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Accessibility, understood as social integration, has been studied from many perspectives yet, due to our constantly changing environment, the concept is still in flux and needs to be reexamined.Within Translation Studies, audiovisual translation (AVT) has expanded the concept of translation activity and its growth has been exponential. In recent decades, AVT and accessibility studies have developed side by side, and the intersection of both fields has been at the heart of academic research as well as of professional practice.This collective volume showcases nine chapters written by specialists who approach the topic from different, yet complementary perspectives. All of them analyse the production of accessible translated material that requires adaptation to meet the needs and expectations of a multifarious audience, including older people, persons with sensory and cognitive disabilities, and those with limited digital knowledge.
Moderne Kraftfahrzeuge fahren heute schon in weiten Teilen automatisiert und vernetzt auf deutschen Straßen. Dabei sammeln und verarbeiten sie immer mehr personenbezogene Daten. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Frage, ob und wie die datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen der Europäischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung mit ihrem technologieneutralen Ansatz sinnvoll auf die in vernetzten und automatisierten Kfz stattfindenden Datenverarbeitungen angewendet werden können. Der Fokus wurde hierbei auf die Daten solcher Personen gelegt, die nicht mit den datenschutzrechtlich Verantwortlichen in einem direkten Näheverhältnis stehen, sog. Drittbetroffene.
Cyberrisiken sind für Unternehmen weltweit das größte Geschäftsrisiko. Die zunehmende Wahrscheinlichkeit, von einem Cyberangriff betroffen zu werden, wirft die Frage der Absicherung potentieller Schäden durch Versicherungen auf. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Autorin anhand der Musterbedingungen des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft zur Cyber-Risikoversicherung (AVB Cyber), inwieweit Cyberrisiken angemessen abgesichert werden können. Daneben widmet sie sich der Absicherung durch traditionelle Sach- und Haftpflichtversicherungen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt betrifft die Problematik um ¿silent cyber". Unter diesem Stichwort wird die Absicherung von Cyberrisiken durch konventionelle Versicherungen zusammengefasst, die diese Risiken weder ausdrücklich ein- noch ausschließen.
The book explores the hitherto rarely discussed connection of magic with politics in the writings of Tacitus, Suetonius and Ammianus Marcellinus, offering insight into the way language of magic and ritual pollution is used as means of characterization and historiosophical commentary on the nature of power and political struggle. Religious deviation and innovation, theurgy, necromancy, black and erotic magic, the topoi of an emperor-magician, a semi-divine emperor-healer/saviour and a witch/poisoner, all play an important role in the analyzed texts. Magic is depicted as a way of abusing the official state religion; every such abuse disturbs pax deorum and brings misery on both the perpetrator and the whole state.
En esta investigación se estudia la evolución curricular, pedagógica y didáctica de la formación para la ciudadanía en Costa Rica durante el periodo 1886-2015 desde una perspectiva que reconoce la transnacionalidad de los procesos educativos que en apariencia se muestran como si fuesen procesos simplemente nacionales. El análisis ha sido ectuado tomando en cuenta la politicidad nacional es decir, las distintas coyunturas, actores, tendencias y tensiones político educativas en torno a la articulación curricular y didáctica de la Educación Cívica tanto como asignatura escolar, como campo en disputa y tensión, y también como un campo de desarrollo académico y de política curricular. Se asume también la perspectiva de la internacionalización político educativa para observar distintos momentos, agentes y procesos transnacionales en la articulación de la educación para la ciudadanía en Costa Rica desde 1886 hasta el año 2015.
A tribute to Henry W. Sullivan in celebration of his 80th birthday, this volume encompasses a wide spectrum of Hispanic literary scholarship to honor a prolific scholar whose contributions have been extensive, not only as a Golden Age Hispanist but also as a devoted Lacanian scholar, literary critic, translator, poet, novelist, playwright, and composer. The title of the collection comes directly from Sullivan¿s recent study on tragic drama in the Golden Age of Spain. Even though the ¿ghost¿ he attempts to lay there is the critical controversy around defining and classifying tragedy among Spanish classic comedias, the label extends and applies to Sullivan¿s lifelong commitment to the relevance of Spanish drama of the Golden Age within the universal canon, especially from an English-language perspective. Moreover, his arguments are easily applicable in defense of the Humanities and the significance of Literature amid the unwelcome structural changes in Academia.
