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  • av Kathryn Milne

    Takes the career of Spurius Ligustinus, detailed by the Roman historian Livy, as a focus, giving a very human and empathetic approachability to the author's lucid and thorough analysis.Inside the Roman Legions aims to tell the story of the Roman soldier through a holistic, empathetic examination of what the experience of military service in the Middle Republic was really like. It traces real examples of soldiers described in the ancient sources to reveal how they traveled, how they were organized and what campaign objectives they faced. Specifically, the author follows the ordinary soldier Spurius Ligustinus, whose life is related by the historian Livy, as an example, detailing the experiences of his career. The book begins by discussing the young future soldier's background and what military values were conveyed to him through the prevailing culture of the time. It then follows him through a range of potential experiences, examining camp conditions and training with various types of weapons and armor, and proceeds to take the reader through the experience of fighting in a pitched battle step by step. It also addresses experiences that only some soldiers would have had, such as escaping a total defeat, deserting, or being subject to unusual punishments. Throughout, the focus of the book is on how the individual might be shaped by the experiences as they are described.

  • av Dmitry Degtev

    On 1 May 1960, a traditional military parade was held in Moscow. What stood it out from the previous ones, however, was the number of missiles, and in particular the ground-to-air anti-aircraft variants, that were present.There was perhaps nothing surprising in this dominance of missiles, for Nikita Khrushchev had already declared that the so-called Rocket Troops were to be the 'main branch of the armed forces'. Not for nothing had the Politburo allocated huge sums of money and the best scientific minds to the on-going development of these weapons and units. In fact, there was no fly-past over the Red Square in 1960 as Khrushchev considered aircraft to be a 'dying species'. From then on, it was being stated, military aviation would be assigned little more than an auxiliary role in the defense of the Soviet Bloc.Khrushchev's assessment of the future of aircraft was seemingly confirmed by an incident that occurred more than 1,000km to the east of Moscow. For what the spectators and participants of the grand 'rocket' parade did not know was, that in one of the key events of the Cold War, an American high altitude reconnaissance Lockheed U-2 jet had, barely hours before, been shot down over the Urals by one of the types of missiles that were passing before them.Based on documents held in the CIA's archives, declassified documents released by the Russian Ministry of defense, and the memoirs of participants in the events in question, this book explores the true story of the preparation, implementation, and consequences of the U-2 reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Cuba between 1956 and 1962. For the first time, the author reveals the military plans that were activated in the Eastern Bloc to combat the U-2 missions, and how the Soviets tried unsuccessfully to create a fighter-interceptor to operate in the stratosphere. This book also reveals which secret locations and objects were photographed by the U-2, including those which remained unidentified, and investigates where the secret center of the Russian atomic project was actually located and whether the U-2 was able to find it. What was the true reliability and value of the information received from America's U-2 operations?The reader will discover which objects were confiscated from Francis Gary Powers, the pilot of the U-2 brought down, following his capture, and why was he had been issued with women's jewelry and watches before his fateful flight? The Soviet view of the incursions by Powers and his fellow U-2 pilots is laid bare - revealing just why the Powers' name is as widely known in Russia as that of the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

  • av Richard Marks

    In 1970, British Railways Board established a new subsidiary company to take over the design, manufacture and maintenance of its rolling stock. British Rail Engineering Limited (BREL) was born. The company drove a new era of rail technology and this new company history tells the dazzling story of BREL from its humble beginnings up until its sale in 1992 during the controversial privatization of Britain's railways.The company's work in designing the iconic new trains that would take Britain's railways into a new era is examined alongside its relationship with subcontractors and private manufacturers, as well as its tumultuous relationship with British Railways Board. BREL's struggles to deal with the legacy of the outdated and obsolete stock and infrastructure it inherited are examined in the light of new research.BREL's little known success as an international exporter of British designed and manufactured trains is explored fully.The company's heyday as a leading-edge technology manufacturer and its relationship with British Railways Research Division left not only a history of iconic trains but a legacy which is still with us on today's modern railway.

