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  • - Breaking bread and sharing food. Cooking with refugees and locals in Lesvos.
    av Sophie Streeting

  • - A Memoir 1965-2020
    av Derrick Widmer

  • - The Prisoners With Open Doors
    av Victor Leonard Libermann

  • av A Spring

    Dream & Truth is a book about the philosophies of peace and war as experienced by A. Spring throughout his long and varied life. Encompassing stories from his career as both teacher and soldier, he draws deep and meaningful lessons from his experiences. This is a powerful appraisal of the need for peace in the world. Serving as both rallying call and blueprint for a clearer understanding of how the world should work, A. Spring's compelling penchant for writing is merely the first attraction to the reader. Documenting his life from tax official to military officer in South Vietnam's fight for freedom, to prisoner and emigrant. It is a seminal work of lasting international importance. The purpose of this book is to bring happiness to everyone and contribute to the creation of World Peace!

  • - The Story of Tallulah
    av Valerie Braithwaite

    Mistaken Identity is a children's story about Tallulah, a 31/2-year-old girl from a mixed-race family whose Auntie Valerie is a manager at a multicultural Day Centre.Tallulah and her mother are invited to attend a Black Awareness Course at Salford University in Manchester, and she is excited to learn new things and make new friends.The story explores how people identify themselves based on their skin tone. It highlights the importance of treating everyone equally, regardless of race, culture, gender, age, dress, or disability. With illustrations throughout, it is easy for children to understand and engage with the story.Overall, Mistaken Identity is a great book to help children learn about diversity and equality. It encourages them to appreciate differences and celebrate diversity while promoting kindness and compassion towards others.

  • - 50 Ways Not to Save a Planet
    av Robert Piller

    Climate Change. Everyone knows about it. Few are able to affect its outcome. Some profit from it, others are destroyed by it. Read THE HAPLESS CONSERVATIONIST by Robert Piller and decide which category you fall into. Maybe even YOU can affect the outcome!

  • av David Chaplin

    Can Do Better tells the story of David Chaplin's life from a shy and unpromising schoolboy, through his time of devoted service as the head teacher of a country prep school and concluding with his adventures working with children in Rwanda, work which earned him an OBE for services to the country. This elegantly written and inspiring story is packed full of amusing, witty and insightful anecdotes, while at the same time displaying how, with hard work and perseverance, early influences and challenges in life need not define the course of a person's career or what they can achieve for themselves and others. Also on his journey we are invited to consider with David what constitutes effective education and how it can be delivered to people of all backgrounds.

  • av Steve Crowley

    Thirteen people dressed in cloaks, stood in a circle. There was a dead goat. They had poured its blood into a silver cup and were drinking it. At this point Rob my friend made a noise as he had a cramp in his leg from bending down. He was heard at once. We started to run away but were caught. They brought us to the circle where the leader gave us an ultimatum; we could leave and say nothing. He warned us, that it wouldn't just be ourselves in trouble, it would be our family's as well. My friend Rob said he would not say anything, but I said I was interested in what they were doing could I join them, and could they teach me. After ten minutes they came over, and said I could join them, but that it was unusual for someone so young to want to join.I had now joined the 13th Coven of Witches.

  • av M R Sethi

    Everything you wanted to know about T.S. Eliot, one of the most popular poets, dramatists and critics of the twentieth century: Whom did T.S. Eliot write more than 1100 letters to, the archive of which was opened on 2 January 2020 at Princeton University Library fifty years after her death?What physical limitation did T.S. Eliot suffer from?Which of T.S. Eliot's poems is considered to have ushered in a new trend in modernist poetry?Who did Eliot dedicate his poem The Waste Land to?Which play of T.S. Eliot's portrays the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral?Which was the first long poem written by T.S. Eliot after his 1927 conversion to Anglicanism?Find answers to more than nine hundred such questions from the first Quiz Book on T.S. Eliot. A veritable reference book for Eliot scholars as well as lovers of English literature.

  • av Donal Hanley

    Gaelic football has been played in Ireland since time immemorial. The creation of the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) brought about the modern game and forged rivalries between counties that would stand the test of time. In this detailed work, Donal Hanley maps out the progress of this wonderful Irish sport from its foundation in the Hayes Hotel, Thurles in 1884 to the thrilling encounters of the present day. With every poetic turn of phrase Hanley encapsulates the intense action and breathtaking atmosphere of Peil Ghaelach. Shining the spotlight on every county and club in turn, he focuses his attention on the high and lows of the participating teams backed up by a meticulous analysis of facts and figures and the characters he's met.

