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Bøker utgitt av National Association for the Education of Young Children

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    What Does Developmentally Appropriate Practice Look Like in an Infant and Toddler Program? If you’ve ever wondered how effective teachers actually do DAP with very young children, this is the book for you. Here, you can peek into classrooms to see teachers making intentional decisions in key areas of practice. These areas form the six guidelines for DAP in action:1. Building a community where everyone is welcomed and supported to grow 2. Facilitating reciprocal partnerships with families 3. Observing, assessing, and documenting children’s development and learning 4. Using teaching strategies that enhance learning for each child 5. Implementing curriculum tied to meaningful learning goals 6. Demonstrating professionalism You’ll discoverMore about what each guideline means for working with infants and toddlers and their familiesChapters that showcase articles from Young Children and NAEYC book excerpts—plus brand-new content—illustrating excellent teaching strategies related to each guidelineExamples you can model, adapt, and implement in your own practice Enrich and deepen your teaching, and enable children’s learning to flourish!

  • av Amy Scrinzi, Eva C. Phillips & Susan Friedman

    If you've ever wondered how effective teachers actually do DAP in kindergarten, this is the book for you. You will see how kindergarten educators provide integrated learning opportunities that you can adapt to create a robust learning environment that is play oriented and supportive of required mandates and expectations. You'll read about educators making intentional decisions in key areas of practice, which form the six guidelines for DAP in action:Building a strengths-based community where everyone is welcomed and supported to grow and learnFacilitating reciprocal partnerships with familiesObserving, assessing, and documenting children's learning and developmentUsing teaching strategies that enhance learning for each childImplementing curriculum tied to meaningful learning goalsDemonstrating professionalismThis book will inspire you to apply these guidelines to establish goals and create learning experiences that fit who and where your students are and advocate for practices and environments that facilitate equitable, joyful learning for all kindergartners.

  • av Janice K. Lee & Charis Lauren Wahman

    Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behavior Addressing challenging behavior is a daily concern for early childhood educators. It’s estimated that roughly 10 to 14 percent of children from birth to 5 years old demonstrate serious behavioral concerns, resulting in significant impacts to their learning and social interactions. Children engage in challenging behavior for many different reasons; preventing and responding to that behavior begins with understanding why it occurs. This book curates and organizes articles from Young Children and Teaching Young Children thatHelp teachers build trust and connections with childrenHighlight evidence-based positive behavior intervention and support strategiesAim to prevent suspension, expulsion, and other punitive disciplineSupport teachers and families in implementing effective teaching strategies for social and emotional skills children can use instead of challenging behaviorShow how to adapt practices to consider the cultures and contexts of children  Each article in this collection is accompanied by questions to prompt deeper thinking on the content. With this resource, fully see and hear children as you honor and support their well-being, as well as your own.

  • av Hilary Seitz

    Meaningful, developmentally appropriateobservationand assessment are core components of every early learning setting. In today'sworld of data collection, high-stakes testing, and accountability, it isvitally important to understand how to effectively assess young children infamiliar settings; use this data to inform the curriculum; and communicate thisinformation with staff, families, and communities.   Carrying on the work of the first volume of Spotlight on Young Children:Observation and Assessment, this book brings togetherall-new articles curated by Hilary Seitz, director for educator and leadershipprograms in the California State University system. Organized into threedistinct parts, the contributions Discuss changing the landscapeof observation and assessment Emphasize the need forassessment to be culturally and linguistically responsive  Showcase a variety ofreasons why educators use observation and assessment, exploring informationabout the foundations and meanings behind them  Highlight different facets of theauthentic assessment process and how to capture thinking and learning moments  Address reflecting on,celebrating, and including all children by identifying their uniquestrengths and needs and using a variety of supporting strategies   Each article in this collection is accompanied by questions toprompt deeper thinking on the content. With this resource, continue to grow yourunderstanding of how observation and assessment can guide your instruction andpromote children's learning.