Nicholas of Cusa (1401¿1464), thinker, polymath, and cardinal, had a long-standing interest in Islam. To date, however, no work has satisfactorily dealt with his volatile attitude towards the Islamic faith and the Ottoman Turks. This book revisits Nicholas of Cusäs attitude towards Islam, criticizing previous work that has overlooked Cusäs involvement in preparations for a crusade, and the significance of Cusäs polemical A Scrutiny of the Koran (Cribratio Alkorani) of 1461. The book also addresses the prevailing image of Cusa as a dove of peace and champion of interreligious dialogue, and suggests an alternative and more complex picture which takes account of Cusäs crusading activities and his attitude towards Muslims and Jews.A significant new study, Nicolas of Cusa and Mohammed will appeal to students and scholars interested in the Renaissance, Humanism, church¿state relations, the history of the crusades, and Nicholas of Cusäs life and works."Nathan Ron sets the record straight about Nicholas of Cusa as so-called pioneer of ¿inter-religious dialogue¿ based on a close reading of the irenic Peace of Faith and the polemical Scrutiny of the Koran, together with his role in mounting a crusade for Pope Pius II."¿Gerald Christianson, Professor Emeritus of Church History, United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg; Past President, American Cusanus Society"Nicholas of Cusa often is presented as a champion of interreligious dialogue. This book rightly brings to the fore Cusanus¿ often harsh polemic against Islam and his role in Pius II¿s crusade against the Turks."¿Thomas Izbicki, Humanities librarian emeritus, Rutgers University
Das Verhältnis des bundesrechtlich geregelten Kartellrechts zu Teilbereichen der Rechtsordnung, die in die Zuständigkeit der Länder fallen, ist eine seit Jahrzehnten nur unvollständig aufbereitete Fragestellung. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die insoweit bestehende, mitunter diffuse, Gemengelage zu entwirren. Dabei werden anhand verschiedener Beispiele aus dem Bereich des Rundfunkrechts, des Glücksspielrechts sowie der kommunalen Daseinsvorsorge kompetenzrechtliche Erosionen offengelegt und sodann auf ihre Vereinbarkeit auf den grundgesetzlichen Kompetenzrahmen analysiert. Dabei wird auch eine unionsrechtliche Überlagerung des Kartellrechts untersucht. Anschließend wird geprüft, ob die hierbei offen zu Tage tretende Erosion der bundesstaatlichen Kompetenzordnung vor dem Hintergrund anderer Rechtsgrundsätze, etwa dem Grundsatz der Bundestreue, oder sogar einer grundsätzlich vorzugswürdigeren Passform des Kartellrechts zur Regelung der fraglichen Bereiche gerechtfertigt erscheint. Die sich aus der Untersuchung ergebenden Ergebnisse sind anschließend zusammengefasst.
Das Fundrecht in §§ 965 ff. BGB birgt vielfältige Schwierigkeiten. Die Autorin befasst sich mit der Frage, was für eine Rolle der Besitz für das Fundrecht spielt und was eigentlich für den Fund entscheidend ist. Sie überprüft, ob die berühmte Formel von Martin Wolff und der h. M. ¿verloren sind alle besitzlos, aber nicht herrenlos gewordenen Sachen" in Grenzfällen passt. Dabei ist sie darum bemüht, die verschiedenen möglichen Fallkonstellationen kontrastierend gegenüberzustellen. Darüber hinaus klärt die Autorin die Fundvoraussetzungen auf Seiten des Finders und behandelt das Problem, ob ein Besitzmittlungsverhältnis zum Empfangsberechtigten anzunehmen ist. Die Arbeit, die sich die Besitzproblematik mit den Fundvoraussetzungen verknüpft, ist durchaus innovativ.
This book aims to provide a detailed study of young adult fiction concentrating on Mexican teenage (im)migrants to the United States and their search for identity. In its quest to define young adult (im)migration literature as a genre, the first chapter combines and questions classifications provided by literary scholars and educational scientists. The second chapter explores crucial factors which impact the protagonists¿ transcultural identity construction. The third chapter engages in theory mixing: Louise Rosenblatt¿s reader-response theory, the critical literacy approach of the New London Group, influences from the field of cultural studies and a model of literary competences are merged into an innovative theoretical framework that forms the basis of the teaching sequence presented.
