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  • av John Miller

    Piensa demasiado, ¿verdad? ¿Hay demasiados pensamientos que te dan vueltas en la cabeza? ¿No estás seguro de cómo deshacerte de la confusión que invade tu mente? ¿Experimentas ideas antes de acostarte? Siga leyendo si encaja en una de estas categorías.Una de las citas más famosas del filósofo Descartes es "Pienso, luego existo". Por lo tanto, el pensamiento es lo que hace a un ser humano. Somos capaces de lograr cosas asombrosas gracias a nuestra capacidad de pensar, desarrollar ideas y formar imágenes mentales. Sin embargo, ¿qué sucede si nuestras mentes están sobrecargadas de ideas y pensamientos?Hay un problema conocido como "pensar demasiado", según los académicos. Aunque el idioma italiano carece de una traducción clara para esta frase, "exceso, confusión de pensamiento" es lo que más se acerca. Los pensamientos se enredan, surgen nuevos continuamente y somos incapaces de llegar a una conclusión porque hemos creado una maraña mental en la que estamos atrapados.Sobreanalizar nunca produce ningún resultado. Incluso de vez en cuando, escuchamos a alguien comentar: "Piensas demasiado". Esto es irritante porque, aunque sin duda también somos muy brillantes y sensibles, nuestro método de "pensar" nos impide llegar rápidamente a las mismas conclusiones a las que han llegado otros, quizás un poco más superficiales.¿Hay alguna causa asociada a todo esto? Y sobre todo, ¿podemos hacer algo para mitigar o eliminar este problema nuestro? La respuesta es sí.Pensar demasiado es un problema que se ha examinado en numerosos estudios, y algunos han ofrecido muy buenas respuestas. Puede comprender los resultados de los análisis y las posibles soluciones que existen para el problema de pensar en exceso al leer esta guía. Descubrirás:comprender los fundamentos del pensamiento y cómo funciona, así como el "por qué" con frecuencia pensamos demasiadoadoptar técnicas básicas de atención plenaadquirir técnicas básicas de relajaciónpara comprender cómo resolver problemas organizados y mucho más.Aunque quizás nadie te haya explicado todavía cómo mejorar tu forma de pensar y tu capacidad para "vaciar" tu mente de pensamientos excesivos y negativos, y aunque todavía dudes de tu capacidad para abordar el tema del overthinking, este libro le presentará y le guiará hacia un posible curso de acción.

  • av John Miller

    Leer un libro es todo lo que se necesita para marcar una diferencia personal.Hoy en Londres. A Leonard Want, conductista y especialista en persuasión no verbal y lingüística, se le asigna una tarea inusual: debe ayudar a Dios a decidir si borrar una vez más a la especie humana. Solo hay un problema menor: además de Dios, que es un fumador empedernido, viejo y vulgar, Leonard también tiene que lidiar con una serie de arcángeles irritables, un ángel asesino que odia a los humanos y usa pantalones de cuero, e incluso el mismo Lucifer.La palabra mágica es un libro único con un objetivo claro: divertir al lector mientras lo transforma en cada página y le permite desarrollar todo su potencial. Está lleno de recomendaciones y enseñanzas que funcionan a medida que las lees: palabra a palabra, podrás experimentar el cambio y la transformación de primera mano, casi sin darte cuenta. Fue escrito por una de las máximas autoridades en inteligencia lingüística y persuasión lingüística.El primer libro que lees que te cambia la vida. Para la magia, ¿estás preparado?

  • av Jensen Cox

    Actors are typically women. They battled, produced, wrote, ruled, and occasionally yelled. Despite this, they are largely omitted from history textbooks. "I only now, as an adult, realize the deception I was subjected to at school," the author writes. I'm upset about how my female ancestors were treated. Better is due to them. More than we have been taught, we all have a shared past. Why this great oversight? From the age of caves to the present day, Jensen Cox relies on the most recent discoveries to analyze the mechanisms of this biased vision of history. It gives life to erased faces, tells the story of these invisible ones, so numerous, who have changed the world. Pedagogue, biting, irresistible, with her everything lights up. Women have never been silent. This book gives them back their voices. " Free and committed woman, avid and curious spirit, confirmed writer, Author delivers a great story, exciting and true.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Jensen Cox launches for the first time in a book his guidelines for those who need to achieve a healthy relationship with money even earning little. When it comes to money, you can't think that a single speech will work for everyone. After all, the starting point of each one is not the same: the path of someone who is born into a family with a good financial situation is very different from that of someone who has worked since adolescence to help at home. But that doesn't mean that those who struggle every month to pay the bills can't get organized, learn to save, invest and have a healthy financial life. Quite the opposite. In fact, financial education and guidance are enough for the dream - be it a home, a car, an exchange program, or even paying off a debt - to be one step closer to becoming a reality. It was with this in mind that Nathália Rodrigues, who became known throughout Brazil, became a leading voice on how we use money. With humor and accessible content, the administrator and financial advisor became a phenomenon on the internet by bringing simple and valuable tips that help thousands of people to get out of the red and get financially organized. In Budget without fail , Cox addresses the main issues that plague our pockets - our relationship with credit cards, interest rates, shopping lists, planning, goals, the difference between desire and need, among others -, to help in one way once and for all those who got involved in debt or just live to pay their bills.

