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Bøker utgitt av M3 New Media dba BEYOND PUBLISHING

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  • av McCadney Betina McCadney
    226 - 297,-

  • av Audate Andy Audate
    266 - 369,-

  • av Tosoni Mark Tosoni & Gay Ben Gay

  • av Mitwasi Danielle Mitwasi

  • av Anz Ivan Anz

  • av Wing Doug Wing

  • - Maintaining Your Authenticity Without Losing Your Identity
    av Parunakova Ilona Parunakova
    251 - 266,-

  • - Understanding and Responding to the Call to Full-Time Ministry
    av Lewis Ron Lewis

    "Ron Lewis has helped more young people answer the Call to ministry than anybody I know. These principles will guide you confidently into the purposes of God."Dr. Rice Broocks, Co-founder, Every Nation,Author of God's Not Dead and Man, Myth, Messiah WHAT IS FULL-TIME MINISTRY?"'Come follow me, ' Jesus said, 'and I will send you out to fish for people.' At once, they left their nets and followed him." Matthew 4:19-20What do you think of when you hear the phrase, "full-time ministry?" Maybe you think of a man in a collar or flowing robes, a preacher on TV, or a missionary in the bush of Africa, the frozen tundra of Siberia, or the jungles of the Amazon. Perhaps you think of a campus minister who has helped you get to know Jesus in a personal way. To a degree, these can all be examples of full-time ministry. From here on, when I use the phrase "full-time ministry," I am mindful that all ministry--in every sphere of life--is a full-time calling. However, for the sake ofclarity in this book, when I refer to full-time ministry, I am referring to a man or woman whose primary occupation is gospel ministry and all it entails.Full-time ministry is a job, a vocation, and a career, but, as we will see, it is so much more.This subject is often misunderstood and usually brings with it a handful of questions:-Does God want you to go into full-time ministry? (Chapter 2)-What is the real difference between a Christian who works a "secular job" and a full-time minister? (Chapter 3)-Does it please God more if you are a full-time minister? (Chapter 3)-If I go into ministry, where do I begin? (Chapter 5)-What will it cost me to follow Jesus into full-time ministry? (Chapter 7)-How can I be paid for doing Christian ministry? (Chapter 9)

  • - How 30 Orphans Changed Their World
    av Gunter Linda Gunter
    266 - 281,-

  • av Duswalt Craig Duswalt

  • - Why Education, Social Responsibility And Financial Independence Go Hand And Ball
    av Johnson Aaron Johnson

  • av Didomenico Dr. Fred Didomenico
    241 - 251,-

  • - Freshly Brewed
    av Gadkari Nupur Gadkari

  • av Parunakova Ilona Parunakova
    369 - 767,-

  • av Cox de de Cox

    She could not believe he would not stop calling. What in the world did he think she was doing? Playing hooky? Like she would ever do that. She had climbed the ladder of success within the Spotlight Marketing Agency with commitment and dedication. She was at the pinnacle of her career. This was not a good time. She was dealing with more than she could handle. Never in her wildest dreams did she fathom she would become a mother in this fashion or form. Hope Sloan had no idea how she was to tackle this all by herself but there was no other alternative. The doctor had told her to be prepared for four. One, maybe two, she could handle. But FOUR! Where would she find the time? Where would she find the support? How would she inform her boss, Mazdon Elliott, that she needed to take leave for at least four weeks? Would he be understanding? Could she do this all alone? Her heart was racing. Hope answered her cell phone hoping to get her point across to Mazdon, "If you want me, come and get me."

  • av Gartenmann Ada Gartenmann, Sinikas Ragne Sinikas & Edward Viola Edward

  • - Overcoming Adversity
    av Maldonado Elizabeth Ann Maldonado

  • av Hernandez Dr. Miguel Hernandez
    210 - 241,-

  • av Ojirika-nzeribe Amaka Ojirika-nzeribe
    226 - 266,-

  • av Rand Gloria Grace Rand
    226 - 241,-

  • av Butler Michael D. Butler

    Finally a book that gives readers the nuts and bolts tools to monetize their message - From someone who's given over 3,000 paid speeches!- Find Your Voice- Pick Your Lane- Monetize Your Keynote- Create a Workshop and Mastermind around that keynote- Create an online community that becomes a movement!

  • av Merritt Alyssa Ann Merritt
    241 - 354,-

  • av Walker Trenell Walker

  • av Quintana Pia Quintana

  • av Campbell Dawna Campbell
    281 - 338,-

  • - Rediscovering the Extraordinary in Yourself and Those Around You!
    av Snell Dan Snell

    You are searching for a better way to connect to people. You just lost your job or failed in a relationship, and you'rethinking, There must be a better way. A manager handed you this book and said, "Read and growwinsome, grow mighty." A friend or relative (an exceptionally smart person!) gave you this book to 'change your life'. You may be someone with your eyes always glued to your cell phone and know there's a better way. You're in a small group study for church, community, book club, business, etc. You heard that on average, winsome people earn 10 percent more than the average person. You heard research shows being winsome adds seven years to your life.

  • av Butler Michael D. Butler

  • - The Delicious Donuts
    av Rabinowitz Steven Rabinowitz

  • av Mull-Pernetz Adriana Mull-Pernetz

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