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  • av Goffredo Boselli

    A rich resource for all who desire a deeper understanding of this most important celebration of the Christian year. In the church's liturgical calendar, the Easter Vigil is far and away the richest in rites and symbols; the most moving in its beauty; the most abundant in biblical readings, prayer texts, and music; and the most demanding and even most tiring for those who take part. In Fire of Love, Water of Life, renowned liturgical theologian Goffredo Boselli focuses his remarkable knowledge and insight upon this central moment of the church's year, helping readers understand how those who celebrate the Easter Vigil experience the very essence of Christianity. This unforgettable book is a rich resource for presiders, homilists, liturgists, liturgical scholars, and all laity who want a more profound grasp of this most important celebration of the Christian year.

  • av Leslie J Hoppe

    "This commentary on Zechariah provides a feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • av Juliette Day

    How do we hear our prayers? In the words of philosopher Gemma Corradi Fiumara, there can "be no saying without hearing, no speaking which is not an integral part of listening, no speech which is not somehow received." Therefore, hearing should be considered an essential aspect of participation in Christian worship. However, although almost all studies of Christian worship attend to the words spoken and sung, almost none consider how worshippers hear in the liturgical event. In Hearing Our Prayers, Juliette Day draws upon insights from liturgical studies, philosophy, psychology, acoustical science, and architectural studies to investigate how acts of audition occur in Christian worship. The book discusses the different listening strategies worshippers use for speech, chant, and music, as well as for silence and noise: why paying attention in church can be so difficult and how what we hear is affected by the buildings in which worship takes place. Day concludes by identifying "liturgical listening" as a particular type of ritual participation and emphasizes that liturgical listening is foundational for the way in which we pray, and think about God, the church, and the world.

  • av Patrick Stokely

    With the ever-increasing demands placed on our parish leaders, what can seminaries do to prepare priests to deal with the difficult issues they will face? In addition to formation in priestly spirituality and pastoral care, future pastors require lasting support as they discern the call to priesthood and prepare to enter parish leadership after ordination. Filled with valuable information for supporting seminarians in their ongoing formation, A Seminarian's Toolbox provides practical tools and guidance for achieving best practices in parish leadership. This book is a project of The Leadership Roundtable, a nonprofit organization of Catholic lay leaders, religious, and clergy working together to promote best practices in the formation of clergy and lay leaders in the United States. Learn more at

  • av Kathleen A Cahalan

    Discipleship is not a program to be implemented or a goal to be achieved but a lifelong walk with Christ, who is the way. Our calling by Christ to be his disciples is so fundamental to our faith that we sometimes fail to realize its meaning. What does it mean to be called? What is a disciple? In Called on the Way: The Daily Practice of Discipleship, authors Kathleen Cahalan and Laura Kelly Fanucci explore through personal stories, Scripture readings, and prayer experiences, what it means to be called a disciple "on the way." Through our roles and relationships, each person is blessed with many callings to heed God's invitation to follow the way of Christ. Calling is something we do, someone we are, and someone we become and the image of "the way" is the central biblical theme of our journey together. Called on the Way includes seven practical ways you can understand and live out your own call to discipleship as a follower, worshiper, witness, neighbor, forgiver, prophet, and steward. Each chapter includes a personal story, biblical foundation, and connections to saintly and sacramental practice. Reflection questions help identify how you and your parish community can live the life of discipleship in the time and place where God is leading you and calling you now.

  • av Paul Turner

    "In Eucharistic Reservation, Paul Turner explains the new translation of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass, a text that provides guidelines for eucharistic adoration and communion services for those unable to participate in the sacrifice of the Mass"--

  • av Graziano Marcheschi

  • - A Formation for the Celibate Life
    av John Mark Falkenhain

    In this volume, Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB, a Benedictine monk and clinical psychologist, provides a well-researched and thorough program for celibacy formation for men and women, adaptable to both religious and seminary settings. Attending to the theological and the psycho-sexual dimensions of what it means to pursue a life of chaste celibacy, Br. John Mark identifies and expands on four major content areas, including motives for chaste celibacy, theological aspects of celibate chastity, sexual identity, and skills for celibate living. Formation goals and benchmarks for discernment are discussed for each content area, and implications and suggestions for ongoing formation are offered.