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist der Informationsfluss und die damit verbundene Frage nach dem Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen bei Tarifverhandlungen. Exemplarisch werden anhand der Verhandlung eines Sanierungstarifvertrags potentielle Restriktionen der Informationsweitergabe an Gewerkschaft und Arbeitgeberverband untersucht. Dabei wird die Due Diligence bei Unternehmenskäufen als Referenzmaterie herangezogen. Es wird beleuchtet, ob die dort geltenden Weitergabebeschränkungen übertragbar sind. Die Arbeit widmet sich zudem der Frage, wie Arbeitgeberverband und Gewerkschaft mit den offengelegten Informationen umgehen müssen. Sind die Sozialpartner dazu verpflichtet, besondere organisatorische Sicherungsmaßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit zu ergreifen?
«¿La vieillesse, c¿est ce qui arrive aux gens qui deviennent vieux ; impossible d¿enfermer cette pluralité d¿expériences dans un concept ou même une notion.¿» (Simone de Beauvoir, La vieillesse, Livre II, 11). Dans cet ouvrage, des chercheurs de différents horizons interrogent les représentations de la vieillesse dans les cultures chinoise et française à travers mots, littérature, peinture et cinéma. Fragile mais sage, vénérée ou appréhendée, espérée ou repoussée¿ l¿image des vieillesses évolue dans le temps et les aires culturelles. Nulle comparaison systématique entre les deux cultures, mais des questionnements qui se repèrent dans leur récurrence, pour mieux saisir avec prudence et modestie les convergences possibles entre culture française et chinoise et les mettre en perspective.
Cet ouvrage à plusieurs voix vise à mettre en lumière l¿intemporalité et le caractère international du surréalisme, non seulement en tant que mouvement artistique, mais aussi comme défenseur de cette essence humaine qui nous pousse à aller au-delà des réalités apparentes. Le surréalisme ne chercherait donc pas tant à comprendre le monde mais à le vivre dans toutes ses dimensions insoupçonnées. Pour démontrer cela, ce livre adopte une approche comparatiste illustrant le dialogue permanent entre le mouvement surréaliste et le monde qui l¿entoure, mais aussi entre les artistes d¿un pays à l¿autre, en Europe et aux Canaries. Il se propose ainsi de mesurer la profondeur et la portée de ce surréalisme qui a su conquérir tant de c¿urs, et sa quête éperdue d¿une beauté qui, pour reprendre les mots d¿Annie Le Brun, « ouvre l¿horizon et permet d¿échapper à ce qui est ». Este libro polifacético pretende destacar la intemporalidad y el carácter internacional del Surrealismo, no sólo como movimiento artístico, sino también como defensor de esa esencia humana que nos impulsa a ir más allá de las realidades aparentes. El surrealismo no buscaría tanto comprender el mundo como experimentarlo en todas sus insospechadas dimensiones. Para demostrarlo, este libro adopta un enfoque comparativo que ilustra el diálogo permanente entre el movimiento surrealista y el mundo que lo rodea, pero también entre artistas de un país a otro, en Europa y en Canarias. Propone así medir la profundidad y el alcance de este surrealismo que ha conquistado tantos corazones, y su frenética búsqueda de una belleza que, en palabras de Annie Le Brun, "abre el horizonte y permite escapar de lo que es".
When the Norman and Breton armateurs sent their ships to the New World in the sixteenth century, they had faith that through the ability to negotiate with the Indigenous peoples with whom they sought to trade, the leaders of these expeditions would return to Saint-Malo or Dieppe with precious cargo. Among these were brazilwood (used to dye cloth), chinaroot (to relieve symptoms of the pox), and furs for the European market. Storms or attacks by hostile vessels could destroy or reduce the value of the profit, but over the years the financial return proved advantageous. How and why this risky but profitable venture fell into the hands of Breton and Norman financiers lies at the heart of our story. The consequences of their investment in Brazil, Canada, and Florida would change the world, and the strategies used by the merchant mariners they sent out were key to the success of their enterprise. Seeing and Knowing the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: Exchange and Alliance Between France and the New World During the French Wars of Religion is the first analysis of accounts or relations by French naval expeditions to focus on specific strategies of encounter and trade from Canada to Brazil, including the area of Florida and South Carolina. Since the expeditions took place during the French Wars of Religion an effort is made to examine how differences of religion and character affected the success of the alliance and exchange. The work is suitable for inclusion in undergraduate/graduate French, history, cultural studies, or anthropology courses.