  • av Nicholas Milton

    During the Second World War, hundreds of games were manufactured by the British, Germans and Americans aimed at children. Despite being cheaply made due to the wartime economy, the games were often fun to play and challenging to win. They also had considerable propaganda value helping to manipulate children into supporting the war. To get their attention, many of the games incorporated dramatic artwork and were based on real wartime events from the evacuation of children in 1939 to the dropping of the atomic bomb in 1945.This book features a large selection of different games produced by the British, Germans and Americans and tells the stories behind their wartime propaganda. The Nazis in particular prided themselves on producing games which promoted and glamorized war, exploiting children's patriotism and pride in German conquests. Some of their most insidious games included Juden Raus! (Jews Out!) and Bomber über England (Bomber over England). However, the British and Americans also produced unethical games like Target for Tonight which promoted the carpet bombing of Germany and Atomic Bomb, a dexterity puzzle about the nuclear bombing of Japan.The games featured in this book include roll and move games with a board and die, pinball and similar 'shooting' games, dexterity and other puzzles and card games. They were made out of paper, card, wood, rubber, bakelite plastic and initially metal. Remarkably despite wartime restrictions games were manufactured throughout the conflict to meet the demand from boys and girls as they closely followed the changing fortunes of the war. Today many of the games have become scarce so for collectors a guide to their value and rarity is included.

  • av Robert Burnham

    There are many books on Wellington's campaigns during the Peninsular War. Yet very few examine the pivotal year of 1811, when he went on the offensive and forced Napoleon's armies back over 300 kilometers, from the doors of Lisbon to the Spanish border. For two months he pursued the retreating French, fighting skirmishes and rearguards virtually the whole way.The French finally halted at the Spanish border and turned on Wellington in early May, where an epic three-day battle was fought at Fuentes de Oñoro. The rest of the year, Wellington defended the border while making plans to liberate Spain in 1811. Wellington's Light Division and the defense of Portugal looks at the famed Light Division as it led the pursuit of the French and was involved in almost every combat and battle fought that year.The book also explores the stalemate of January and February 1811, where the division maintained outposts overlooking French positions in the vicinity of Santarem, as well as the pursuit of the French Army back to Spain in March and April, when the division fought many skirmishes, combats, and small battles, often on its own. These include the actions at Pombal, Condeixa, Redinha, Casal Novo, Foz d'Arouce, Freixada, and Sabugal. May saw the Light Division in a desperate fight at Fuentes de Oñoro, where for much of the battle it held the army's right flank.For the rest of the year the Light Division was in the vicinity of Ciudad Rodrigo where it occupied ground that it held for much of 1810, where it served as Wellington's advance outposts. The assumed similar positions and were engaged at Fuente Guinaldo and El Bodon. In addition to these fights, the book will examine the changes in the organization of the division, with the addition of new battalions and release of other units. It will also go into great detail on the problems it had with command and control - with its leading officers exhausted, requesting permission to return home to recuperate.Drawing on diaries, letters, and memoirs, the authors tell the story of the officers and men who fought in the division. Many of these sources have never been published before.

