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Bøker utgitt av Lion Hudson LTD

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  • av Rachel Rivett
    145 - 153,-

    Little Bear sees the patterns of living and dying in the natural world and learns to accept them

  • av Joyce Denham

    A wonderful retelling of an all-time-favourite tale from the Bible

  • av Sally Lloyd Jones
    122 - 125,-

    Award Winning Best Seller!

  • av C F Dunn

    'Run, Rosie, run!' I cried, gasping for breath, as my daughter spun around and dashed towards the steps. From the perimeter fence behind us, strong, thin beams of light jerked wildly as black-coated figures climbed over and advanced at a steady run, spreading out like spiders on a web.' How can Emma and Matthew escape when the past is only one step behind them and the enemy unknown? When history catches up and past and present collide, where will there be left to hide in the future Fearful Symmetry is the thrilling conclusion to The Secret of the Journal series.

  • av C F Dunn

    What's it worth, Emma? What are you willing to give in exchange?' He brought the journal within tantalising reach and, with each breath, I inhaled its age like incense, its secrets bitter-sweet and lethal. Emma has done all she can to put the past behind her. Now she has every reason to look forward to a future with Matthew and his family in the beautiful state of Maine. But, in making peace with her past, will she be able to face uncomfortable truths in the present? As a shadow from her undergraduate days in Cambridge threatens her happiness, history catches up with terrifying results.

  • av C F Dunn

    In the third instalment of The Secret of the Journal series, Christmas approaches and the relationship between British historian, Emma D'Eresby and American surgeon, Matthew Lynes deepens as she readies herself to meet his family in rural Maine. But tensions are simmering beneath the surface. What does sinister Maggie have against her, and what might she be prepared to do to keep Matthew and Emma apart? Emma has discovered Matthew's origins, but that is only the beginning; in order to prepare for the future, she must also understand his past.

  • av Stephen R Lawhead

    Set in 17th century and 21st century London, the Enlightenment-era court of the Hapsburgs, China during the Qing Dynasty and ancient Egypt, Bright Empires is a five-volume fantasy. In The Skin Map, Kit Livingstone and his great- grandfather, Cosimo, are brought together to find a map originally tattooed on the skin of its author, a seventeenth-century explorer who had discovered the secret of access to other worlds and parallel universes. Malign forces are also after the map and, to the surprise of all, the map proves to be not the end of the quest but its beginning. A far greater prize remains, and a much more dangerous search will need to be undertaken.

  • - A Bright Empires Novel, Book 4
    av Stephen R Lawhead

    Kit and the gang are determined to find a path back to the Spirit Well but when one of their own disappears with the coveted green book, they no longer know who to trust. Meanwhile the expansion of the universe is slowing and soon will begin to reverse, heralding the systematic annihilation of all that exists. . .

  • av Stephen R Lawhead

    Book 2 of the Pendragon cycle. A magnificent epic set against the backcloth of Roman Britain and Celtic legend. This is Merlin's story, the story of the Island of the Mighty of warring battlechiefs and bloody Saecsen invaders, of the hidden Hill Folk, and the waning power of Rome. Merlin: Respected, feared, and hated by many, he was to have a higher destiny. It was he who was to prepare the way for the momentous event that would unite the Island of the Mighty, the coming of a king, Arthur Pendragon, who will usher in the Kingdom of Summer.

  • - A Bright Empires Novel, Book 3
    av Stephen R Lawhead

    Kit Livingstone is stuck in prehistoric times, but has discovered a link from the Bone House to the fabled Spirit Well, a place of profound power. On a cave painting he discovers the same symbols he remembers from the Skin Map. Mina his erstwhile girlfriend is holed up in a mountaintop monastery learning all she can about ley travel from a monk named Brother Lazarus. Meanwhile their evil nemesis, Lord Burleigh, thwarted in his hunt for Kit, discovers a descendant of the Skin Map's creator flogging rare ancient artefacts to get himself out of debt. Cass Clarke enters the quest, transported inadvertently from an archeological dig in Arizona. In 1950's Damascus she encounters the last remaining members of the Zetetic Society, who need her to track down Kit and his ancestor Cosimo, to help them unlock the biggest mystery of all: the purpose of the universe. Through all this the influence of Cosimo lives on, and at the heart of the mystery lies The Spirit Well. This is the third book in the five volume Bright Empires series, a multidimensional, time-bending fantasy from a master storyteller.

