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Bøker utgitt av Mark Binmore

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  • av Mark Binmore

    For Frankie.Not the extinguishing of the light but the putting out of the lamp, because the dawn has come. Beautiful Deconstruction sees people come to terms with the past, make peace with inner demons and learn to say goodbye to loved ones. A story of love, of loss and time. In short, what it feels like to grow older. 'I learned very early on in my life that nothing was for ever; so I should have been aware of disillusion in early middle age: but, somehow, we try to obliterate early warnings and go cantering along hopefully, idiotically.'Beautiful Deconstruction charts the disintegration of the idyll between Douglas and Anthony as they leave their retreat in France and return full circle for an uncertain future in London.

  • av Mark Binmore

    'Did I really agree to this?' he asks. 'A couple of people who read the first book Tour De Europa,' he says, 'they either really liked it or they found it very uncomfortable. I liked the idea of it being uncomfortable. I thought that was great. I love the ambiguity. But I also loved looking back on lost conversations and instantly remembering an emotion.' A clock somewhere strikes two and a friend arrives with tea, pizza, avocado with balsamic vinegar and cream cake for afters, only to be playfully admonished by Mark, who protests, 'I can't eat all this shit!' It would appear some things never change. After The Event features the three books Tour De Europa, Versus America and Up Against It plus Extras. Written by Chris Henson with Mark Binmore.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Following on from his previous novel, Sleeps With Butterflies, evoking the manifold themes and compelling rural French atmosphere of its predecessor, The Living Return continues the story of Marc. Still recovering from his ruined marriage and the tragic death of his estranged brother, Marc attempts to build a new life in the south of France with his young son. However, he soon finds himself being attacked from another, far too personal front. A moving depiction of loss, pain, family and life's dramas,

  • av Mark Binmore

    'I'm not like the other boys that you've known But I believe I'm worth coming home to Kiss away the night... ...because this one sleeps only with the butterflies Just butterflies... go on and just fly' Marc's life is has hit a pause button. A marriage is ending. His relationships with his children are practically non-existent. He lives for his work as a writer. But then out of the blue a letter from his estranged brother arrives. A key to a house in a remote part of France can be his if he wants. A chance to escape, to think, to re-set his life. But what he finds changes his life forever.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Beautiful Mess features a kaleidoscope of scenarios and locations, together with a highly diverse cast of characters, from glamorous movie stars to burnt out strippers, somnambulists to drag queens, from a lonely bee-keeper, who said, "I don't meet many people, I'm very busy with the hives, when's my cloud of bees coming home?" to the child growing into an adult, on the day they learned to swim, because, "I'm all grown up now." Originally published by Massive. 25th Anniversary Edition by Fontana with new liner notes.

  • av Mark Binmore

    The official tag.An account of my publicity tour to advertise a book and musical workshop by Chris Henson recorded in words and pictures, as we travelled and promoted. The unofficial tag. Up Against It is the book that possibly, finally puts a writer under the microscope following the launch of a book. A creative analysis of promotion, it examines topics such as what it takes for a book to get read, the encouragement it entails and what lays behind the scenes of everything promotional. As well as a keen critical edge, the book along with its predecessors Tour De Europa and Versus America gives dialogue, gossip, scandal and word for word conversations are unearthed and reexamined. In an attempt to uncover the heart of sales, Up Against It rummages frantically through an impossible film script, a publishing dinner, various book signings, radio interviews, a recording session, a London rehearsal and the launch of a theatre workshop. It is also a partial history, respect and love of friendship.

