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  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Überall auf der Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig zum Bibelstudium, oft innerhalb enger zeitlicher Grenzen. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt, zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Reihe verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens müssen sie zu einer praktischen Anwendung der Grundsätze der Bibel auf das Leben der Teilnehmer und auf ihre Umgebung führen. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Überall auf der Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig zum Bibelstudium, oft innerhalb enger zeitlicher Grenzen. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt, zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Reihe verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens müssen sie zu einer praktischen Anwendung der Grundsätze der Bibel auf das Leben der Teilnehmer und auf ihre Umgebung führen. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Throughout the world, Christian groups meet regularly for bible studies, often within tight time constraints. Such meetings include what we call the Sunday School - typically before a Church worship service. A major challenge of these fellowships is the need to have a study that can be completed within the tight schedule, and yet leave participants with learning that they can apply to their daily lives. The Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) series is a response to this challenge. The series have two objectives: First, they must lead to practical applications of bible principles to the lives of participants and to their environment. Secondly, each study material must be of the right length for a meaningful one-hour group study. Each edition of DBGS is based on a theme intended for a quarter of a year (3 months) and comprises twelve studies. The intent is that the group takes a one-hour study each week on the quarterly theme. To get the most out of each study, it is important that the study be participatory. Reading of the main texts should be shared among participants, after which all should read the key verse together. The paragraphs in the study, written in a teaching style, are read by individuals nominated by the leader while the questions that follow stimulate discussion. At the end of each study, a few bullet-point lessons are suggested. The study leaders should highlight these points as well as additional learning that may emerge from the discussions. While the materials are aimed at group bible studies, individuals should also find them helpful in personal studies. Whichever way you use them, I pray that the Holy Spirit will enrich your life through them.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFounder and AuthorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Überall auf der Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig zum Bibelstudium, oft innerhalb enger zeitlicher Grenzen. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt, zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Reihe verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens müssen sie zu einer praktischen Anwendung der Grundsätze der Bibel auf das Leben der Teilnehmer und auf ihre Umgebung führen. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Dans le monde entier, des groupes chrétiens se rencontrent régulièrement pour des études bibliques, souvent dans des délais très serrés. Ces réunions comprennent ce que nous appelons l'école du dimanche - généralement avant un service de culte dans l'Église. L'un des principaux défis de ces bourses est la nécessité de mener une étude qui puisse être achevée dans les délais impartis, tout en laissant aux participants l'apprentissage qu'ils peuvent appliquer à leur vie quotidienne. La série Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) est une réponse à ce défi. Les séries ont deux objectifs: premièrement, elles doivent conduire à des applications pratiques des principes bibliques dans la vie des participants et dans leur environnement. Deuxièmement, chaque matériel d'étude doit être de la bonne longueur pour une étude de groupe significative d'une heure. Chaque édition de DBGS est basée sur un thème prévu pour un quart d'année (3 mois) et comporte douze études. L'intention est que le groupe entreprenne une étude d'une heure chaque semaine sur le thème trimestriel. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de chaque étude, il est important qu'elle soit participative. La lecture des textes principaux doit être partagée entre les participants, après quoi tous doivent lire le verset clé ensemble. Les paragraphes de l'étude, rédigés dans un style pédagogique, sont lus par des personnes désignées par le responsable, tandis que les questions qui suivent stimulent la discussion. À la fin de chaque étude, quelques leçons sont suggérées. Les responsables de l'étude doivent souligner ces points ainsi que les apprentissages supplémentaires pouvant découler des discussions. Bien que les matériels soient destinés aux études bibliques en groupe, les individus doivent également les trouver utiles lors d'études personnelles. Quelle que soit la manière dont vous les utilisez, je prie pour que le Saint-Esprit enrichisse votre vie à travers eux.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFondateur et auteurLagos, Nigéria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    En todo el mundo, los grupos cristianos se reúnen regularmente para realizar estudios bíblicos, a menudo con limitaciones de tiempo. Tales reuniones incluyen lo que llamamos la Escuela Dominical, generalmente antes de un servicio de adoración de la Iglesia. Un desafío importante de estas becas es la necesidad de tener un estudio que se pueda completar dentro del apretado horario y, sin embargo, dejar a los participantes con el aprendizaje de que pueden aplicar a su vida diaria. El Danite serie Bible Study Group (DGBS) es una respuesta a este reto. La serie tiene dos objetivos: primero, deben conducir a aplicaciones prácticas de los principios bíblicos en la vida de los participantes y en su entorno. En segundo lugar, cada material de estudio debe tener la longitud adecuada para un estudio grupal significativo de una hora. Cada edición de DBGS se basa en un tema destinado a un cuarto de año (3 meses) y comprende doce estudios. La intención es que el grupo tome una hora de estudio cada semana sobre el tema trimestral. Para aprovechar al máximo cada estudio, es importante que el estudio sea participativo. La lectura de los textos principales debe compartirse entre los participantes, después de lo cual todos deben leer el versículo clave juntos. Los párrafos del estudio, escritos en un estilo de enseñanza, son leídos por personas nominadas por el líder, mientras que las preguntas que siguen estimulan la discusión. Al final de cada estudio, se sugieren algunas lecciones puntuales. Los líderes del estudio deben destacar estos puntos, así como el aprendizaje adicional que pueda surgir de las discusiones. Si bien los materiales están dirigidos a estudios bíblicos grupales, las personas también deberían encontrarlos útiles en estudios personales. De cualquier forma que los use, oro para que el Espíritu Santo enriquezca su vida a través de ellos.