  • av Stephen R Lawhead

    Pendragon and Grail fill out Arthur's story, recounting the adventures which lead to Arthur's eventual crowning as Pendragon, and the gripping tale of Arthur's battle to retain control of the Holy Grail, the healing cup of Christ which comes to symbolise the peace and prosperity of his reign. Throughout, the Celts are portrayed as a people emerging from Roman domination, embracing Christianity and establishing their rule in the face of invading Saxons. The Pendragon Cycle is a feast of sustained storytelling power to inspire readers like no other version of this entrancing mythology.

  • - A Bright Empires Novel, Book 2
    av Stephen R Lawhead

    Kit Livingstone has been bequeathed by his great grandfather, Cosimo, an apparently impossible task: to piece together a 17th-century map whose fragments are scattered not just throughout this universe but other universes too. One piece of the skin map has been found. Now the race to unravel the future of the future turns deadly. Aided by his girlfriend, Mina, from her outpost in seventeenth-century Prague, Kit begins to make progress but realises that opponents, in the shape of the Burley Men, are equally determined to capture the map, and they have a crucial advantage: the ability to manipulate the will of historical figures for their own ends. Across time and space, through manifest and hidden worlds, those who know how to use ley lines to travel through astral planes have left their own world behind in this, the second quest: to unlock the mystery of The Bone House.

  • av Ruth Bancewicz

    For Dr Ruth Bancewicz, experiencing scientific research first hand brings a sense of awe that enhances faith. She has encountered many others who have similar stories. This book distils that experience, and explores the common ground between science and faith. Science can be unglamorous and tough, but it gives the opportunity to use creativity and imagination, to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to experience the joy of finding out new things - thinking God's thoughts after him. Through the eyes of the author and six other experienced scientists, God in the Lab shows how science can build faith in God.

  • av Andy D W Kind

    Meet Tom Hillingthwaite the newest employee of Jesus4All (formerly the Turn or Burn Gospel Coalition). Leaving his cushy, well-to-do life, Tom relocates to a rough estate in the urban sprawl of Bruton, in the south of England, to take up a job as 'Community Builder'. There's only one problem: Tom's ability to build community is overshadowed by his far greater ability to create utter chaos. How will Tom's middle-class pretensions cope with his new hostile environment? How can he expect to tell anyone about God when, some of the time, saying his own name proves beyond him? And - who is the strange shadowy man in the background? With his wife and daughter relying on him to provide for them, and his bosses demanding backsides on seats in the Kingdom, Tom needs to adapt, and fast. So begin The Unfortunate Adventures of Tom Hillingthwaite.

  • av C F Dunn

    When Emma D'Eresby ' a 29 year-old, self-contained Professor of History ' leaves her Cambridge college for a post in an exclusive university in Maine, USA, she hopes to learn more about a curious 17th-century journal in the College library. Instead, it leads her to a secret that should never have been uncovered. In the States, Emma meets the enigmatic 33-year-old surgeon, Matthew Lynes, a quiet and thoughtful widower. Driven to learn more about him, Emma takes the unique journal from the College library in which she believes there are clues to his family's English past. Meanwhile, the sinister Professor Koort Staahl mounts a psychotic attack on her. Matthew's courageous intervention saves her, but as he nurses her back to health, his unusual attributes raise questions he is unwilling to answer. As Part One ends, she returns to her claustrophobic family, avoiding her domineering father and wrestling with despair.