  • av Mark Binmore

    'And watching lovers part, I breathe and feel you smiling. What memories we share lie so deep in your mind. To tear out from your eyes I won't speak of forbidden lies. I'll keep watching as you leave me further behind' A middle-aged author of elite fiction watches a film adaptation of his first book and is immediately enraptured by the young actor in the leading role. Captivated and, increasingly, consumed: he discovers more about the person, his life, finds old photographs, kisses them - and more. Eventually, his mania takes him to a meeting and a pathetically awful denouement. Everything Could Be So Perfect is an engaging study of an obsession bordering on madness.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Set in one of the last great villas on the French Riviera, in cosmopolitan London, and in the home of a landed German family within the shadow of the wall, Sad Confetti is a heart-felt tale of mature and immature love. A small group of people come together by chance, link, hold, and finally break away. The elegant well-born English hosts, the fabulous Betty and husband, army-mad military historian Archie. Both ageing, aware, alone, vulnerable, dissatisfied. The young visitors Liza, a cabaret crooner, trying to distance herself away from her German heritage. And Lee, who had worked as a model for publications of a dubious nature. Both desperately in love, both eagerly exploring, both drifting their way together. But there are secrets.There are always secrets. All are caught up in the potent chemistry of their meeting as the mid-summer picnic ends, leaves fall, the yacht sails away and the garden voices fade.

  • av Mark Binmore

    After A Sorta Fairytale was published, I was inundated with requests to talk more about my prose lyrics. One part of me felt that the text should speak for itself and that to 'explain' would be like naming the colours of a painting while forgetting to look at the picture. This was why I only explained some of the words and meanings contained within the book. Another part of me wanted to acknowledge the genuine interest people were showing and so I replied, haphazardly it seemed, to those who would have asked. For this publication I have decided to continue the theme but this time in full. I have, in response, provided some background to the pieces in the hope that the understanding of the words and meanings may have some uniformity. This, of course, will go part of the way to explain them, for it is also my hope that everyone who reads them may hold their own interpretation. I have written about them by searching for the genesis of the words in diaries and notebooks I have kept and so the background has, as a result, the flavour of a personal journal. It is, in a way, my book of days. It's only when you finish the book, the stories and what they are saying, that you know. I write a piece. I work on it for a while and then leave it. I might not go back to these words for three, maybe six months. When I do go back, that's where I try and see what the emotional feeling was, what was in the words. An example would be the first lines I wrote for this book. 'And the winds are like a kiss, and the years are nemesis. And the moments fall in mist, and all is dust, remember this.' There is also reflection contained within this publication as I revisit just a few pieces, a process that presents (so I have been told) a fascinating portrait of a writer in a constant state of evolution. I have re-written some elements whilst keeping the essence of verse, making these something of a Director's Cut but in word, not vision. For some time I have felt that I wanted to revisit some of my works and that they could benefit from having new life breathed into them and now these selections have another layer of work woven into their fabric. Nemesis has an arrangement of journeys, in the rain, through the length of a lifetime, amongst history, between emotions, and journeys across great oceans. So although it's not a 'themed' collection of words, as such, there is an underlying connection between the pieces. These notes are only part of the equation. This book is for Tom, whose kind words and wisdom I still believe in many years later and who is still missed by many, including me. Extra note. For this edition I have delved into the past, looked through my Kindlight chapbooks and included some of my favourite pieces together with new liner notes.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Short stories are, in my mind, just a brief snapshot of what could be a longer tale. A taster. Something in development. Fragments.Each of these collected shorts are just that. Saying something different in each one and writing each one, was a bit like trying to paint the pictures accordingly. Each story has a different personality and so they each a need little bit of something here, a little bit of that there, just like people. Some people you can't walk up to because you know they're a bit edgy first thing in the morning. So you have to come up sideways to them, and it's kind of like how these stories are too. They have their own little personalities, and if it doesn't want you to do it, it won't let you.Asked what each piece is about, I attempted to cooperate, but in truth I want those reading, who chooses to, to find their own landscape or indeed none. But I have suggestions.Extra note. For this edition I have included some extra stories which were not featured in the first edition.