** **Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFundador y autorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Throughout the world, Christian groups meet regularly for bible studies, often within tight time constraints. Such meetings include what we call the Sunday School - typically before a Church worship service. A major challenge of these fellowships is the need to have a study that can be completed within the tight schedule, and yet leave participants with learning that they can apply to their daily lives. The Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) series is a response to this challenge. The series have two objectives: First, they must lead to practical applications of bible principles to the lives of participants and to their environment. Secondly, each study material must be of the right length for a meaningful one-hour group study. Each edition of DBGS is based on a theme intended for a quarter of a year (3 months) and comprises twelve studies. The intent is that the group takes a one-hour study each week on the quarterly theme. To get the most out of each study, it is important that the study be participatory. Reading of the main texts should be shared among participants, after which all should read the key verse together. The paragraphs in the study, written in a teaching style, are read by individuals nominated by the leader while the questions that follow stimulate discussion. At the end of each study, a few bullet-point lessons are suggested. The study leaders should highlight these points as well as additional learning that may emerge from the discussions. While the materials are aimed at group bible studies, individuals should also find them helpful in personal studies. Whichever way you use them, I pray that the Holy Spirit will enrich your life through them.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFounder and AuthorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Dans le monde entier, des groupes chrétiens se rencontrent régulièrement pour des études bibliques, souvent dans des délais très serrés. Ces réunions comprennent ce que nous appelons l'école du dimanche - généralement avant un service de culte dans l'Église. L'un des principaux défis de ces bourses est la nécessité de mener une étude qui puisse être achevée dans les délais impartis, tout en laissant aux participants l'apprentissage qu'ils peuvent appliquer à leur vie quotidienne. La série Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) est une réponse à ce défi. Les séries ont deux objectifs: premièrement, elles doivent conduire à des applications pratiques des principes bibliques dans la vie des participants et dans leur environnement. Deuxièmement, chaque matériel d'étude doit être de la bonne longueur pour une étude de groupe significative d'une heure. Chaque édition de DBGS est basée sur un thème prévu pour un quart d'année (3 mois) et comporte douze études. L'intention est que le groupe entreprenne une étude d'une heure chaque semaine sur le thème trimestriel. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de chaque étude, il est important qu'elle soit participative. La lecture des textes principaux doit être partagée entre les participants, après quoi tous doivent lire le verset clé ensemble. Les paragraphes de l'étude, rédigés dans un style pédagogique, sont lus par des personnes désignées par le responsable, tandis que les questions qui suivent stimulent la discussion. À la fin de chaque étude, quelques leçons sont suggérées. Les responsables de l'étude doivent souligner ces points ainsi que les apprentissages supplémentaires pouvant découler des discussions. Bien que les matériels soient destinés aux études bibliques en groupe, les individus doivent également les trouver utiles lors d'études personnelles. Quelle que soit la manière dont vous les utilisez, je prie pour que le Saint-Esprit enrichisse votre vie à travers eux.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFondateur et auteurLagos, Nigéria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    En todo el mundo, los grupos cristianos se reúnen regularmente para realizar estudios bíblicos, a menudo con limitaciones de tiempo. Tales reuniones incluyen lo que llamamos la Escuela Dominical, generalmente antes de un servicio de adoración de la Iglesia. Un desafío importante de estas becas es la necesidad de tener un estudio que se pueda completar dentro del apretado horario y, sin embargo, dejar a los participantes con el aprendizaje de que pueden aplicar a su vida diaria. La serie Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) es una respuesta a este desafío. La serie tiene dos objetivos: primero, deben conducir a aplicaciones prácticas de los principios bíblicos en la vida de los participantes y en su entorno. En segundo lugar, cada material de estudio debe tener la longitud adecuada para un estudio grupal significativo de una hora. Cada edición de DBGS se basa en un tema destinado a un cuarto de año (3 meses) y comprende doce estudios. La intención es que el grupo tome una hora de estudio cada semana sobre el tema trimestral. Para aprovechar al máximo cada estudio, es importante que el estudio sea participativo. La lectura de los textos principales debe compartirse entre los participantes, después de lo cual todos deben leer el versículo clave juntos. Los párrafos del estudio, escritos en un estilo de enseñanza, son leídos por personas nominadas por el líder, mientras que las preguntas que siguen estimulan la discusión. Al final de cada estudio, se sugieren algunas lecciones puntuales. Los líderes del estudio deben destacar estos puntos, así como el aprendizaje adicional que pueda surgir de las discusiones. Si bien los materiales están dirigidos a estudios bíblicos grupales, las personas también deberían encontrarlos útiles en estudios personales. De cualquier forma que los use, oro para que el Espíritu Santo enriquezca su vida a través de ellos.** **Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFundador y autorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Festus Ndukwe