  • av John Miller

    Reading a book is all it takes to make a personal difference.Today in London. Leonard Want, a behaviourist and specialist in nonverbal and linguistic persuasion, is given an unusual assignment: he must assist God in deciding whether to once more wipe off the human species. There's only one minor problem: in addition to God, who is an old, vulgar, chain-smoker, Leonard also has to contend with a number of irritable archangels, a killing angel who hates humans and wears leather pants, and even Lucifer himself.The magic word is a one-of-a-kind book with a clear goal: to amuse the reader while transforming him on every page and enabling him to realise his full potential. It is full of recommendations and teachings that work as you read them: word by word, you will be able to experience change and transformation firsthand, almost without realising it. It was written by one of the top authorities in linguistic intelligence and linguistic persuasion.The first book you read that alters your life. For the magic, are you prepared?

  • av Jensen Cox

    America: "Home of Freedom" or "Empire of Evil"? A country that invents myths and values, or one that is in internal conflict and decline? How can the "actual distance" between San Francisco and Miami be calculated? Why is it impossible to communicate with a New York cab driver in English? How can you account for the terrible string of shootings while still explaining Florida's internal migration from California and the start-up record, low youth unemployment, and inexpensive start-up costs? Today more than ever, it might be difficult to understand America because of the preconceptions that have been created by literature, film, fashion, the arts, music, and television during the past century. Also contributing to this is the resurgence of an ingrained and visceral anti-Americanism that affects many Italians. You have to have deep roots in this nation - pay your taxes, send your kids to school, use your health care, having served as a juror in a trial, having bought a house and created a company - to overcome the barrier of clichés. The surprises are as many as the Americas, plural, and all their ethnic communities.An insightful portrayal of the United States that outlines both major and little issues in the country is signed by Jensen Cox, an expat who has lived in the country for approximately 25 years. He identifies the causes and factors behind each grotesque difference from Europe, from politics to the economics, from culture to society, from daily life to the creation of the national DNA. Because you can only comprehend America by living it and going above the surface, the author executes a slalom between contrasts, a cleaning operation from assumptions, and gives us a trip guide in the literal sense. Maybe to try and predict where it will go.

  • av John Miller

    How frequently do you obsess over daily occurrences? Fear not! It is possible to get out of this destructive routine!You lose mental control as you travel down the tunnel of overthinking.You experience great confusion and bewilderment on a constant basis.This book contains a wealth of knowledge that will help you overcome your mental obstacles and live a happier life:¿ the role of our brain, how we process information and why we tend to dwell on everything that can go wrong.¿ how thoughts and doubts monopolize the day and how they are influenced by external sources¿ the causes of mental stress: what makes us vulnerable, the negative distortions that concatenate in the mind, social anxiety, emotions¿ recognize the existence of a problem and become aware of one's identity¿ how not to focus too much on the present and how not to fall into the deception of being able to control the future¿ many exercises on how to maintain control, concentration, on mindfulness, and on the different types of meditation, but also writing therapyOverthinking is something that can happen to anyone.But if you have a great way to deal with it, you can drive away negative, anxious, stressful thoughts and turn it into something useful, productive and effective.

  • av John Miller

    Do we really know everything?In truth, behind the glorious and successful story of one of the richest men in Italy, of a powerful character, of our compatriot perhaps best known in the world, of a politician loved and hated like never before (with the exception of Benito Mussolini), there is an inexhaustible theory of black holes, controversial issues, questions asked a thousand times but often left unanswered. Where did his first millions come from? What relationships did you establish with the men of Cosa Nostra? Why did he "take the field"? How was Forza Italia born? How did he bring down the Prodi government in 2008? How many ad personam laws did Parliament pass when you were Prime Minister? How did he come out (almost) unscathed from dozens of trials? How did Milan sell? Were those at Arcore really "elegant dinners"? Many questions, too many answers, but also many silences and countless lies.Many dozens of books have been written about Berlusconi. Yet this was missing. It tells an Italian story. Thus was the title of the illustrated brochure which celebrated his life and which was distri published in millions of copies to all Italian families before the 2001 elections. His adventure - human, entrepreneurial, political - is truly an Italian story. Silvio is a character who has also entered the history of our costume and has modified and forged it in his image and likeness.

  • av Jensen Cox

    With his controversial theses regarding the conflict in Ukraine, Jensen Cox has taken control of the argument. A thinker had never before experienced such a brutal and protracted political and media attack in the history of republican Italy. The most pressing issues at hand are addressed in this volume. The first section recapitulates the pivotal moments in the conflict between NATO and Russia from 1999 to the present. The second introduces Mearsheimer's strategic thinking while exposing Italy's cultural lag in terms of international security issues. It also describes the American policy of bleeding Russia. The third describes Jensen's political-cultural aim and how he pursues it through the media to support the struggle against the colonisation of the living world by the system. The fourth examines the methods used by the media to slant information in favour of the Western bloc's war policies. The book concludes with outlining Max Weber's inclusive sociology methodology and presenting Jensen's report on Ukraine, which was presented before the Senate on December 4, 2018.