  • av Julie Samuel

    In this warm and candid autobiography, Julie Samuel tells the fascinating warts-and-all account of her life on stage and the big screen, beginning with her childhood in post-war England, giving rise to the genesis of her acting dreams as an aspiring child starlet and ultimately her career as an accomplished actor. Julie paints a vivid picture of the glitz and glamour of the showbiz life but also reveals the murkier side of the industry, interwoven with intriguing anecdotes about Julie's experiences meeting many notable actors and celebrities. Spanning a career begun in the 1950s, Julie's life story draws the arc of cultural awakening which has swept Britain in the last few decades and illustrates her innate adaptability to the challenges of being an actor and a woman in a changing world.

  • av Geoffrey Hart

    Geoffrey Hart gives us an entertaining account of his life experiences; definitely biographical, comprising short excerpts describing prominent elements that governed his life. He describes his preschool experiences, his working life including being a handyman, with skills as varied as working as a carpenter, a delivery driver, working in the building industry and for the majority of his working life; he worked as a postman for the Royal Mail in the UK. Always something of a rebel; he dropped out of school to pursue a multitude of careers. With a wry sense of humour, he gives the reader a fresh take on a multitude of topics. He provides the reader with his personal insights into such diverse topics as marriage, adultery, golf, motor cars, and particularly shows his deep love of animals.

  • - A Guide to International Relations since 1945
    av Jonathan George Farley

    Are you confused or overwhelmed by international relations in general? Then The Struggle for Power: A Guide to International Relations since 1945 is for you. It takes the reader through the main developments which have occurred since the end of the Second World War and portrays how international relations now stand two decades into the 21st century. It covers two chronological periods, 1945 to 1991 and 1991 to the present day with the Cold War, East and West confrontation, arms control, mutually assured destruction, the rise and fall of détente, the weakening of the Soviet leadership post 1982, the accession of Gorbachev in 1985, the Commonwealth, and Europe from the Rome to Maastricht Treaties 1958 to 1992 plus several regional studies such as the Middle East, Africa and China.

  • av Elena Grigorieva

    Have you ever wondered how animals and humans on planet Earth evolved from primitive single-celled organisms into the complex animals and humans of today? Elena Grigorieva has used simple pictures and brief descriptions to demonstrate how animals and humans have evolved from single-celled creatures, called protozoans, to multicellular metazoans over aeons of time. This is a key question that scientists and laymen have long puzzled over. This book is particularly useful for young people, schoolgoers and undergraduate students as it describes how the eight predominant bodily systems collaborate.There is rising curiosity about the future of human beings, and the simple answer is that the future of humankind is in the hands of humans. The possibilities are infinite.

  • av Alistair Tulloch

    Medicine and Other Topics is the story of Scottish-born GP AJ Tulloch, from his two-year RAF National Service in the 1950s, which took him to Egypt, through to his becoming a partner in a practice in Bicester, Oxfordshire. Along the way, we learn of his interest in Structured Records Systems, Geriatrics and Obstetrics.A mix of political and social commentary from a retired doctor, steeped in the traditions of the National Health Service, this book comes at a time when the issues discussed could not be more relevant. NHS underfunding, tax-cuts for the rich and Brexit, have contributed to the crisis in health that Britons today face, in Dr. Tulloch's opinion.Dr. Tulloch offers a personal, vivid, warm-hearted autobiography, coupled with an examination of life in Britain, past and present.

  • av David Lanigan

    David Lanigan first flew in an aeroplane at the age of 12 at a local civilian flying training school. This sparked a love for flying in the young man, prompting him to learn to fly and join the RAF at age 18; what followed was a long and exceptional career in flying, both with the RAF and with private companies. Follow along as this young man from Dorset sees the world, builds a family, and saves lives, all the while learning more and more about helicopters and life.Front cover photo: Team work is key. SAR crew of pilot, navigator and winchman returning from rescue training in Bridlington Bay, Yorkshire, 1970. In the background is a Westland Whirlwind Mk.10, which equipped UK based RAF SAR squadrons.Back cover photo: Sikorsky S61N in UN colours, taking off from the UN base at Knin, during operations in Croatia, in 1995.