    From history, the goal of the Gospel has always been to raise men and women that will rule for God anywhere they are found- in the Media, Judiciary, Leg- islature, Executive, Civil Service, Colleges and Universities, Non-governmental agencies and the private sector. The goal is to raise rods- people who will rule with a rod of iron, and dash Satan and unrighteousness to pieces as the vessels of a potter, Rev.2:27.

  • av Davidson Okpala

    The place of counselling in the church and fellowship groups, subtitled, Peo- ples'-Helper or one that cares. The church and fellowship groups must accept the responsibility for helping people with problems. By this, we allow the love of Christ to flow out of us to others. This demonstrates practical, sacrificial concern as the bible teaches in (1Thess.5:14), we read: "Dear brothers, warn those who are lazy: comfort those who are frightened, take tender care of those who are weak; and be patient with every one". (T.L.B) in Rom. 12:15; Paul said we should rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with them that weep. In counselling, we are called to be sensitive to each other's need and wherever it is necessary, reach out to help. Many times when we talk about help, our mind goes to financial help and we become scared, but there are timely advices or counselling that is worth more than money. "Where there is no counsel, the people will fall: but in the multitude of counsel- lors, there is safety". (Prov. 11:14); Without counsel purposes are disappointed, but in the multitude of counselors they are established. (Prov. 15:22) Every one enjoys giving God advice, and how wonderful it is to be able to say the right thing at the right time (Prov. 15:23) TLB. Timely advice is as lovely as Gold apples in a silver basket. (Prov. 25:11.TLB) People have been saved from committing suicide through counselling. Today in the church and fellowships, many are very self-centered, that many come to fellowship with us with their burdens (heavy hearts) and go back home with dis- appointments. In every true worship center, the needs of people are supposed to be met. If the church creates room for such people in counselling, so many sick mar- riages and broken hearts will receive their healings A good counsellor does not just sympathize with his counselee but em- pathizes with them.

  • av Prophetess Victoria Adekoya

    This is a prophetic action book on the Nigerian Church and how it impacts the nations of the world. This particular series covers the period between 1993 to end 2016, cutting across the length and breadth of Nigeria. The searchlight touches on Churchs, Politicians, Government, ethnic groups, Islam, Boko Haram ravaging the country, corruption and occult influence and control over the territory of Nigeria. It gives vivid account of the happening here in the na- tion of Nigeria and how it will impact events from around the world propheti- cally including United States of America, Great Britain, Asia and other parts of Africa as the days dawn. One of my spiritual sons made a remark the other day that highlighted the agonies in God's heart about the current climate of the Nigerian Church. He said " The world is better than the Church". He works as an administrative staff in a church and had seen the ways of the clergy in his place of work. A few days later, I was discussing about the prayer pattern of the Nigerian church with a young pastor friend of mine. I told him that God is not happy with it because it negates His desire for the body of Christ in the nation. The pastor said "Any pastor who does not lead prayers in that pattern will have very few or no mem- bers in his church". It was revealed to me on 20th October 1994, while praying in England that God wants to use Nigeria in the nations in this End-time before Jesus comes. Prior to this, in 1993, God had led me to scatter physically a church in North- central zone of Nigeria and to tell the occultic pastor that he would lose every- thing he was doing and end up in hell. He later sent someone to thank me for what I did. As a follow up to the revelation I received in 1994, God led me in 2001 to go to Lokoja to pray for Nigeria at the confluence of the two rivers that traverses the country. It was while praying in room 12 at Confluence Motel Adankolo junction in Lokoja that He gave me the second name of the ministry The Jury Ministry and He told me to use it to kill and destroy what He has not allowed in the church and the nations. Jer.1:10. Between that 2001 and 2006, I have been led by God