  • av Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

  • - Practical Wisdom from Christian and Buddhist Monasticism
    av William Skudlarek

    Practical Wisdom from Christian and Buddhist Monasticism

  • av Lynn R Huber

    "This commentary on Revelation provides a feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • av Mary L Gautier

    Religious life is vitally necessary to the Catholic church today. But it will exist in new and varied forms which speak to the spiritual hungers of different societies, ethnic cultures, and generations. God's Call Is Everywhere is the first comparative analysis of research in six countries investigating women who have entered vowed religious life in Catholicism in the twenty-first century. The data include survey responses from institute leaders, formation directors, and the women themselves, conducted in the United States, Canada, Australia, and France, along with focus groups and interviews in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and France. Through a careful summary of these studies and comparing differences, readers of this book will have a better understanding of the hopes and concerns of those discerning a vocation to religious life and learn how to move forward in the future. God's Call Is Everywhere includes six major points of comparison: Demographic characteristics of the women entering religious life and their personal and familial backgrounds What attracted them to religious life and to their specific religious institute What they find most satisfying and most challenging about religious life Their hopes and concerns for the future Experiences and programs that were helpful in their vocational discernment Aspects of the larger society, of the Church, and of the religious institutes which make vocational discernment difficult for women today The analysis is followed by six reflective essays, two of which discuss the implications of the findings for future vocational discernment programs and four of which compare the findings to religious life in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

  • av Samuel Torvend

    "Inspired by Pope Francis's encyclical, Laudato Sâi, and Benedictine communities around the world whose shared monastic values inform ecological practice, Monastic Ecological Wisdom explores how early medieval monasteries serve as a model of sustainable development and environmental conservation in today's world"--

  • av Barbara Kerkhoff

  • av Richard J Clifford

  • av Paul Turner

    In this commentary on the revised English translation of The Order of Penance, Paul Turner explains in detail how the sacrament of renewal has itself undergone renewal since the first edition approved shortly after the Second Vatican Council. Turner highlights important elements within the revised translation including: the history behind the revised order of service and the words of absolution; an explanation of how and why the ceremony was revised after the Council; changes for communal reconciliation services; and the first translation of proposed examinations of conscience to prepare a community for reconciliation. This commentary invites all Catholics to consider the sacrament anew by preparing a spiritual path upon which the faithful may walk in search of forgiveness and experience a profound encounter with the mercy of God.

  • av Michael Casey

    As the longest Psalm in the Bible, Psalm 119 comprises 176 verses. Its message sings the praise of Israel's Law and describes how the faithful should respond to the gift of God's self-revelation. In The Longest Psalm, Michael Casey offers a meditative reading of each verse of the psalm, intended to be read one at a time, to facilitate a personal prayer and reflection. Psalm 119 brings together elements found throughout the Psalter and the reflections focus on universal themes as well as specific questions of daily life, such as our experience of yearning, service, affliction, and stumbling. Each verse stands alone, intended to be read slowly, like the litanies familiar to Catholic devotion. Perfect for a brief meditation before beginning the day, Casey invites us to spend time wandering with the psalmist to allow God's Word to play a significant role in our lives. Through this careful reflection on the longest psalm, readers will discover the text is not merely a psalm to be sung but also a path to be followed.

  • av Tim Vivian

    The Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers and Mothers offers a new translation of the Greek alphabetical Apophthegmata Patrum, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers. For the first time in an English translation, this volume provides: extensive background and contextual notes significant variant readings in the alphabetical manuscripts and textual differences vis-à-vis the systematic and anonymous Apophthegmata reference notes to both quotations from Scriptures and the many allusions to Scripture in the sayings and stories. In addition, there is an extensive glossary that offers information and further resources on people, places, and significant monastic vocabulary. Perfect for students and enthusiasts of the desert tradition.

  • av Rita Ferrone

    In this commentary on Pope Francis's letter on liturgical formation, Desiderio desideravi, Rita Ferrone takes readers on a journey of discovery to the very heart of the mystery we celebrate in the liturgy. Along the way, it draws attention to particular elements readers might otherwise miss, and illuminates the many rich expressions and affirmations contained within the pope's letter. Questions for reflection and discussion are provided at the end of each section, making this commentary a useful tool for both personal reflection and group discussion.

  • av Jessica Mannen Kimmet

    In Groaning in Labor, Growing in Hope, Jessica Mannen Kimmet, a mom of three, offers a collection of Scripture readings and reflections that speak to the challenges of transitioning to motherhood. Kimmet shares her experience of postpartum depression and raising young children, and how Scripture and prayer helped her to reframe painful experiences and offer companionship in struggle. By taking whatever scraps of time that can be spared, Kimmet hopes readers will find a healing God present in the upheavals of this season of life, and will return to prayer even though that practice will look and feel different. This resource includes lectio divina for moms, Scripture references for overwhelming times, a litany of saints for postpartum struggles, and more.

  • av Salvador Ryan

    "The long-term ecclesiological trajectory of Pope Francis is toward a reformed church along synodal lines. This volume traces not only the historical roots of synodality but also examines the shape of synodal processes currently underway in different contexts and continents"--

  • av Francis Debernardo

    New Ways and Next Steps is designed to help pastoral ministers develop LGBTQ+ ministry in their local parishes. Whether a parish is just initiating a ministry or already has one that needs fresh ideas, Francis DeBernardo brings pastoral ministers on a journey of discernment to help them discover the best path LGBTQ+ ministry should take in their local communities.Contemporary Topics in Parish Leadership is a series from Liturgical Press that addresses timely realities in parish leadership. Written primarily for parish staff, leadership teams, and parish councils, each topic affirms the pastoral realities facing today's church leaders in a way that is engaging, relevant, and accessible. Short chapters grounded in real-world experiences invite readers to consider the depth of pastoral realities from a scriptural, theological, and ministerial perspective. "Questions for Reflection" and "Continuing the Conversation" at the end of each chapter encourage personal reflection, group discussion, and suggestions for practical implementation in today's diverse parishes.

