountains, while Ulrich shares the turmoil within his family, his father's anger towards his mother. Set in the sultry days of late spring, the novel masterfully blends the beauty of nature with the complex emotions and struggles of its characters. Ebers crafts a narrative that is both a celebration of nature's splendor and a poignant exploration of human relationships and the search for meaning in a word.

  • av Abbé Barreul

    A contemporary description of the Bavarian Illuminati's co-option of their Freemasonry lodges.

  • av Kingsley J Morrison

    "If you've ever felt the tug to go deeper as a disciple of Christ, dreamt of rebuilding your life with profound peace and wholeness, and yearned for relational renewal within the Christian community, let me take you on a journey through 'A Reconciled Life.' This isn't just a book; it's a pathway to the transformation you've been seeking." A Reconciled Life is about how honoring one's heritage and legacy through pursuing a life ofpeace and wholeness in Christ, transforms us and makes a difference in our world. God's HolySpirit has utilized the backdrop of my childhood as a minister's son and the experiences andchallenges of my time in pastoral ministry to reveal to me and, subsequently, to engage the broaderchurch with some powerful and thought-provoking insights such as: God has ordained our broken, unredeemed heritage and personal past to be the starting point for our generational transformation.Yahweh has given to those who come into a new covenant relationship with Him-His sons anddaughters-the greatest power that exists in eternity and time. We have been given this power tomediate the ministry of reconciliation to each other and the world. Three years before the turmoil ofour 2020 moment in history, God was speaking to my heart, revealing powerful understandingsconcerning His heart for reconciliation in my life, His church, and the world we impact. If you desirea conversation that will engage your thoughts and heart with transformative perspectives and Christ-centered solutions, this book is for you. I trust you will be blessed, challenged, and encouraged by the>Bishop Terrance Jenkins Church of God (Ret.), Th. D., Ph. D. President and founder of Montreal School of Ministry (Ret.) This work is one of a personal, and yet family, journey through time. From his boyhood as a PK to manhood, marriage, family, and pastoring a congregation, Pastor Morrison shares the joys and the heartaches of pastoring a congregation, which the majority of church attendees do not understand. He shares how when the leader feels God wants to take the congregation in a particular direction, sometimes friction ensues because the people are content where they are. Unless that friction is dealt with biblically, the situation soon becomes toxic... In any case, one cannot unscramble a scrambled egg. The past is the past, and we must move toward the future, looking unto the Author and Finisher of our faith to guide us in the right direction, fulfilling His purpose for us until we reach heaven...Reading this work and sharing my thoughts about it has been a blessing. I recommend that everyone who wants to become involved in the work of the church read it, enjoy it and take note that God can use you in any capacity you choose to allow Him.

  • av Abhishek K Agarwal
    354 - 439,-

  • av Scott Knudsen
    234 - 387,-

  • av Camilla Pellegri

    Sasha è un ragazzo di quattordici anni con un passato difficile... A soli tre anni è stato abbandonato in Vaticano dai suoi genitori, ha trascorso un periodo in orfanotrofio - prima di essere adottato - e, a causa della sua timidezza e insicurezza, da piccolo veniva spesso preso di mira dagli altri bambini. L'unica sua vera amica era Erika, la figlia della signora che si occupava delle pulizie in orfanotrofio, che gli ha trasmesso la sua più grande passione: quella del basket. Purtroppo, per cercare di sopravvivere e di non soccombere ai bulli che quotidianamente lo prendono in giro, Sasha decide di intraprendere una strada oscura, che lo porta a comportarsi come i suoi persecutori. Finché un salto nel passato e nuovi incontri non gli aprono gli occhi. Sotto il cielo di Roma parla di amicizia, amore, fiducia, lealtà, rispetto. È un libro che racconta episodi della vita di un adolescente che riscopre l'importanza delle piccole cose e il valore dei momenti passati insieme alle persone a cui si vuole bene. È un romanzo che mostra le debolezze e le insicurezze di un ragazzo che, pagina dopo pagina, matura sempre più, comprendendo i propri errori. Scorri verso l'alto, fai clic su "Acquista ora" e ottieni subito la tua copia cartacea in copertina flessibile di questo appassionante romanzo per ragazzi.

  • av Elisabetta Baraldi

    Teresa è una ragazza che odia il fiume e la golena in cui vive, ma che, più di ogni altra cosa, odia il padre, rozzo e violento, il quale la costringe a un'esistenza misera e priva di futuro. Lo odia a tal punto da desiderarne la morte. Anche Anna, la madre, rassegnata e sottomessa, subisce la furia del marito; ma il destino metterà sul cammino delle due donne la visionaria Ada, a cui un grave lutto ha offuscato la mente. Sarà questo misterioso incontro a mutare le sorti dei protagonisti. Un romanzo al femminile, intenso e crudo, a tratti struggente. Una narrazione dove, tra magia e realtà, i personaggi entrano con prepotenza nell'immaginario del lettore, coinvolgendolo in un viaggio che lo travolgerà, come sa travolgere la piena del grande fiume che fa da sfondo alla vicenda. Teresa odiava la golena, il fiume e i pesci che squamava, ma, sopra ogni cosa, odiava suo padre, che la teneva ancorata a quella palude. Un odio viscerale, che non lasciava spazio a dubbi o ripensamenti, a incertezze o tentennamenti: un odio assassino, senza confini, come la nebbia, un odio denso, nutrito dalla rabbia e dalla paura, gonfio e potente come le acque alimentate dalle piogge torrenziali di maggio. Scorri verso l'alto, fai clic su "Acquista ora" e ottieni subito la tua copia cartacea in copertina flessibile di questo folgorante romanzo.