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Throughout the world, Christian groups meet regularly for bible studies, often within tight time constraints. Such meetings include what we call the Sunday School - typically before a Church worship service. A major challenge of these fellowships is the need to have a study that can be completed within the tight schedule, and yet leave participants with learning that they can apply to their daily lives. The Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) series is a response to this challenge. The series have two objectives: First, they must lead to practical applications of bible principles to the lives of participants and to their environment. Secondly, each study material must be of the right length for a meaningful one-hour group study. Each edition of DBGS is based on a theme intended for a quarter of a year (3 months) and comprises twelve studies. The intent is that the group takes a one-hour study each week on the quarterly theme. To get the most out of each study, it is important that the study be participatory. Reading of the main texts should be shared among participants, after which all should read the key verse together. The paragraphs in the study, written in a teaching style, are read by individuals nominated by the leader while the questions that follow stimulate discussion. At the end of each study, a few bullet-point lessons are suggested. The study leaders should highlight these points as well as additional learning that may emerge from the discussions. While the materials are aimed at group bible studies, individuals should also find them helpful in personal studies. Whichever way you use them, I pray that the Holy Spirit will enrich your life through them.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFounder and AuthorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Festus Ndukwe

    It was never in my plan to write a book like this, having published some recent- ly. Writing this book was never my conception. In His usual dealings with me, and without any prior discussion, God impressed upon me to get another book out to the church. For days God's hand was strong. Apart from speaking in meetings, God never let me do any other thing but to get this work done. I understood the heart of God. I could sense the urgency of the Spirit. God has given so much in Christ but we are manifesting so little of Christ. God was saying, "Many of my children do not know what they have. I want to reveal Myself once again so that they know the limitless power that I have released to the church, hence this book." This book may not be like other books many readers are used to. The reader may not get the best if he reads only once and drops it. If he reads once or twice he may not fully understand it. It is a book he must read, not just thrice, but as many times as possible. The reason is because some of the things the Lord is saying are deep. The reader needs to go very deep to call it forth. There is the need to sound this alarm because the book is not a novel or sto- ry or fiction. It is not a book you read in a hurry. It is a book that takes you on a spiritual journey where you will become bonded with Christ and practically rule with Him. It is a book that as you read, you will pause, meditate, pray, and continue reading. If you are a person whose heart is right, and not seeking for any other thing in church apart from God, you will not want to drop it until you are through. If you read this book without the mindset of drawing out all the riches God has stored in it, please do not bother to read. If only one person understands the heart of God as revealed in this book and pursues it, and becomes the kind of instrument God is looking for in our generation, then the purpose of this book is achieved; this book may have been written for just that one man. That one man can be you! Do not let the opportunity to become great for God pass you by. God is waiting for you! Blessed reading!

  • av Festus Ndukwe

    Every day, I move about with a sense of indebtedness (and sometimes guilt) to my generation, especially the younger ones. In the past few years, there has been a compelling force to leave something behind for my generation. My heart bleeds to see the systematic erosion of the foundational truths of the Gospel. Liberal Gospel, comedy and all forms of en- tertainment are taking over some church services. This is done in a bid to keep the youth in Church. The Church seems to have been brought to the state of that widow in 2 kings whose two sons the creditors threatened to take. Like this widow, the Church seems not to have sufficient 'oil' to meet the demands of modernization while on the other hand there is more than enough in the 'New Creation' to not only meet the demands posed by the world system but to conquer it and make it our slave. Again, the 'New Creation' is one course I have taught in our Discipleship and Mission Exposure programs without any solid material for follow-up. Students will find in this book a rich store to nourish their souls and to relive what they had been taught in the class. For Christians and ministers of the Gospel, this book exposes and explores the manual of the new creation man which will help them live victoriously and equip them to disciple today's generation for Christ. Festus U. Ndukwe Lagos, December 2013

  • av Pastor Samson Bamigbayan

    The scripture does not want to leave anybody in doubt about the destructive ten- dencies of Satan. Therefore, it gives a vivid description of Satan and his diaboli- cal nature. In Genesis 3:1, the Bible says: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. John 8:44 reads thus:...He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. Another word for subtle in Genesis 3:1 is cunning. Cunning is synonymous with deception. Any individual with his attribute can manipulate another person to his own advantage. From the foregoing, it is obvious that through his crafty nature. Satan can take advantage of you if you are ignorant oi his antics and not well grounded in the word of God. Satanic manipulations and antidotes is therefore a modest at- tempt on my part to expose the satanic veil that the devil uses before unleashing his deadly blows. The book is a product of my experience from counselling ses- sions with those who require divine guidance to their diverse spiritual prob- lems.1 wish to acknowledge the support of my brothers and sisters in the Lord whose interaction provided the necessary impetus for this publication. May you be richly blessed as you read through this publication. Samson Bamigbayan February, 2014

  • av Festus Ndukwe

    Over time my cry has been how to encourage and guide the sincere Christian to experience Christ in power. I noticed that many Christians are still struggling to live the Christian life, not to talk of becoming a strong testimony for the Lord. They may be many years in the Lord yet there is no much difference in their spiritual lives. There is no power. This has given me concern. God's way to usefulness and effectiveness is not complicated but why is it dif- ficult for many Christians to realize this? This is the purpose of this book. It is a simple but graphical illustration of the route the Christian takes to come into full realization of God's thought for him. May the Christian find this a guide to honestly evaluate his walk with the Lord and respond appropriately to Him! Amen! Festus U. Ndukwe Lagos, January, 2014.