  • av Mark Hillier

    So often it is daring, even dashing, exploits of the fighter pilots which attract the most interest. Theirs is, indisputably, the glory - but not theirs alone. For it is the groundcrew who kept the aircraft in the sky who deservedly share in that glory.The bond between pilots and their groundcrew was often an immensely powerful one. Each day they took to the sky the pilots put their lives in the hands of the fitters to keep their engines at maximum efficiency, the riggers who maintained the airframe and refueled the aircraft, or the armorers who serviced the guns and loaded the bombs. The ground crew, the 'Erks', were only too aware of the responsibility they bore. Nothing could be overlooked. Everything had to be done correctly, often under enormous time pressures and far from ideal conditions.Those conditions included coming under attack from the enemy, as the title of this absorbing and unusual book indicates. It was at his first wartime posting of St Eval near Padstow in Cornwall that Joe Roddis first came under fire in July 1940. This, though, was a minor affair compared with what was to come.As the Battle of Britain grew in ferocious intensity, Joe's squadron, No.234, moved to Middle Wallop - the groundcrew being flown in just as the airfield came under Luftwaffe attack. Joe was now firmly on the front-line, and his descriptions of the attacks inflicted upon Middle Wallop are detailed and exciting. Even more fascinating are his explanations of how each aircraft was prepared by the groundcrew, as they turned round the Spitfires as rapidly as possible to get them back into the air to beat off the enemy attackers. Under immense pressure, each function had to be carried out with great care and checked off before the aircraft could be released. The tension was immense.In September, the Battle of Britain having passed its peak, 234 Squadron returned to St Eval, where Joe remained until being posted to 485 (New Zealand) Squadron at RAF Driffield in March 1941. The squadron moved a number of times, to Leconfield, Redhill, Kenley and Kings Cliffe, while undertaking offensive operations across the Channel. It was eventually posted to Westhampnett where, among other tasks, it undertook night patrols.Joe's squadron was heavily involved before and during the D-Day landings and he, and his fellow groundcrew, were shipped over to France to support the pilots as the fighting moved ever closer to Germany. It is in those months after the Normandy invasion that Joe writes more expansively, his story culminating in the Luftwaffe's last futile throw of the dice - Operation Bodenplatte.There was, of course, a personal side to Joe's life and a surprising post-war reunion adds a touch of heart-warming tenderness to a story well told. It is a story in which Joe personally faced death and destruction on at least nine occasions.

  • av Richard Barrons

    The events are set out not just from a high command perspective but from grass-roots, with all the human suffering, trauma, compassion and even survival. There is real compassion and human understanding, especially in Bosnia, with sufferings of all sides.The writing is attractive and very readable, modest, self-effacing, honest, with hints of P G Wodehouse, and intimate. Readers will feel involved and brought into author's confidence - and this is a gift of good authorship.There are deep and important themes apart from immediate policy and action, notably the nature of war and warfare as a fundamental human condition, the real-life horror of war, and self-sacrifice. And examination of leadership is very impressive, with the trust which is vital to success. A chapter on 'surprise' in political and military history is fascinating for historians. Technology is a vital theme and covered for the lay reader to grasp and even cyber technology. The chapters on relations with other arms, government bodies including the MOD and distinguished colleagues, and all ranks, are highly informative and reveal what to some is a secret world.

  • av Lynn Hamilton

    Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist exposed a brutal but commonplace system of child exploitation to Victorian readers. Conditions in workhouses, factories, and child criminal gangs posed lethal and daily hazards to children born to poverty. Several much-needed reforms took place in the aftermath of Oliver Twist's publication. But what were the circumstances of childhood poverty in Victorian London and other English cities? And who were the real Oliver Twists?This book explores how nineteenth century laws and social institutions entirely failed to protect children born to poor and unstable families. Despite a horrible labyrinth of ten-hour workdays, illegal indentures, and forced emigration, however, many children overcame terrible prospects and thrived. Some of these remarkable stories of childhood resilience, innovation, and enterprise have been lost to the general reader. This book brings those stories back to light.

  • av June Woolerton

    Raises fresh questions about how Katherine Parr actually died and why she was buried so quickly, painting a vivid picture of the last days of a powerful queen.What killed Katherine Parr?She was the ultimate Tudor survivor, the queen who managed to outwit and outlive Henry VIII. Yet just over eighteen months after his passing, Katherine Parr was dead. She had been one of the most powerful people in the country, even ruling England for her royal husband, yet she had died hundreds of miles from court and been quickly buried in a tiny chapel with few royal trappings. Her grave was lost for centuries only for her corpse to be mutilated after it was rediscovered during a tea party. The death of Katherine Parr is one of the strangest of any royals - and one of the most mysterious.The final days of Henry VIII's last queen included a faithless husband and rumors of a royal affair while the weeks after her funeral swirled with whispers of poison and murder. The Mysterious Death of Katherine Parr dives into the calamitous and tumultuous events leading up to the last hours of a once powerful queen and the bizarre happenings that followed her passing.From the elaborate embalming of her body, that left it in a state of perfect preservation for almost three centuries despite a burial just yards from her place of death, to the still unexplained disappearance, without trace, of her baby, the many questions surrounding the death of Queen Katherine are examined in a new light.This brand new book from royal author and historian June Woolerton brings together, for the first time, all the known accounts of the strange rediscovery of Katherine's tomb and the even odder decision to leave it open to the elements and graverobbers for decades to ask - how did Katherine Parr really die?