  • av John Miller

    Think too much, do you? Are too many thoughts making your head spin? Unsure of how to get rid of the confusion that invades your mind? Do you experience ideas before bed? Read on if you fit into one of these categories.One of the most famous quotes from the philosopher Descartes is "I think, therefore I am." Therefore, thought is what makes a human being. We are able to accomplish amazing things thanks to our ability to think, develop ideas, and form mental pictures. What transpires, though, if our minds are overloaded with ideas, and thoughts?There is a problem known as "overthinking," according to academics. Although the Italian language lacks a clear translation for this phrase, "excess, confusion of thinking" comes the closest. Thoughts entangle, new ones emerge continually, and we are unable to reach a conclusion because we have created a mental tangle in which we are trapped.Overanalyzing never yields any results. Even now and then, we hear someone comment, "You think too much." This is irritating because, although we are undoubtedly also highly brilliant and sensitive, our method of "thinking" prevents us from quickly coming to the same conclusions that others, who may be a little more superficial, have reached.Is there a cause associated with all of this? And above all, can we do something to mitigate or eliminate this problem of ours? The answer is yes.Overthinking is an issue that has been examined in numerous studies, and some have offered very good answers. You may understand the findings of the analyses and what possible solutions there are for the issue of thinking excessively by reading this guide. You'll discover:to understand the fundamentals of thinking and how it functions, as well as the "why" we frequently overthinkto adopt basic mindfulness techniquesto acquire basic relaxation techniquesto comprehend how to do organized problem solving and much more!Although perhaps no one has yet explained to you how to improve your way of thinking and your capacity to "empty" your mind of excessive and negative thoughts, and although you may still be doubtful about your capacity to address the issue of overthinking, this book will introduce you to and guide you toward a potential course of action.

  • av John Miller

    The author, John Miller, gives you a testimony and information from a person who experienced things "from the inside" through his professional functions which led him to travel the world and see behind the scenes of our world of opulence. The presentation is like a conversation between the author and his granddaughter to whom he explains in a simple and clear way his point of view on capitalism. Because of this bias, technicality is absent from the book and some will therefore perhaps find it simplistic, simple to access, simple to understand, simple to read, simple in its presentation... In a world where money buys everything, where the media is almost all under the control of billionaires, it feels good to hear a discordant voice telling us that this model of which we are the have-nots is not as pleasant for all the world and that it is even essentially inhuman for the majority of human beings. The examples (experienced and sourced) follow one another to support the author's point of view and clearly demonstrate that the sacrosanct "law of the market" kills a number of human beings every day much higher than the most dangerous of diseases...

  • av Jensen Cox

    The Second Cold War has begun. It will be profoundly different from the first. Many things will change for all of us, in the challenge between America and China no one will be able to remain neutral. The economy and finance, science and technology, political values ¿¿and culture, every terrain will be affected by the new conflict. We must stop talking about globalization as if it were irreversible: its retreat has begun. Fifteen years after his best-sellers The Chinese century and Cindia's empire, Jensen Cox returns to attack stereotypes, forces us to review clichés, opens our eyes. The world has changed much more than Westerners realize. The sunset of the American century and the possible transition to the Chinese century are forging ahead. We got distracted while China underwent a shocking metamorphosis: it has overtaken us in the most advanced technologies, aims for supremacy in artificial intelligence and digital innovations. It is at the forefront of modernity but remains an authoritarian regime, even tougher and more nationalist under Xi Jinping. Combining Confucius and meritocracy, she theorizes the superiority of her political model, and the crisis of the liberal democracies seems to prove her right. Italy is a land of conquest for the New Silk Roads. A historic Chinese invasion is underway in Africa. Two empires, one in decline and the other on the rise, are sliding towards confrontation. America has convinced itself that, "it is now or never", China must be stopped. Who is in the middle, like the Europeans, will it stay crushed? No one is equipped to face the coming storm. Not even the leaders of the two superpowers have a clear idea about the next installments of this story, about the final point of arrival. They set in motion forces that they themselves will not be able to fully dominate. A few years ago the two superpowers seemed to have become almost one, such was the symbiosis between the factory of the world (Chinese) and its outlet market (American). That era has ended and will not return. What many experts considered impossible is happening. The tariffs were only the accelerator of a divorce that will change the maps of our future.

  • av Jensen Cox

    All of them were surprised by his victory. Media outlets, pollsters, thinkers, and political scientists. Even more unexpected was the democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's assurance that she could defeat him during the primaries. If she had been elected, she would have been the first woman to serve as president of the United States. We all know that America is a nation of opportunity. It can also be the nation where the unthinkable can occur. Despite all odds, Donald Trump has been in the White House since January 2017. The American dream has become a nightmare for some people. Between startling declarations, diplomatic initiatives, and venomous tweets, his presidency has always held surprises.But who is Donald Trump really? The naive gaffeur unaccustomed to the rules of politics or the eccentric billionaire who, in the post-truth era, finally tells things as they are?