  • av Prophetess Victoria Adekoya

    This book is to analyze and show that God does not forget any one or any nation. It is to show that God keeps records of what is happening everywhere no matter how great or minute they are in the sight of men. As a prophet and intercessor called of God to these positions over a period of twenty years, God has led me to see, declare and pray over situations He wants to manifest in many nations especially my country Nigeria. When He gave me the second name of the ministry, 'The Jury Ministry' He told me to use it to kill and destroy what He has not allowed in the church and in the nations. Jer.1;10. I want to take this opportunity to let people know that no matter your experience in the secular, God will utilize it in your spiritual calling. In fact He takes you through those experiences in order to prepare you for your spiritual future. The Bible says we comfort others with the comfort with which we have been com- forted. 11 cor.1;4. He trains our hands for war and our fingers to fight. Ps.44;1. When God gave me the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom from 'A' level to Masters degree in the 1960s and 1970s, I did not realize it was for His peculiar purpose. I was a student at the London School of Economics, a college of the Uni- versity of London when the institution started the Gay Liberation Movement in 1970.This is the organisation which promotes homosexuality not just in Europe, but also in other nations of the world. I recently discovered that LSE is the home to Hall-Carpenters Archives, Britain's major resource for the study of Lesbianism in the UK since the publication of the Wolfend Report in 1957. In fact my hall warden while there was a homosexual. In my naivety I thought it was fun seeing men dance with men and women with women. My university prides itself in hav- ing atheistic founders and foundation. It celebrates homosexuality but frowns at having a Christian chaplaincy in its premises. The United Kingdom had been in the forefront of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the earth for more than 400 years. In fact Christians in that country are currently celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible

  • av Pastor Samson Bamigbayan

    God has created us to have life, and have it in abundance. His plan is that we prosper, do His will on earth and dominate our environment. However, the ene- my of man, called Satan or devil, does not want anyone to do well. He knows that when you and your family are doing well, and your business is thriving, you will serve God and your life will be a witness to people around you. Therefore, Satan wants you to be miserable, wretched and poor so that he can take glory as the all-powerful one. God created the entire earth by the word of mouth. He com- manded the fishes, the sea creatures, the animals in the bush and wild forests, the birds and the rivers were all commanded forth by the word proceeding from the mouth of the Creator. This tells us that there is power in the pronouncements of any being with breath in his nostrils. Just as God's words carry power, so do the words of Satan and interestingly do your own words too. Words are spirits and depending on the kind of power behind the one making the pronouncements, words can inflict blessings or curses. The focus of this book is on the power be- hind negative words. We will consider how, as a child of God, you can negate or cancel the evil words that may have been pronounced against you. Whether the words are pronounced by the devil himself, his agents, and/or anyone else anointed of the enemy to attack your destiny in any way does not matter.

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Überall auf der Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig zum Bibelstudium, oft innerhalb enger zeitlicher Grenzen. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt, zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Reihe verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens müssen sie zu einer praktischen Anwendung der Grundsätze der Bibel auf das Leben der Teilnehmer und auf ihre Umgebung führen. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Dans le monde entier, des groupes chrétiens se rencontrent régulièrement pour des études bibliques, souvent dans des délais très serrés. Ces réunions comprennent ce que nous appelons l'école du dimanche - généralement avant un service de culte dans l'Église. L'un des principaux défis de ces bourses est la nécessité de mener une étude qui puisse être achevée dans les délais impartis, tout en laissant aux participants l'apprentissage qu'ils peuvent appliquer à leur vie quotidienne. La série Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) est une réponse à ce défi. Les séries ont deux objectifs: premièrement, elles doivent conduire à des applications pratiques des principes bibliques dans la vie des participants et dans leur environnement. Deuxièmement, chaque matériel d'étude doit être de la bonne longueur pour une étude de groupe significative d'une heure. Chaque édition de DBGS est basée sur un thème prévu pour un quart d'année (3 mois) et comporte douze études. L'intention est que le groupe entreprenne une étude d'une heure chaque semaine sur le thème trimestriel. Pour tirer le meilleur parti de chaque étude, il est important qu'elle soit participative. La lecture des textes principaux doit être partagée entre les participants, après quoi tous doivent lire le verset clé ensemble. Les paragraphes de l'étude, rédigés dans un style pédagogique, sont lus par des personnes désignées par le responsable, tandis que les questions qui suivent stimulent la discussion. À la fin de chaque étude, quelques leçons sont suggérées. Les responsables de l'étude doivent souligner ces points ainsi que les apprentissages supplémentaires pouvant découler des discussions. Bien que les matériels soient destinés aux études bibliques en groupe, les individus doivent également les trouver utiles lors d'études personnelles. Quelle que soit la manière dont vous les utilisez, je prie pour que le Saint-Esprit enrichisse votre vie à travers eux.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinFondateur et auteurLagos, Nigéria