Violence and media are important issues in media theories and research. In the research conducted with the participation of 400 university students, the effects of the concepts of digital media literacy, cyber violence and emotional deafness (alexithymia) on the perception of individuals as justification violence are discussed as factors that cause individuals to perceive violence as legitimate through communication tools. It was determined that variables of being cyberbullying victim, being a cyberbully, digital media literacy and alexithymia (emotional deafness) were explanatory effects on the justification of cyber violence. It has come to the point that the use of digital media literacy and conscious internet using are important in order to prevent justification of cyber harassment.
Durch das im Juni 2017 in Kraft getretene 8. ÄndG zum StVG wird es dem Fahrer eines hoch- oder vollautomatisierten Fahrzeugs erstmalig gestattet, sich vom Verkehrsgeschehen ab- und fahrfremden Nebentätigkeiten zuzuwenden. Vor dem Hintergrund des Zusammenwirkens von Fahrer und automatisierter Fahrzeugsteuerung, insbesondere der Pflicht des Fahrers zur Rückübernahme der Fahrzeugsteuerung, geht der Autor den zahlreichen Fragen zu den Sorgfaltsanforderungen des Fahrzeugführers und -halters und der Grenzziehung zwischen den Verantwortungsbereichen von Fahrer, Halter und Automobilhersteller nach. Dabei werden die neu eingeführten und zum großen Teil mit unbestimmten Rechtsbegriffen versehenen Vorschriften präzisiert und interpretiert, wodurch diese in der Praxis handhabbar werden.
Tomoo Otaka (1899¿1956) studied philosophy at the University of Kyoto in the mid-1920s. The Grundlegung der Lehre vom sozialen Verband [Foundation of a theory of social association] was the product of a three-year European visit (1929¿1932) in which he studied in Vienna with Hans Kelsen and in Freiburg with Edmund Husserl.Otaka deployed Husserl¿s theory of knowledge to criticise the work of various contemporary German sociologists, arguing that there was a need to reframe social scientifi c research. He also criticised Kelsen¿s pure law theory, presenting a different view of the nature and function of law within and between nation states. He promoted an ontological science of society, but his book offered a philosophy of social science without applying that science to itself.In his Introduction to his translation, Derek Robbins (author of The Bourdieu paradigm, 2019) suggests that assessing Otakäs text and its context contributes to an understanding of the development of Bourdieüs conceptual apparatus. In turn, the application of Bourdieüs thinking to Otakäs theory generates the refl exivity which it requires but did not offer.The volume comprises three Parts: an Introduction, the translated text, and a collection of commentaries from four international scholars who offer invaluable insights into Otakäs work from different perspectives.
The book explores finite and nonfinite clausal verb complementation in World Englishes. It provides an assessment of the influence of language contact, simplicity and transparency, geographical proximity, and evolutionary phase on this alternation. On the one hand, a quantitative analysis of GloWbE data through different statistical tests proves the effects of these factors on the choice between finite that-clauses and nonfinite -ing clauses. A number of intra-linguistic factors are also considered as potential explanatory factors. On the other hand, a detailed, manual, qualitative analysis results in the discovery of a series of new verb complementation structures available in English varieties around the world.
Este libro analiza la manera en que la basura o desecho, en cuanto concepto así como en cuanto entidad material, determina y constituye un sentido de especulación. Para ello se asume que ya no puede considerarse la noción de especulación como una cualidad abstracta, como una singularidad lexical, so pena de perennizar un conjunto de mecanismos de aprendizaje y elucubración que conducen a un naturalismo filosófico decimonónico ya conocido, característico y dominante, en los ámbitos periféricos del planeta. A consecuencia de este razonamiento, se explora además cómo este sentido de especulación constituiría una forma de determinación de localidad y en torno a la cual se podrían establecer referencias e imaginarios inmediatos.
