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Bøker utgitt av Left of Brain Books

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  • av Maria Von Rummelhoff
    207 - 368,-

  • av H P Lovecraft

    Delve into the eerie and enigmatic world of H.P. Lovecraft with this comprehensive anthology, featuring over 50 of his most spellbinding weird tales. This collection showcases Lovecraft's unique ability to fuse traditional horror with cosmic dread, creating a genre now celebrated as Lovecraftian horror. Readers will traverse through stories rich in mythical creatures, otherworldly dimensions, and ancient gods, all set against the backdrop of early 20th-century New England.As a cornerstone of weird fiction, Lovecraft's work has had a profound influence on the horror genre, shaping its evolution and inspiring countless writers and artists. His stories are not just about fear; they explore themes of existentialism, the insignificance of humanity in the cosmos, and the fragility of sanity. These tales are woven with a philosophical depth that invites reflection on the human condition and our place in the universe.This anthology is not just a journey through chilling narratives; it's an exploration of Lovecraft's visionary imagination. It's an essential read for anyone interested in the roots of horror and the enduring power of storytelling to evoke our deepest fears and fascinations.

  • av Jane Ellen Harrison

    Explore the intricate tapestry of ancient art and ritual in this enlightening volume, where Jane Ellen Harrison unveils the profound connection between these two seemingly disparate domains. The book delves deep into the historical roots of art and ritual, illustrating their intertwined evolution through the lens of ancient Greek drama, particularly the festivals of Dionysus. It challenges modern perceptions of art and ritual as separate entities, arguing for their shared origin and mutual influence.In ancient Athens, attending the theater was not merely a cultural activity but a sacred ritual. The book vividly describes how Greek theater, deeply embedded in religious practice, served as both an act of worship and a community event. It contrasts this with modern practices, highlighting how far these concepts have diverged over time.Through detailed exploration of Athenian festivals, the book reveals how art and ritual coalesced, forming a critical component of spiritual and civic life. It offers a fresh perspective on the nature of art, its role in society, and its capacity to influence spiritual life.This volume is a fascinating journey into the heart of ancient civilization, providing insightful commentary on the unbreakable bond between art and ritual, and their enduring impact on our understanding of culture and spirituality.

  • av Aug J Thebaud

    Thebaud delves into the unique character of the Irish nation, tracing its roots back to ancient times and examining its distinct cultural, religious, and social aspects. Despite centuries of foreign rule and challenges, the Irish have maintained a strong sense of identity, rooted in their deep Catholic faith and rich cultural traditions. Thebaud argues that Ireland's small size and seeming insignificance on the European stage belie its profound impact and enduring spirit. The book also discusses Ireland's resistance to various European influences, including Protestantism, and how this resistance shaped its national character. This work is a tribute to the resilience of the Irish people, offering a perspective that views their struggles as a testament to their strength, faith, and unyielding commitment to their heritage.

  • av Alexander Hamilton

    This seminal collection, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the pseudonym 'Publius, ' was a crucial element in the ratification of the United States Constitution. The essays offer profound insights into the motivations and fears of the Founding Fathers, providing readers with a rare glimpse into the intellectual framework that underpins the U.S. political system.The book brilliantly positions the need for a strong, yet balanced federal government against the backdrop of post-Revolutionary War America, a time rife with political uncertainty and division. Through persuasive arguments, the authors address concerns about federal power, illuminating the complexities of designing a government that remains both empowered and in check. The thematic richness of these essays extends to discussions on liberty, governance, and human nature, making them timeless in their relevance."The Federalist Papers" is more than a historical document; it is a profound exploration of governance and human nature. Its enduring significance lies in its ability to provoke thought about the principles and challenges of democratic government.

  • av Gilbert Parker

    Embark on a swashbuckling adventure in 17th-century North America!The Trail of the Sword plunges you into a world of frontier intrigue and clashing empires. Set against the backdrop of French and English struggles for control of the continent, this historical novel spins a thrilling tale of romance, daring, and political machinations.Meet our protagonist, a captivating French adventurer navigating the treacherous web of colonial politics. Follow him as he confronts both allies and rivals, from wily Native American tribes to ruthless English commanders. Experience the pulse-pounding excitement of wilderness skirmishes, the cunning negotiations of fur trade deals, and the intoxicating lure of forbidden love.Beyond the action, The Trail of the Sword offers a nuanced exploration of cultural clashes and colonial ambitions. Author Gilbert Parker delves into the complex relationships between French and English colonists, illuminating their contrasting approaches to exploration, trade, and governance. He breathes life into the vibrant tapestry of 17th-century North America, a land teeming with natural beauty, political power struggles, and the untamed spirit of pioneers.This captivating read is not just a historical adventure, it's a window into a fascinating era of transformation. Whether you're a fan of historical fiction, thrilling escapades, or insightful character studies, The Trail of the Sword promises an unforgettable journey.