  • av John Idoko

    "The book, Ishmael in the Presence of His Brethren, is a biblical explanation for the 'ubiquitous' nature of Ishmaelites and the purpose for which God allows it.The years of experience coupled with on-the-job expertise of the author and the accurate insight into the Scriptures with which the book is written makes it a must for every believer who is serious about sharing Christ's love with the Muslims anywhere in the world."Dotun Adeboye, Training Director, Christian Missionary Foundation (CMF). "John Idoko has done a neat job of unmasking Ishmael in a simple and easy to read prose. He has offered the reader a depth of insight and inspiration that is both educative and instructive. Though primarily written for those seeking to reach the sons of Abraham's other first son, Ishmael in the Presence of His Brethren will be a welcome tool for those of that clan who need to know or want to find out the truth about their pedigree. It is very enjoyable to read and helpful for ministry to the Muslims."Timothy Olonade, President, El-Rehoboth Global Leadership Foundation; Int'l Lead Facilitator, M2414Initiative, Jos, Nigeria. "Today there is a lot of fear among Christians concerning the advance of Islam, especially when violent terrorists claim to be motivated by the God of Islam. Are these terrorists betraying a peaceful Islam? Or does Islam have a DNA that includes "genes" of violence"? The author of Ishmael in the Presence of His Brethren excavates answers to these questions, going all the way back to the two "firstborn" sons of Abraham in the Bible. Then the author clearly answers another question. Is God behind the influx of Muslims into Christian countries and communities? If so, what is God's strategy for His church? That strategy is what this book explains so well-the only way to a lasting "peaceful coexistence" in this world and the next, the Peace given through Christ Jesus, not as the world gives."Ruth Veltkamp, missionary teacher, USA.

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Auf der ganzen Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig für b ible Studien, oft innerhalb von Zeitdruck. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt , zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Serie ha ve zwei Ziele: Erstens, sie zu praktischen Anwendungen der Bibel Grundsätze für das Leben der Teilnehmer und die führen müssen ir Umwelt. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av John Idoko

    God is hastening the return of Christ. He is doing that bymaking the proclamation of the gospel to people thathitherto have been locked up in regions that wereconsidered closed to the Gospel. How is God doing this? He isdoing this by allowing cataclysms all over the world that arecausing massive movement of people from those spots toother parts of the world. Few years ago, movement ofrefugees from some parts of the Middle East to Europebecame a global problem. Migration of people (for whateverreasons) has become a present day phenomenon that wecannot avoid talking about. Even in missions missiologistshave come out with a new buzz word: "Diaspora missiology".This is a new way of thinking. Unreached people can bereached not only in their home lands but also everywhereelse because many of the unreached people are alreadyDiaspora people. Here in Nigeria, people are also moving massively fromthe Northwest, North central and Northeast to the South inlarge numbers. Most&nbs

  • av Raphael Awoseyin

    Überall auf der Welt treffen sich christliche Gruppen regelmäßig zum Bibelstudium, oft innerhalb enger zeitlicher Grenzen. Zu solchen Treffen gehört das, was wir Sonntagsschule nennen - normalerweise vor einem Gottesdienst in der Kirche. Eine große Herausforderung dieser Stipendien ist die Notwendigkeit, ein Studium zu haben, das innerhalb des engen Zeitplans abgeschlossen werden kann und den Teilnehmern dennoch die Möglichkeit gibt, zu lernen, wie sie sich auf ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Die Danite Group Bible Study (DGBS) -Reihe ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderung. Die Reihe verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens müssen sie zu einer praktischen Anwendung der Grundsätze der Bibel auf das Leben der Teilnehmer und auf ihre Umgebung führen. Zweitens muss jedes Lernmaterial die richtige Länge für ein aussagekräftiges einstündiges Gruppenstudium haben. Jede Ausgabe von DBGS basiert auf einem Thema, das für ein Vierteljahr (3 Monate) bestimmt ist, und umfasst zwölf Studien. Die Absicht ist, dass die Gruppe jede Woche eine einstündige Studie zum vierteljährlichen Thema durchführt. Um das Beste aus jeder Studie herauszuholen, ist es wichtig, dass die Studie partizipativ ist. Das Lesen der Haupttexte sollte unter den Teilnehmern geteilt werden, wonach alle gemeinsam den Schlüsselvers lesen sollten. Die im Lehrstil verfassten Abschnitte der Studie werden von Personen gelesen, die vom Leiter nominiert wurden, während die folgenden Fragen die Diskussion anregen. Am Ende jeder Studie werden einige Einzelstunden vorgeschlagen. Die Studienleiter sollten diese Punkte sowie zusätzliche Erkenntnisse hervorheben, die sich aus den Diskussionen ergeben können. Während die Materialien auf Gruppenbibelstudien abzielen, sollten Einzelpersonen sie auch beim persönlichen Lernen hilfreich finden. Wie auch immer Sie sie einsetzen, ich bete, dass der Heilige Geist Ihr Leben durch sie bereichert.**Raphael Sunday AwoseyinGründer und AutorLagos, Nigeria