  • av Ian Baxter

    This entry in the popular Images of War series features graphic contemporary images of Göring and other leading Nazis.A former Great War fighter pilot, Hermann Göring became, at his height, the second most powerful Nazi. Ambitious and ruthless, in addition to being a primary architect of the Third Reich state police and Gestapo, his numerous appointments included Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, Director of the Four Year Plan and playing a leading role in the Final Solution to the 'Jewish Question'. By the outbreak of the war in 1939, he was acknowledged as Hitler's successor and in 1940 was given the special rank of Marshal of the Empire and senior to all field marshals through the German armed services. Due to being held responsible for a number of military disasters, Göring's pre-eminent position declined as the war dragged on to the point where he was expelled from the Party for 'illegally attempting to seize control of the State'. Captured by the Allies, he was found guilty at Nuremberg of being a leading war aggressor and advocate of the persecution of Jews and other races. He cheated the hangman by committing suicide.The career of this leading Nazi is admirably described here in words and copious images.

  • av Daniel Braun

    The Sherbrooke Fusilier Regiment was a Canadian armored regiment attached to the 2nd Canadian armored Brigade which landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in support of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division and then fought through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany until VE-Day. As an independent armored regiment, it was assigned to support various infantry formations. As such, it fought the first major tank battle on European soil when it went up against the panzers and panzergrenadiers of the 12.SS-Panzerdivision (Hitlerjugend) on 7 June 1944. Its tanks entered Caen on 9 July and then took part in the advance to and the clearing of the town of Falaise. From there, the regiment pursued the retreating German forces towards the Seine River at Rouen. In a subsequent book, the author will explore the regiment's battles through Antwerp, the Scheldt, the Rhine River and the Hochwald Gap.

  • av Gabriele Esposito

    The Scythians were a horse nomads from the central Eurasian steppes who migrated south and west into the region around the Black Sea from the seventh century BC which they dominated until replaced and absorbed by the very similar Sarmatians from the third century BC. A harsh life spent riding, herding and hunting on the steppes made them into tough warriors, and highly skilled horsemen and archers. Their armies were highly mobile, mostly comprising swift mounted archers capable of elusive hit-and-run attacks but with the wealthier warriors constituting a core of heavier cavalry, armored and equipped for close combat. Over hundreds of years the Scythians fought, and often defeated, such notable opponents as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Greeks and Macedonians. Their Sarmatian successors continued the tradition, being among the Romans' most dangerous opponents for several centuries.Gabriele Esposito discusses these remarkable warriors of the steppes, analysing what made them such formidable opponents to their neighbours over the centuries. He describes in detail their weapons, armor, equipment and tactics as they evolved over the centuries. The fascinating text is supported by dozens of beautiful color photographs of replica costume, arms and equipment in use.