This book adopts a qualitative research methodology to explore novice teachers¿ professional development (TPD) under the background of the New Curriculum Reform in mainland China. With a purposeful sampling strategy, in-depth, semi-structured interviews were employed to collect data from twelve novice primary school teachers. As the specific design of the qualitative method and research procedures have been demonstrated, this book could be reading material for courses such as Qualitative Research Methodology and would be beneficial for undergraduate and postgraduate students learning qualitative research.In addition, this book provides suggestions for pre-service and novice teachers. The study found that although TPD programs and better welfare are desirable, collegial support from seniors, internet resources and online courses, and self-reflection were more direct and effective in enhancing professional growth and reducing negative emotions that developed from challenges in classroom management, workload, and accountability. This book also suggests three directions for the future development of TPD to school leaders and policymakers. First, more training on classroom management and time management is helpful as poor classroom management and excessive workload were the causes of teacher burnout. Second, more school-level mentoring is wanted because it is considered more effective than the state and individual-level opportunities of TPD. Third, more development opportunities for teachers in rural areas are required to improve their professional competence and narrow their gap with their urban counterparts.
Zuhörkompetenz zählt für die erfolgreiche Bewältigung kommunikativer Situationen in unserer Gesellschaft zu den Schlüsselqualifikationen. In Lernzusammenhängen hat sie eine besondere Relevanz, da die meisten Informationen im Unterricht mündlich vermittelt werden. Allerdings belegen die Ergebnisse der letzten drei Bildungstrendstudien eine negative Entwicklung der Zuhörleistungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern der 4. Jahrgangsstufe in Deutschland. Um diesem Prozess entgegenwirken zu können, wird ein entsprechendes Lernaufgabenangebot im Deutschunterricht benötigt. Die vorliegende Sprachbuchuntersuchung beantwortet mit Hilfe einer quantitativ-qualitativen Aufgabenanalyse die Frage nach dem Potenzial von Lernaufgaben in Sprachunterrichtswerken zur Förderung der Zuhörkompetenz.
Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten dreizehn Beiträge untersuchen interkonfessionelle Aushandlungsprozesse auf Reisen. Am Beispiel der Italienreisen von Adligen aus dem Alten Reich, aber auch von italienischen Adligen, die den deutschen Sprachraum besuchen, wird die Kontaktnahme mit der jeweils anderen Konfession im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert beschrieben. Fragen nach dem konfessionellen Gehalt von Landkarten gelangen dabei ebenso ins Blickfeld wie die interkonfessionelle Extremsituationen der Konversion oder der Tod im konfessionsfremden Territorium. Die zentrale Rolle, die den Künsten beim interkonfessionellen Austausch zukommt, wird am Beispiel der Kunst- und Wunderkammern und des Kolosseums behandelt.
«This work highlights the need for a holistic approach to the confounding issues confronting the region, confronting our age. In reminding us of the many vulnerabilities and vitalities of Oceanian communities and island worlds, it shows the potential for dialogue between disciplines and consilience between academic scholarship and local community understandings. The collection¿s clarion call for a new ¿ecosystem of knowledge¿ is utterly timely.»(Alexander Mawyer, Director, Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai¿i)«This work breaks the barriers imposed by language and distinctive intellectual traditions in presenting a wide-ranging selection of current work from the South Pacific in the humanities, social and natural sciences. Of particular significance is the fact that Francophone as well as Anglophone scholars are represented. This gathering of minds, a meritorious initiative of the University of French Polynesia, is an invitation to ¿think the Pacific¿ in the vein of pioneer Oceanian intellectuals like Epeli Haüofa and Jean-Marie Tjibaou.»(Eric Waddell, Adjunct Professor, Université Laval, and Chercheur invité, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Nouméa)This work, an initiative of the University of French Polynesia, Tahiti, showcases research collaboration between small island universities in the Pacific. It addresses a number of «big issues» for Oceania which are also big issues for the world, concerning the biosphere and human society, sustainable development and well-being. The authors seek to create an ecosystem of knowledge through a dialogue, in English and French, between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities.The work also brings into perspective academic and traditional knowledge, with a view to enhancing cultural and agricultural practices and the development of public policy.Climate change, environmental degradation and food security are key questions for survival. How can the preservation of cultural heritage, the transmission of native languages and the integration of traditional knowledge into formal education contribute to a harmonious future? How is the phenomenon of violence relevant to an understanding of history, interpersonal relations and social inclusiveness, including for women in the political sphere?The Tongan-Fijian writer Epeli Haüofa described Oceania imaginatively as a «Sea of Islands». This volume sees Pacific islands as being interconnected in ways beyond imagining, in which nowhere is remote, where the peripheral has become a decentred centre.