  • av Jacques Baud

    Has the US strategy reached an impasse? What is the Russian conduct of military operations? When will the Ukrainian counter-offensive take place? Does Western weaponry really make a difference in Ukraine? Who are the winners of this war? What changes in the world are we witnessing since February 24, 2022? What is the reality of the losses, on the Ukrainian and Russian sides? Can Western industry compete with Russian industry in Ukraine? Why is a negotiated solution not being sought? How is our perception of the con¿it serving Ukraine?To answer these questions and many others, Jacques Baud relies on information from Western intelligence services and American documents that were leaked in April 2023. After the best-sellers Putin, the Master of the Game? and Operation Z, whose analytical work has been praised worldwide, the author returns to the war in Ukraine by analyzing the facts and nothing but the facts. Whether one is for or against the position of Ukraine, one is condemned to return to the field of operations and to analyze what is happening there. This is the only way to find a path to peace, not by relying on illusions.

  • av Lucinda Brant

  • av Irene Aue-Ben-David
    436 - 543

  • av Abyan Junus-Nishizawa

    Teega the little tiger loves to ROARR but was told that he was just too loud. Upset, Teega then declared a NO ROAR DAY! With the help of his chirpy new friend, Teega learnt how to use his voice and formed an unexpected friendship along the way.

  • av Abyan Junus-Nishizawa

    Little Ronda does not like to try new things. One day, she finds herself on an adventure that seems scary at first but it turns out to be a day where she learns that trying new things can be fun after all.

  • av Abyan Junus-Nishizawa

    Little Timo the baby tapir goes on a walk with his mother to look for animals who are a bit different - just like him. On their journey, little Timo learns many new things and discovers more than just new friends.

  • av Abyan Junus-Nishizawa

    Flora the baby flying fox couldn't wait to fly like her older cousins but on her very first try, she fell and tumbles to the ground. Feeling sad, Flora was comforted by Mama who told her a story of a midnight flower that had to wait for its time to bloom. A story about patience and perseverance, as Flora learns to never give up and that everything happens in its own perfect time.

  • av Danielle Sady

    STARTING A BUSINESS IS A MINEFIELD, AND THE IDEA IS JUST THE BEGINNING. If the prospect of being an entrepreneur is a constant nagging dream, this guide is the perfect book for you. Danielle Sady has created not one, but two e-commerce start-ups in the space of a few short years, with a career spanning over twenty years in some of Australia's biggest wholesale, retail, and franchise businesses, she struggled to find the answers to the questions she did not even know needed to be asked. Now Danielle is a freelance business consultant and coach based in Melbourne, passionate about guiding those who are in all the different stages of their business journeys, just like she was. This book shares real-life experiences of Danielle's journey to starting her business, providing a checklist to success, for your own start-up experience. Written in cleverly organised, highly informative chapters, you can devour the entire thing or jump in and out for the vital information you need. Danielle brings an innately human approach to the emotionally treacherous path of start-ups, incorporating mental well-being checks, some activities to propel you into action, a little bit of needed humour, some enticing personal analogies, and some incredibly helpful life advice, in this invaluable guide to not only thriving in but enjoying the world of e-commerce business,

  • av Tanjia Coleman
    249 - 357,-

  • av Toni Wass

    As Isabella and her best friend Coral embark on a night of adventure to Luna Park, their worlds are changed forever by a chance meeting with some rather dapper American soldiers. Paul has just finished his military training in Australia, and as he stumbles across a beautiful local girl on the streets of Melbourne, he knows he has no choice but to see her again. After their paths have crossed, Paul and Isabella discover a romantic connection like never before, and love is most certainly in the air under the enormous full moon. But Paul is to be shipped out to war any day now. Will their budding relationship survive the horrors of World War II, the seemingly endless long distance, having to pack up and move across the world, a tumultuous family environment and the tests of time itself? Will their love be enough? Find out in Isabella's Moon, a war-time romance, set in the peak of World War II, following two young hopefuls from two very different worlds. This amorous tale filled with 1940s nostalgia, highlights the importance of following your gut, the value of family and friends, and the joys of finding the love of your life.

  • av Billy Dib
    287 - 402

  • av Arparna Baruah
    249 - 358,-


    Women make up half of the world's population, yet they hold less than 25% of senior leadership positions across all industries. This lack of diversity not only limits the perspective and experiences that businesses can draw from, but it also means that businesses are missing out on the many benefits that come from having a more diverse workforce. This is why inclusion is essential for any business that wants to stay competitive in today's marketplace. Lady Diversity Power was created to showcase the importance of diversity in business and to provide a platform for female entrepreneurs and leaders to connect and share their experiences. This book features some of the most powerful women in business, who will be sharing their insights on why diversity is the new way of doing business. With a range of topics covered, including entrepreneurship, marketing, and leadership, this book is sure to provide valuable insights for anyone looking to build a more inclusive business. FEATURING AUTHORS Hazel Herrington, Annie Gibbins, Cathy Dimarchos, Dr Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, Hilda Julian Johani, Joanna James, Dr Khomotso Mashalane, Linda Fisk, Naila Qazi, Shelli Brunswick, Karen McDermott, Toni Lontis, Lisa Levy, Sarah Blake, Kelly Markey, H.E Laila Rahhal EL ATFANI

  • av Michelle Gardiner
    490 - 666,-

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