  • av Jensen Cox

    We were immersed in our own self-destruction, which is why an attack in the middle of Europe took us off guard. A long period of cultural disarmament had come before the West's strategic disarmament. We must destroy our self-esteem, place the blame on ourselves, and punish ourselves in order to adhere to the dominant worldview, which the elites propagate through academia, the media, popular culture, and entertainment. We no longer have ideals to offer the world and the next generation; instead, this ideological dictatorship claims that we only have misdeeds to atone for. Western suicide would be this. The fact that the autocrats of the new imperial powers are aware of our self-sabotage is another result of Putin's aggression against Ukraine, which was supported by Xi Jinping.It is already happening in America, the cradle of an extreme experiment. This pamphlet is a guide to exploring the unfolding disaster; it is a warning and an alarm.Europeans still struggle to understand all the excesses of the United States, yet the contagion of the Old Continent has already begun. Fierce censorship against those who do not adhere to politically correct thinking dominates universities, the list of silenced, hunted, fired personalities is getting longer. Only ethnic and sexual minorities have rights to enforce; and no duty. Extreme environmentalism, a neo-pagan religion of our time, demonizes economic progress and predicts a future of painful sacrifices or the imminent Apocalypse.The billionaires of digital capitalism control the young people social networks have made their slaves. Political correctness serves as a catharsis for the radical chic elite. That partnership between financial capitalism and Big Tech planned a globalisation that decimated the working class and impoverished the middle class, resulting in legions of the fallen. It is the method to escape one's obligations. By supporting the fight for minorities and the environment, the unpunished world has now joined forces with the intellectual elites. The social quiz is dismissed. Mass disparities in wealth access no longer exist. There is only "one world to save" and a variety of sexual orientations or ethnicities to incite to seek restitution.In America this is the Gospel of the multinationals, in Hollywood and among the millionaire sports celebrities. In Europe, conformism has the seductive face of Greta Thunberg and Carola Rackete. The radical fringes don't need a mass consensus; they have learned to seduce the establishment, to hoard university professorships, to occupy the media. They can impose a new value system from above. Most of us suffer what is happening: we have not consented to suicide.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Ronald Reagan es elegido presidente de los Estados Unidos por abrumadora mayoría el 4 de noviembre de 1980. Es una avalancha: Jimmy Carter, el presidente saliente y demócrata, que se postulaba para la reelección, sufre una humillación como Ronnie, como le llaman sus amigos. , gana en 45 de los 50 estados. A pesar de las probabilidades, la elección de Reagan a la casa blanca fue recibida con sorpresa: ¿un ex actor de Hollywood muy conocido por los televidentes fue elegido para gobernar la superpotencia más poderosa del mundo? ¿Fue una apuesta arriesgada o un hecho adelantado a su tiempo?La de Ronald Wilson Reagan es en realidad una historia completamente estadounidense. Nacido en Tampico en 1911, en ese entonces un pueblito de Illinois, el pequeño "Dutch" -como lo apodan en la familia por las líneas regordetas de su rostro- creció en la región geográfica que es el corazón palpitante de las estrellas. y rayas nación, el Medio Oeste. El padre es un católico irlandés sin trabajo estable y con el vicio del alcohol, la madre una mujer muy religiosa, devota de la iglesia de los discípulos de Cristo. Después de graduarse en economía, Reagan llega a Hollywood casi por accidente y tiene una carrera digna en el mundo del cine, hasta que descubre la importancia del compromiso político, primero como presidente del sindicato de actores (gremio de actores de pantalla) y luego como gobernador de California de 1967 a 1975 en las filas del partido republicano, él que había sido simpatizante del demócrata Roosevelt en su juventud. La subida a la gran fiesta antigua ya estaba trazada.Cuarenta años después de que Ronald Reagan asumiera el cargo en la casa blanca, Jensen Cox dedica una biografía detallada y conmovedora al presidente más popular de la América moderna, llena de información, noticias y anécdotas.Si hoy se recuerda la década de los ochenta del siglo XX como una época feliz de bienestar y prosperidad económica, se debe precisamente a ese impulso de optimismo, pragmatismo y modernización que Reagan supo dar a Estados Unidos y en consecuencia a todos los países industrializados. naciones del oeste.Arquitecto, a nivel ideológico y cultural, de la "revolución conservadora" y antiestatista que caracterizó las últimas décadas del corto siglo, Reagan es también el presidente de los Estados Unidos que derrotó al comunismo soviético -y ganó la guerra fría-" sin disparar un tiro", como diría Margaret Thatcher. Ganándose un lugar en la historia para siempre.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Estábamos inmersos en nuestra propia autodestrucción, por eso un atentado en medio de Europa nos tomó desprevenidos. Un largo período de desarme cultural había precedido al desarme estratégico de Occidente. Debemos destruir nuestra autoestima, culparnos a nosotros mismos y castigarnos para adherirnos a la cosmovisión dominante, que las élites propagan a través de la academia, los medios de comunicación, la cultura popular y el entretenimiento. Ya no tenemos ideales que ofrecer al mundo ya la próxima generación; en cambio, esta dictadura ideológica afirma que solo tenemos fechorías que expiar. El suicidio occidental sería esto. El hecho de que los autócratas de las nuevas potencias imperiales sean conscientes de nuestro autosabotaje es otro resultado de la agresión de Putin contra Ucrania, que fue apoyada por Xi Jinping.Ya está ocurriendo en América, cuna de un experimento extremo. Este folleto es una guía para explorar el desastre que se desarrolla; es una advertencia y una alarma.A los europeos todavía les cuesta entender todos los excesos de Estados Unidos, pero el contagio del Viejo Continente ya ha comenzado. Censura feroz contra quienes no se adhieren al pensamiento políticamente correcto domina las universidades, la lista de personalidades silenciadas, perseguidas, despedidas es cada vez más larga. Solo las minorías étnicas y sexuales tienen derechos para hacer cumplir; y sin deber. El ecologismo extremo, religión neopagana de nuestro tiempo, sataniza el progreso económico y augura un futuro de dolorosos sacrificios o el inminente Apocalipsis.Los multimillonarios del capitalismo digital controlan a los jóvenes a los que las redes sociales han convertido en sus esclavos. La corrección política sirve como catarsis para la élite chic radical. Esa sociedad entre el capitalismo financiero y las Big Tech planeó una globalización que diezmó a la clase trabajadora y empobreció a la clase media, resultando en legiones de caídos. Es el método para escapar de las propias obligaciones. Al apoyar la lucha por las minorías y el medio ambiente, el mundo impune ahora se ha unido a las élites intelectuales. Se descarta el cuestionario social. Las disparidades masivas en el acceso a la riqueza ya no existen. Solo hay "un mundo para salvar" y una variedad de orientaciones sexuales o etnias para incitar a buscar restitución.En Estados Unidos este es el evangelio de las multinacionales, en Hollywood y entre los deportistas millonarios. En Europa, el conformismo tiene la cara seductora de Greta Thunberg y Carola Rackete. Las franjas radicales no necesitan un consenso de masas; han aprendido a seducir al establishment, a acaparar cátedras universitarias, a ocupar los medios de comunicación. Pueden imponer un nuevo sistema de valores desde arriba. La mayoría sufrimos lo que está pasando: no hemos consentido en suicidarnos.