  • av J. John & Simon C Ponsonby

    The authors, a theologian and a worship leader, are concerned that modern worship is growing self-indulgent: more about performance, less about an encounter with the divine. They consider what the Bible teaches about worship, addressing four key concerns: Worship as entertainment; worship which lacks wonder and awe; worship as irrelevant to mission; worship which gratifies the worshipper rather than honouring the Almighty. The authors each contribute six chapters, looking at biblical aspects of worship. They tackle worship and holiness; worship with passion; worship and the danger of idolatry. How, they ask, can we rediscover the mystery of an encounter with God, in corporate worship? How can leaders open themselves and their congregations to the heart of God, releasing his presence and power? How should we craft the unique dynamic of a people gathered to sing to God?

  • av Walter Young & Kate Benson

    The voices of those who actually lived through the hell of blood and pain during the Great War have fallen silent. But every now and then a treasure is unearthed - a secret memoir. Walter's War is one such book. Written without his family's knowledge and not discovered till after his death, this is the gripping account of an ordinary soldier, Walter Young, who battled through Ypres, Loos, and many of the key engagements, and was awarded the Military Medal for gallantry at Bullecourt. Although he never talked about the war, his writings vividly capture the mixture of boredom and terror that were so familiar to the soldiers on both sides. No one knew that he had captured his experiences so accurately - but this book gives us an extraordinary and moving insight into what life in the trenches was really like.

  • av Kate Middleton

    First Steps is a new series of short, affordable self-help on a range of key topics. In First Steps out of Anxiety, Kate Middleton draws on years of experience as a psychologist to explain what anxiety is, how it works, and what you can do about it. Full of real-life stories and tips, it is a useful guide for sufferers and carers alike. Other titles in the First Steps series include: Bereavement, Depression, Eating Disorders, Gambling and Problem Drinking.

  • av Carsten Meedom

    Jesus Christ is one of the most revered and, at the same time, maligned figures in human history. What is the truth about him? Can we reliably know anything at all? In this clear and authoritative book, a leading historian and theologian faces head-on the difficult questions about the historical Jesus. He invites readers to lay aside any preconceived ideas that may have and to examine the evidence. They may be surprised at the findings.

  • av Jonathan Hill

    A society with no grasp of its history is like a person without a memory. This is particularly true of the history of ideas. This book is an ideal introduction to the thinkers who have shaped Christian history and the culture of much of the world. Writing in a lively, accessible style, Jonathan Hill takes us on an enlightening journey from the first to the twenty first centuries. He shows us the key Christian thinkers through the ages - ranging from Irenaeus, Origen, Augustine and Aquinas through to Luther, Wesley, Kierkegaard and Barth - placing them in their historical context and assessing their contribution to the development of Christianity.

  • av Christine and Tony Tufnell

    A practical guide for all those living, or preparing to live, in a step-family. Drawing on real-life examples, the authors - both step-parents themselves - help parents to explore key issues and to find the way forward that is best for them. Questions addressed include: - Will I make a good step-parent? - What if we disagree over parenting styles? - My past experiences of family life aren't good. Can I really make it work this time round? - What about money issues? And where are we going to live? - How will the other children feel if we have a new baby?

  • - the Bible for a change
    av Nathan Eddy

  • av Elizabeth Evans

    You will spend on average six years of your life dreaming. This is more than a simple mental process. It is clear from the Bible that dreams and visions are important ways in which God chooses to speak to people. This book teaches you how to understand the language of dreams and visions so that you can hear what God is saying to you at night, and during your prayer times. Love has a Voice and He wants to speak to His modern-day people. Everybody dreams, and there is great interest in dreams. Interpreting dreams for non-Christian people can help them to receive God's love and guidance. The book is highly practical, and includes training exercises at the end of each chapter.

  • - Inspiring a Fair Trade Revolution
    av Joe Osman

    Traidcraft was a true pioneer of the Fair Trade movement and has played a major role in changing the landscape of ethical shopping. This book charts the history of Traidcraft from its birth in 1979 up until its 40th anniversary in 2019. The story is told through the eyes of one of its longest serving members, Joe Osman, who joined Traidcraft in its early days. The book features stories and anecdotes covering his extensive experience of travelling and putting fair trade into practice. Traidcraft was always an initiative rooted in the Christian faith and those origins are explored, as are the challenges of putting faith into action through a different way of doing business. Including contributions from many ex-members of staff, including its founder, as well as external collaborators and producers, this is a fascinating history of a truly revolutionary company.