  • av Amy Laura Dombro

    Fromthe authors of the bestselling book Powerful Interactionscomes a guide crafted especially for coaches and all professionals supportingthe work of early childhood teachers.  When the quality of interactions improves, relationships become deeper and stronger, which in turn leads to more effective learning and growth. Taking the three-step Powerful Interactions framework-originally created to enhance theinteractions between children and their teachers-this resource applies it to the interactions between teachers and coaches.  Thisnew edition offers Coaching principles, strategies, and stories to inspire and motivate your practice  Insights about developing a strengths-based coaching stance Information and ideas for building respectful, trusting relationships thatevolve into mutual learning partnerships You can set in motion ripples of positive change that extend to teachers and,ultimately, to young children and their families.

  • av Alicia L. Haupt

    Now more than ever, thehealth and safety of children requires the collaboration of educators, programadministrators, healthcare professionals, communities, and families. Understanding children’s health; creating, implementing, and following soundhealth and safety policies and procedures; and learning to treat and respond tohealth concerns and emergencies are critical to the success of every earlylearning program. Developed by pediatric physicians, healthcare providers, and early childhood educators, the fully revised sixth edition of Healthy Young Children focuses on how education and healthcare professionals can work with children and families to promote physical and mental health and provide safe and healthy environments.  Highlights of the new edition include discussions on The need for increasedsafety measures and training  The latest nutritionand physical and mental health standards and guidelines The importance ofcreating and updating health and safety policies and procedures The impact of theCOVID-19 pandemic on children, families, healthcare professionals, earlychildhood educators, and early learning programs  Plus, new features provide Recommendations formaking family connections Tips for health andsafety actions that can be implemented quickly A test bank of over150 questions for instructors  A full and extensivelist of references (available online)  This text references national standards and guidelines from organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics (Caring for Our Children), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).

  • av Bweikia Foster Steen

    "Families are their children's first teachers. Early childhood educators know this, but what does it mean in practice? Participation, involvement, and engagement are only the first steps toward the true goal: reciprocal family partnerships. Discover how to move beyond inviting families to program events or connecting them to resources and instead recognize them as experts who meaningfully contribute to children's learning and development. Based on over two decades of research by the author, this resource: Establishes why reciprocal family partnerships are essential within the contexts of child development theories, developmentally appropriate practice, and anti-bias education; Analyzes the important role that using a strengths-based approach plays in successfully building long-lasting relationships and partnerships; Provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and administrators examine and improve their practices for partnering with families; Uplifts the authentic feelings and words of a diverse breadth of families. Families have voices that are waiting to be heard--it's time to listen." -- Back cover.

  • av Dan Gartrell

    Learning to Work Cooperatively and Respectfully with Others Democratic life skills are skills that enable all of us-children and adults alike-to be caring, thoughtful members of families, schools, communities, and societies. But these emotional and social skills don't just happen. Teachers and families support and nudge young children toward them, using guidance techniques that calm and teach. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of this classic resource provides relatable anecdotes and practical strategies for teachers to understand Why building secure relationships with children and families is so important-and eight communication practices to build them How viewing misbehavior as mistaken behavior allows you to focus on helping a child learn better ways to meet their needs When and how to use specific guidance practices to promote children's healthy personal development and social cooperation How an encouraging learning community helps everyone move toward achieving their potential Whether you're a veteran teacher or just embarking on your teaching journey, you'll find what you need in this book to provide young children with a solid foundation for their-and society's-future.