  • av Jensen Cox

    The world of cryptocurrencies and bitcoins has drawn more and more attention from traders and investors in recent years.Despite the fact that most people have heard of these new investments and payment methods, many still don't fully comprehend what they are and how they operate.The guidebook mentioned in this text provides a special chance to learn everything you need to know to start using cryptocurrencies deliberately and profitably.After providing a theoretical examination of the fundamental properties of cryptocurrencies, the article will provide you with helpful guidance on how to approach this market appropriately and on the key factors to consider before making any financial transactions.As stated in the text, there are presently more than 6,000 different cryptocurrencies available, each with unique properties and potential for profit.You can learn from the book which currencies are currently the most profitable and which ones you should stay away from, giving you the knowledge, you need to make wise judgements.Additionally, the book will give you all the knowledge you need to invest risk-free and safely. You will discover how to safeguard your money and stay clear of the traps and frauds that, regrettably, also exist in the cryptocurrency world.With this manual, you will have all the tools you need to become a successful cryptocurrency investor or trader.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Todos estaban sorprendidos por su victoria. Medios de comunicación, encuestadores, pensadores y politólogos. Aún más inesperado fue la seguridad de la candidata demócrata Hillary Clinton de que podría derrotarlo durante las primarias. Si hubiera sido elegida, habría sido la primera mujer en ocupar el cargo de presidenta de los Estados Unidos. Todos sabemos que Estados Unidos es una nación de oportunidades. También puede ser la nación donde puede ocurrir lo impensable. A pesar de todo, Donald Trump ha estado en la Casa Blanca desde enero de 2017. El sueño americano se ha convertido en una pesadilla para algunas personas. Entre declaraciones alarmantes, iniciativas diplomáticas y tuits venenosos, su presidencia siempre ha tenido sorpresas.Pero, ¿quién es realmente Donald Trump? ¿El ingenuo bromista poco acostumbrado a las reglas de la política o el excéntrico multimillonario que, en la era de la posverdad, finalmente cuenta las cosas como son?

  • av Jensen Cox

    There isn't a day that passes without someone bringing up China, yet both publicly and privately, the topic is frequently brought up using a basic narrative in which everything is black and white and the Celestial Empire is either completely wicked or the most effective location in the world. It is "superfluous" comments Jensen Cox "to underline how much both versions lead us astray".In this book, the author draws an essential map of a culture full of charm and, at the same time, profoundly different from ours. A compass that, bypassing the many clich? An enthralling journey of discovery that examines some of the most characteristic traits of the Asian giant: from the fascination of writing to the conception of society and time, from power "with Chinese characteristics" to the mechanisms that guide and determine foreign policy; and yet the pervasive influence of Confucianism and that of Daoism, the aspiration to "collective harmony" and the habit of "cinesizing" everything that the Dragon encounters on its way.Today's China a book-bridge that would like to avert the clash of civilizations for many now upon us. It is time to recognize that "the West needs China as much as China needs the West." On the horizon, "there is a very tiring job to do, a work of connection and weaving that can no longer be postponed, because without knowing and understanding one's interlocutor it is impossible to interact".