  • av Steven Taylor

    The first book devoted exclusively to exploring the development and use of aircraft designed specifically for high-altitude operations in World War II.In the summer of 1940, a new German aircraft began appearing in the skies over the British Isles. Unlike the rest of the Luftwaffe's fleet in the Battle of Britain, these aircraft were flying at a height of 40,000 feet and higher - way beyond the reach of the RAF's defending fighters.These virtually untouchable intruders were examples of the Junkers Ju 86P. The world's first operational combat aeroplane equipped with a pressurized cabin, they were able to reach a maximum altitude of 42,000 feet. The Ju 86P's introduction ushered in a new era of aerial warfare, where combat would take place at previously unimaginable heights.The Ju 86P was just one of many high-altitude aircraft projects developed by both the Axis and Allied powers during the Second World War. Others included the Vickers Wellington Mk.VI, Vickers Windsor, Boeing B-29 Superfortress, Junkers Ju 388, Heinkel He 274 and Henschel Hs 130. With pressurized cabins, such aircraft offered obvious tactical advantages: bombers and reconnaissance aircraft could operate safely above the maximum ceiling of the opposing side's fighters, prompting intense development - especially by the British and Germans - of pressurized interceptors to meet the threat they posed.Combat in the Stratosphere is the first book devoted exclusively to exploring the fascinating story of the development and operational history of aircraft designed specifically for high-altitude operations during the Second World War.But this is not a book solely about the machines themselves. It also focuses on the men who flew these revolutionary aircraft, both in the testing phase and in combat, and the physical challenges these courageous airmen faced, as they pushed themselves to the very edge of physical endurance in this desperate race to reach ever higher altitudes.Drawing on a wide range of sources, including air combat reports, British Cabinet files and Air Ministry documents, as well as first-hand accounts of aeronautical engineers and the pilots who flew these aircraft, Combat in the Stratosphere reveals the full story of this largely overlooked aspect of Second World War air warfare, high above the skies of Europe, North Africa, the Soviet Union and Japan.

  • av Stephen Wade

    A Dictionary of True Crime is a guide to the most compelling cases of extreme and violent crime in the writing files, from the 17th century to present day. Amongst notorious criminals like Jack the Ripper and the Moors Murderers, lesser-known but provoking cases which have occupied the writer's mind for some time are also discussed, with questions and theories posed, such as those of Walter Rowland, who was twice sentenced to die, and Louie Calvert who, Wade argues, was innocent of the crime for which she was hanged.As well as murder, other crimes, including baby farming, arson and treason are also discussed, along with criminals such as gangsters, pirates and highwaymen and punishments including hanging, flogging and being burnt at the stake. Professions within crime, for example detectives, hangmen, and the unexpected Kings' Messengers who were given powers of arrest in their duties feature, along with cases that have formed points of law which impact the courts even today, and oddities like the 'cutlery eater', a burglar with a strange calling card.Arranged in an A-Z format, this well-researched dictionary from crime writer Stephen Wade is the perfect read for fans of true crime.

  • av Martin W Bowman

    'The tempo of life here is just indescribable, ' reported one of the fighter pilots sent to the beleaguered and besieged island of Malta. 'The morale of all is magnificent - pilots, ground crews and Army, but it is certainly tough. The bombing is continuous on and off every day. One lives here only to destroy the Hun and hold him at bay; everything else, living conditions, sleep, food and all the ordinary standards of life have gone by the board. It all makes the Battle of Britain and fighter-sweeps seem child's play in comparison.'The aerial combat over and near Malta was some of the most ferocious of the Second World War. This is graphically detailed by the RAF pilots and their comrades from the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, in their own inimitable style. Spitfire Heaven - Hurricane Hell includes more than 120 first-hand accounts of the air war from the airfields built on this small, rocky island, and from the 'Club Runs' where the fighters were flown off the carriers of the Royal Navy and the US Navy straight into battle.These accounts include the previously unpublished story of Flying Officer Norman William Lee, as well as excerpts from the unpublished diary of an American airman, Pilot Officer Donald McLeod DFC. Serving in 121 Squadron, McLeod was among the reinforcements famously shipped to Malta on the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle.Also included in this gripping insight of the air war over this part of the Mediterranean are the experiences of Leading Aircraftman Ray Roberts, a 20-year-old engine fitter attached to 69 Squadron, who spent two years on Malta under siege conditions. There are also the reminiscences of 'Woody' Woodhall, a senior ground controller and a veteran of the Battle of Britain.These recollections spell out the severity of the daily pressures of incessant combat, hunger, disease and claustrophobic confinement on a remote island no bigger than the Isle of Wight. Their personal and inspirational accounts are testimony to the people who stood firm at a time of terrible adversity - to the heroism and skill of the pilots who day by day fought to the limit of their endurance, to the tenacity and courage of the groundcrews who toiled to keep their Spitfires and Hurricanes flying, and to the fortitude of the Maltese people whose indomitable spirit earned them all the George Cross.

