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  • av E C Nakeli

    Angesichts der zunehmenden Angriffe auf alles, was das Christentum ausmacht, müssen die Gläubigen aufwachen und sich den finsteren Mächten stellen, die sie durch Hexerei und andere satanische Praktiken zum Schweigen bringen wollen. Sie können den Sieg Christi nicht nur in Ihrem persönlichen Leben, sondern auch in Ihrer Familie, Nachbarschaft, Region oder Nation durchsetzen. In diesem Buch Victorious Christian Living gibt der Autor Einblicke in den Kampf gegen die finsteren Mächte der Dunkelheit und wie man aus einer Position des Sieges heraus kämpft. Dieses Buch ist ein Schulungshandbuch für diejenigen, die ihren Platz als Soldaten des Kreuzes von Golgatha einnehmen müssen. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie: - Den Feind, seine Natur und seine Aktivitäten identifizieren- Die Waffen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen, und wie Sie sie einsetzen- Wie man das Spionagenetzwerk des Feindes außer Gefecht setzt- Wie man dauerhafte Freiheit von der Sünde erlangt- So erzwingen Sie Ihren von Christus erkauften Sieg

  • av Ckc Ezeudemba

    The need to remain on fire for God is all the more critical as we head into the last days. The icy hands of Satan, sin and the pleasures of this life is freezing the love of many. The Lord will come for a church and believers whose lamps are burning and are on fire for God. The Bible says "Let your waists be girded and your lamps burning and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he returns from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately" (Luke 12:35). To be like men who wait for the return of their master; we have to gird our waists and our lamps have to be burning. The uprightness or the virginity of the believer will be assumed; the difference maker will be spiritual temperature.Do I have oil in my lamp? Am I burning for God? Do I have an endless, intense longing and burning desire for God? The answer to these simple but far-reaching questions will determine whether we end up as the wise or foolish virgins. God cannot afford those with a cold desire for Him. A. W. Tozer says, "If you find worship boring, then you are not ready to heaven". Our call to be priests is a call to keep a constant spiritual temperature: keep the fireburning. The Bible says, "And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning...." (Leviticus 6:12). The minimum requirement of the Lord for us as priests is that the altar of our hearts should burn perpetually with fire.

  • av E. C. Nakeli

    Há muitas vozes chamando atenção na agitação da sociedade atual. Os agentes de Satanás falam alto e claro; As circunstâncias transmitem suas próprias mensagens de mil maneiras. Economia mundial, política, indústria e religião levantam suas vozes nestes últimos dias. Muitos filhos deDeus foram deixados em um estado de confusão, medo e pânico, sem saber no que ou em quem acreditar. Entre todas essas vozes, há uma que fala direto ao coração de qualquer um que preste atenção: é a voz do Pai para Seus filhos. Este livro, 105 coisas que Deus diz sobre você, é um livroescrito para ajudar os crentes a entender o que seu Pai Celestial está dizendo sobre eles e como se alinhar com as profecias divinas sobre suas vidas e ver a vontade e o propósito de Deus para suas vidas cumpridas. A voz que você ouvir moldará sua vida e seu destino. É hora de prestar atenção, acreditar e agir de acordo com o que Deus diz sobre você.

  • av Nakeli E. C. Nakeli

  • av Nakeli E. C. Nakeli

  • av Grace Epamba

  • av E C Nakeli

    In this book Victorious Christian Living, the author shares insight into the battle against the sinister forces of darkness and how to fight from a position of victory. This book is a training manual for those who must take their place as soldiers of the cross of Calvary. In this book, you'll learn: To identify the enemy, his nature and activities The weapons at your disposal and how to wield them How to incapacitate the enemy's spy network How to obtain permanent freedom from sin How to enforce your Christ-bought victory

  • av E C Nakeli

    One thing we all need today is the ability to understand and interpret the times in which we live in. The Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry rebuked the religious authorities for their lack of understanding of the times they lived in. In this book, "Understanding the Times", the author dissects and lays bare the interpretation of the times in which we now live, and present to us strategies through which we can maximize the times. There is no valid reason for you to live ignorant of how to interpret the times of this generation. If you desire to understand the times and make the most of the few minutes left, then this book is a must read for you."

  • av E C Nakeli

    The process of healthy growth and maturity in every area of life has its dynamics which much be understood and applied for the right results. When we cease to grow healthily, life or business or any undertaking becomes a frustration. In this book the author offers insight into the dynamics of spiritual growth and maturity. If there is a healthy growth, it means there can also be unhealthy growth. Drawing from decades of personal experience and Bible teaching the author shows you how you can engage the keys to complete growth and maturity in the things of the Spirit.

  • - Appropriating your inheritance
    av E C Nakeli

  • - Broken and Blessed
    av E C Nakeli

  • - Understanding God's Plan for the End Time Believer
    av E C Nakeli

  • av E C Nakeli

  • av E C Nakeli

  • - Entering the Fullness of Your Inheritance in Christ
    av E C Nakeli

  • - Volume 1 (Enraptured)
    av Stephen Enongene

  • av E C Nakeli

  • - How to Secure Your Future
    av E C Nakeli

  • av Celestine Elimbi Nakeli

  • - How to Impact Time and Eternity
    av E C Nakeli

  • av E. C. Nakeli

    Adversities are divine opportunities for blossoming, if we understand the principles that lead to maximizing our adversities. The question is not whether you will face adversities but how you face them. Those who are adequately prepared to face adversity use stumbling blocks as stepping stones to rise to their God-ordained heights, they use difficult moments to trim rough edges and cut out unneeded portions from the tree of their life. This book you are holding will ¿ Prepare you for days of adversity ¿ Show you how to go through adversity ¿ Teach you how to make use of the opportunities that come with adversity ¿ Lead you to thrive and triumph in the midst of adversity

  • av E. C. Nakeli

    Many people seem to get themselves knowingly or unwittingly engulfed in unpleasant and unwanted situations or circumstances. Still, many there are who are seeking for relief from one thing or another, yet not knowing how to. In this book, you are going to learn some very simple yet effective principles on how to make a difference in your life and world and effect permanent or lasting change. Learn how to: ¿ Break free from every limitation on your life ¿ Enter into the fullness of your potentials ¿ Deal with unwanted and unpleasant situations ¿ Make a difference in your life and world ¿ Effect lasting and permanent change ¿ Avoid compromise and mediocrity ¿ Pursue and embrace excellence

  • av Jamens N Ekor-tah

  • av Celestine E Nakeli

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