  • av Jensen Cox

    Is China really "close" as claimed in the title of a vintage arthouse movie? Jensen replies in his Dragon's Head, "No". It truly is a great distance away. Most importantly, it is unique. Because there are ten, one hundred, and thousand Chinas, the author, a sinologist who spent six years living in China, continues. When you explore them, it's like traveling through time, passing between isolated pre-industrial villages and cutting-edge smart cities where, while you're stuck at a stoplight on a moped, a drone might occasionally advise you to wear a helmet to avoid paying a large fine.Thanks to his work, Jensen was able to closely investigate the contradictions of this country and above all to see what has been defined as "the era of ambition" take shape and mature. Traveled by an unstoppable flow of energy, momentum and progress objectives, the Celestial Empire has in fact been able to transform itself and make the most of the advantages of globalization, in a dizzying ascent that has subverted geopolitical paradigms like never before.From the "New Mao" Xi Jinping to the challenge with the United States for global governance, from the Chinese Dream to the New Silk Road project, from the incredible technological innovations to the Hong Kong protests, the author takes us on an exciting journey through the today's China, clarifying stereotypes and reality, helping us to understand the present and the future of a country that is increasingly decisive on the global stage. In the new world order, for the first time we Westerners "have to deal with a different culture without our presupposing that we are better or superior to count or serve anything. A completely new scenario that requires listening, study, mutual understanding. It is a great challenge, the challenge of our time".

  • av Jensen Cox

    Once more, the world is set to alter. Americans picked the 46th president of the United States in one of the most closely contested elections in history at the conclusion of a year marked by unfathomable occurrences. The two new faces of the White House are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Tens of millions of people's hopes were sparked by their triumph, but they still face a difficult task. It will be intriguing to see how they attempt to lead the United States out of its most precarious situation in recent memory. Knowing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' White House will look like best comes from understanding who they are and what they have accomplished thus far. Because politics and power don't change people: they reveal them for who they are. Jensen Cox then draws a portrait of the new presidency by going through the extraordinary biographies of the two protagonists, and the moments that have marked their lives. From the 1972 election campaign, with which Joe Biden became the youngest United States senator, to the vice presidency alongside Barack Obama, from Kamala Harris' childhood in the West Coast African American ghettos to her career as a lawyer and prosecutor that l 'led her to write her name in American history even before she became the first woman, first person of color, and first Indian-American vice president of the United States of America. The victories, the defeats, the mistakes tell us something not only about the type of president and vice president who will rule the greatest world power, but also of the lessons they have learned throughout their lives, of how they have faced adversaries and obstacles. Above all, those victories, defeats and mistakes are representative "of a community that goes far beyond their people". Because "in their qualities and their limits, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris resemble America".