  • av Mark Binmore

    When I undertook my first ever meet and greet tour throughout America during 2016, I asked Chris Henson to accompany me with the idea of eventually producing some sort of picture book with text in a similar vein to his previous book Tour De Europa. In America and back in Europe, he followed me with a notebook jotting down everything of interest he witnessed. In the end I agreed he could write a more detailed account than I first imagined. The book you are holding is the result. Reading the manuscript for the first time, I was, yet again, horrified. Am I really that critical? Do I really have many demands? Do I seem to be always eating? Do I always complain? Am I self-obsessed and so frequently rude? Do I discuss money and snipe about other people quite so much? Apparently yes. Perhaps we will learn as much as anyone else who reads this book about me.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Hireth. Homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, or for a home which may have never been. An intense form of longing or nostalgia, wistfulness. The grief for the lost places of your past. Seen through the eyes of an innocent, shrewd young boy, Now I Let You Go recaptures an idyllic childhood through the memory of an older man. A lost time of love, endless summer adventures and picnics as Johnny spent his holidays on the Devonshire coast with his sister Annie and their devoted but strict nanny Jessie. We recapture the sounds, scents, love, adventures and gentleness that surrounded the young boy as the outside world prepared to go to war.And yet, looking back, the lamps still shine.

  • av Mark Binmore

    When I toured across Europe for promotion of a recent published book, I anticipated some sort of confrontation between my own values of what a book launch should be, perhaps a theatrical presentation and traditional publishing values alongside the usual audiences and critics. In fact, the book tour was a thrilling experience for me, the book sold well, the audiences were enthusiastic and everyone involved worked incredibly hard to present a structured launch in venues of varying sizes - even some of the critics liked it. Chris Henson travelled with me on the entire tour. This book is a record of it.

  • av Mark Binmore

    'Forward into the mysterious beauty of spring The crocuses, melon-dawn yellow snow-purple veined saffron and milk-hearts And birdsong becoming audible, trilling and chattering in symphony Spools of song, sweet canticles in taunting magniloquence melodious code Like an angelical speech Like golden divination and ambiguous dreamlike augury And I came upon a beekeeper And he said do you know you can have it all? The blessed bees vibrantly humming stung with nectar and honey Stinging and healing our ache and our sweetness, our love and our hurt Extraordinarily, the honeybee came upon this All so beautiful And I feel as if spring has touched me and saved me.'

  • av Mark Binmore

    'I'm not like the other boys that you've knownBut I believe I'm worth coming home toKiss away the night......because this one sleeps only with the butterfliesJust go on and just fly' The Butterfly House brings together two novels Sleeps With Butterflies and The Living Return.Marc's life is has hit a pause button. A marriage is ending. His relationships with his children are practically non-existent. He lives for his work as a writer. But then out of the blue a letter from his estranged brother arrives. A key to a house in a remote part of France can be his if he wants. A chance to escape, to think, to re-set his life.But what he finds changes his life forever.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Sunsets Etc is a glimpse into the life of an actor as he settles into a new home and his retirement phase. A place to escape from everything. Rooms to walk around in. A garden to sit in. To think. To wait. But to wait for what? Of course none of this happens. Memories come alive, his ghosts cannot escape and so he revisits the past. A beautiful friendship. The disheartening banal conversations with his parents resulting in a sudden realization that probably not all was what it appeared to be. Snippets of a forgotten love spoken in hush tones here and there. The fading roar of a director. His two patchwork women. A table. A step back into his acting life. Death. Decline. A sunset. A sunrise.

  • av Mark Binmore

    Summer 1987.Stephen Wallingford, once the epitaph of all things fabulous and now a recluse of the modern era, receives a letter from an up and coming author wishing to talk about his life. Although reluctant to meet, Stephen decides to re-emerge from the shadows, and reflect on the past, of childhood ambitions and dreams, forgotten lovers and the scandalous demise of the bright young things. And with tears, laughter and broken hearts rediscovered, Stephen is transported back in time to a life of parties, pink gin and illicit love. Two fictional memoirsNow Is Not The Time For TrumpetsA Life Of Parties

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