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  • av F. B. Meyer

  • av Maria Rilke Rainer

    An Unabridged, Unaltered Edition with All Ten Letters, to include three poems from The Book of Pictures: Kings In Legends, The Knight & The Woman Who Loves -

  • av J. B. Chapman

  • av Jean-Baptiste Saint-Jure & Claude de la Colombiere
    120 - 196

  • av James Allen & Earl Nightingale
    126 - 204

  • av Anonymous

  • av Wallace D. Wattles

  • av J. J. Thomson

  • av George W. Carey

  • av J. A. Rogers

  • av George W. Carey

    An Unabridged, Unaltered Edition of 'Relation of The Mineral Salts Of The Body To The Signs Of The Zodiac' with all footnotes to include Biochemistry and an Astro-Chemico-Physiological & Chromatic Chart.

  • - Mechanisms and Devices
    av Henry T Brown

  • av George Bernard Shaw

  • av Andrew Murray

  • av William Elliot Griffis

  • av Malcolm C Duncan

  • av Henry Drummond

  • av Wallace D Wattles
    114 - 211,-

  • av Neville Goddard

  • - An Outline of Theosophical Teaching
    av Annie Besant

    An Unabridged Edition of the 1918 Printing to include All Twelve Chapters, Preface, and The Unity Underlying All Religions (Original Introduction) at book's end, with all Footnotes, Charts and Illustrations: Preface - The Physical Plane - The Astral Plane - Kamaloka - The Mental Plane - Devachan - The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes - Reincarnation - Reincarnation (Continued) - Karma - The Law of Sacrifice - Man's Ascent - Building A Kosmos - The Unity Underlying All Religions.

  • - With Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy
    av Nikola Tesla
    121 - 211,-

    An unabridged edition of the original article published by Century Illustrated Magazine to include, but not limited to: The Onward Movement of Man - The Energy of The Movement - The Three Ways of Increasing Human Energy - The First Problem - How to Increase the Human Mass - The Burning of Atmospheric Nitrogen - The Second Problem - How to Reduce the Force Retarding the Human Mass - The Art of Telautomatics - The Third Problem - How to Increase the Force Accelerating the Human Mass - The Harnessing of The Sun's Energy - The Source of Human Energy - The Three Ways of Drawing Energy from The Sun - Great Possibilities Offered by Iron for Increasing Human Performance - Enormous Waste in Iron Manufacture - Economical Production of Iron by A New Process - The Coming of Age of Aluminum - Doom of The Copper Industry - The Great Civilizing Potency of The New Metal - Efforts Toward Obtaining More Energy from Coal - The Electric Transmission - The Gas-Engine - The Cold-Coal Battery - Energy from The Medium - The Windmill and The Solar Engine - Motive Power from Terrestrial Heat - Electricity from Natural Sources - A Departure from Known Methods - Possibility of A "Self-Acting" Engine or Machine, Inanimate, Yet Capable, Like A Living Being, Of Deriving Energy from The Medium - The Ideal Way of Obtaining Motive Power - First Efforts to Produce the Self-Acting Engine - The Mechanical Oscillator - Work of Dewar and Linde - Liquid Air - Discovery of Unexpected Properties of The Atmosphere - Strange Experiments - Transmission of Electrical Energy Through One Wire Without Return - Transmission Through the Earth Without Any Wire - "Wireless" Telegraphy - The Secret of Tuning - Errors in The Hertzian Investigations - A Receiver of Wonderful Sensitiveness - Development of A New Principle - The Electrical Oscillator - Production of Immense Electrical Movements - The Earth Responds to Man - Interplanetary Communication Now Probable - Transmission of Electrical Energy to Any Distance Without Wires - Now Practicable - The Best Means of Increasing the Force Accelerating The Human Mass.