  • av Jensen Cox

    Ronald Reagan is overwhelmingly elected president of the United States on November 4, 1980. It's an avalanche: jimmy carter, the outgoing president and a democrat, who was running for re-election, suffers a humiliation as Ronnie, as his friends refer to him, wins in 45 of the 50 states. Despite the odds, Reagan's election to the white house was greeted with surprise: a former Hollywood actor who was well-known to television viewers was elected to rule the world's most powerful superpower? Was it a risky bet or an occurrence that was in advance of its time?Ronald Wilson Reagan's is actually an all-American story. Born in Tampico in 1911, at the time a tiny town in Illinois, little "Dutch" - as he is nicknamed in the family due to the chubby lines of his face - grew up in the geographical region which is the beating heart of the stars and stripes nation, the Midwest. The father is an Irish catholic without a stable job and with the vice of alcohol, the mother a very religious woman, devoted to the church of Christ's disciples. After graduating in economics, Reagan arrives in Hollywood almost by accident and has a decent career in the film world, until he discovers the importance of political commitment, first as president of the actor's union (screen actors guild) and then as governor of California from 1967 to 1975 in the ranks of the republican party, he who had been sympathetic to the democrat Roosevelt as a young man. The climb to the grand old party was now mapped out.Forty years after Ronald Reagan took office in the white house, Jensen cox dedicates a detailed and compelling biography to the most popular president of modern America, full of information, news and anecdotes.If today the eighties of the twentieth century are remembered as a happy season of well-being and economic prosperity, it is due precisely to that boost of optimism, pragmatism and modernization that Reagan was able to give to the United States and consequently to all industrialized nations of the west.Architect, on an ideological and cultural level, of the "conservative revolution" and anti-statist that characterized the last decades of the short century, Reagan is also the president of the United States who defeated soviet communism - and won the cold war - "without firing a shot ", as Margaret thatcher was to say. Earning himself a place in history forever.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Pam nad ydym yn deall y ddadl gwn sy'n ymfflamychu barn America? Mae'r hanesydd Jensen Cox yn esbonio ei darddiad a'i ddigwyddiadau cyfredol i ni. Bob blwyddyn, mae llofruddiaethau torfol yn plymio'r Unol Daleithiau i arswyd. Ac eto, mae'r rhyddid i fod yn arfog yn hawl sylfaenol, yn seiliedig ar yr ail welliant sacrosanct i'r Cyfansoddiad, a gefnogir gan fwyafrif o Americanwyr: y Gymdeithas Reifflau Genedlaethol bwerus, mamau heddychlon, helwyr, saethwyr chwaraeon, pawb sydd eisiau i amddiffyn eu hunain rhag ymosodiadau posibl, nad ydynt yn ymddiried yn eu heddlu na sefydliadau ffederal. Mae hyn yn cael ei ddadlau, gyda dadleuon cadarn, gan gefnogwyr rheolaeth arfau. Mae'r ddadl yn rhannu'r wlad, yn union fel erthyliad, y gosb eithaf a mewnfudo. Mae'n dal lle pwysicach fyth na'r wrthblaid rhwng y Democratiaid a'r Gweriniaethwyr. Mae'n achosi dadlau yn y byd crefyddol, academaidd a gwleidyddol. Mewn gair, mae'n ein trochi yng nghalon diwylliant America, mor agos ac mor wahanol i'n un ni.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Why don't we understand the gun debate that is inflaming American opinion? Historian Jensen Cox explains its origins and current events to us. Every year, mass killings plunge the United States into horror. And yet, the freedom to be armed is a fundamental right, based on the sacrosanct second amendment to the constitution, which is supported by a majority of Americans: the powerful national rifle association, peaceful mothers, hunters, sports shooters, all those who want to defend themselves against possible attacks, who trust neither their police nor federal institutions. This is disputed, with solid arguments, by supporters of arms control. The debate divides the country, just like abortion, the death penalty and immigration. It holds an even more important place than the opposition between democrats and republicans. It arouses controversy in the religious, academic and political worlds. In a word, it immerses us in the heart of American culture, so close and so different from ours.

  • av Jensen Cox

    El mundo de las criptomonedas y los bitcoins ha atraído cada vez más la atención de los comerciantes e inversores en los últimos años.A pesar de que la mayoría de la gente ha oído hablar de estas nuevas inversiones y métodos de pago, muchos todavía no comprenden completamente qué son y cómo funcionan.La guía mencionada en este texto brinda una oportunidad especial de aprender todo lo que necesita saber para comenzar a usar las criptomonedas de manera deliberada y rentable.Después de proporcionar un examen teórico de las propiedades fundamentales de las criptomonedas, el artículo le brindará una guía útil sobre cómo abordar este mercado de manera adecuada y sobre los factores clave a considerar antes de realizar cualquier transacción financiera.Como se indica en el texto, actualmente hay más de 6000 criptomonedas diferentes disponibles, cada una con propiedades únicas y potencial de ganancias.Puede aprender del libro qué monedas son actualmente las más rentables y de cuáles debe mantenerse alejado, brindándole el conocimiento que necesita para hacer juicios sabios.Además, el libro le brindará todo el conocimiento que necesita para invertir sin riesgos y de manera segura. Descubrirás cómo salvaguardar tu dinero y mantenerte alejado de las trampas y fraudes que, lamentablemente, también existen en el mundo de las criptomonedas.No lo dude, haga clic en "comprar ahora en 1 clic" y comience a descubrir el mundo de las criptomonedas ahora mismo.Con este manual, tendrá todas las herramientas que necesita para convertirse en un exitoso inversionista o comerciante de criptomonedas.

  • av John Miller

    The news is now dominated by finance. Its complexity, the size of the sums at risk, the speed at which fortunes may be made or lost, the dance of stock markets and currencies, the rise of forces outside the authority of states-all of this attracts or alarms. What some people see as a win for efficiency and freedom is merely the deadly upheaval of capitalisms to others. The author's initial goal in this essay is to dispel worries based on ignorance and to pose pertinent issues with icy rigour. Why does money go about, and who benefits from it? What is a speculative bubble, how does one start, and who pays the price in the end? Why does globalisation come with rising inequalities? Are obligations for pension funds now applicable to businesses?Have markets displaced states' whole economic power? There are several inquiries that the author responds to with analyses of exceptional lucidity. This is accomplished by utilising all the ramifications of a straightforward but subtle realisation: what finance deals in are always "promises," or rights to future riches that nothing can guarantee since the future is inherently unpredictable. A message that is stern but not devoid of optimism develops throughout this probe into the core of global finance. Globalisation does tend to provide more active growth occasionally, but it also creates a harsher, more unpredictable, and unequal society where those who are "competitive" are driven to isolate themselves from others. However, less unequal growth remains possible; it only depends on the return of political will, in forms that are, it is true, profoundly renewed.

