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  • av Theodore Dones

    Wounds left untreated can only fester under a cover-up. The first step tohealing and restoration is a responsible uncovering and exposure thatbrings light and remedy to festering wounds. Little wonder, Jeremiah8:22 says, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then isthere no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?" (NKJV).From the under-shepherds to the sheep, from pulpits to the pews, severalattempts have been made to conceal vile conspiracies, grievous errors, tragicapostasies, and explosive scandals. However, has there been any prosperity inunrighteousness? Can we continue to hide sin under the cloak and façade ofreligion?The Bible teaches that there's one God, one savior, and one gospel. But whenpeople come to church, and they are denied access to the truth about sin, flesh, holiness, and sanctification, then we have a subtle but dangerous cover-up goingon, for, without faith and holiness, no man can sustain intimacy with God. Unfortunately, children of God are held down in all kinds of bondage that theyhave been initially redeemed from. Cover-ups challenge the influence of lightbecause every candle is meant for the mountain tops and not to be covered bybushels of hypocrisy, apostasy, and lust.I am about to unveil the mystery of sin, repentance, salvation, and sanctification.This book will basically help you grasp the severity of God's judgment against sinand all forms of ungodliness. In this book, the veil will be lifted and secretsuncovered.Sanctification is the path to enjoying the full benefits of salvation. Every sinpamperingtheology is counterfeit news and not good news. Part of the cover-upis the exaltation of feelings above faith, comfort above conviction, and freedomabove accountability. Many hirelings have caused the Lord's sheep to stray fromthe fold. The Lord spoke through Prophet Ezekiel, "Son of man, prophesy againstthe shepherds of Israel... "woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves!should not the shepherds feed the flock?" (Ezekiel 34:2 NKJV). What a powerfulquestion?!ABOMINATIONS IN THE TEMPLEThis book will deal basically with the judgment of God that comes against allungodliness, starting from the pulpit to the pew.Ezekiel 8:1 "And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on thethe fifth day of the month, as I sat in my house with the elders of Judah sitting beforeme, that the hand of the Lord God fell upon me there.Ezekiel 8:2 Then I looked, and there was a likeness, like the appearance of fire-from the appearance of His waist and downward, fire; and from His waist andupward, like the appearance of brightness, like the color of amber.Ezekiel 8:3 He stretched out the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my hair;and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me in visionsof God to Jerusalem, to the door of the north gate of the inner court, where theseat of the image of jealousy was, which provokes to jealousy.

  • av Theodore Dones

    Several books are out there, promising instant transformation and easy fixes. Everyone wants a change, any kind of change. In relentless pursuit of growth, people gulp massive information. But where is the difference? For many people, life has become a catch-22. Like rain in a broken cistern and mirage on the road under the summer sun, change has become unattainable.   Changed by His Glory is a story of God''s help versus self-help. Dr. Theodore Dones is about to take you on a life-changing adventure to find genuine and lasting transformation by THE GLORY OF GOD! Are you caught in the web of compulsive habits, age-long addictions, deep seated anger, and a sense of being stuck in the mire of everyday life? Get ready to know the SECRET of ordinary men who did extraordinary things. Men, who subdued desires, conquered passion, moved nations, and modeled transformation. Do you feel the need to change for the better? Do you believe it''s time to move from good to great or from okay to phenomenal? If so, you must read this book. In Changed by His Glory, you will find people who inspire you to pursue God like never before, knowing that your Creator holds the miracle for your genuine change. What are you waiting for?

  • - What Are You Planting In Your Garden
    av Thoedore Dones

    Congratulations! You are about to make an awesome investment in your future!  This is not just another book but a tool for transformation, restoration, and a blessed life. In the beginning, God planted a seed into human creation, it was His very breath. And with this power of life, He gave the command to rule and reign in the earth.  However, to destroy God’s plan for man, the devil began to wage war and plant wicked seeds in the heart of every living soul.  Still today, the war continues, and the enemy tries daily to stop God’s blessing towards mankind.  Just like Adam and Eve, we are tempted by Satan with his seeds of defilement which come in the form of lust.  If Satan can plant and cultivate his seeds in our hearts, then he will corrupt the soil, ultimately taking over our lives like uncontrollable weeds.  For this reason, scripture says in Proverbs 4:23; “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.”  So, what are the seeds of defilement? Is there a way to keep your life free from them?  Can the battle of the heart be won? Is there a consequence to allowing these evil seeds to rest, thrive, germinate and multiply?  Use this book to identify and destroy the seeds of defilement already planted in your heart.  Then, watch your life be changed forever as you replace them with God’s incorruptible seed, His living Word! 

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