  • av Maxim Gorky

    Immerse yourself in Tsarist Russia through the eyes of a wandering soul.Maxim Gorky's "Through Russia" is a captivating tapestry of short stories woven from the fabric of early 20th century Russia. Join an unnamed traveler as they traverse vast landscapes, their journey mirroring the stark contrasts of the era. Breathtaking descriptions of nature's grandeur collide with the harsh realities of life at the bottom of society.Each encounter pulsates with philosophy and raw emotion, offering glimpses into unforgettable characters with diverse perspectives on faith, poverty, and the human condition. Gorky's masterful prose paints vivid portraits of outcasts, dreamers, and the disillusioned, revealing the complexities of a nation on the cusp of change."Through Russia" resonates with timeless themes of resilience, hope, and the enduring human spirit. This English translation captures the essence of Gorky's evocative language. For those seeking a raw and intimate portrait of a bygone era, "Through Russia" offers a journey into the heart of a nation grappling with its own soul.

  • av Pauline Malkoun
    162 - 251,-

  • av Allison Grey

    London, 1879. The city's most notorious pickpocket is about to become the jewel of high society...

  • av Sally Rigby

    Her eyes flutter open, but it's dark, and she can only make out shadows. She winces as tight cords dig into the soft skin of her arms, immobilising her. Where am I?

  • av Angela Henry

    You both wanted her out of your lives. But is one of you a killer?When Paige Nichols meets her husband's glamorous new colleague at a faculty mixer, she instantly knows they're having an affair.

  • av Alice Boschulte Murray


    מורה נבוכים לרמב"םGuide for the PerplexedJewish Thought

  • av Elise C Davies

    A historical romance novel set in WWII during the development of the Atomic Bomb. The story of a sensual woman caught between two enigmatical, powerful men. A brooding, darkly dangerous loner who has loved and protected her all their lives and a brilliant, military genius whose charm and charisma confuse and delight a befuddled Grace Morgan's usually concise, directed thoughts. Only problem there? The man is married.Times were different, morals were different, the world was thrown into turmoil by an evil darkness threatening to enslave every person on the face of the Earth.Step back into another Era. Walk side by side with these people who had to survive one of the most difficult times in history. And do so with their integrity, honor and beliefs intact as they face challenging personal and professional crisis, oft times, on an hourly basis.

  • av Doreen Kattah

    Have you ever wondered about your innermost intimate feelings? Do you feel too inhibited? Perhaps you worry that you might be a tad too liberated? What did you grow up believing about sex and romance, dating and marriage, loneliness and intimacy? How do you understand Love? Well, the Secret of Romance aims to restore life and passion for marriage and relationships which are failing or floundering. It's a book that reminds and helps you, to see that, it's all right to be yourself; feel comfortable and safe in the arms of your sexual partner. The Secret of Romance guides readers on how to update their sexual fantasies. This book is more than just a guidebook for standard lovers and dating partners. The Secret of Romance will arouse your thinking into intimacy. It is also a powerful and profound treasury of Wisdom. The Secret of Romance is deep, unique and ultimately beneficial for all relationships. It helps better your understanding and awareness of romance and related matters. This book will surely turn you on, to seek romance and Love in the right order. SECRET OF ROMANCE- Crumpets sweetness with a tad of honey. ENJOY!