  • av Bishop Anna A. Ahamefula

    This little book is a collection of messages on Discipleship Training in Holy Ghost School recorded at Right hand of the LORD Fellowship, Egbe- Lagos, Nigeria.It happened that I was discipled by two ministers of God: Rev. Joses Hizkiah of Unfailing Life Ministries and Prophet Lambert Eze Okafor of LaFAMCALL (End-Time) Ministries. After this, I forgot about the training and continued in my former method of ministration as I could not pick up the teaching immediately. It was at this juncture of stalemate or deadlock that the LORD quickened me one day to start on the teaching on Holy Ghost Discipleship by faith that the inspiration came to start putting down in writing as the LORD started to help me along.After a considerable number of lessons, the directive came from the LORD to compile the messages into a leaflet for discipling members of the fellowship.

  • av Ngozi Anyaora

    God took me to Holy Ghost school in 2003 and there He opened my eyes wonderfully to begin to know Him in a closer, more intimate and powerful way. My relationship with Him became so steady and sweet that He gave me some messages by revelation, and asked me to publish them. That was how I wrote my first book; "The Journey Into The Wealthy Place".After I had written that book, I sincerely thought that I had actually "arrived!" But little did I know that it was only the beginning of the journey for me. Which journey? The journey to the place of peace, joy and spiritual rest in Christ, in this life.The journey to the perfect will of God; the journey to the place of abundant life which Christ promised us; the journey to the realms of Christlikeness and life in the Spirit. And so, I thought I had arrived, not knowing that I had only started! I did not know that I had an over value of myself. My spiritual life was still very far from what God had intended it to be, yet I knew it not. I was therefore operating in pride, for high-thought of oneself is pride.I was in this state of pride, ignorance and self-praise until the next thing happened which nearly took my life and the life of my daughter. The Lord visited me suddenly, dramatically and nearly consumed me, like a hungry lion would consume a prey! (Hosea 5:14-15). He visited me to take me into the next stage of my journey with Him. And what was the next stage? "Submission!" "submission to my own husband!"¿¿Yes, He came to personally take me into this one thing that I hated so much, which was submission to my husband. The Lord knew that this was one topic I hated so much and which no man or woman could bring me into. He knew I wasn't willing to give it a second thought any day. Yet He knew that was the next thing I must get, else He would drop me from His end-time army! And so He came to personally take me through it.Sincerely speaking, I had never known how serious the issue of submission to husband is to God until He visited me in 2005. I had been a 'pastor' and a woman leader, and had interacted with men and women of God at high levels, yet never had I got the least impression that God could indeed even kill a wife today, in this modern time, for not submitting to her husband! Yes, I knew the story of Lot's wife and I knew that Jesus warned us to "remember Lot's wife" (Luke 17:32), but then, it never really dawned on me that God can do it in our time. I never knew it can be as serious today as it was in those days of Lot!And so the lion came to eat me up because of my lack of submission to my husband, but His mercy finally saved me.Hosea 5:14-15 says:For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear and go away. I will take away, and none shall rescue him. I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence and seek my face. In their affliction they will seek me early.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    August 5th of 2021, the Holy Spirit instructed me to begin a second forty days fast, added to the regular 40 days fast for leadership and the body of Christ in general between March 17th to 25th of April 2021. I struggled with this instruction. I begin a night vigil just to be sure if this instruction is from me or the Holy Spirit. At about 3am in the morning, after ending the night vigil, I checked my WhatsApp message and saw a message from a prophetess in another state whom we have made one or two contacts over the years. The message was explicit. The Lord said, "Go into isolation for I have a word for you. I am visiting you and taking you on a journey." That was the instruction. August 9th, the second set of 40 days fast began. The Lord did visit and He did take me on a journey to the land He was planning to send me to. I travelled in the Spirit with one of the angels to Oceania. This will be subject for another book. But for now, during the course of this fasting. The Lord kept drawing my attention to the word, "PERFECTION". His word kept flashing in my spirit man. This lead to the series on Perfect WORDS, Perfects WORKS and Perfect WONDERS. Friends, I was at the tail end of this second forty (40) day fast based on divine's instruction above when the Lord told me to embark on another nationwide travel across Nigeria and reach the youth leadership across the 36 states, including Abuja with the instruction I received on the mountain for His church in Nigeria and by extension the body of Christ globally! The letter is included in this writing to the churches This second spiritual travel instruction troubled me because the first national spiritual travel eleven (11) years, seven (7) months prior did not entail the disastrous security situation in Nigeria today. The Lord quickly squashed that argument by showing me a picture of my encounter with armed robbers who snatched my car, after fruitless effort to shot me at point blank range and the gun refused to fire. I was taken along and dropped off along the road. The car was returned after 72 hours. He told me, "Son, I protected you from the armed robbers from the failed gun shots, can't I protect you in this particular travel?" That ended my fruitless argument with my Maker - God. The rest, they say, is history. You will secure answers to the details of this travel in Greater Exploits 13. From our website at by a simple search of this title or the name of the author. In this book on "letter to the churches - Key to global Unity and Revival," you will find the letter that was sent to the Nigerian Churches and indeed the global community of Christians because we are one. May YOU, your FAMILY, your COMMUNITY, your CHURCH, your NATION and the NATIONS of the world be blessed as you glean on this letter to the churches and meditate on the content for actionable steps that will bring about God's kingdom, God's will and God's purposes here on earth as we serve as light and salt of the earth where God has planted us in Jesus name, Amen. Remember, God does not want any to perish because humanity is an extension of God, but desires that ALL should come to repentance - both friends and foes alike. (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9 - Paraphased) Shalom! Ambassador Oreojo Monday OgbeGod' Eagle Ministries - Otakada Inc -