  • av Norman Ridley

    Following the end of the First World War, many countries experienced economic decline. Unemployment, high inflation, low wages and poor working conditions led to widespread unrest. This manifested itself in the rise of powerful militaristic leaders, first in Italy where fascism was born, and then in Germany and elsewhere. The policies of the likes of Mussolini and Hitler were hugely popular, and fascism was seen by many as a viable political alternative to democracy.To some degree, these ideals also gained traction in the UK where some individuals in and among the elite of British society believed fascism was the way forward for the country. This is fully explored in Hitler's British Nazis which traces the evolution of extreme right-wing opinion from the turn of the century right through to the end of the Second World War. In particular it looks at the way British fascism developed its own character due to Britain having been on the winning side during the First World War.Early fascist movements of the 1920s are analyzed including the fascist tendencies of the Suffragette Movement. The book then traces the way in which domestic politics and the dire economic situation of the early 1930s created a political vacuum that was filled by Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirt Movement.Throughout the 1930s right-wing sympathisers looked to Hitler's Germany rather than to Mussolini's Italy for inspiration. Some members of aristocratic and political elites, many with virulent anti-Semitic views, saw in German fascism a template for Britain to build on but remained wilfully blind to the excesses of the Nazi regime that were getting worse by the day.The book looks at the way in which Nazi Germany was depicted in the press and how powerful press barons, many of whom were pro-German and supported Chamberlain's appeasement policies, were able to influence public opinion.The role of the Mitford sisters, Unity in particular, is explored in detail as is the influence of the Cliveden Set under the leadership of the Astors and perhaps most interesting of all is the role played by King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson as they flirted unashamedly with fascism and threatened to take Britain down a very different path to that which it took after the abdication.

  • av Hans Stober

    This is the first book in a series that describes in detail the establishment and combat history of the 17th SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Gotz von Berlichingen". By order of Adolf Hitler, this division was established in October 1943 in France and trained there until its first actions at the beginning of June 1944. It was certainly a unique Waffen-SS division because it fought exclusively on the Western Front. It fought against Allied units in Normandy at Carentan, in the Coutances Pocket, in Operation Luttich, and in the Falaise Pocket, and then retreated to the Seine and Meuse rivers. It refitted in Lorraine and the Saar for further engagements against American and Allied forces. This opening volume explores the division's formation and first battles in Normandy in 1944.This very detailed history excels on three levels: the author provides a continuous account of the overall situation on the Northwestern Front, daily and hourly reports on the actions of the division's units, and humanizes the fighting with many personal accounts by its soldiers. Maps and appendices provide a detailed picture of the division, its sub-units, and decisions undertaken by the higher command.

  • av Thomas Fischer

    The Leibstandarte, which started out as Hitler's personal bodyguard, was considered the elite within the elite of the SS. Even before the war broke out in September 1939, the Leibstandarte had started to expand and take on more and more military duties in addition to its representational function in guarding the Führer at the Reich chancellery, at his mountain retreat in Austria, or on his travels and parades. It participated in the occupation of the Sudetenland and then the rest of Czechoslovakia and the annexation of Austria. It started the war as a reinforced motorized rifle regiment and expanded almost exponentially during the conflict, eventually evolving into the 1. SS-Panzer-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler and providing much of the cadre for the I. SS-Panzer-Korps and the 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend. It gained a reputation in fighting that was unequalled among both friend and foe alike. It produced some of the most famous and highly decorated German soldiers of the war and historians still dispute the military capabilities of its long-time commander, Sepp Dietrich.While numerous titles have appeared concerning the Leibstandarte, this is the first one in English to put a human face on the elite formation. The author has gone to extraordinary lengths to locate and interview surviving members of the Leibstandarte, including the central figure of this narrative, SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Wilhelm Mohnke, who was with the Leibstandarte from the very beginning serving on the first guard mount at the Reich Chancellery in Berlin to the very end when he was in charge of the final defense of the governmental seat of power. He provides fascinating insights into the inner circle around the Führer and, indeed, Hitler's final moments and what transpired after his suicide. This book, the first of two exploring the men who made up the Leibstandarte, will focus on the Artillery, Panzer Grenadier, and Engineer units.