  • av John Miller

    This book is the result of two years of investigation into the networks and methods of one of the most powerful men in france.An investigative book on the borders of business, politics and the freedom to inform. The authors are seasoned investigative journalists, those who don't let themselves be intimidated. Courage was needed to complete this investigation of vincent bolloré, a man who likes to own the media but not to be investigated. One of the authors was thus surprised one day to receive a summons asking him for 750,000 euros in damages for having just sought to interview the senior executives surrounding the businessman! 750,000 euros for just wanting to exercise the profession of informing, which supposes giving the floor to the people we are talking about, it is expensive to pay. Does mr. B have things to hide? Far from dissuading the authors, this unprecedented episode of intimidation of the press even before publication confirmed them in the idea that their investigation was for public health. Methodical construction of an empire with multiple ramifications. They dissect the methods and the personality, as admired as it is feared, of one of the most powerful men in france, who knew, in twenty years, to conquer political circles, spheres industrial and financial, in france and in africa. They tell the story of this universe, where politics, finance and media intersect and where moods are the prerogative of the weak and bluffing the weapon of the powerful. They wonder about the fragility of freedom information in a media world increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few financial empires.

  • av John Miller

    If you want to learn how to trade professionally on the stock exchange, you have to be aware that there is no one way and there is no holy grail of trading either. Becoming a professional trader is sometimes a hard and rocky road. But those who have walked it know that investing the time, effort, and dedication into trading is worth it.This book explains the most important basics that are required for professional stock exchange trading. The logic of trend trading is the most important technical basis that a newcomer to the stock market must internalize. Above all, it is necessary to constantly put oneself in the position of the other market participants. Because we traders have no chance to move liquid markets. All we can do is swim with the big capital and never trade against it.It was very important to the authors of this book to provide the reader with specific setups. But these setups won't help the reader much if they don't understand the logic behind them.The chapters on risk management and psychology are just as important here, because many mistakes lurking here are easy to make, especially for a novice trader. If the reader is to really derive any benefit from this book, then it is necessary to read it more than once. Because if you really toy with the idea of learning professional stock exchange trading, you not only need time, but also a lot of energy.

  • av Jensen Cox

    Estados unidos es un experimento maravilloso.Los padres fundadores eran plenamente conscientes de la naturaleza excepcional de lo que estaban haciendo cuando se reunieron en filadelfia primero en 1776 para discutir las justificaciones de la ruptura de las colonias con inglaterra y luego en 1789 para decidir sobre un sistema de gobierno para el nuevo país que había creado. Es cierto que ha habido revoluciones en el pasado. Sin embargo, nadie había intentado jamás alterar tan radicalmente la sociedad para construir desde cero una nación donde "todos los hombres son creados iguales".Ha llevado mucho tiempo actualizar esa visión y aún no ha terminado. Tal vez nunca lo sea. Una guerra civil prolongada y violenta, el descontento y la revuelta, la expansión física y la agitación política, así como la expansión económica y la recesión, han marcado la historia de estados unidos. Estados unidos todavía está realizando su experimento de libertad incluso como el país más poderoso del mundo en la actualidad.Este libro fue creado para que el experimento sea más fácil de comprender y apreciar. Puede leer sobre eventos como la llegada de colón, la gran recesión, la masacre de boston y el bombardeo del maratón de boston en sus sesenta y tres entradas.Debido a que con frecuencia damos por sentada la historia, es posible que ocasionalmente perdamos de vista la importancia y el significado de la historia estadounidense. A pesar de todas sus deficiencias, muchas de las cuales se enumerarán en las páginas siguientes, estados unidos es una nación magnífica. Puede escanear rápidamente los períodos altos y bajos de su historial y comprender cómo afectan al conjunto al hacerlo.Este libro no entra en gran detalle sobre ningún tema; en cambio, le brinda una descripción general amplia de la historia estadounidense para que pueda ver dónde ha estado la nación y tal vez incluso predecir hacia dónde se dirige.Dale un vistazo rápido a un billete de un dólar. El gran sello de los estados unidos, que fue aprobado al final de la revolución, se puede ver en el reverso del billete, en el lado izquierdo. "novus ordo seclorum", una cita del poeta virgilio, está impresa en la parte inferior del sello. "un nuevo orden de las edades" es lo que significa la frase. La revolución americana fue vista por sus creadores como una clara ruptura con el pasado. Debemos comprender y apreciar la historia de esa nueva era ya que somos sus herederos y participantes.

  • av John Miller

    Peak oil is back. In the 2000s, the idea that oil production would soon peak before declining shook the energy world. The shale oil boom in the united states seemed to invalidate this forecast, offering a reprieve to a world still addicted to oil. But this boom reveals its weaknesses, and the countdown continues. Without sufficient reserves, world production is likely to decline in the coming years. Based on hitherto confidential geological and industrial data, the authors raise the alarm about a largely ignored threat… except from the oil companies themselves! The era of plenty is coming to an end. If the economy does not anticipate this weaning, the consequences promise to be severe. In addition, warns this solidly documented work, the decline of the oil windfall risks causing major geopolitical upheavals. There is a solution: take our climate commitments seriously, and finally get out of dependence on oil. This book sounds like an urgent wake-up call.

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