  • - A Hands-on Guide to Lectio Divina. 40 guided meditations
    av Jan Johnson

    Lectio divina is a practice of Scripture reading that treats the Bible not only as a text to be examined, but also as the living Word of God spoken anew to us. Traditionally, Lectio Divina has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. Experienced Bible teacher Jan Johnson presents forty Scripture meditations organised topically, giving us the tools we need to practice Lectio Divina on our own. Each meditation can be used both individually and in group settings, and includes: An introduction to the meditation encouraging a time of quiet preparatory exercise; the complete passage from Scripture with explanations, context, and background to the text, help to enter and absorb the text; space to contemplate the passage, respond to God in prayer and rest in his presence; and an exercise to implement the ideas of the passage in our daily lives. Meeting God in Scripture moves us beyond merely understanding what the text meant in its original context to a direct spiritual encounter with Christ.

  • - The transformation of one of Scotland's most violent prisoners
    av Anthony Gielty

    When still young, someone said of Anthony Gielty 'He's gonnae end up in the nick.' And he did - at the age of 17, he was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to ten years, some of which was spent in solitary confinement. At 19, he was placed in the most violent prison in Scotland. Anthony Gielty was viewed as too difficult a prisoner for the Scottish prison system. A vicious thug, he terrorised his fellow inmates - until he met Christ. Through a variety of forms of Christian spirituality, he became a changed man. Equally at home in a Bible study, an Evangelical service or a Catholic Mass, Anthony has worked tirelessly to bring Catholics and Protestants together across the sectarian divide in his native Scotland. As he says, he is now driven by 'a passion for the lost and a passion for unity in the Church.'

  • - How your identity in Christ can transform any leadership role
    av Rodney Woods

    This book, and course, is designed to enable Christians to lead confidently based on their identity in Christ. Leadership is tough. Many leaders come to leadership from competence in a different field, without training, and fear that they cannot really lead and will be 'found out' one day. Many leaders are insecure, constantly assessing how they are coming across, and where challenges may arise. Being grounded in Christ is the foundation for all true Christian leadership. This identity-based leadership makes us less driven, reduces the risk of burnout, and enables us to survive personal attacks, use conflict positively and overcome other barriers to effective leadership. Once we operate from this secure base, centred and grounded in Christ, we become less vulnerable to threats to our status, we cease to have anything to hide (because we can afford to be vulnerable) and we are less likely to be blown off course by strong-willed people wanting to push their own agenda.

  • - Recovery from divorce and separation
    av Erik Castenskiold

    A book for anyone trying to recover relationship breakdown, separation or divorce

  • av Marjory F Foyle

    It's always been tough. Whether you are serving the Lord as an office worker, a doctor, a missionary, or a teacher - if you put your head above the parapet you will get shot at. Sometimes you will get hit. This book is for all who have found themselves in the line of fire. Dr Marjory Foyle draws upon her extensive clinical experience and her work as a missionary to address a range of important topics: Depression; Occupational stress; Interpersonal relationships; Parental and home-country stress; Singleness and marriage; Children; Burnout; Caring for Christian workers.

  • - A Christian Woman in a Muslim Land
    av Christine Mallouhi

    This observant, witty book reveals the conventions that govern Muslim society - and charts the unwitting mistakes Westerners can makes when meeting Muslims. 'This book is for Christians venturing among Muslims,' explains Christine Mallouhi. 'It assumes that Christians will want to live honourable among Muslims for Christ's sake, and explores what that means...I am the Western wife of an Arab from a conservative Muslim family. My stories are from the shadow side of Muslim culture, which is invisible to most Westerners.' Her themes include: status, the place of women, the veil, stereotypes, segregation and restrictions, family life, and hospitality and witness.

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