The use of digital technologies in education is providing both teachers and students with new and innovative forms of support for learning different subjects. Digital games are also bringing multiple benefits to the classroom, especially in the realm of foreign and second language teaching and learning. Different studies have shown that digital technologies and gaming can enhance students¿ learning and acquisition skills and knowledge. This book presents the research and studies carried out by different academics, primarily professors and researchers, from various universities around the world. Through their work, these scholars employ different tools and methodologies to explore the applications and implications of new digital technologies and gaming for the teaching, learning and use of language.
This book develops the challenges that history teaching must face as a curricular subject at the beginning of the 21st century. These challenges are related, both to new epistemological approaches in history education, and also to the development of new activities, active-learning methodologies, and historical thinking competencies. In terms of new approaches, this book suggests activities regarding invisible topics such as social and economic impacts in history, inequalities, church and science, gender equality, power and violence, prosecuted by justice, peasantry and the urban world, family and daily life, terror or travelers and their cross-currents. Regarding the activities, the incidence of new technologies in social relations and the effects of globalization is very remarkable for our students. The authors highlight the need for changes in teaching and learning history.
Questo volume offre un accompagnamento alla lettura di Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989) attraverso saggi che affrontano ¿ da punti di vista diversi ¿ diciassette dei molti libri pubblicati dall¿autore siciliano. Si compone così un moderno e aggiornato Companion sciasciano, utile a inquadrare l¿autore e a collocarlo nel campo letterario italiano del secondo Novecento, a individuare le costanti formali e tematiche della sua opera, a indagare i suoi modelli e a verificarne l¿eredità.
Además de un himno pacifista, en el que la mujer y la madre adquieren un papel protagónico al cuestionar el orden patriarcal y nefasto de la guerra, Mientras los hombres mueren (1953) es un poemario trascendental y apenas conocido de Carmen Conde. Su análisis, de hecho, permite arrojar luz sobre Mujer sin Edén (1947), obra magna que la consagró definitivamente y que se considera representativa del proceso subversivo del lenguaje bíblico en la lírica escrita por mujeres en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El objetivo prioritario del presente trabajo es llevar a cabo un examen comparativo de ambas colecciones para demostrar, merced a los paralelismos simbólicos, estilísticos y temáticos, que la primera no sólo puede considerarse cámara germinadora de motivos poéticos y recursos retóricos de la segunda, sino también pieza clave para comprender la edificación de la conciencia femenina de la autora.
This book focuses on the linguistic needs of university students enrolled in English Medium Instruction (EMI) programmes in which disciplinary subjects are taught in English, a practice that has significantly risen over the last 20 years. It includes seven online, self-study modules (Creating outlines, concept maps, writing definitions, writing summaries, reporting data, the language of presentations and writing abstracts) that were designed after conducting specific research into students¿ needs in terms of academic genres and language functions. All these modules were piloted with students in different degree programmes. The piloting confirmed the suitability of the materials for EMI undergraduate and postgraduate learners and the benefits of following a genre-based approach in this specific context.
The construction of Eurasia is a challenge for analysts due to its rapid progress from a Europe Asia Meeting (ASEM, 1996+) to a Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, 2015+), an applied cross-continental Land New Silk Road since 2013-2015. Yet, in the same period, the crisis around Ukraine (2014+), a gradual then hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan by ISAF forces (2011-2021), the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran (2015), now a full member of the SCO since 2021¿ diplomatic decisions and interstate practical schemes seem to exceed the capacity of observers to theorise quickly enough what is happening. Conceptually, Eurasia is experiencing a mix of centripetal evolutions at its peripheries ¿ Europe and East-Asia ¿ and a launch of centrifugal dynamics from its core ¿ Russia and Central Asia.The present book¿s ambitious title The Completion of Eurasia ?, which could be subtitled in the face of pressing challenges, explores a concentration of diverse ¿ yet equally complex ¿ issues grouped into four main clusters: organisational and diplomatic competition, logistical and infrastructural challenges, grasping the concept of Eurasia, making sense of historic turns. It provides a multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral understanding of what Eurasia ¿is¿ in its essence, despite historical turmoil and pressing insecurity issues.This book completes a series of publications by the Europe-Asia research network formed in the late 2000s. Originally based in Europe (Le Havre, France), this network is moving to Central Asia (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
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