    Добре дошли в света на "Магията на Бавното Готвене Вкусове, Които Променят Живота" на Габриел Георгиева. Този кулинарен магазин ви предоставя възможността да се потопите в уникалната кухня на бавното готвене и да откриете вълшебството на постепенната подготовка на храната.Авторът, Габриел Георгиева, споделя своята страст към ароматите и вкусовете, които могат да бъдат постигнати чрез този метод на готвене. В този книга, тя ще ви вдъхнови да създадете вкусни ястия, които ще променят начина, по който гледате на приготвянето на храна."Магията на Бавното Готвене" е не само сборник с рецепти, но и пътеводител към изкуството на постепенното готвене. Тук ще научите как да съчетаете подбраните съставки и как да създадете храна, която ще ви зашемети с вкуса си.Независимо дали сте опитен готвач или начинаещ, тази книга ще ви помогне да постигнете перфектни резултати в кухнята. Съветите и техниките на Габриел ще ви насочат към създаването на ястия, които ще впечатлят всеки, който ги опита."Магията на Бавното Готвене Вкусове, Които Променят Живота" е вашата врата към вълшебния свят на бавното готвене и вкусовете, които могат да променят живота ви. Пригответе се за кулинарно приключение, което ще ви впечатли и вдъхнови.

  • av King James I

    No other monarch has had the impact on English literature of King James VI of Scotland, and later James I of England. His version of the bible is still widely available, and praised for its poetic imagery. In this earlier book (first published in 1597), James took on the task of proving witches were real, and dangerous.Around this time other authors (such as Reginald Scott) were arguing that the fear of witchcraft was irrational and unfounded, and that any proof available was the result of panic, prejudice and sleight of hand. James however, who had prosecuted witches personally, believed that they were all too real, and servants of Satan besides. He would inspire later witch hunters, and also Shakespeare, who used the book as the basis for the witches in Macbeth.

  • av Alexandre Dumas

    This novel is a continuation of the timeless classic by one of the most widely read authors in modern history, Alexandre Dumas!It follows the adventures of Robin Hood which started in Dumas' first edition, Prince of Thieves. Journey with him through his dangerous encounters in the Sherwood forest, his continued struggles against the Sheriff of Nottingham and his new ones against the Normans.Unearth the stories behind how he outwits a number of wealthy, corrupted men and why Marian became one of the earliest examples of strong female figures in literature. Discover Robin's valiant leadership of the Merry Men, and his shocking sorrows caused by betrayal and death.Will he stay loyal to King Richard? What will happen in the unfinished love stories? And what will Robin Hood be doing when he grows old and weary of stealing from the rich and giving the poor? Answers to all these questions in this book!"I am what men call a robber, a thief - so be it! But I extort money from the rich, I take naught from the poor."~Robin Hood

  • av George Smith

    The book of Genesis not only outlines the creation of the universe, God's relationship with Man and the story of the ancient Hebrew people. It's also the creation story for religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. By all accounts, the book of Genesis appears to have covered everything. But, what if it didn't? What if it's incomplete? What if some part of it, some record, was missing?Have you ever considered that there could be an alternative account of events?19th century English author, George Smith, thought so. Which is why his vocation as a pioneering Assyriologist led him to discoveries of ancient tablets, written in the forgotten language of cuneiform. Tablets found in lands surrounding Nineveh and situated in what used to be known as The City of Babylon. These tablets tell and provide an alternative source to the accounts written in Genesis.If you have ever wondered if there was any truth to the words written in Genesis or you are a believer on the lookout for historic material to strengthen your faith, look no further. This book will clear your doubts and provide you with knowledge you won't get anywhere else.

  • av G. K. Chesterton

    This book takes you on a journey to solve mysteries, fight dragons, debate religion, and quarrel among politicians in the parliament.It will have you smiling at its witty sarcasm, tearing up over its nostalgic rhythm, and frowning in perplexion at its mind-twisting ideas!"Chesterton was the best writer of the 20th century. He said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else."Writes Dale Ahlquist, an American author.This collection is timelessly invaluable. Here's what Ahlquist has to say about people first being introduced to Chesterton's works."They are amazed by what they have discovered. They are thankful to have discovered it. And they are almost angry it has taken so long for them to make the discovery."It has a ballad to hum your children to sleep, a poem to dissect in your literary thesis, a sonnet to enjoy on Christmas Eve by the fire, and everything else to dream of about poetry and literature."The gods lie dead where the leaves lie red, For the flame of the sun is flown,The gods lie cold where the leaves lie gold,And a child comes forth alone."~Chesterton, A Child of the Snows

  • av Edward Thomas

  • av Charles Dickens

  • av Lewis Carroll

  • av May Beecher

  • av Thomas West

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