  • av Andrew Murray

  • av Bishop Solomon

    An unabridged edition with all Chapters, Footnotes, Preface, and the Apology, to include: Of God's eternal intention in respect of the creation of the universe - Of the creation of the seven natures (substances) in silence - Of earth, water, air, and fire - Of heaven - Of the angels - Of darkness - Of effused (circumambient) light - Of the firmament - Of the creation of trees and plants, and the making of seas and rivers - Of the making of the luminaries - Of the creation of sea-monsters, fish, winged fowl, and the reptiles that are in the seas - Of the creation of beasts and animals - Of the formation of Adam - Of the making of Eve - Of Paradise - Of the sin of Adam - Of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise - Of Adam's knowing Eve - Of the invention of the instruments for working in iron - Of Noah and the Flood - Of Melchizedek - Of the generations of Noah, how seventy-two families sprang from three sons - Of the succession of generations from the Flood until now - Of the building of the Tower - Of Abraham - Of the temptation of Job - Of Isaac's blessing upon Jacob - Of Joseph - Of Moses and the Children of Israel - Of Moses' rod - Of Joshua the son of Nun, and the Judges, and brief notices of the Kings of the Children of Israel - Of the death of the Prophets; how they died, and (where) they were buried - Of the divine dispensation which was wrought in the New Testament, and of the genealogy of Christ - Of the announcement of the angel to Joachim in respect of Mary - Of the annunciation of Gabriel to Mary in respect of her conception of our Lord - Of our Lord's birth in the flesh - Of the prophecy of Baruch the scribe - Of the star which appeared in the East on the day of our Lord's birth - Of the coming of the Magi from Persia, and the slaughter of the infants - Of the going down of our Lord into Egypt - Of John the Baptist and his baptism of our Lord - Of our Lord's fast and His contest with Satan - Of the Passover of our Lord - Of the passion of our Lord - Of the resurrection of our Lord - Of the ascension of our Lord - Of the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles in the upper chamber - Of the teaching of the Apostles, their deaths, and the place where each of them (was buried) - The names of the twelve Apostles and the seventy (Disciples), one after another in (his) grade - Of minor matters; those of the Apostles who were married, etc. - The names of the Eastern Patriarchs, and the places where they were buried - The names of the kings who have reigned in the world from the Flood to the present time, and the (number of the) years of the reign of each of them. The names of the kings of the Medes and the Egyptians; the names of the seventy old men who brought out the Scriptures and translated them; the names of the Roman emperors, and of the kings of Persia - Of the end of times and the change of kingdoms. From the book of Methodius, the bishop of Rome - Of Gog and Magog, who are imprisoned in the North - Of the coming of Antichrist, the son of perdition - Of death and the departure of the soul from the body - Of the rising of the dead and the general resurrection, the end of the material world, and the beginning of the new world - Of the manner in which men will rise in the day of the resurrection - Of the happiness of the righteous, and the torture of sinners; and of the manner in which they will exist yonder - Of the demons and sinners in Gehenna, whether after they have been punished and have suffered and received their sentence, they will have mercy shewn to them or not; and if mercy be shewn to them, when it will be.

  • av Russell H Conwell

    Although the story "Acres of Diamonds" is now world famous, it is only a part of the original lecture Conwell delivered. Here is the full-text of Acres of Diamonds, an Unabridged Edition to include the Original Illustrations, with an Appreciation by John Wanamaker, and an Introduction by the author.

  • - Texts That Have Moved Great Minds
    av Frank W Boreham

    An unabridged edition with an introduction by the author, to include: William Penn's Text - Robinson Crusoe's Text - James Chalmers' Text - Sydney Carton's Text - Ebenezer Erskine's Text - Doctor Davidson's Text - Henry Martyn's Text - Michael Trevanion's Text - Hudson Taylor's Text - Rodney Steele's Text - Thomas Huxley's Text - Walter Petherick's Text - Doctor Blund's Text - Hedley Vicars' Text - Silas Wright's Text - Michael Faraday's Text - Janet Dempster's Text - Catherine Booth's Text - Uncle Tom's Text - Andrew Bonar's Text - Francis d'Assisi's Text - Everybody's Text

  • av Neville Goddard

    An unabridged edition to include: The End of a Golden String - The Four Mighty Ones - The Gift of Faith - The Scale of Being - The Game of Life - Times, Times and a Half - "Be Ye Wise as Serpents" - The Water and the Blood - A Mystical View

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