  • av Kevin Shimmin

    The Seven Magic Animals takes the seven toy animals of Mr. and Mrs. Russell on seven different adventures. The Monkey travels to Africa to find out why he has no name, Izzy the cat travels to the Isle of Man to find out why she has no tail, Kuala the cat travels to Kuala Lumpur to set up a cat refuge, Lumpur the bear travels to Canada to help build a railroad, Brutus the piglet travels to Costa Rica to rescue a herd of pigs who have become trapped inside a giant dormant volcano, William the cat travels to The Arctic on a mission to save the earth as time is slowing down and Ted travels to meet a wizard to take him back in time. On their adventures the seven animals meet other forest animals such as snakes, polar bears, arctic foxes, monkeys, penguins, fairies, bears and wolves.

  • - A complete course in entertaining children
    av David A Ralph

    If you've ever thought about becoming a children's entertainer but had no idea where to begin, this book is a comprehensive resource for developing a business idea into a creative, thriving enterprise. Each section guides you through the process, beginning with the basics, from how to develop your professional image and source contacts and bookings, to in-depth examples of industry-approved routines and party games.For those wishing to diversify, there is also guidance on providing entertainment in adult venues and advice on avoiding the pitfalls that can damage your business. So, choose your character and get started on an exciting new career!

  • - balancing our treasures in daily life
    av Carin Vijfhuizen

    This book is for anyone who is interested in the intricacies of daily life. Daily life consists of various contexts in which we, as explorers, discover and develop our treasures. Our journeys are not without challenges. We learn to lead and follow through which we find our treasures that we need to strengthen: this makes life worthwhile. On our journeys in daily life we shape our value, values, and learn how to value ourselves and others. This is the process of making ourselves authentic and putting our colours on display. Organisations, economies and countries go through the same processes and make themselves of value too. Our personal accomplishments culminate in a legacy, which is a spin-off of our explorations.Dr. Ir. Carin Vijfhuizen is a rural development sociologist and an international expert in capacity and institutional strengthening, leadership and gender.

  • - When Invisible Angels Guide and Protect From the Ups and Downs of Life
    av L S Samuels

    The early life of L. S. Samuels was a struggle, but she was a happy child. She was born in Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Despite impossible odds, her parents always did their best to help to keep the family together. She lived at a time when apartheid reared its ugly head and she was forced to run the gauntlet of her abusive fellow peers.Survival was the name of the game but through it all she emerged a stronger, more assured person. She was devoted to her family through all their trials and tribulations and would always go the extra mile to make sure they achieved their potential.She was always occupied, be it as a teacher and latterly a registered nurse where she had to prove her adaptability. That she came it through it all was a credit to her and her family.

  • - If You Don't Know Where You're Going ... Any Bus Will Get You There!
    av David Bailey

    How to Build an Effective Sales Strategy is all about the simple mechanics of driving a business forward.You need to know what you are driving, how it works, how to keep it on the road, and what fuels it.You need to know the purpose of a business, the art of sales generation, maximisation of profits and how to avoid the potholes. Many entrepreneurs struggle to get their business to the next level. Many experienced leaders have become stuck in a rut. For both scenarios it is difficult to see a way forward. For great advice on how to get the best out of employees and teams, let the author help you to manage your business better, guide you with motivating and directing staff or simply help you to increase sales and have an effective plan for future growth.

  • av Nicole Klein Gomes

    Lisa geht abends nicht gerne zu Bett; zu groß ist ihre Angst vor der Dunkelheit und den Monstern, die in den Schatten lauern. Doch all das ändert sich blitzartig, als sie auf Charlie trifft, einen kleinen Dämon, der ihr hilft, sich ihren Ängsten zu stellen.

  • av Holger & Doris Seuß

    Vom Komapatienten bis zum beruflichen Wiedereinstieg: Holger Seuß schildert, wie er nach einer schweren Herzoperation langsam wieder auf die Beine gekommen ist ¿ trotz etlicher ärztlicher Fehler und Irrtümer.

  • av Harald Niederbrucker

    Liebe, Hoffnung, Heiterkeit, Schönheit, Traurigkeit und Natur: Kraftvolle, zärtliche und tiefsinnige Poesie, die zum Nachdenken anregt, einen zum Schmunzeln bringt und zur Reflexion über die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens und die Schönheit der Natur anregt.

  • av Yvonne Küttel

    Autobiografie einer jungen Frau mit diversen psychischen Erkrankungen, von Alkohol-, Drogen- und Medikamentensucht über Halluzinationen, Schizophrenie, Borderline, Bulimie, Depression bis hin zur Suizidalität. Mit Interview und Hilfsblättern im Anhang.

  • av Philip H. Pelly

  • av Laura Somos

  • av Jan Johnson

  • av David M Thomas

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