  • av Michele Murray

    "This commentary on the book of Tobit provides a feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • av Gerhard Lohfink

  • av Alberto Turco

    The Gregorian Melody is a resource of music pedagogy that centers on one of the most ancient musical repertoires honored by the church and music historians. Though it may not be common to see the word expressive describing Gregorian chant, a repertoire often associated with subdued solemnity, this volume by renowned scholar and practitioner Alberto Turco includes an abundance of insights into the Gregorian art and proposes that chant is first and foremost sung prayer, an interaction of word and melody, which both include proper and appropriate expression. The material included in this resource is foundational as it lays out the elements of the Gregorian melody through a careful analysis of first principles. It will be useful as an introduction to Gregorian chant and for helping readers to understand the Gregorian melody. Readers of all levels may turn to this book to sing the liturgical chant with a deepened appreciation for the expressive power of the Word.

  • av Kelli Reagan Hickey

    What difference would Catholic Social Tradition make if it guided our personal and communal financial decision-making? The Sermon on the Mount reminds us of this fundamental decision-making when it comes to questions of faith and money: "No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth" (Matthew 6:24). In Counting the Cost, Clemens Sedmak and Kelli Reagan Hickey suggest a theological and spiritual discernment process for the everyday reality of budgeting and financial planning that explores the status of money and monetary values by reflecting on this gospel call. Counting the Cost explains how Catholic Social Teaching provides a framework for our thinking around finances by answering questions such as: What does this fundamental decision look like in times of financial scarcity and stewardship responsibilities? How do the attitudes that Jesus invites us into shape the ways we make financial decisions? And how can budgeting be and become a way of discipleship for individuals, parishes, and dioceses? The book includes a range of financial decision-making examples and reconstructs them as decisions about priorities, values, and commitments to respond to the world and its material realities in a gospel-inspired way.

  • av Michael J. Sanem

    Perhaps you have seen the signs of the times. Religious faith, on the whole, is declining, and the number of those claiming no religious affiliation is rising. In the face of this, evangelization initiatives permeate the mission and vision statements of Catholic dioceses and parishes across the country, but many of these initiatives are hampered by a strict sense of the tradition. They tend to be an all-or-nothing approach to evangelization, and include some questionable understandings of God, the church, and the world. In Becoming the Good News, Michael Sanem shares an authentically Catholic approach to parish evangelization, grounded in the rich and diverse tradition to which we belong. We the church, as the people of God, are all called, in the common priesthood of all the baptized, to consecrate this world to God in the way we encounter, accompany, and invite people into deeper relationship with Christ. We are called not only to proclaim the good news but to become the good news in a world that desperately needs it. Contemporary Topics in Parish Leadership is a series from Liturgical Press that addresses timely realities in parish leadership. Written primarily for parish staff, leadership teams, and parish councils, each topic affirms the pastoral realities facing today's church leaders in a way that is engaging, relevant, and most important, accessible. Short chapters grounded in real-world experiences invite readers to consider the depth of pastoral realities from a scriptural, theological, and ministerial perspective. "Questions for Reflection" and "Continuing the Conversation" at the end of each chapter encourage personal reflection, group discussion, and suggestions for practical implementation in today's diverse parishes.

  • av John T Kyler

  • av Thomas Gaunt

    This book carefully explores the claim that young adults (18 to 35) are leaving Catholicism in the United States. According to primary empirical research, many young adults stay and do so living their faith in engaged ways. Most, however, do not do it in the traditional context of the parish. Young adult Catholics are living their faith and spiritual life largely in small faith communities, ecclesial movements, faith-based affinity groups, at home, and through individual practice. The description of research findings is supplemented by commentaries from leaders in evangelization and young adult ministry, from both a theological and a sociological perspective. In a church that is more culturally diverse and increasingly Hispanic, this book offers key insights to better understand the spirituality of young adult Catholics today. Contributors include Mark M. Gray, Michal J. Kramarek, Claudia Avila Cosnahan, Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ, Hosffman Ospino, Darius Villalobos, Patricia Wittberg, SC, and Thomas P. Gaunt, SJ.

  • av George M. Smiga

    Christian belief in the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Trinity was not officially defined by the church until the fourth century. But centuries earlier, the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament were already describing the action and presence of God's Spirit. In The Holy Spirit in the Bible, George Smiga unpacks key Scripture passages, exploring the activity of the Spirit at creation, within Israel, in the ministry of Jesus and the early church, and at the end of time. The role of the Holy Spirit in our personal and spiritual lives is also explored. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 6 lessons.

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