  • av Toni Mount

    Embark on a journey to Tudor England with this self-help guide that offers engaging tips and insights for navigating the challenges of the 16th century.Imagine you were transported back in time to Tudor England and had to start a new life there, without smartphones, internet or social media. When transport means walking or, if you're lucky, horseback, how will you know where you are or where to go? Where will you live and where will you work? What will you eat and what shall you wear? And who can you turn to if you fall ill or are mugged in the street, or God forbid if you upset the king? In a period when execution by beheading was the fate of thousands how can you keep your head in Tudor England?All these questions and many more are answered in this new guidebook for time-travellers: How to Survive in Tudor England. A handy self-help guide with tips and suggestions to make your visit to the 16th century much more fun, this lively and engaging book will help the reader deal with the new experiences they may encounter and the problems that might occur.Enjoy interviews with the celebrities of the day, and learn some new words to set the mood for your time-traveling adventure. Have an exciting visit but be sure to keep this book to hand.

  • av Devorah Omer

    "On Hanukkah, Uncle Haim the carpenter made Gil and Nurit a wooden dreidel. This was no ordinary dreidel."It is Hanukkah, and brother and sister Gil and Nurit have just been given a wooden dreidel; a special one, made just for them by their uncle. The children soon discover just how special this dreidel really is when they uncover its secret, hidden compartment.Gil and Nurit discuss which of their own things they should hide inside. Gil then decides that he will take the dreidel to his school Hanukkah party and offer a prize to the person with the best idea. But as he prepares to leave, the dreidel is nowhere to be found. When he fetches his jacket in the closet, however, he is met with a great surprise!The Extraordinary Dreidel is a light-hearted, family-focused story for children that will educate them about the traditions of Hanukkah and their place within the holiday. Aviel Basil's colorful, eye-catching illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to this enjoyable, meaningful tale.

  • av Chris Scullion
    325 - 415,-

  • av Sean Dunnage

    A lavishly illustrated book offering detailed how-to steps to build military models of the British & Commonwealth forces in multiple modeling scales in the Second World War. The book consists of scratch built, conversions and basic kit models of famous military vehicles built to a high standard through the entire process that will appeal to all modelers from beginner to advanced.With the growing amount of British and Commonwealth subjects being produced, now seemed the perfect time to create a book that explores these often overlooked subjects. I now have the option to build a motorcycle my mother rode in Berlin, the motorcycle my uncle used in Europe in 44/45 or a Ford 3 ton lorry that my father drove in Holland or even the Daimler armored car he commanded in Korea. I am sure the same goes for many others who had relatives in the wars of the early 20th century that being able to replicate these vehicles gives them a sense of closeness and understanding and a way to bring history alive.

  • av Wilhelm Tieke

    Between the Oder and the Elbe, the first of two volumes exploring the Battle for Berlin, examines the last months of the Third Reich and the defense of Berlin. It describes in detail the German attempts to stem the Soviet tide at the Oder River and the Russian drive on Germany's capital and Hitler's increasingly frantic and delusional efforts to halt the onslaught of the Red Army. Streams of German soldiers and civilians desperately tried to flee the city before it was surrounded. Their fate if captured by the Russians was too horrible to imagine.This account mixes the descriptions of the overall military situation with many personal accounts of small unit actions. The desperation, fear and resolve of the soldiers often turned to admirable feats of bravery as well as acts of cowardice and brutality. Hope for a last minute alliance with the Western Powers encouraged the Germans to defend to the limit of human endurance. Ultimately, the dashing of such an alliance and the possibility of capture by the Soviets drove many soldiers and civilians to suicide. The reader has the opportunity here to relive the last days of the Third Reich, as seen through the eyes of the German soldiers and the foreign volunteers who fought before and in Berlin. In one of the ironic incidents of the war, as German soldiers were trying to bypass Berlin to the north, a force of French Waffen-SS troops was trying to enter the city to defend it!