  • av Monica Wiedel-Lubinski

    Bring to life the power of nature-based pedagogy and emergent curriculum to enhance learning for children. This book will clarify how to implement seasonal, nature-based, emergent curriculum with practical strategies for indoor and outdoor settings. Emergent curriculum is an approach that engages with children's interests to plan curriculum, in contrast to teachers planning the curriculum around a theme without input from children. Emergent curriculum is a central feature of NBECE, yet it is widely misunderstood in the context of outdoor learning. Readers will discover how emergent curriculum underpins NBECE pedagogy in lockstep with developmentally appropriate practices. This book provides a definition of nature-based early childhood education (NBECE) as it is applied in American early childhood settings. Each chapter contains topics that form the backbone of a nature pedagogy framework. Learning in nature is certainly not a new concept. It is as old as time and human existence. But in recent years, a renewed interest to unplug and get back to basics has brought this movement to the forefront of early childhood education. Until now, nature-based approaches have been loosely lumped into a bucket of environmental education, outdoor education, or recreation unless a school or program explicitly refers to itself as a forest or nature preschool, forest kindergarten, or something similarly named. This book defines nature-based early childhood education as its own educational philosophy. And while it is already being applied in forest and nature preschools, it is spreading into every imaginable early learning environment. At the opening of each chapter, you will find Guiding Questions as a starting point for reading. There are further Reflection Questions at the conclusion of each chapter to encourage more thought about what you have read. These questions may challenge previously held beliefs or practices as you examine how to apply new knowledge to your unique setting. The Teacher's Call to Action is a related challenge to help you deepen your understanding of nature pedagogy. Each chapter also includes examples of how NBECE is applied in programs across the United States. Research and best practices from nature-based early childhood education experts provide diverse perspectives for you to consider. An appendix includes workbook-style templates that teachers can pull out for outdoor/classroom use, to advocate with families/communities, communicate with parents, assess/reflect on their program and staff, document authentic learning. The foreword will be written by David Sobel who has spent the last twenty-five years working in the field of child development, place-based education, and parenting with nature. He currently serves as Senior Faculty in the Education Department at Antioch University New England in Keene, NH. His expertise and passion has led to authoring seven previous books and being identified as one of the "gurus and rock stars of environmental education" by Teacher magazine.


    Use this important pedagogical tool to improve teaching practice through case studies of real examples:Can be used on its own or in conjunction with the exhaustive content on DAP in Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs, which includes the full DAP position statementMore than 50 cases that address all age groups?infants and toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, and primary gradesCentered on the six DAP guidelines plus working with children with disabilities and multilingual learnersClear examples of culturally diverse, relevant, and individually appropriate educational practice in a variety of settingsMultiple points of entry for discussion in college classrooms and teacher inquiry groupsCross-references to DAP, fourth edition, that further understandingOnline faculty support, with sample classroom discussion questions and moreWritten and edited by more than 50 editors and contributors with diverse backgrounds and experiences

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    Applies the informationabout educating preschoolers that appears in the fourth edition of NAEYC’sessential resource DevelopmentallyAppropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from BirthThrough Age 8 ●       Examplesfrom exemplary teachers illustrate how the principles and guidelines of DAP canbe implemented in a variety of settings with all children●       Essentialfor teachers, program administrators, and providers of professional development●       Canbe used as a practical, accessible introduction to implementing developmentallyappropriate, responsive, equitable practices or in conjunction with readers’engagement with the fourth edition of DevelopmentallyAppropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from BirthThrough Age 8

  • av Tanya S. Wright

    The goalof this book is to help educators support young children’s literacy learning inways that make sense for their age and stage of development through learningopportunities for young children that build the foundation for reading andwriting.    This bookfocuses specifically on the ways that early childhood educators can help tofoster young children’s literacy development. The authors explain the latestresearch on supporting early literacy for infants, toddlers, and preschoolchildren and how early childhood educators can implement these practices withyoung children.Theauthors discuss five important areas for young children’s language and literacydevelopment and illustrates ten core practices of early childhood educatorsthat support these five areas. 1.       Language and conceptual knowledge2.      Print concepts3.      Phonological awareness4.      Writing development5.      Listening comprehension and viewing comprehension Eight Core Practices for Early Childhood Educators Within each chapter, eight core practices for early childhood educators are highlighted. These practices enable educators to support young children’s literacy development: Knowing Showing Designing Including Engaging Explaining Observing Responding

  • - Dual Language Learners in Diverse Environments in Preschool and Kindergarten
    av Iliana Alans

    While teachers cannot be expected to teach in all languages, the basic principles of this book help teachers gain a richer understanding of the interdependent relationship among culture, language, and learning. With this understanding, teachers can implement intentional practices that nurture children's bilingual identities.

  • - Choosing the Right Stuff for Learning and Development
    av Mary Benson McMullen

    Discover ideas for both familiar and new play materials and how they not only support the cognitive, physical, and social and emotional development of children from birth to age 3 but also meet the diverse needs of individual children.

  • - How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, Second Edition
    av Amy Laura Dombro

    Now revised and updated, this reflective guide contains everything you need to understand what Powerful Interactions are, how to make them happen, and why they are so important in increasing children's learning and your effectiveness as a teacher.

  • - Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower
    av Laura J. Colker

    Educators need access to accurate and useful guidance on helping children and families who have been exposed to trauma. Learn the basics of what trauma is, what the effects can look like, and specific types of trauma that may be experienced as well as targeted suggestions for creating trauma-informed practices that support children and families.

  • - Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens

    Offers practical guidance and tips for keeping equity at the forefront of the curriculum and classroom practices. A wide range of voices from the early childhood education field provide insight on various aspects of advancing equity, from supporting family diversity to considering children's language and culture when planning learning activities.

  • - Building Great Relationships that Support Young Children
    av Derry Koralek

    Cultivating positive, supportive partnerships between educators and families is an ongoing process, one that requires reciprocal respect and communication to grow. Use the practical information and ideas in this book to develop and embed a culture of family engagement in all aspects of your early childhood program.

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    - Equity and Diversity

    A collection of YC articles that highlights advancing equity and diversity in early childhood education. Tied to the forthcoming position statement on equity and diversity, this collection includes articles focused on self-reflection to recognise implicit bias, strategies to create equitable learning opportunities for all children, and advocacy.

  • av Julie Olsen Edwards & Louise Derman-Sparks

    Become a skilled anti-bias teacher with this volume's practical guidance to confronting and eliminating barriers of prejudice, misinformation, and bias about specific aspects of personal and social identity; most importantly, find tips for helping staff and children respect each other, themselves, and all people.

  • - Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
    av Julia Luckenbill

    Connecting theory to practice, this book highlights the importance of play for the social, emotional, and intellectual development of very young children. It combines theoretical and practical information and includes guidance about how to improve interactions with children, select materials for young children, and work with families.

  • - Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children's Thinking
    av Mary Hynes-Berry

    Use the powerful strategies of play and storytelling to help young children develop their ""math brains"". This easy-to-use resource includes fun activities, routines, and games inspired by children's books that challenge children to recognise and think more logically about the math all around them.

  • - How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning

    Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences; balance child-guided and adult-guided play; set up play environments with learning goals in mind; and offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children's reflection and deeper learning.

  • - Using the NAEYC Code
    av Nancy K. Freeman, Stephanie Feeney & Peter J. Pizzolongo

  • - Providing High-Quality Family Child Care
    av Marie L. Masterson

    Presents helpful information for all family child care providers including tips and strategies to help develop and manage a well-organised business; ways to maximize dual-use spaces and enhance learning materials and routines; guidelines and tips to help balance home and professional needs; and creative ideas to boost children's learning.

  • - Observation and Assessment

    This foundational resource for educators of children from birth to third grade explores what observation and assessment are, why to use them, and how; ways to integrate documentation, observation, and assessment into the daily routine; practices that are culturally and linguistically responsive; and more.

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    - Supporting Young Children with Disabilities in the Classroom
    av Pamela Brillante

    Educators looking for a simple, straightforward introduction to the core concepts of teaching and supporting children with disabilities alongside their peers will want to have this resource at their fingertips. This guide is filled with practical information that will help educators who work with children ages birth through 8 teach children with disabilities alongside their peers.

  • - A Resource Guide
    av Stephanie Feeney

    Full of engaging, effective ways to introduce the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and explore real-life, thorny ethical issues that face early childhood educators. Includes tools and techniques that the authors developed through their extensive experience teaching about ethics and the NAEYC Code.

  • - Fostering a Sense of Community in Preschool
    av Jacky Howell

    Rituals and traditions have the power to shape classroom routines into times that build meaningful connections and bonds among children, families, and teachers, creating a sense of community and a positive learning environment. This book includes examples and practical information about developing rituals and traditions in your classroom or preschool programme.

  • - Awakening Delight, Curiosity, and a Sense of Stewardship
    av Alice Sterling Honig

    There's a whole world outdoors waiting to embrace young children - with their curiosity, imagination, and enthusiasm - and to impart its treasures. This title invites you to explore this world with children from birth to age 8. Part ballad to nature, part irresistible invitation to teachers, this book will awaken and renew your own joy in nature - and move you to experience it with young children.

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