  • av Lambert Okafor

    When I was going to the University of Ife in 1976,1 made one resolution - to hide myself in the crowd and get lost in the world. I did not want anything about 'God' around me. Consequently, I threw away my small Bible and everything that reminded me of God. Sincerely speaking, I could not say why I took that decision. I was born into the Anglican Church and the rest of my brothers and sisters were godly. In my secondary school days, I had joined the 'Born Again' group, and thought I loved God. But soon, all of that stopped, as I slipped back into the world. Somehow, it seemed there was something in me that did not want God really. While at home, I had to do 'church things' once in a while, somehow under pressure - just to satisfy my family expectations. Now, I was happy to be on my way to the 'campus' where no one would bother me about God. My going to the University was therefore seen as an escape from God and I kept to it. All through my campus days, the National Service and up to 1983 when I started work with the Union Bank, I kept to my decision to keep God away from me. Somehow, I felt that the ways of God were too tough, and His standards too high for me. I therefore wanted to 'enjoy' myself and forget about 'Heaven and hell,' I thought. I went to church again in 1987 just because I was getting married. Soon after the wedding, I decided to quit going to church completely and I told my wife so. All her tears and pleas could not change my heart and at last she gave up. Soon after our wedding, on 20th April, 1987,1 stopped going to Church completely. I would not even go once in a while. I never saw the four walls of any church. On Sundays therefore my wife and the rest of the family would simply inform me that they were going to the church so that I might come and lock the door! That was the situation until May 28th, 1989, when something marvellous happened which changed the life of everyone in the family starting with me! You will get the details later. I therefore thank God for this wonderful privilege of being part of what is now a worldwide event, to usher in the ultimate rule of God here on earth. The Kingdom of God is about to be revealed to the earth. God is about to answer that popular age­ long prayer which Jesus taught at His disciples' request - "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth... as it is done in Heaven..."God's political time-table is rapidly unfolding and His Ministers - the Angels - are at red-alert. They have indeed gone all out on "mission possible" - to prepare for the "landing" of the new Kingdom. Things have begun to happen. Unbelievable things are happening here again. They happened during the Apostolic Age - with the Apostles of the Lord. That was in the beginning of the Church Age. Here they are again - at the end of the Church Age. God is here again to reveal Himself to His people! That God would have me included in this end­ time programme is what I cannot understand! Why should I have expected God's grace to be so freely poured out on me, in such a way that all yokes are broken! I was not seeking Him. I was not involved in things about Him.

  • av Ambassador Monday O Ogbe

    In this book, in the 366 prayer points that the Holy Spirit has led me to put together, you will notice that each prayer point is linked to the bible passage that reflects the prayer from Genesis to Revelation. You must read the bible passage. If possible, the entire chapter before you pray the prayer for that day. The reason for that is to gain understanding and faith, which is a primary ingredient for answered prayers. This personal revival prayer guide is a guide and does not limit you from expanding the prayers to cover other areas and it is not a replacement for personal devotion. However, have you imagined the power of focus? Just focusing on one thing throughout the day talking to your creator about it? So, ask for help, not because you are weak, but because you want to remain strong for Him to do exploits through you and don't stop asking until you receive from Him who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills what you want that is in line with His purpose for your life. Psalm 24v1-end

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