  • av Yael Gover

    A unique, educational tale for young children, telling the story of the creation of the world.This beautifully written, eye-catching book takes young readers on a journey through the story of creation. With the help of a magic paintbrush, the whole world is formed out of the darkness. First the oceans and land, then the moon and stars, followed by all the animals and people.The book is notable for the way it invites children to be creative and use their imagination: producing art is shown as a beautiful act of creation, and vice-versa. The message is a simple one: we all have the power to create beauty.This exceptional work of children's literature has been a long time in the making. The illustrations were originally produced in 1973 by renowned Israeli artist Paul Kor. More than 25 years later, award-winning author Yael Gover completed the text, and the book was published in Hebrew. For this much anticipated first English-language version of the book, Kor's original artwork has been rescanned, making the colors more vibrant and accurate than in any previous edition.This is a wholly unique book, made even more so by the fact that it recently made it into space! Israeli astronaut Eitan Stiva chose the book to take into space, where he read an edition of the work printed especially for the occasion - a spectacular journey for a spectacular book.

  • av Menahem Halberstadt

    Every night, Dora's dad puts her to bed, but tonight Dora doesn't want to go to sleep yet, so instead she decides to ask her dad a question. "Just one more thing...and then bedtime!"What Dora and her dad didn't know is that once you start wondering about the universe and the reasons why things are the way they are in the world, you will find yourself asking one question after the other.Dora's dad answers every question she has, but as the clock ticks and time goes by, will Dora continue asking questions or will sleep finally allow them both to continue dreaming?A heart-warming tale about how children will do anything to delay their bedtime and how we will never run out of things to be curious and grateful for.

  • av Bryan Cooper

  • av Arthur C. Wright

    In popular imagination the warfare of the Early Middle Ages is often obscure, unstructured, and unimaginative, lost between two military machines, the 'Romans' and the 'Normans', which saw the country invaded and partitioned. In point of fact, we have a considerable amount of information at our fingertips and the picture that should emerge is one of English ability in the face of sometimes overwhelming pressures on society, and a resilience that eventually drew the older kingdoms together in new external responses which united the 'English' in a common sense of purpose.This is the story of how the Saxon kingdoms, which had maintained their independence for generations, were compelled to unite their forces to resist the external threat of the Viking incursions. The kingdoms of East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria, Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Wessex were gradually welded into one as Wessex grew in strength to become the dominant Saxon kingdom.From the weak Æthelred to the strong Alfred, rightly deserving the epithet 'Great', to the strong, but equally unfortunate, Harold, this era witnessed brutal hand-to-hand battles in congested melees, which are normally portrayed as unsophisticated but deadly brawls. In reality, the warriors of the era were experienced fighters often displaying sophisticated strategies and deploying complex tactics.Our principal source, replete with reasonably reliable reportage, are the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, comprehensive in collation though subject to oral distortion and mythological excursions. The narrative of these does not appear to flow continuously, leaving too much to imagination but, by creating a complementary matrix of landscapes, topography and communications it is possible to provide convincing scenery into which we can fit other archaeological and philological evidence to show how the English nation was formed in the bloody slaughter of battle.

  • av Magda Czajkowski

    Authentic, dramatically realistic, showing the tragedy of a generation thrown into a hopeless battle. A priceless treasure against which other memoirs pale in comparison. Lech Dzikiewicz

  • av Julian Romane

    The First and Second Italian Wars describes the course of military operations and political machinations in Italy from 1494 to 1504. The narrative begins with the French conquest of much of Italy. But the French hold collapsed. The second French invasion gained Northern Italy. This time, the French allied with the Pope's son, Cesare Borgia.

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